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        복강내결핵의 임상적 고찰

        홍성만(Sung Man Hong),김대황(Dae Hwang Kim),이환(Hwan Hyo Lee),(Hyo Gong),우제홍(Ze Hong Woo) 대한소화기학회 1994 대한소화기학회지 Vol.26 No.6

        N/A We analysed 48 patients with intraabdominal tuberculosis and treated at the Department of General Surgery, National Medical Center, from January 1985 to December. We evaluated the efficiency of diagnostic modalities for intraabdominal tuberculosis and provided the guideline for therapeutic trials. The ratio of male to female was 1: 1.1. The peak inciodence were the second(27.1%) and third decades(22.9%). The frequent symptoms were abdominal pain (75%), nausea and vom- iting(33.3%), and abdominal mass(25.0%). The duration of symptom was within 1 month (77.1%) mostly. Twenty two cases (45.8%) were associated with pulmonary tuberculosis,' other 3 cases extrapulmonary tuberculosis. In the AFB smears of ascites, 2 cases(13.3%) showed positive reaction. The correct preoperative diagnosis was possible in 23 cases(64.9% ). Thirty six cases(75.0%) needed operation '. 20 cases(55.5%) received emergency operation and the other elective operations. The major operative procedures were right hemicolectomy (22.8%) and segmental rescetion of small bowels(22.8%). The frequent operative findings were tuberculous mesenteric lymphadenopathy(52.8%), adhesion(38.9%), intestinal perfora- tion(25.0%), ascites(22.2%). The postoperative complications including wound infections, pneumonia and enterocutaneous fistula were occurred in 11 cases(31.6%). Other 12 cases were not operated and took antituberculous medications, and improved symptomatically. We suggests that intraabdominal tuberculosis should be differentiated from various surgical abdo- men with vague symptoms or signs, especially in young patient. We recommend antituberculous medications in suspicious case. In complicated cases, emergency operations such as intestinal resection or enterostomy should be performed.(Korean J Gastroenterol 1994; 26: 1021-1028)

      • KCI등재후보

        여성기업가와 여성고용: 대구시 사례

        홍성효 ( Sung-hyo Hong ) 전남대학교 지역개발연구소 2018 지역개발연구 Vol.50 No.1

        본 연구는 대구시를 사례로 기업의 대표자 성 간 해당 기업 내 여성고용 규모의 차이를 성향점수 매칭을 통해 실증적으로 분석한다. 분석결과에 의하면, 기업들의 특성이 유사함을 전제로 남성 대표자 기업에 비해 여성 대표자 기업에서 여성고용의 창출규모가 보다 큼을 알 수 있다. 이러한 결과는 여성의 고용을 창출하기 위한 방안으로서 여성의 창업지원을 위한 정책적 노력이 적어도 효율성 측면에서 타당함을 함축한다. 하지만, 산업별로 남성 대표자 기업 대비 여성 대표자 기업의 여성고용 창출규모가 상이해 산업별로 차별화된 혹은 선별적 정책의 추진이 요구된다. This study empirically analyzes the gap in female employment between femaleand male-owned firms for the case of Daegu using the propensity score matching method. According to the results, female-owned firms tend to create more female employment than male-owned firms do on condition that the firms' characteristics are similar. This finding implies that the policy efforts to efficiently support female start-ups as a way to create female employment could be valid. However, it is still required to implement an industry-specific or selective policy since the degree to which female-owned firms generate female jobs relative to male-owned firms is different among industries.

      • KCI등재

        지하상가 임대료, 매출액, 고객수에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대한 실증분석

        홍성효(Hong, Sung Hyo),임준홍(Im, Jun Hong) 한국지역개발학회 2017 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.29 No.4

        This study empirically analyzes the determinants of rent, sales, and number of customers of underground shopping malls in Korea. According the results, the rent is not statistically significantly affected by infrastructure (e.g., hardware, customer’s service, or advertisement activities) or joint promotions (e.g., events, offerings event, regular sales, and so on) but by size of trade area, population in the neighborhood, existence of multi-use facilities, and number of stores in the underground shopping mall. However, joint promotions seem to increase sales of shops. As urbanization becomes accelerated, the importance of underground shopping malls with respect of both the effective use and commercial function of urban spaces increases. However, since the high rate of vacancy of underground shopping malls together with deterioration of the original downtown accompanies the negative effect of the inner city decline, it is required that the empirical analyses on the demand for renting stores in underground shopping malls or their rent be performed and policies based on the results be implemented. The empirical results of this paper imply that the efforts to revitalize underground shopping malls should be made along with regeneration of the original downtown and the effect of the efforts could be limited if they are focused on hardwares.

