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        일본 고등학교 교과서 독도 기술의 현황과 문제점

        홍성근(Hong, Seong Keun) 동북아역사재단 2017 영토해양연구 Vol.14 No.-

        이 글은 2016년과 2017년에 검정 통과한 일본 고등학교 사회과 교과서(윤리 제외)의 독도 관련 기술 현황을 살펴보고, 내용 분석을 통해 그 기술의 문제점을 지적하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 2016년과 2017년에 검정 합격한 고등학교 교과서를 보면, 각 교과별 「학습지도요령 해설」에 따라 내용상 차이를 보이고 있으나, 기본 입장은 ‘독도는 일본의 고유영토, 한국이 불법점거’하고 있다는 것이다. 이는 국제법을 적극 활용하면서 ‘일본 주장의 정당성’과 ‘한국 점유의 불법성’을 강조하는 방향으로 독도에 관한 국내외 여론 확산을 꾀하는 일본 정부의 방향과 궤를 같이하는 것이다. 한편, 일본의 고등학교 교과서는 내용상 상호모 순을 드러내기도 한다 . 「지리」 교과서에서는 독도를 일본의 고유영토라고 하면서「, 일본사」 교과서에서는 이와는 논리적으로 모순되는 국제법상 무주지 선점을 논거로 1905년 독도를 일본의 영토로 편입했다고 서술하고 있다. 이러한 논리적 모순을 극복하기 위해 ‘고유영토’의 개념 정의를 수정하고1, 905년 독도의 일본 영토편입 조치를 무주지 선점이 아니라 영유의사 재확인이라고 서술하고 있다. 하지만 모순된 논거를 꿰맞추고 있다는 불편한 진실은 완전히 왜곡, 은폐하지는 못하고 있다. This article aims to examine the status of Dokdo-related descriptions in high school social studies textbooks (excluding ethics) authorized by the Japanese government in 2016 and 2017. This paper also points out issues about such descriptions based on content analysis. On March 18, 2016 and March 24, 2017, the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) finalized and announced the results from screening high school social studies textbooks. All 59 social studies textbooks passed the screening procedure, and Dokdo was mentioned in all subjects including geography, modern society, political economy, and Japanese history. The high school textbooks authorized in 2016 and 2017 all concur with the assertion that “Dokdo is an inherent territory of Japan and has been illegally occupied by the Republic of Korea,” although descriptions of the assertion differ between subjects depending on the “Explanatory Notes of Educational Curriculum Guidelines” (學習指導要領解說) for each subject. The assertion aligns with the angle pursued by the Japanese government, which, apart from actively taking advantage of international law, seeks to gain wider public support at home and abroad for “the legitimacy of Japanese claims over Dokdo” and “the Republic of Korea"s illegal occupation of the island”. On the other hand, Japanese high school textbooks reveal contradictions in their content. In geography textbooks, Dokdo is described as an inherent territory of Japan. History textbooks state that Dokdo was incorporated into Japanese territory in 1905 in accordance with international law on occupying a terra nullius , which contradicts the rationale suggested in geography textbooks. To overcome these contradictions in logic, Japan has modified its of definition of “inherent territory” and described the Japanese territorial incorporation of Dokdo in 1905 as a reaffirmation of territorial sovereignty over Dokdo. However, the inconvenient truth that these contradictory arguments have been patched up seems to be incapable of being completely denied or concealed.

