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      • KCI등재

        육용정(陸用鼎)의 기몽(記夢) 연작 연구

        하지영 ( Ji Young Ha ) 한국고전연구학회 2010 한국고전연구 Vol.0 No.22

        본 연구는 19세기 새로운 글쓰기 방식을 보여주는 육용정(陸用鼎: 1843-1917)의 기몽 연작을 검토한 것이다. 총 9작품으로 구성된 기몽 연작은 전통적인 한문산문 양식을 차용하면서도 그 안에 다양하게 일탈과 변주를 시도하고 있다. 특히 글과 글을 유기적으로 조직하는 연작 구도, 그리고 하나의 사건을 다양한 양식으로 재편성하는 방식은 기존의 한문 산문에서는 보기 드문 것이다. 기몽연작에서의 꿈은 <설몽>에서의 논해지고 있는 꿈과, 환진·곡흠으로 허구화된 꿈으로 두 가지 층위로 나누어 분석될 수 있다. 전자에서는 끊임없이 변화하는 이미지가 강조되어 나타나 극변하는 당시 시대상에 대한 메타포로 이해할 수 있다. 또 후자는 기존의 억압기제를 해제하고 본연의 자아를 발견하고자 하는 작자의 욕구로 독해된다. 이전 시대 한문학에서 발견할 수 없었던 자기 내면에 대한 깊은 탐구가 이 시기에 나오는 것은 흥미롭다. 이러한 기몽 연작은 이전 18세기부터 시도된 문예의 변화, 그 연장선에서 논의 될 수 있을 것이다. 아울러 사회 및 문단의 판도가 달라지는 19세기 말 시대적 상황이 그 일탈을 자극했으리라 생각된다. This article approaches the Gi-mong serial works written by Yuk Young-jeong which shows new written style in 19 century. This serial works are composed of nine short compositions. While borrowing from traditional Chinese writing, these experiment with deviations and variations in various ways. These are rare works in Chinese classical prose, because all of work has one theme and is intimately connected to one another, and one episode is reconstructed of a variety of styles. In Gi-mong serial works, the dream should be discussed in two ways. In <Seol-mong> constant changing image of dream in strongly emphasize, that can be understood as a metaphor for those fast-paced times. In others, by building fictional character-``Whan-jin`` and ``Goek-Hum``-that can be understood as deep desire of the writter for discovering self and deconstructing suppression mechanism. It is interesting the exploration of the deepest reaches of the human mind appeared in those times. Gi-mong serial works can be discussed in an extension of changing in literature from 18 century. Also changing circumstances of the Late 19th-Century stimulates the desire for deviation.

      • KCI등재

        한국인(韓國人) 중풍(中風) 환자(患者)의 Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 유전자(遺傳子) 다형성(多形成)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

        하지영,김창환,고형균,Ha, Ji-young,Kim, Chang-hwan,Koh, Hyung-kyun 대한침구의학회 2003 대한침구의학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        Objective : This study was designed to investigate the relation between the angiotensin converting enzyme(ACE) gene polymorphism and stroke in the Korean population. Methods : This study was carried out on 58 stroke patients who were hospitalized in the department of acupuncture & moxibustion, college of Oriental Medicine, Kyung-Hee University and 61 healthy control subjects. Blood samples from all subjects were obtaind for DNA extration. The extracted DNA was amplified by polymerase chain reaction(PCR). PCR products were visualized by 2% agarose gel electrophoresis. Results : The sub-genotypes of ACE gene were II homozygotes, ID heterozygotes, DD homozygotes. While the distribution of ACE polymorphism in control subjects was 31%, 51%, 18%, the distribution of it in stoke patients was 33%, 52%, 16%(II, ID, DD). Thus, there was no significant different between the control and stroke groups. Conclusions : we conclude that there is no significant association between ACE gene polymorphism and storke in Korean papulation. However, the findings of this study need to be confirmed in large patients and further studies. Additional epidemiologicallly based studies of the effects and relationship between ACE or other genes and lifesyles with regard to stroke required.

