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        형사소송법 개정에 따른 수사절차 변화에 관한 소고

        홍가혜,박민정,권지혜 한국테러학회 2023 한국테러학회보 Vol.16 No.3

        형사소송법개정 이전 검찰은 형사절차의 모든 단계에서 권한을 가진 국가기관으로 지나친 권한의 집중으로 비판 되어왔고, 때때로 부당한 수사개입으로 논란이 되기도 하였다. 위법한 수사, 불충분한 수사의 위험성이 규제될 수 있을 때 즉, 적법한 절차에 의한 형사절차 안에서 실체적 진실발견도 방해받지 않을 수 있다. 형사소송법 개정은, 검사의 권한을 박탈하거나 축소하는 것이 아니라, 검찰과 경찰을 상호 견제와 균형 통한 협력 관계로 재조정 하여 적법절차의 원칙을 도모하고, 실체적 진실 발견을 가능케 하는 것이다. 하지만 위법한 수사, 불충분한 수사는 검찰만이 아니라 경찰에 대하여도 우려를 갖게 한다. 그렇기에 개정형사소송법은 보완수사요구권, 사건기록등본요구권, 송치요구권, 징계요구권 등 경찰 수사에 대한 견제 제도를 통해 올바른 형사사법이 이루어지기에 적절한 절차적 조건을 촘촘히 마련한 것이다. 여기서 중요한 점은 수사절차의 변화는 검찰과 경찰이 신분적인 상하관계가 아니라 ‘상호협력적인 역할분담의 관계’이며, 올바른 형사사법을 위한 ‘동반적인 동료관계’로서 기능해야 한다는 것이다. 즉 검찰의 경찰 수사에 대한 통제 제도는 동반적인 동료관계를 전제로 확립되어야 할 것이다. Prior to the revision of the Criminal Procedure Act, the prosecution was criticized for excessive concentration of authority as a state agency with authority at all stages of criminal proceedings, and was sometimes controversial for unfair investigative intervention. When the risk of illegal or insufficient investigation can be regulated, that is, the discovery of substantive truth in criminal proceedings by due process may not be hindered. In short, the revision of the Criminal Procedure Act does not deprive or reduce the authority of prosecutors, but reorganizes the prosecution and police into a cooperative relationship through mutual checks and balances to promote the principle of due process and to discover substantive truth. Illegal and insufficient investigations raise concerns not only for the prosecution but also for the police. Therefore, the revised Criminal Procedure Act closely established appropriate procedural conditions for proper criminal justice through a check system for police investigations, such as the right to request supplementary investigation, copy of case records, transfer, and disciplinary action. What is important here is that the change in the investigation procedure is not a status relationship between the prosecution and the police, but a "cooperative role-sharing relationship" and should function as a "companied peer relationship" for the right criminal justice. In other words, the prosecution's control system for police investigations should be established on the premise of a companion peer relationship.

      • KCI등재

        범죄피해자의 트라우마에 대한 법적 지평과 쟁점

        홍가혜,김대근 한국범죄심리학회 2023 한국범죄심리연구 Vol.19 No.3

        In psychiatry, trauma is the psychological harm caused by directly experiencing life-threatening, serious injury, or sexual violence; witnessing such events happen to others or learning that they have happened to a family member, close relative, or close friend; and being repeatedly or excessively exposed to the aversive details of the events. Trauma goes beyond everyday stress and can cause major disruptions in an individual's life, so it is necessary to have a criminal policy approach that punishes criminals and rescues victims of crime. Thus, this study examines the understanding of trauma in psychiatry and reviews the laws related to the mental harm of crime victims in Korea and abroad to provide a basis for identifying the need to consider the mental harm of crime victims in criminal proceedings.We first examine the applicability of the criminal law concept of injury to trauma as a substantive legal approach. Then, specific issues will be introduced step by step, including procedural law approaches, especially systems to prevent secondary victimization of crime victims and support their psychological stability, such as the departure of the accused, witness testimony through relay devices and shielded facilities, the presence of trusted persons, recording and preservation of video, the system of witness assistants, the system of witness support units, the system of non-disclosure of hearings during witness testimony, the system to limit unreasonable newspaper reports, and the system of rewriting and prohibition of disclosure of personal information.