      • KCI등재

        교육적 수요에 따른 계층 간 주거분리 분석

        홍성효(Sung Hyo Hong),장수명(Soomyung Jang) 한국교육재정경제학회 2014 敎育財政 經濟硏究 Vol.23 No.2

        계층 간 주거분리는 해당 지역 내에서의 계층 간 통합을 저해하고 때로는 대립을 야기할 뿐만 아니라 긍정적 이웃효과를 제한한다는 점에서 바람직하지 않다. 서구 사회에서는 계층 간 주거분리가 오래전부터 주요한 정책대상이었던 것에 반해, 우리나라의 경우 자녀의 교육으로 인한 계층 간 주거분리가 최근에서야 사회적 관심을 끌고 있다. 본 연구는 자녀의 교육으로 인해 야기된 계층 간 주거분리 현상을 실증적으로 분석한다. 가구주 학력에 의해 정의된 계층 간 주거분리의 정도를 측정하는 비유사성 지수에 의하면, 학령기 자녀를 두고 있는 가구의 경우 계층 간 주거분리가 대체로 심화됨을 볼 수 있으며 이러한 현상은 주로 서울, 대전, 그리고 경기에서 상대적으로 두드러지는 것으로 나타난다. 또한, 주택가격함수 추정결과 역시 초등학교에 재학하는 자녀를 두고 있는 가구의 경우 가구소득이 증가함에 따라 주택에 대한 지불용의가 증가함을 제시한다. 이는 학교 질의 주택가격으로의 자본화를 나타내는 것으로, 소득에 의해 계층이 정의되는 경우에도 자녀의 교육이 계층 간 주거분리를 야기함을 의미한다. Residential segregation of social classes is not desirable in the sense that it restricts the positive neighborhood effect as well as it hampers integration of social classes and sometimes causes contrast among the classes. While, in the Western societies, it has been a major policy target, residential segregation of social classes due to child's education started to attract social concerns theses days in Korea. This study empirically analyzes residential segregation of social classes caused by child's education needs. According to the dissimilarity index for the social classes defined by the household head's educational attainments, the degree to which different social classes geographically segregate seems to be deepened relatively more for the households with school kids. Moreover, this phenomenon is quite remarkable in Seoul, Daejeon, and Gyunggi. In addition, the estimation results on the housing price function also suggest that, as the household income goes up, the willingness to pay for housing increases relatively more when there is a child enrolled in elementary schools. It indicates the capitalization of school quality into housing price, and implies that younger child's education brings about residential segregation of social classes even when the social classes are defined by the household income.

      • KCI등재

        출산결정요인의 변화에 대한 실증분석

        홍성효(Hong, Sung Hyo) 숙명여자대학교 아시아여성연구원 2016 아시아여성연구 Vol.55 No.2

        본 논문은 1990년과 2010년, 두 시점 간 출산에 대한 결정요인의 변화를 실증적으로 분석한다. 통계청의 「인구주택총조사」 2% 표본자료를 이용해 개별 가구(household)의 출생아수 결정요인을 Tobit모형을 통해 연도별로 추정하고 이를 다시 개별 가구 자료와 통합한 후에 Oaxaca(1973) 분해기법을 적용하여, 두 시점 간 출생아수 변화를 인적구성의 변화에 의한 것과 자녀출산에 대한 선호의 변화에 의한 것으로 분해한다. 분석결과에 의하면, 1990-2010년 사이에 기혼여성의 출생아수는 평균 0.2명만큼 감소하였으며 이러한 감소의 상당부분은 출산에 대한 선호의 변화에 기인하는 것으로 나타난다. 특히, 기혼여성의 경제활동참여 여부와 남성 배우자의 가사 혹은 육아 분담의 변화에 따른 출산에 대한 선호의 변화가 출산율 변화에 큰 영향을 미친 것으로 분석된다. 따라서, 출산율의 제고를 위해서는 여성의 출산 및 자녀양육으로 인한 경력단절을 완화할 수 있도록 하는 노동시장의 유연화 및 남성 배우자의 가사나 육아 분담을 증대시킬 수 있도록 하는 사회적 인식 및 제도의 개선이 필요할 것이다. This paper empirically analyzes the change in determinants of childbirth between 1990 and 2010. Initially I estimate the determinants of birth through the regression analysis on the number of births using the Korean Population and Housing Census 2% sample data from Statistics Korea, merge the results into the raw data, and then decompose the change in births into two parts: one by change in demography and the other by change in preference for birth based on Oaxaca (1973)’s method. According to the results, there was a decrease in the number of childbirths, on average, by 0.2 children over the 20-year window, and the decrease was predominantly caused by the change in preference. Particularly, it is evident that the change in preference for birth which was caused by the changes in the married females’ labor market participation and their male spouses’ sharing the burden of house work and child-rearing mostly resulted in the fertility change. Therefore, in order to enhance the fertility rate, it is necessary that the flexibility in labor market which mitigates females’ career-break and improvements in social recognition and frame where male spouses share the burden of house work and child-rearing be acknowledged.