      • KCI등재

        스마트팜 농산물 수출활성화를 위한 수출정보 분석연구

        하지영 ( Ha Ji-young ),이승현 ( Lee Seung-hyun ),김덕현 ( Kim Deok-hyeon ),이혜림 ( Lee Hye-rim ) 한국식품유통학회 2017 食品流通硏究 Vol.34 No.3

        ICT-based smart agriculture services of overseas major agricultural countries are spreading. Smart farms that are capable of stable production of high quality agricultural products are competitive in the export market for fresh agricultural products. On the other hand, the FTA market economy system is expanding into overseas markets for agricultural products. This study attempts to derive specific information to be provided to the exporting site for the activation of export of smart farm fresh agricultural products, and to obtain policy implications to link the exported results to the export of smart farm agricultural products. The Delphi technique was used for the research method in this study. The subjects of the survey are 40 respective field experts in the export related field of exporting fresh agricultural products, including producers-distributors, domestic buyers, representatives of export related organizations, and export related academic scholars. As a result of Delphi survey, the categories of export information for fresh agricultural products were derived from four areas of production-commodity, logistics-customs clearance, market exploration, and publicity marketing, and a total of subsequent 20 sub-items were derived. As for policy implications for export activation of smart farm fresh agricultural products, firstly, it is necessary to provide stepwise integrated information of export and to communicate information with exporting sites. Secondly, it is necessary to provide customized information according to the information consumer. The limitations of this study are first, there is a lack of in-depth discussion on stakeholder's opinions in the export process by applying a standardized value to the opinions of export-related groups. And second, there is no systematic approach for practical measures to the export information of fresh agricultural products.

      • KCI등재

        왕세정(王世貞)과 조선 중,후기 한문 산문

        하지영 ( Ji Young Ha ) 한국한문학회 2015 韓國漢文學硏究 Vol.0 No.57

        This paper focuses on Wang Shizhen for his writings provide a clue which could explain the middle and late of Joseon literature. A study on Wang Shizhen is essential to understand Joseon literature, for, from the late sixteenth to the nineteenth century, likes and dislikes of the contemporaries to his literary works and theories were clear. In particular, his prose writings were being debated. Some people were negative to Wang Shizhen’s prose writings for his writing styles were difficult to understand and his works were somewhat heterodoxy. However, others were optimistic for Wang Shizhen’s writings because of its narrative and formative properties, and positively responded to his fertile imagination in the literature. In fact, Wang Shizhen’s prose writings contributed to Joseon literature. First of all, for example, some writers directly quoted wordings or sentences from Wang Shizhen’s writings, and paraphrased them, and others even plagiarized his literature. This means Wang Shizhen’s writings were accepted as a new canon in Joseon literature. Secondly, Wang Shizhen embarked a new chapter in Joseon literature : His literature had influence on the contemporaries’ writing styles changed from disputatious to narrative and formative, made them deviating from their own standard, and gave them motives to exercise their imagination. Conclusively, Wang Shizhen’s prose writings were main sources to the contemporaries showed the tendency to Neo-Confucianism and their own literary value, when they created. On the one hand, writers of the day accepted Wang Shizhen’s writing styles, but on the other hand, they adhered to their own logical and systematic writing styles influenced by the writing styles of Song Dynasty. A few active and independent authors wrote creative writings reflecting both Wang Shizhen’s prose writing styles and their own unique character.