      • KCI등재

        다국적 기업의 국가이미지와 현지 CSR 활동의 상호작용이 현지 구직자에게 미치는 영향: CSR 교육 경험 여부의 조절 효과

        홍가혜,김은미 한국산업경영학회 2022 경영연구 Vol.37 No.1

        Drawing on signaling and social identity theories, this study examines effects of country image, CSR practices and CSR education on applicants' intention to apply. 136 Korean undergraduate students were solicited to participate in this study and were randomly assigned to three scenarios depicting different levels of a given Chinese firm's CSR practices. The results reveal that Korean applicants who have more favorable country image of China are more likely to apply to the Chinese firm and CSR practices positively moderate the effect of country image on the intention to apply. Furthermore, for potential job seekers who had CSR education, the moderating effect of CSR practices on the relationship between country image and apply intention is strengthened. The result indicates that foreign firms could attract local talent effectively, by a favorable country image and CSR practices and this study suggests the role of CSR education in international human resource management. 본 연구는 신호이론과 사회정체성이론을 기반으로 외국계 기업의 국가이미지가 현지 자회사에 대한 현지구직자의 구직의도에 미치는 영향을 알아봄과 동시에 현지 CSR 활동의 조절효과를 제시하고, 나아가 잠재적구직자의 CSR 교육 경험이 국가이미지와 구직의도의 관계에 미치는 CSR 활동의 조절효과에 미치는 영향을살펴보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 136명의 국내 대학생을 대상으로, 가상의 중국기업의 CSR 활동에 대한 시나리오 실험 설계를 진행하였다. 실증분석 결과, 중국에 대한 국가이미지가 호의적일수록 중국기업에 대한구직의도가 증가하며, 중국기업의 국내 CSR 활동은 이러한 국가이미지와 구직의도의 정(+)의 관계를 강화하는 것으로 나타났다. 나아가, 국내 구직자가 CSR 관련 교육 경험이 있을 경우, 중국기업의 국내 CSR 활동이국가이미지와 구직의도의 관계에 미치는 조절효과를 강화하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 외국계 기업이현지 구직자를 효과적으로 유인할 수 있는 수단으로 국가이미지와 현지 CSR 활동의 역할을 제안하고, 잠재적 구직자의 CSR 교육 경험이 이들의 긍정적 관계를 더욱 강화함을 확인함으로써, 학문적 및 실무적 시사점을 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재

        An Investigation of Five Commitment Dimensions and its impacts on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention of the Employees in IT Service Industry

        홍가혜,조영삼,신만수 한국인터넷전자상거래학회 2018 인터넷전자상거래연구 Vol.18 No.5

        This study investigated the five scales of organizational commitment and its impacts on job satisfaction and turnover intention of IT employees. Existing three component model of organizational commitment including affective, continuance, and normative commitment(AC, CC, NC) has been widely used, especially in the western contexts. However, little attempt has been made to examine the extent to which the three component model is appropriate for Korean employees. Thus, we examined the validity of the existing three component model and developed the two new scales, Benefit-related Commitment(BC) and Relational Commitment(RC) reflecting unique cultural and institutional work values in Korean labor market. More importantly, we investigated the relationships among the five commitment scales, job satisfaction, and turnover intention of IT employees. The results showed strong evidence for the convergent and discriminant validity of newly developed BC and RC as well as AC, CC, and NC among them. Furthermore, the five commitment scales excluding CC and NC were positively related to job satisfaction. Also, all five commitment scales were negatively related to turnover intention. The findings provide theoretical implication for the commitment scales and managerial implication for the employees in IT service Industry.