      • KCI등재

        국립생태원-서천특화시장 제휴할인사업의 효과에 대한 추정과 정책적 함의

        홍성효 ( Hong Sung Hyo ),김진환 ( Kim Jin-hwan ),정강원 ( Jeong Kang-one ) KNU기업경영연구소 2021 기업경영리뷰 Vol.12 No.2

        This paper estimates the effect (i.e., the increase in sales of stores who participated in the project) of a joint discount project between National Institute of Ecology and Seocheon traditional market through empirical analyses. Since most participants belong to stores treating marine products like raw fish and their sales are very sensitive to seasonal factors, difference-in-differences framework where similar stores in a nearby traditional market are used as a comparison group is applied. The empirical analyses are performed one with merchants’ sales and the other with consumption expenditure of visitors to NIE. The effect of the joint discount project is estimated to have 791 million Won per year based on the former and between 908 and 1,139 million Won per year based on the latter. Local governments outside the capital region promote a policy of creating jobs by attracting firms (especially, manufacturers) with a priority. However, it could cause unnecessary competition and its effect would not last long if the area does not provide good business environments. Seocheon is not free from low fertility and aging which most counties in Korea are seriously confronting, and it predicts Seocheon’s decrease in competitiveness as a location of manufacturing industry due to a lack of young people. Thus, industrial policies which consider the area’s population composition, industrial structure, natural resources and so on are required.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        중소기업 R&D 활동에서 외부조달 재원의 효과에 대한 실증분석

        홍성효(Hong, Sung Hyo),김경근(Kim, Kyung Geun) 한국경제통상학회 2015 경제연구 Vol.33 No.3

        본 연구는 중소기업의 R&D활동에 대한 공적 지원의 효과를 중소기업의 특성과 연관하여 2 단계 분석(DEA/Tobit)을 통해 실증적으로 분석한다. 1단계에서는 자료포락분석을 통해 개별 중소 기업의 R&D활동에서의 효율성을 측정하고, 2단계에서는 1단계에서 측정된 효율성을 R&D투자 액의 함수로 정의하고 이의 효과를 Tobit모형을 이용해 추정한다. 분석결과는 R&D투자가 해당 중소기업의 R&D활동관련 효율성을 향상시키며 R&D투자를 재원별로 구분하는 경우 내부자금 에 의한 R&D투자와 함께 외부 공공 R&D투자 역시 통계적으로 유의한 효과가 있음을 제시한 다. 하지만, 외부 공공 R&D투자의 효과는 기업특성 간 상당한 차이를 보이며, 운송장비 제조 업 혹은 첨단 제조업, 중간기술, 50인 이상 99인 이하, 설립 이후 11년 이상 경과한 기업에서 만 통계적으로 유의한 효과를 나타낸다. 중소기업의 R&D활동에 대한 공적 지원은 대기업에 비해 약자로서의 중소기업을 지원한다는 측면에서 형평성 차원의 고려와 R&D활동이 공공재적 성격을 지닌다는 점에서 그 타당성을 확보할 수 있다. 하지만, 지원의 규모를 고려할 때 최소의 비용으로 최대의 효과를 얻을 수 있도록 하는 공적 지원의 효율성에 대한 고려 역시 수반되어야 하며, 이에 대한 하나의 방편이 기업의 특성에 따른 지원의 차별화일 것이다. This study empirically analyzes the effect of public subsidies on small- and medium-sized firms’ R&D activities through two-step procedures (DEA/Tobit) associated with the firm’s characteristics. The first step of the procedure measures each firm’s efficiency in its R&D activities, and the second step using Tobit model estimates the effect of R&D investment on the efficiency measured in the first step. The results show that an individual firm’s total amount of R&D investment improves that firm’s R&D activity-related efficiency, and that R&D investment which is financed externally and publicly as well as internally has a statistically significant effect when the total amount of R&D investment is decomposed by its source. The effect of externally and publicly financed R&D investment seems to be different remarkably across firms’ characteristics, statistically significant effects show up with the firms being in transport equipment manufacturing or high-tech manufacturing sector, having a medium level of technology, employing between 50 and 99 workers, or having been in the business at least 11 years since its establishment. Public subsidies to small- and medium-sized firm’s R&D activities could be justified in terms of equity issue where small- and medium-sized firms are regarded as the disadvantaged compared with large firms as well as the fact that R&D activities work as a public good. However, the consideration of efficiency which allows the largest effect with the smallest cost needs to be accompanied when the amount of subsidies is huge. And one way to realize the efficiency would be to differentiate the subsidies according to firms’ characteristics.

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