      • KCI등재

        일제시기 조선우선주식회사의 판신항로(阪神航路) 진출

        하지영 ( Ha Ji-young ) 東亞大學校附設 石堂傳統文化硏究院 2017 石堂論叢 Vol.0 No.68

        1912년 `조선의 산업개발`을 위해 `연안항로를 통일`할 목적으로 설립된 조선우선은 조선총독부로부터 항해보조금을 지급받으며 명령항로를 경영하였다. 여기에는 해운업에 종사하던 재조일본인뿐만 아니라 일본 본토의 기선회사까지 참여했는데, 특수회사라고는 하지만 주식회사의 형태로 설립되었으므로 회사를 경영할 때 `국책수행`과 `이윤 창출`을 함께 고려하지 않을 수 없었다. 조선우선의 설립으로 조선 연안항로는 조선우선에 일원화되었다. 하지만 이전에 비해 수익성이 좋은 개항장 위주로 지나치게 축소되면서 노선에서 제외된 연안 각 지역에서는 큰 불편을 초래하였다. 철도의 부설과 도로의 정비 등 내륙교통로의 발달로 연안항로의 수익성이 감소되자 조선우선은 근해항로로 시야를 돌렸다. 조선-오사카· 고베(한신) 항로는 일제시기 조선의 대표적 상품인 조선미의 수송항로였다. 대판상선 등 일본 기선회사에 독점된 한신항로가 기선회사에만 유리하게 경영되자 조선총독부는 이를 조선총독부 명령항로로 지정, 조선우선을 그 수명회사로 지정하고 `조선본위의 안정적 경영`을 하도록 명령하였다. 한신항로 진출에 성공한 조선우선은 조선총독부의 직접적인 지원을 받으며 조선미 수송에 적극 가담할 수 있게 되었다. 이로써 조선우선은 `조선본위의 항로운영`이라는 조선총독부의 해운정책을 충실하게 수행하는 한편 상당한 규모의 영업수익까지 올리면서 일제시기를 대표하는 조선의 유력한 식민기업으로 성장할 탄탄한 기반을 마련하였다. Established in 1912 for the purpose of “Unified management of coastal ports” for “industrial development of Chosun”, Chosun Yusen Corporation received the navigation subsidy from the Government-General of Chosun and operated the governmentdirected service. The establishment participated not only Japanese residents in who worked in the shipping industry but also Shipping company in the mainland of Japan. However, Since it was established in the form of a corporation, its management had to take into account both `performance of national policies` and `profit creation`. With the establishment of the company, coastal port of Chosun became unified to the company. However, the coastal areas that were excluded from the regular line became very uncomfortable due to excessive decreases around Open ports Area, which was more profitable than before. When the profitability to the coastal port decreased due to the development of inland transportation such as laying of railroad and road maintenance, the company turned its view to offshore route. The Chosun-Osaka·Kobe Route(Hanshin route) was the transportation route of Chosun rice, a representative product of Joseon under Japanese imperialism. When the Hanshin Route, which was monopolized by the Japanese shipping company such as Osaka Shosen Corporation, was managed favorably only for the shipping company, the Government-General of Chosun designated it as the government-directed service for the Government-General of Chosun, ordered the company to manage it and ordered “the stable route management of Chosun standard”. Having succeeded in entering the Hanshin route, the company received direct support from the Government-General of Chosun and was able to actively participate in the transportation of Chosun rice. As a result, the company has faithfully carried out the shipping policy of the Government-General of Chosun, which is called “Route management of Chosun standard”, and raised a considerable scale of operating income, thus laying a solid foundation for growth as a representative colonial enterprise of Chosun under Japanese imperialism.

      • KCI등재

        겐엔학파(?園學派)의 고문 비평의 쟁점과 특징-오규 소라이(荻生?徠)의 『사가준(四家雋)』, 『고문구(古文矩)』, 다자이 슌다이(太宰春臺)의 『문론(文論)』을 중심으로-