      • KCI등재후보

        1948년 독도폭격사건의 인명 및 선박 피해 현황

        홍성근(Hong, Seong Keun) 동북아역사재단 2020 영토해양연구 Vol.19 No.-

        이 글의 주된 목적은 1948년 6월 8일 독도에서 일어난 폭격 사건의 인명 및 선박의 피해 및 배상 현황을 밝히는 데 있다19. 48년 독도폭격사건의 사망자 수와 관련하여 1999년 국회 국정감사에서 200명 이상이 사망했다는 주장이 제기된 바 있으며 그 후 우리 사회 일각에서는 여전히 그 주장이 사라지지 않고 회자되고 있다. 1948년 사건의 인명 및 선박의 피해 현황을 밝히는 것은 사망자 수에 대한 논란을 해소하고 기관총 사격 여부 등 여전히 미제로 남아 있는 사건의 진상을 파악하기 위해 일보 전진하는데도 의미가 있다. 이 글에서는 1948년 사건 관련 미국과 한국의 공적 기록과 당시 언론 보도, 그리고 2018년 필자가 수행한 현지 조사 결과 등을 검토 자료로 활용하였다. 특히 공적 기록으로는1 948년 사건과 관련된 미군 측 자료1, 948년 국회 회의록 및 경찰 보고서, 1950년 경상북도에서 건립한 독도조난어민위령비, 1951년과 1952년 경상북도에서 중앙정부로 보낸 보고서 등이 있다. 1948년 독도폭격사건으로 한국 어민 14명이 사망하였는데 그중 3명의 시신이 수습되고 나머지 11명은 실종되었다. 당시 지역별 기준으로 보면 , 강원도 지역 주민이 8명, 울릉도 주민이 6명 사망하였다. 부상자는 중상 3명, 경상은 최소 3명 이상으로 파악된다. 피해 선박은 동력선과 무동력선을 포함하여 최소 14척 이상 침몰하거나 파손되었다. 당시 한국은 미군정 하에 있었으며, 미 제24군단 사령부에서는 특별조사대와 소청위원회를 독도 등 현지로 파견하여 직접 조사하고 또 배상하였다. 일부 피해자의 경우, 배상액이 부족하다고 문제 제기도 하였다. 이 사건의 인명 및 선박 피해는 독도가 제2차 세계대전 직후에도 울릉도 주민뿐만 아니라 강원도와 경상북도 주민들에 의해 이용되었음을 확인시켜준다. This paper aims to clarify the damages on the ships and fishermen in the Dokdo bombing incident on June 8th, 1948 and the reparation for the case. In particular, the fishermen’s death toll of this incident was raised as an issue in the audit of Korea’s National Assembly in 1999, and the number of 200 deaths still has been in the talk of the Korean society. Understanding the damages on the fishermen and ships caused by the incident seems to be important in order to prevent any unnecessary controversy about the casualties in the 1948 incident and to take a closer look at the overall facts of the case. This study is based on the official records about 1948 and newspapers reports of those days. Official records include the United State’ military documents relating to the 1948 incident, reports from the Korean National Assembly and Joseon Police in 1948, the memorial monuments for the fishermen built in 1950, and the documents from Gyeongsangbuk-do in 1951 and 1952. Due to the bombing in 1948, 14 fishermen were killed, and among them, three corpses were found and 11 were missing. By regional groups in those days, eight fishermen from Gangwon-do and six from Ulleungdo died. The incident left three people seriously injured and at least three people slightly wounded. More than 14 ships including power and non-power vessels were reported as damaged or sunk. At the time, South Korea was under the United States military administration, hence, the 24th Corps of US Army in Korea investigated the incident and made reparation accordingly. There was, however, some complaints reported about the lack of reparation. In addition, the damages to the fishermen and ships in this incident can confirm that Dokdo was used not only for the Ulleungdo residents, but also for the fishermen of Gangwon-do and Gyeongsangbuk-do right after the World War Ⅱ.

      • ○○해양과학관 Life Support System 중 열원시스템 개선 사례

        홍성근(Sung-Keun Hong),임형찬(Hyung-Chan Lim),김성일(Seong-Il Kim),최영범(Young-Bum Choi) 대한설비공학회 2011 대한설비공학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2011 No.7

        The main goal of the LSS (Life Support System) of hot and cold water supply, that is from the distribution of various organisms ( Fish / Mammals / Oceanic plant ) that inhabit in the aquarium is to keep the exact water temperature with the best conditions. Therefore, to maintain the water tank's diverse organisms water temperature, there is a need for the safety of the hot and cold water supply in the facility system and there are related maintenance expenses that follow as well. In considering the specific 30 years must-be run BOT ( Build Operate Transfer ) project's characteristics, minimizing the maintenance expenses is more than necessary. In practice, reducing the expenses of the original turbo chiller and vacuum hot-water boiler were actually saved by using the air heat-source heat pump system.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Desferrioxamine이 사람 간암 세포주의 세포주기에 미치는 영향

        강진경(Jin Kyung Kang),박인서(In Suh Park),김원호(Won Ho Kim),김도영(Doe Young Kim),권오헌(Oh Hun Kwon),홍성근(Seong Keun Hong),이정운(Jung Woon Lee) 대한소화기학회 1993 대한소화기학회지 Vol.25 No.6

        N/A Desferrioxamine (DFO), an iron chelator, has been known to have an antiproliferative activity in a variety of malignant cell lines including human hepatoma cell lines. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of DFO on the cell cycle of hepatoma cells. Using Hep 3B cells as the hepatoma cell lines, bivariate DNA flow cytometry, after staining with propidium iodide and antibromodeoxyuridine following bromodeoxyuridine labelling, was performed to analyze the cell cycle. The following results were obtained. The proportion of S phase cells increased and that of GO/Gl phase cells decreased after the addition of DFO in the culture media in a dose dependent manner up to 20 ug/ml. The S phase duration (Ts) was 9.9 hours when cultured without DFO, but after the addition of 20 pg/ml of DFO, the increment in the proportion of early-S phase continued without shift to the mid-S and late-S phase, and Ts was markedly prolonged (54.1 hours). After removal of DFO from the culture media, a sequential increase from early-S through mid-S and late-S to G2/M phase was observed. In conclusion, the antiproliferative effect of DFO on cultured human hepatoma cell lines was caused by a block in the early-mid S interface or mid S phase of the cell cycle.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        제2차 엠/브이 사이가(M/V "Saiga")호 사건 : 국제해양법재판소의 1998년 잠정조치 명령 및 1999년 본안 판결 Order of Provisional Measures(1998) and Judgment of Merits(1999) of ITLOS

