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      • KCI등재후보

        식민지 시기 한국 작가의 하이쿠 창작 양상과 과제

        허경진 ( Kyoung Jin Hur ),박혜민 ( Hea Min Park ) 영주어문학회 2009 영주어문 Vol.18 No.-

        This paper aims to examine the aspects of Haiku which was written by Korean during the colonial era and present the possibility of future study. To date, there has been minimal research regarding Japanese literature by Korean because of the colonial experience. However, Japanese literature by Korean is widely researched from the postcolonial angle, Even though much has been said about Japanese poetry and fiction, Haiku is still vastly unexplored. According to <The List of Japanese Books related to Joseon Literature> which is edited by Omura masuo·Hotei tosihiro, there are 780 Haiku works among about 5000 Japanese literature works by Korean. This paper will focus on the characteristic of the journal which contains 780 Haiku works, the classification based on the period and topic. Haiku works were recorded on 13 kinds of journal and the first one written by Lee Mikil was on press <Kyoungsung>in 1916. Haiku works had been actively created from 1929 to 1933 and then gradually disappeared. Based on the topic, there are noticeable characteristics. 1) life style in those days and Korean spelling 2) from 1930s to 1940s: China-Japan War and the Pacific War. Korean people created Haiku spontaneously while fiction and poetry were created by Japanese fascism. Not only a study on Haiku, but the view point to Korean literature should be diversified.

      • KCI등재

        유길준(兪吉濬)과 『서유견문(西遊見聞)』

        허경진 ( Hur Kyoung-jin ) 한국어문교육연구회 2004 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.32 No.1

        문법 교재와 정치학 교재를 함께 썼던 학자는 우리 역사에서 兪吉濬(1856~1914)밖에 없었다. 계몽기라는 시대상황 속에서 유길준은 國漢文混用體라는 문체를 시도하여 이 두 가지 책을 썼다. 유길준은 1881년 여름부터 日本에서 유학하며, 일본이 開港한 뒤에 30년 동안 서양의 제도를 본받아 富强해졌음을 알았다. 그는 미국 유학시절에도 자료를 계속 수집하였다. 1885년에 귀국하자 곧바로 체포되어, 지금까지 준비해 왔던 자료와 원고들이 대부분 없어진 상태에서 『西遊見聞』을 저술하였다. 그가 한글전용을 하지 못한 이유는 이 책을 나누어 주려고 생각한 독자층이 바로 사대부들이었기 때문이다. 그는 開化의 주체가 官員들이라고 생각했기에 비매품으로 출판하여 그들에게 나누어 주었다. 『西遊見聞』은 近代化 社會를 수립하기 위해, 자기가 먼저 보고 들었던 西洋의 모습을 국민들에게 전달하려고 애썼던 개화 의지의 산물이다. Yu Kil-chun(兪吉濬, 1856~1914) was the only scholar in our history to write both grammar and political science textbooks. In the period of Enlightenment in Korea, Yu Kil-chun wrote these two texts in a way never before, a mixed style of writing Korean and Chinese characters. Yu studied in Japan beginning in the summer of 1881, and realized that in the thirty years since its open port, Japan has prospered by adopting many Western institutions. With this realization, Yu felt that it was important to record the things he has seen and heard, continuing his collection of material during his studies in the United States. Upon his return, he was immediately arrested and confined in a home of Han Kyu-sul(韓圭卨) and a vacation home of Min Young-ik(閔泳翊). Yu, having lost all his collected data and material, began writing Observations of the Western World. Yu predicted that his new style of writing would suffer heavy criticism from the contemporary intellectuals―yet he was steadfast in using both Korean and Chinese, the transition of thought apparent in his calling of Hangul as “our script”[我文]. His inability to write the book purely in Korean was because of the conservative thought regarding Hangul at the time―his intended audiences of the book were the nobility. Believing that the core of Enlightenment were officers and intellectuals, Yu published the book without the intent of selling it, and distributed the book free of charge to these officers and intellectuals. Yu sought to transfer to his government and his compatriots the developed West, as he has experienced, and his book Observations of the Western World remains an artifact of Enlightenment movement that envisioned an establishment of a modern, independent nation.