        하지영 ( Ha Ji-young ) 근역한문학회 2017 한문학논집(漢文學論集) Vol.48 No.-

        에도 시대 한문 문장의 읽기와 쓰기에 대한 관심이 고조되었고, 荻生?徠와 그의 문인들은 그 흐름의 선두에 위치하였다. 고문의 辭를 문제 삼았던 만큼 이들은 자신의 논의를 해명하기 위한 구체적인 근거와 사례가 필요하였다. 荻生?徠의 <四家雋>, <古文矩>는 고문의 서사, 자구의 운용, 전환, 함축 등에 각별히 주목한 산문 비평서이다. 소라이의 비평 방식은, 산문에서 서사의 회복이 중요하며 이는 수사를 통해 달성될 수 있다는 그의 문학론을 반영한 것이다. 소라이의 비평은 전후칠자마저도 구체화시키지 못했던 진한고문론의 수사론을 본격적으로 보여주는 실례로서 중요한 의미를 지닌다. 한편 太宰春臺의 <文論>은 재도론에 의거하여 전후칠자의 문학과 소라이의 문학론을 정면으로 반박하고 있는 산문 비평서이다. 훈고와 고증의 방식을 통해 문학 비평을 수행했다는 점, 그리고 문학적 수사에 대해 강한 경계를 취하고 있다는 점은 그의 <문론>이 보유하고 있는 독특한 지점이라 할 수 있다. 비슷한 시기 조선문단에서 시행된 산문 비평과 비교해 보았을 때, 소라이와 슌다이의 산문 비평은 전후칠자 문학을 대상 텍스트로 하여 구체적으로 비평을 가하고 있다는 점, 자구 위주의 촘촘한 비평을 수행한다는 점에서 특징적이다. 이들의 비평 방식은 한문 산문에 대한 한일 양국의 문사들의 입장차를 유추해 볼 수 있는 하나의 단서를 제공해 줄 수 있다고 생각한다. Interest in reading and writing of Classical Chinese during the Edo Period has increased, and Ohgyu Sorai and his Disciples were at the beginning of the flow. The more the rhetoric of Classical Literature was taken into consideration, the more concrete grounds and cases were needed to elucidate their own arguments. Sorai of < Sagajun(四家雋) >, < Komungu(古文矩) > is prose criticism that pays exceptional attention to the descriptive characteristics, the operation of the lexical items, and the connotations of ancient writing. Sorai’s criticism method reflects his literary theory including the idea that recovery of a descriptive is important in prose, and it can be achieved through rhetoric. Sorai’s critique has an important meaning as an actual example that genuinely demonstrates the remedy of Qin Han classical theory which had not been materialize even by the Former and Latter Seven Master(前後七子). On the other hand, Dazai Shundai of < Munron(文論) > is prose criticism that refutes Sorai’s literature theory, Former and Latter Seven Master on the basis of the Jaedolon theory(載道論). The reasoning behind literary criticism in the way of historical explication, along with the reasoning behind taking strong warning against literary remedies can be said to be the unique reasoning held by his lecture literature. When compared it with the prose criticism enforced at the Korean literary world at the same time, the prose criticism of Sorai and Shundai have the following characteristics: first, they criticize the literature of Former and Latter Seven Master’s Literature, and second, they carry out detailed analysis in words and phrasal units. These methods of criticism can provide one clue that can be seen by analogy of the differences in the position of the writers of Korean and Japanese about Classical Chinese.

      • KCI등재

        개항기 조선상인과 일본상인 간의 자금거래와 곡물유통 -부산ㆍ경상지역 ‘양민교섭채안(兩民交涉債案)’의 분석을 중심으로

        하지영 ( Ha Ji-young ) 부경역사연구소 2007 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.20

        The purpose of this study is to analyze practices of grain trade between Chosun's and Japanese merchants during the period of port opening and thereon determine the significance of the practices to both the groups. Fund transactions between Chosun's and Japanese merchants were a practice in which the former financed their commercial activities and the latter preoccupied and intensively collect grains at the time of their delivery. In most cases, Chosun’s merchants engaged in fund transactions as mentioned above in order to finance their commercial activities. Such transactions were usually arranged by commission agencies that were doing their business around open ports and that obtained confidence by Japanese merchants through general trades with them. These findings from the study demonstrate that grains were exclusively supplied to Japanese merchants from dealers at inland places of grain collection through commission agencies at open ports. Such fund transactions as mentioned above allowed Japanese merchants to preoccupy and intensively collect grains produced in Chosun. While Chosun’s merchants got profits by difference in grain prices between inland places of grain collection and open ports. The commission agencies that arranged the transactions could obtain some benefit in the name of commission fee. Chosun's merchants whose business was very small in scale became gradually dependent on Japanese ones because the former could not avoid using the latter's money to maintain their business. In other words, Japanese merchants lent commercial funds to Chosun's small businesses which were having difficulty in financing due to no national supports, ultimately ruling grain distribution in Chosun. Such lending was arranged by commission agencies that were doing their activities around open ports. This indicates that the structure of the distribution became dependent on the capital of Japanese merchants through the agencies.

