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        스포츠사에 있어서 정치적 역할의 考

        하웅용 한국체육사학회 1998 체육사학회지 Vol.3 No.-

        Sport usually understand as a tool for recreation activities or preserving health, but it should be more than that. In historical point of view, sport has discharged its role with society, politics, and economics. Especially, politicians used sport as a tools of their political purpose. In ancient Greek and Roman period, sport had an important political value to release social discontent and classes' struggle, sport was also an important mean to train armies under the stoical Middle age. In the modern time, sport expresses its important as a symbol of nationalism and a tool for its national interests and a mirror of international relationships. The Olympic Games, the most biggest sport event, was understood as an effective place for achieving political purposes. For developing modern sport it would not a correct way that understanding sport as its own sale, sport should understand and develop multi-prospects; sport should be understand as a political activity and economical and cultural activity.

      • KCI등재

        민속 줄다리기의 체육·문화사적 해석

        하웅용 한국체육사학회 2001 체육사학회지 Vol.8 No.-

        Korean Tug of War was a transitional almanac event at village community. Korean Tug of War in which people join in large numbers as a folk game is usually played on January 15 of the lunar calender. From ancient times all member of the village played the game a festive atmosphere. Korean Tug of War is a game of national spirit because cooperation and unity is needed in the contest. When the game was played the peasant band played instrument music of the peasant, and cheer their team to victory with gay gesturing. The game was a game of large scale, and period of preparation was long. People of village collect rice straw from each home and fake a long thick rope, assuming the name of Sutjul(a male rope) and Amjul(a female rope)The members of each team pulled at the ropes, which were hooked together to win the game over the opponent. Believing an old saying that the winning side shall have a good harvest, they strived their hardest for their life with yells and shouts. The tug of war in the Youngsan area used to be played on the 15th day of the first month, but nowadays this game is played on the first day of March in commemoration of the Korean Independence Movement. Korean Tug of War was a typical Korean transitional game, which should develop or re-create a modern style of game because the game contained our transition spirits-harmony, unity and solidarity.

      • KCI등재

        질소시비농도에 따른 1년생 사과 ‘Fuji’/M.9 포트묘목의 수체 생장

        하웅용,신현석,임헌규,오영재,한현대,김금선,오세원,권의석,김대일 한국자원식물학회 2019 한국자원식물학회지 Vol.32 No.5

        The study was carried out to investigate growth of 48.6-L pot-cultivated 1-year-old ‘Fuji’/M.9 apple treesdepending on different levels of nitrogen concentration. While rise in tree growth was paralleled with increase of nitrogenconcentration, more than 32 mM of nitrogen rather restrained tree growth. In particular, growth of 16 mM of nitrogen treatedtrees was satisfied with criteria for production of high-quality pot-cultivated nursery stocks. Although mineral contents ofleaves were higher in 8 and 16 mM nitrogen treatments than commonly recommended mineral contents in apple orchards,such somewhat surplus minerals could be helpful for tree growth after transplanting to apple orchards. In addition, our resultindicated that soils of 8 and 16 mM of nitrogen treated pots met appropriate criteria for soil chemical property of appleorchards. Thus, in the light of tree growth, mineral contents of leaves, and soil chemical property in the pots, 16 mM ofnitrogen treatment is considered to be suitable for production of 1-year-old ‘Fuji’/M.9 apple potted trees. 사과 ‘후지’/M.9 포트묘목 개발을 위해 질소시비농도에 따른생장특성을 조사하고, 포트 우량묘목 생산에 적합한 질소시비농도와 잎의 무기영양성분 함량 및 토양 화학성의 안정성을 확인하였다. 질소시비농도가 높아질수록 묘목의 생장은 증가되었고, 특히16 mM 처리가 수체 생장에 가장 좋았으며, 우량묘목판단기준에 부합하였다. 32 mM 이상의 고농도는 오히려 생장을 감소시켰다. 잎의 무기영양성분 함량은 8, 16 mM 처리구에서 기존 사과과원의 적정수준보다 높았고, 이러한 무기영양성 분은 정식 후 수체 생장에 도움이 될 것으로 생각되었다. 토양화학성 또한 8, 16 mM 처리구에서 안정적이었다. 따라서 수체생육, 잎의 무기영양성분, 포트 내 토양화학성을 고려한 결과,사과 ‘후지’/M.9 우량 포트묘목 생산을 위한 적정 질소시비량은16 mM로 판단되었다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        근·현대 한국 체육문화 변천사

        하웅용 한국체육사학회 2002 체육사학회지 Vol.9 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to research the history of modern Korean sport culture since the opening of ports to foreigners to now. The history of modern Korean sport culture divides three period in terms of social and cultural characteristics of modern history. The first period of modern Korean sport culture, so call the inflow period of sport culture, was the period since the opening of ports to foreigners to the Liberation. During the enlightening period in Korea, sport culture was understood as a part of new education from west or a typical physical expression. Under the rule of Japanese imperialism Sport culture was understood as political tool for the controling people even though many Koreans have believed sport was one of our expression for against Japanese imperialism. The second period of modern Korean sport culture, so call the transitional period of sport culture, was the period from the Liberation to 1990. The second period should divide two. The first half of period is the period since the Liberation to the 4 · 19 Revolution. There was no systematic sport policy in this period, but there were some positive actions to develop Korean sport culture by sport leaders. However, such positive circumstance had not remained for long because of the Korean Civil war. from the 4 · 19 revolution to 1990, the Korean military governments had controlled sport culture as a political tool. In terms of pursuit the political goals such as enhance the national prestige and superiority of capital idealism the governments supported all power to elite sports. The third period of modern Korean sport culture, so call the setting period of sport culture, was the period from 1990 to now. Since 1990, sport culture has met the new trend and paradigm which pursued public welfare. Now the modem sport culture has been changed from 'spectacular sports' to 'participant sports' and moreover to become 'enjoyable sports.'