      • KCI등재

        수직적 의료분업에서 간호사의 형사책임에 대한 대법원 판례의 부정합성

        홍가혜 전북대학교 부설법학연구소 2023 法學硏究 Vol.72 No.-

        This study aims to suggest an alternative to the concept of the nursing as “ Medical Assistance". This study used methods of analyzing and comparing judicial precedents of the Supreme Court's Decisions. Out of many precedents reviewed in the course of conducting this study, the following case and precedent that can provide a strong motivation for deconstructing the concept of Medical Assistance were analyzed and compared. The two precedents are as follows: i) a criminal precedent of so-called "Vecuronium Bromide" case wherein the liability for professional negligence resulting in injury was acknowledged, by requiring nurses to review drugs prescribed by doctors and dispensed by pharmacists; and ii) a criminal precedent wherein a doctor violated the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act by, in fact, entrusting his/her duties of in-hospital dispensing and administering of a drug over a nurse. It is difficult to find the coherence between the Supreme Court's decisions made on the two cases. That is because the incoherence is caused by the differences in the levels of expertise that the Supreme Court demanded from the nurses in the two cases. As for terms to illustrate the nursing duties, this study proposes Works accompaning medical treatment by physicians, dentists, and korean traditional doctors instead of "providing assistance" in medical treatment.

      • KCI등재

        법원의 사이버 학교폭력 판단요소 연구

        홍가혜,홍서아,박상진 한국중독범죄학회 2023 한국중독범죄학회보 Vol.13 No.2

        This study aims to identify the court's cyber school violence judgment factors and present the need for insufficient recognition of the current legal system and policy tasks. The reality of school violence deviates from physical school violence-oriented damage measures, and there is a lack of measures for emotional school violence without time and space restrictions. Accordingly, systematic analysis through case studies to prevent active cyber violence is required, and cyber violence crimes should be more clearly institutionalized to prepare preemptive and sustainable legislation. In particular, we would like to consider the attitude of precedents of cyber defamation and insult, which are the most common types of school violence, and present the tasks and policy alternatives facing the current School Violence Prevention Act 본 연구는 법원의 사이버학교폭력 판단요소를 파악하여 미흡한 현행 법제도의 인식과 정책적 과제의 필요성을 제시하고자 한다. 학교폭력의 실태는 물리적 학교폭력 위주의 피해대책에서 벗어나 시간과 공간의 제한이 없는 정서적 학교폭력에 대한 대책마련이 미흡한 실정이다. 이에 따라 적극적인 사이버 폭력예방을 위한 판례 연구를 통한 체계적인 분석이 요구되며 사이버 폭력 범죄를 보다 명확히 제도화 하여 선제적이고 지속가능한 법제를 마련해야할 것이다. 특히 가장 많이 발생하고 있는 학교폭력 유형인 사이버 명예훼손·모욕의 판례의 태도를고찰하여 보고 현행의 「학교폭력예방법」이 당면하고 있는 과제와 정책적 대안을 제시하고자한다.