      • KCI등재

        1920년대 전반기 군산의 일본인 阪上貞信의 제국의회 진출과 활동

        하지영 ( Ha Ji-young ) 동아대학교 석당학술원 2021 石堂論叢 Vol.- No.81

        사카가미 사다노부는 야마구치현 출신으로, 1906년 군산에 정착하였다. 사카가미는 군산거류민단 민장을 역임하면서 군산 내 각종 현안 사업과 지역개발 사업에 매진하는 한편 군산을 근거로 선남권업주식회사 설립해 경영하였고, 국유 미간지와 광산에도 투자하였다. 1910년대 중반부터는 군산과 경부선을 잇는 경편철도 부설도 계획하였다. 1920년 제14회 중의원 총선거에 출마해 야마구치현 대의사로 제국의회에 입성한 사카가미는 조선 문제를 중심으로 의정활동을 전개하였다. 조선으로의 보급금 확대, 철도ㆍ항만 등 기간시설에 대한 투자, 광산 개발 등이 사카가미가 발의한 대표적 안건들이다. 이 가운데서도 군산의 오랜 현안인 군산항 수축 문제를 해결하는 데 특히 열의를 보였다. 군산항은 조선의 대표적 쌀 이출항으로, 군산항 수축은 무역업을 근간으로 한 지역사회의 오랜 요망이었을 뿐만 아니라 본국의 식량문제를 해결할 산미증식계획을 위해서도 필요하다는 점을 강조하였다. 이러한 의정활동을 펼쳤던 사키가미는 중의원 내에서는 대표적인 ‘조선통(朝鮮通)’ 의원으로 분류되었다. 다이쇼 데모크라시를 배경으로 한 1920년대 전반기 조선 관련 문제가 정당 세력 간의 주요 논쟁점으로 부각된 가운데 일단의 ‘정치세력’을 형성한 조선관계 대의사의 역할은 매우 컸다. 군산의 일본인 사카가미의 대의 사로서의 활동은 조선 거주 일본인이 목소리를 제국의회로 전달해 그들의 이해가 식민정책에 반영될 수 있도록 대변한 ‘로비스트(lobbyist)’이자 조선에 실정을 근거한 식민정책의 수립 방향을 제시한 제국의 ‘브로커(broker)’였다. Sakagami Sadanobu(阪上貞信) was born in Yamaguchi Prefecture and settled in Gunsan in 1906. Sakagami, who served as the head of the Gunsan Settlement Corporation, devoted himself to various pending projects and regional development projects in Gunsan. He also founded and managed Seonnam Kwonup Corporation based in Gunsan, and invested in state-owned wasteland and mines. From the mid-1910s, he also planned the construction of a light railroad connecting Gunsan and Gyeongbu lines. Sakagami, who ran for the 14th general election of the Lower House of Representatives in 1920 and entered the Imperial Diet of japan as the representative of Yamaguchi Prefecture, carried out his legislative activities centered on the Joseon issue. Examples include expansion of supply funds to Joseon, investment in infrastructure such as railways and ports, and mine development. In particular, he showed enthusiasm for the issue of the construction the port of Gunsan, a long-standing issue in Gunsan. Gunsan Port is the representative rice export port of Joseon, and the construction of Gunsan Port has been a long-time desire of the local community based on the trade business, and it is necessary for the Rice Production Plan to solve the home country's food problem. Sakigami, who carried out these legislative activities, was classified as a representative “Joseontong(朝鮮通)” member of the Lower House of Representatives. The Joseon-related issue in the first half of the 1920s, set in the backdrop of Daisho Democracy, emerged as a major point of contention among political parties, and the role of the representative of Joseon relations, who formed a group of “political forces,” was very significant. His activities as a representative of Sakagami, a Japanese in Gunsan, are ‘lobbyists’ who represent the Japanese living in Joseon so that their voices can be conveyed to the Imperial Diet of japan so that their interests can be reflected in the colonial policy. And He was the “broker” of the empire who suggested the direction of establishing colonial policy based on the actual situation in Joseon.