      • KCI등재후보


        許敬震(Hur Kyoung-Jin),劉靖(Liu Jing) 동아인문학회 2009 동아인문학 Vol.16 No.-

        Kim Seok Jun(金奭?), who was an official interpreter wrote HoHyeSiCho(湖海詩?) wich was an anthology in Chosun. This anthology is possessed by Yanjing library in Harvard University. HoHyeSiCho was published based on HoHyeSiJeon(湖海詩?) which was wrote by Wang Chang(王昶), who was the writer of the Qing dynasty literature. HoHyeSiCho was made from a selection of fifty one writers' poems and exhibition of illustrated poems among six hundred writers' poems and exhibition of illustrated poems and exhibition of illustrated poems of the Qing dynasty. HoHyeSiCho was one of very important literature for an anthology during the Qing dynasty, Because HoHyeSiCho showed the inflow of Chinese literature of the Qing dynasty during the early 19th century, and revealed good aspects of literature activities amongst ChoSun interpreters during 19th century.

      • KCI등재

        동아시아 문화교류의 다양한 층위(層位)와 데이터베이스 구축의 필요성

        허경진 ( Kyoung Jin Hur ) 한민족어문학회 2014 韓民族語文學 Vol.0 No.66

        임진왜란(壬辰倭亂, 1592) 이후에 중국과 일본의 공식적인 외교가 단절되었다. 그러나 한국과 일본은 여전히 공식적인 외교관계를 유지하였고, 에도막부(江戶幕府)의 장군이 즉위할 때마다 축하사절인 통신사(通信使)를 파견했다. 통신사를 통해서 일본은 조선의 문화뿐만 아니라 중국의 문화도 계속 받아들였다. 류큐(琉球) 왕국도 에도막부에 사절단을 파견했다. 동아시아의 동쪽 끝나라 일본과 류큐의 문화가 조선의 통신사를 통해서 중국 북경을 거쳐 서쪽 끝나라 베트남까지 이어졌다. 이 여러 나라의 언어(言語)는 각기 달랐지만, 한자(漢字)라는 공동문자를 통해서 다양한 형태로 문화를 교류했다. 서적을 통한 간접교류로 시작하여 사행(使行)과 표류(漂流)를 통한 직접교류, 필담과 척독을 통한 문학 교류에 이르기까지, 한자 기록을 통한 동아시아인들의 문화교류는 다섯 가지 층위로 이루어졌다. 이같이 복잡다단한 문화교류 양상을 언어와 문자가 다른 현대의 여러 나라 학자들이 공동 연구하려면 디지털 데이터베이스를 구축하여 한문 원문과 다양한 이미지를 서로 제공하고, 같은 공간에서 의견을 교환하며 연구를 진행하는 것이 효과적이다. One of the most dominating characteristics among Eastern Asian countries is that they used Chinese characters for centuries. This shared feature allowed them to overcome the language barrier and enabled the brisk cultural exchange concerning study-abroad and books. In the Ming Dynasty, only the envoys(使臣) and the drifted(漂流人) could experience life in foreign country due to the block of the free traffic imposed by foreigners. In order to convey what they have experienced overseas to the nation and neighbors, they recorded the full particulars in the form of a journal of envoy(使行.) or a document of drift(漂流記). While the envoys shuttled between the capitals of the two countries following the designated path, the drifted unintentionally experienced the very isolated region even without a interpreter(譯官). As a result, the documents of drift hold up a true mirror to the region which a journal of envoy cannot present. As the drifted gave general description(供述) of their documents to both civil servants in the land they reached and Chosun, it is possible to confirm the accuracy of the documents by comparing these two records. Compared with the journal of the envoy that was written unilaterally after they returned, the record of the conversation by writing(筆談) secures more reliability in the fact that it was recorded bilaterally, both by a foreign traveler and a local. The documents of the conversation by writing conducted in China by Korean were compiled as the part of the travelogue of Hong Dae-Yong(洪 大容) and Park Ji-won (朴趾源) and failed to become widely known in China. On the contrary, the records of the conversation of writing carried out in Japan were promptly published by Japanese publisher and were widely read. More than two hundred kinds of collection of these records of conversation by writing are prominent in that they are the bilateral record of intellectuals from both Korea and Japan. While this document of conversation by writing can be summarized as a record of meeting each other in fixed time and place, the letter(尺牘) is a record of cultural exchange undeterred by temporal and spatial limitations. Owing to this feature, the letter even broadens the horizon of cultural interchange. In order to conduct overall research on the East Asian cultural interaction carried out in various levels as mentioned above, it is fundamental to build the database of visual materials. The DB will allow world-wide scholars to feel free from language barriers to research of East Asian cultural interaction.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        근대 조선인의 만주 기행문 생성 공간