      • KCI등재

        공동거주자 간 법익의 공평한 향유와 주거침입죄 - 구성요건적 행위 판단의 요소인 ‘주거권자의 의사’를 중심으로 -

        홍가혜(Ga-Hae Hong) 경희법학연구소 2024 경희법학 Vol.59 No.2

        주거침입죄의 보호법익인 사실상 평온은 공동주거권자 모두가 공평하게 향유할 수 있어야 하는 것으로 법익침해에 대한 주거권자의 승낙은 자기의 법익에 한하며 다른 공동주거권자의 법익에 대한 처분권까지 있지 않다. 따라서 일부 주거권자의 승낙이 있다하더라도다른 주거권자의 의사에 반한다면 주거침입죄가 성립할 수 있다. 그러나 주거권자의 반대의사가 있었다 하여 언제나 주거침입죄의 구성요건에 해당한다 할 것은 아니다. 반대의사의 형법적 보호의필요는 법익의 공평한 향유를근거할 때 인정될 수있는 것으로 다른 주거권자의정당한법익향유-로서외부인(과)의주거출입-에까지주거침입죄의성립을인정한다면 주거권의 남용이며, 정당한 법익의 향유를 주거침입죄로써 부당하게 제한하는 셈이된다. ‘외부인의 주거 출입에 대한 공동거주자 간 의사 충돌’사안은 전원합의체 판결과 같이 주거침입죄의 침입 개념을 변경함으로써 해결될 것이 아니라, 법익의 공평한 향유를 근거하는 주거권자의 의사에 형법적 보호의 필요를 인정하는 일이다. 주거에 손님을 초대하는 것은주거권자의정당한법익향유로, 구체적·개별적사정에의해주거침입죄의구성요건적행위인 ‘침입’의 판단요소인 반대의사를 추정하여 주거침입죄의 성립을 인정할 수 없다. 주거는 외부와 단절된 사적 공간으로 외부인의 출입에 대한 반대의사가 마땅히 추정되나, 언제든 손님을 초대하여 출입케 할 수 있는 곳이기도 하다. 공동거주에는 이에 대한 상호간의양해가 전제되어 있다. 혼외성관계 목적으로 공동주거에 출입한 아내의 남자친구에 대한남편의반대의사는추정된다할수있는가? 반대의사가추정된다면그근거는무엇인가. 혼외성관계 목적의 출입만을 달리보기 위해서는 부부의 주거에만 ‘영속적인 혼인공동체의 울타리’라는 정형성을 인정할 때나 가능하다. 그러나 구체적·개별적 사정에 의해 주거권자의의사를 추정한다면 구성요건적 행위의 정형성을 요청하는 죄형법정주의는 훼손되게 된다. 그간 ‘침입’에 대하여 일관되게 의사침해설을 취해 왔던 대법원이 무리하게 의사침해설을폐기하고 평온침해설로 변경한 것은 윤리위반판단의 직관성과 모호성을 극복하기 위한 시도는 아니었을까 짐작해 보고자 한다 The protection legal interest of housing intrusion should be enjoyed fairly by all joint residential rights holders, and the consent of the residential rights holder to the infringement of legal interests is limited to his or her own legal interests, and there is no right to dispose of the legal interests of other joint residential rights. Therefore, even with the consent of some residential rights holders, if it is contrary to the will of other residential rights holders, the crime of invasion of housing may be established. However, just because there was an opposition from the residential right holder does not always mean that it is a constituent requirement of the crime of invasion of housing. The need for criminal protection of dissenting opinions can be recognized on the basis of fair enjoyment of legal interests. If the establishment of a crime of invasion of housing is recognized as the legitimate enjoyment of legal interests of other residential rights holders, it is an abuse of housing rights and unreasonably restricts the enjoyment of legitimate legal interests to housing intrusion. The intention may be explicit, implied, or presumed. The important point is that the need for criminal protection can only be recognized when the intention of the residential right holder enables fair enjoyment of legal interests between residential right holders based on the typicality of the space. “Conflict of opinions between co-residents on outsiders' access to housing” issue will not be resolved by changing the concept of invasion of housing, as in the case of the en banc decision, but acknowledges the need for criminal protection in the will of the residential right holder based on the fair enjoyment of legal interests. Inviting guests to the residence is the legitimate legal interest of the residential right holder, and the establishment of the residential intrusion crime cannot be recognized by estimating the opposition, which is an element of judgment of 'invasion', which is a constituent act of the residential intrusion crime, according to specific and individual circumstances. A residence is a private space that is disconnected from the outside, and although the opposition to outsiders' access is presumed, it is also a place where guests can be invited to enter at any time. Mutual understanding of this is premised on communal living. Can it be said that the husband's opposition to the wife's boyfriend, who entered the apartment for the purpose of extramarital relationship, is presumed? If the objection is presumed, what is the basis for it? In order to see only the entry and exit for the purpose of extramarital relations differently, it is possible only when the formality of the “fence of the permanent marriage community” is recognized only for the residence of a couple. So far, we've been talking about the “invasion.” I would like to guess if the Supreme Court, which has consistently been criticized for infringement of intentions, forcibly abolished the theory of infringement of intentions and changed it to the theory of infringement of tranquility was an attempt to overcome the intuition and ambiguity of ethical violations.

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