      • KCI등재

        하계(霞溪) 권유(權愈) 산문 소고

        하지영(Ha Ji young) 한국고전연구학회 2018 한국고전연구 Vol.0 No.42

        숙종 연간 남인계 관각 문인들은 전대 문인의 상고적 정신과 문학적 시도를 계승하면서도, 자기들만의 독특한 문체를 발전시켜 나갔다. 이처럼 문예, 문체, 수사(修辭)에 대한 높은 관심은 전례를 찾아보기 어렵다. 숙종 연간 남인계 관각 문단을 대표하는 권유는 노론계 문인과는 다른 글쓰기 미감을 보여준다. 그의 작품은 자구의 조탁에 힘쓰고 생경한 전고를 끌어오는 등 난해성이 두드러진다. 인물의 삶을 기록하는 전장, 비지류의 글쓰기의 경우 대상인물을 적극적으로 평가하기보다는 그대로 그의 삶을 보여주는 방식을 선택함으로써 노론계 문인과의 차이를 드러냈다. 이러한 권유의 글쓰기 방식은 자신의 주관을 독자에게 전달하는 것보다 대상 인물의 삶에 초점을 맞춘 것이라 평가할 수 있다. 물론, 권유 문학에서 진단되는 난해성, 서사성을 남인계 문단 일반에 적용할 수 있을지 여부는 추후 다른 남인계 관각문인의 작품 분석이 병행되어야 논할 수 있을 것이다. 그럼에도 이관명, 송시열 등의 노론계 문인의 글쓰기와 권유의 글쓰기가 보이는 차이가, 각 당파가 내세우고 있는 전범인 당송과 진한고문 간의 차이와 겹쳐진다는 것은 분명해 보인다. 권유의 문학은 기이한 개성의 반영이라기보다는, 당대 남인들의 요구와 취향을 극단적으로 추구한 결과로도 이해할 수 있을 것이다. In King Sookjong’s period, Namin(南人) Gwan-gak literati developed their own unique writing style while succeeding the antiquarianism and literary attempts of writers from the previous period. Thus, there is no precedent for the high interest in literature, style, and investigation seen in this period. Gwon-yu represents the Geungi Namin Gwan-gak literati in the Reign of King Sukjong. He exemplifies a different aesthetic of writing. His work has been intensifying the esotericism, such as his efforts of phrasing and quoting from the classics. In case of the writing of Jeonjangryu (傳狀類) and Epitaph (碑誌類) that record the life of the character, he showed the difference with the Noron(老論) writers by choosing to show a character’s life as it was rather than actively evaluating the character. The writing method of Gwon-yu can be evaluated as focusing on the life of the character rather than conveying his subjectivity to the reader. Of course, whether or not the esotericism and narrativity diagnosed in Gwon-yu’s literature can be applied to the general Namin Gwan-gak literati sould be discussed in parallel with the analysis of the works of Namin Gwan-gak literati. Of course, whether or not the esotericism and narrativity diagnosed in Gwon-yu’s literature can be applied to the general Namin Gwan-gak literati should be discussed in parallel with the analysis of the works of Namin Gwan-gak literati. Nevertheless, it seems clear that the differences in the writing of the Noron writers such as Lee Gwanmyeong, Song Siyeol etc. overlapped with the difference between Tang-Song and Qin-Han Writings that exemplified the ideal model of Literature of each party. Gwon-yu’s literature can be understood as a result of an extreme pursuit of the demands and tastes of the contemporaries of Namin, rather than a reflection of a unique individuality.

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