        홍성근 한국외국어대학교 외국학종합연구센터 법학연구소 2004 외법논집 Vol.17 No.-

        On 13 January 1998, the Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines(St. Vincent) filed a request for the prescription of provisional measures concerning the arrest and detention of the oiltanker M/V "Saiga" and its crew on 28 October 1997 by the customs authorities of Guinea with the Registrar of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea(the Tribunal). The request was for Guinea not to interfere with the freedom of navigation and related rights of St. Vincent. It further requested that Guinea immediately comply with the judgment of the Tribunal of 4 December 1997, in the M/V "Saiga" case. The request was based on article 290 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea(the Convention). Article 290 of the Convention provides that provisional measures may be prescribed by a court or a tribunal if it considers that certain requirements have been met, namely that prima facie the tribunal which is to be constituted would have jurisdiction and the urgency of the situation so requires. On 11 March 1998, the Tribunal delivered its order on the request for the prescription of provisional measures in the case between St. Vincent and Guinea. The Tribunal's decision was unanimous on all measures. In the meanwhile on 22 December 1997, the Government of St. Vincent notified Guinea that it was submitting the dispute in respect of the M/V "SAIGA" to arbitration. Then by Agreement between the parties dated 20 February 1998 (1998 Agreement), the arbitral proceedings instituted by St. Vincent were transferred to the Tribunal. The 1998 Agreement between the Parties provides that the written and oral proceedings before the Tribunal shall comprise a single phase dealing with all aspects of the merits, including damages and costs, and the objection as to jurisdiction raised by Guinea. By the order of the Tribunal of 20 February 1998, the Tribunal accepted the case. The case was entered into the list of cases as "the M/V "SAIGA"(No.2) case(Saint Vincent and the Grenadines v. Guinea) ". The dispute concerns the interpretation and application of the Convention. The proceedings on the merits raised many important issues, including jurisdiction, bunkering of vessels at sea, freedom of navigation, enforcement of customs legislation, contiguous zone, right of hot pursuit, Security Council resolution 1132, damages and costs, etc. After the written and oral proceedings, on 1 July 1999 the Tribunal delivered its judgment on the merits.

      • KCI등재

        엠/브이 사이가(M/V "Saiga")호 사건 : 신속한 석방절차 사건 Prompt Release 1997년 국제해양법재판소 판결 Judgment of Year 1997 of the International Tribunal for the Law of the sea

        홍성근 한국외국어대학교 외국학종합연구센터 법학연구소 2004 외법논집 Vol.16 No.-

        This case, M/V "Saiga", is the first case before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea after the adoption of the Rules of the Tribunal and its inauguration. This case was concerned with the arrest off the coast of West Africa by Guinea of the oil tanker M/V "Saiga" flying the flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. The arrest took place on the 28 October 1997. Within ten days of the arrest there had been no agreement between the parties to go before any other court. The application for release was then filed with the Tribunal by Saint Vincent and the Grenadines on 13 November. The application of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines was based on the article 292 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea related to the prompt release of vessels and crews. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines requested the Tribunal to order the prompt release of the "M/V Saiga", its cargo, and crew detained in Conakry, Guinea. Guinea claimed that the M/V "Saiga" was engaged in smuggling activities off its coast when arrested. The arrest was claimed to be in the exercise of the right of hot pursuit. Guinea also insisted that the Tribunal should have no jurisdiction in the matter and that the claim should be inadmissible. In view of the urgency attached to these proceedings and the humanitarian considerations for the crew, the Tribunal had to comply with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Rules of the Tribunal. The whole procedures consisted of written and oral proceedings before the Tribunal took three weeks. The Tribunal with the full bench of 21 judges delivered its judgment and ordered the prompt release of the oil tanker M/V "Saiga" and its crew from detention in Conakry, Guinea. The judgment was unanimous as to the Tribunal' having jurisdiction, but divided into 12 to 9 on the question of the release. In addition to the amount of gasoil discharged from the M/V Saiga, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines are to deposit the amount of 400.000 United States Dollars as a security for the release.

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