        허경진(Hur, Kyoung-Jin),강혜종(Kang, Hye-Jong) 한국문학회 2011 韓國文學論叢 Vol.57 No.-

        근대 조선인들에게 만주 여행은 단순한 타국체험을 넘어 민족 공동체의 생존과 결부된 문제였다. 이들이 여행을 통해 체험한 만주의 ‘문화’는 전통적 가치와 근대적 가치, 개인의 실존의 문제와 민족의 존립 문제 등이 치열하게 공존하는 것이었다. 즉, 만주 기행문은 개화기ㆍ일제 강점기 조선 지식인들의 실천적 문화 해석의 여정을 담은 글이라고 볼 수 있다. 1920~30년대 근대 조선인의 만주 기행문은 때로는 식민지적 상황을 타개하기 위한 목적으로 쓰였고, 때로는 일본의 대동아 공영권을 공고하게 하기 위한 목적으로 기획되기도 하였다. 또한 만주와 조선의 소식을 서로의 지역에 전하며 담론 형성을 촉진하는 문화교류 매체적 특징을 갖추고 있었다. 본고에서는 만주국 성립과 일제의 만주 이민정책 등의 전후로 정치적 영향관계나 여행 주체에 따라 조선인의 만주 여행과 기행문의 성격이 달라지는 지점들을 확인하고, 당시 만주의 문화와 여행자들의 만주 문화인식을 특징적으로 보여주는 만주의 ‘문화공존’의 양상에 대한 몇 가지 장면에 주목하였다. 먼저, 오족협화(五族協和), 왕도낙토(王道樂土)의 제국주의적 의도가 반영된 ‘만주국’의 문화적 질서와 가치가 당시 박물관과 박람회를 통해 작자들에게 전달되고 해석되는 방식을 살폈다. 반면에 외인묘지를 마주대하는 시선에서는 만주의 문화 공존 메커니즘에 제국주의적 정치 논리나 문화적 계급의식 등으로 조직․포장된 이면의 모습이 포착되고, 인간의 실존적 고민과 성찰을 보여주고 있었으며, 이것이 만주국 성립 전후로 기행문이 쓰인 시대적 배경과 관련이 있는 점 등을 고찰하였다. 특히, 본고에서는 전통시기 동아시아의 공통 문자였던 한자를 이용한 전통적 문화교류 수단이었던 필담과 한시의 수창이 당시 만주 여행 과정에서 여전히 유용했다는 점에 주목하고, 1930년대 이전 만주 기행문을 구성하는 주요한 부분이었다고 판단하였다. 여행자들은 이러한 전통적 글쓰기를 통해 단순한 만주 ‘관광’에 머무르지 않고, 직접적으로 만주지 역의 사람들과 시대적 상황에 대한 정보나 인간적 정감을 나누고자 하는 태도를 보였다. 필담은 언어적 장벽을 넘어 세대와 성별을 아우르며 교류할 수 있는 문화적 수단이었고, 마치 시화(詩話)처럼 서술된 만주 기행문에서, 작자와 만주 현지에 거주하는 동지들의 애국심과 당시의 상황은 한시 작품들을 통해 효과적으로 표현되었다. This paper aims to study on the way of perceiving and exchanging cultures in Korean travelogues of Manchuria written in 1920's and 1930's. Manchuria had been the base of lives set up by Korean immigrants and the place for independence movement, so for Korean, travel to Manchuria was more than just travel because it was related with their nation's existence. The ‘cultures’ experienced by them through travel were the mixture of traditional and modern values or the problem of personal and national existence. The Korean travelogues of Manchuria were some kind of report for news papers and magazines, so it arouse readers interests and make them have motive to experience Manchuria promoting the discourse of Manchuria. Also, the travelogues were functioning as a media to exchange cultures of Manchuria and Korea each other. Among many travelogues mainly covering about exotic scenery, Manchuria's modernization, Korean immigrants' lives in Manchuria, this paper focuses on several scenery to catch some features of Manchu culture mixed with various ethnic groups and showing political situation at that time. First, this paper considers museum and exposition as the media to convey Manchuguo(滿洲國, 1932~1945)'s cultural values imposed by Japanese government to travelers. And then it moves to the perspective to the cemetery of foreigners and explains that the descriptions of cemetery show hidden side of co-existence of Manchu cultures organized by imperialistic mechanism. Expecially, this paper pays attention to the traditional way of exchanging cultures through conversation by writing using Chinese characters and composing Chinese classical poetry, Hanshi(漢詩). For example, Korean travelers shared their thoughts about international situation with Chinese soldier, realized the development of Chinese woman or felt a sense of closeness with children by writing using Chinese characters. And some traveler who went to Manchuria to see Korean immigrants' lives and find the way of improving their situation and his nation associated with people in Manchuria exchanging Chinese poetry. Therefore it proves that Chinese characters were still useful means of exchanging cultures despite of modernization and the atmosphere of concentrating mother tongue. Traditional writing style was one of important feature of Korean travelogues of Manchuria in modern times, especially before 1930's.