      • KCI등재후보

        ‘완득이’에 함의된 다문화가정 청소년에 관한 담론 연구

        하웅용,김예성 한국인격교육학회 2016 인격교육 Vol.10 No.2

        Human is a social being. Every human being is developed in society as an individual embodiment of social relations. In this point of view, this study was conducted for the purpose of investigating the discrimination that minority people and multicultural family adolescents have experienced in our society and examined sports as a method to overcome such problems through the novel and film 'Wandeuky.' Social discrimination against minorities including multicultural families is a major social issue and challenge in Korea, which is rapidly becoming a multiculturalizing society and we should find ways to improve communications with minorities and ourselves. It is especially important to prepare an effective support system for multicultural family adolescents for them to grow healthy. This study focused on the analysis of the text 'Wandeuky' with relevant literature and statistical materials and investigated the function of sports that lead to the social integration and support for multicultural family adolescents. The results were as follows: There is essentially no difference on social discrimination between people of multicultural family and internal minorities. Also we must overcome any social discrimination in our society to achieve advancement as a real and successful multicultural society, and for the sound development of multicultural family adolescents. In addition, it is confirmed that sports could be used as an effective method to induce the communication and unity of members of our society and promote the healthy growth of multicultural family adolescents. 현 한국사회는 다문화사회화가 급속도로 진행되고 있으며 다문화가정을 포함한 소수인들의 사회적 차별은 만연되어 있다. 이들 소수인들의 삶을 직시하고, 사회구성원들간 소통 방안을 찾는 것은 중요한 과제라 할 수 있다. 특히 향후 우리 사회의 일원이 될 다문화가정 청소년의 문제를 파악하고 이들이 건강하게 성장할 수 있도록 다양하고 효과적인 지원방안이 마련되어야 할 것이다. 이 관점에서, 본 연구는 다문화가정 청소년 완득이를 주인공으로 한 작품 ‘완득이’를 통해 우리 사회에서 다문화가정에 대한 차별과 다문화가정 자녀가 지닐 수 있는 인성교육적 문제를 담론을 통하여 살펴보고, 스포츠에 기반 하여 그 문제를 극복할 수 있는 가능성을 고찰하였다. 본 연구에서는 완득이의 텍스트 분석을 통하여 다문화가정 청소년에 대한 담론을 논의하고 관련 문헌과 자료들을 검토하는 가운데 스포츠가 지닌 사회통합 기능 및 다문화청소년 지원 가능성에 초점을 두어 고찰하였다. 본 연구결과 다문화가정에 대한 사회적 차별은 국내 소수인에 대해 가해지던 차별과 본질적으로 다르지 않았다. 진정한 다문화사회로의 진전을 위해서 또한 다문화가정 청소년의 건전한 발달을 위해서는 우리 사회에 존재하는 소수인에 대한 차별의 문화를 극복해야 함을 알 수 있었다. 또한 다문화사회에서 구성원들의 소통과 화합을 유도하고 다문화청소년의 건강한 성장을 도모하는데 스포츠가 효과적인 방안의 하나로 활용될 수 있음을 확인하였다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        南北韓 스포츠會談史

        하웅용 한국체육사학회 2000 체육사학회지 Vol.5 No.-

        The purpose of this study was understanding of history of inter-Korean sports talks, and finding how politics has influenced to sports talks and other inter-Korean exchanges, Hopefully, this study would provide an historical basis on practical policies on the future inter-Korean sport exchanges. After successfully finishing the inter-Korean summit, it is expectable fact that all kinds of inter-Korean exchanges like civic, cultural, sports, health, environmental and all other fields would be increased. Among them sports exchanged will be most increased. Sports associations are keenly awaiting the outcome of the proposed talks as if the green light is given it could pave the way for other sporting exchanges, in line with president Kim Dae-Jung's 'Sunshine Policy'. Historically, sports exchanges have been in front of diplomatic policies toward North Korea. In fact, the inter-Korean summit might be the result of sports exchanges. Since North and South Korea had explored the possibility of a unified, single Korean team for the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games, inter-Korean sports talks has continually taken place. However, during the Cold War period, these sports talks usually began with the appearance of great hopes and ended without positive results. North and South Korea had turned the sports talks into a political arena and creating artificial difficulties to the talks. After Seoul Olympics, North Korea got into more serious international isolation, North Korea realized the change of international circumstance, and North Korea began to change its foreign policy especially toward South Korea. During the Beijing Asian Games, North and South Korea decided to have unification soccer games by mutual consent. The Unification Soccer Games took place on October 11, in Pyongyang, and October 23, 1990, in Seoul. On October 25, 1990, eventually, North and South Korea came to reach an agreement to form the joint team. They also agreed to adopt joint team's national anthem and flag during working-level meetings. North and South Korea were successfully forming joint teams for the 41st World Table Tennis Championships and the 6th World Junior Soccer Championships in 1991. United Korean Table Tennis Team won golden medal in woman's team event. Joint Korean Junior soccer team renewed their determination to play their best and clinch a slot in the semi-finals. The recent inter-Korean basketball games sponsored by Hyundai Business Group are expected to stimulate inter-Korean exchanges, including the inter-Korean summit. Now, it is possible to expect that marching North and South Korea together at the opening ceremony of the Sydney Summer Olympics in September. In the near future, North and South Korea would agree to form join teams in various sports. Those inter-Korean sports exchanges would become a catalyst for expediting Korean reunification especially at a time when the two Koreas are wrapping up an unhappy 190o's and greeting a new millennium. But there is one condition. In the future, it would never use the sports talks again for its political purpose and never make political provocation.

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