      • KCI등재

        고려동 유적 정비의 필요성에 대하여

        허경진 ( Hur Kyoung-jin ) 연민학회 2016 연민학지 Vol.26 No.-

        The Koryo-dong historic site is a uniquely designated area listed as Kyongsangnam-do Province Monument No. 56 in Haman-gun County, Kyongsangnam-do Province. The area, which still has a few old hanok houses, trees, and stone figures remaining, also has a significant amount of literature about the formation of its ruins. However, the sources differ slightly on the origins of the ruins, and there is a need to precisely organize and compile these sources even now. The Koryo-dong historic site has the Koryo-dong Valley Stele, Koryo-dong Wall, Koryo Ancestral House, Crape Myrtle Altar, Koryo Rice Paddies (99,000 square meters), Crape Myrtle Pavilion, Chestnut Brook Pavilion, and Abalone Well. However, most of these structures were not built by Yi Oh (also known as Moun), but were first completed around 200 years ago, and then rebuilt after they were destroyed by war. Thus, A Veritable Account of Master Moun (Moun sonsaeng shilgi, 茅隱先生實記), the primary source on Yi Oh`s life and the construction of Koryo-dong, needs to be examined in order to find the original state of the site. The first half of A Veritable Account is a collection of writings by Yi Oh himself, and the latter half are his writings collected from other sources. However, the records written by Yi Oh on the construction of Koryo-dong are unclear. Although the appendix to A Veritable Account has many records, not all of them about the construction of Koryo-dong can be taken at face value, as this text was published over 600 years after the construction of the Koryo-dong by his descendant in 1937, and was also compiled in a similar period with A Veritable Account of Master Kumun (Kumunson saeng shilgi, 琴隱先生實記) and A Veritable Account of Master Manun (Manun sonsaeng shilgi, 晩隱先生實記), both of which it quotes from heavily. Report on Hamju (Hamjuji, 咸州誌) compiled by Chong Ku in 1587 contains the story of Yi Oh choosing the site of his house among a grove of crape myrtle trees in bloom, and it is clear that his loyalty and reclusive life were recorded in the early Choson dynasty. This study seeks to raise the need for organizing the ruins of Koryo-dong based on literary sources and the ruins.

      • KCI등재

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