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        목재 가공업소에서의 Formaldehyde폭로

        하명화,김두희,임현술,박상후,Ha, Myung-Wha,Kim, Doo-Hie,Lim, Hyun-Sul,Park, Sang-Hu 대한예방의학회 1991 예방의학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        Formaldehyde가 주성분인 접착제를 사용하는 목재 가공업소에서 특히 접착부서에 48개월 이상 근무했던 3명의 여자근로자들이 눈, 비강, 구강, 인후 및 피부의 자극증상과 호흡곤란등의 증상을 호소하였다. 이에 목재 가공업소 전 근로자 26명을 대상으로 설문지를 통하여 자각증상 여부를 확인하고 흉부 X-선 촬영, 폐기능 검사, 심전도, 동맥혈 포화도 검사 및 혈색소 검사등을 실시한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 접착부서 근무자중 장기 노출자인 환자군과 단기 노출자인 비환자군과 비교시에 냄새를 잘 못 맡으며 입안에 물집이 생기고 혀가 갈라지고 맛을 잘 모르며 목이 쉬는 증상에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였다 (p<0.05). 2. 접착부서 근무자중 환자군과 전체 비폭로군과 비교시에는 냄새를 잘 못 맡고 입안에 물집이 생기며 혀가 갈라지고 맛을 잘 모르며 목이 잘 쉬고 인후통이 오며 가슴이 답답하고, 피부 자극증상과 정신이 멍해진다는 증상에서 통계적으로 유의하게 나타났다 (p<0.05). 3. 환자군과 비폭로군의 여자군과만 비교한 경우에는 냄새를 잘 못 맡고, 혀가 갈라지며, 맛을 잘 모르고 목이 쉬며 인후통이 있고 피부자극 증상과 정신이 멍해진다는 증상에서 유의하게 나타났다(p<0.05). 4. 폐기능 검사의 결과는 환자군에서 노력성 폐활량(FVC)과 일초량 ($FEV_1$)의 감소를 보였다(P>0.05). 5. 전 근로자들에게서 흉부X-선 촬영, 심전도, 동맥혈 포화도 검사등에 큰 변화를 보이지 않았으며, 전체적으로 빈혈 양상을 보였으나 폭로 여부에 따른 차이는 없었다. 접착 부서 근로자들이 증상을 호소해서부터 임시검진과 작업장 환경 측정을 실시하고 정밀검사를 완료하기까지의 과정이 신속히 이루어지지 못했던 것은 폭로 작업장 근로자들의 문제점을 더욱 정확히 파악하고 건강을 보호 관리한다는 측면에서 개선되어야 할 것이다. 이와 같이 연구 수행에 많은 제한점이 있었으나 접착제를 사용하는 목재 가공업소에서는 복합적인 유해물질에 영향을 받을 수 있는데, 특히 formaldehyde 폭로에 인한 눈, 비강, 구강, 인후와 피부의 자극증상과 호흡곤란 및 폐기능의 저하가 문제시 되므로 폭로 여부를 결정할 수 있는 특별한 생물학적 감시 방법이 없어 증상에 의존하여 중독 여부를 파악하는데에는 어려움이 있으나 폭로 근로자들의 건강을 지키기 위해서는 작업장 환경측정등을 통한 폭로 감시를 더욱 철저히 하여야겠다. 또한 최근에 들어와서는 formaldehyde가 발암물질이라는 논쟁이 끊임없이 되고있으므로 폭로 근로자들에 대한 예방대책과 이에 따른 폭넓은 연구가 이루어져야 할 것이다. In the plywood manufacturing factory established in 1979, female 3 workers who had exposed to adhesives containing formaldehyde for more than 48 months of duration suffered from eye, nasal, oral, throat and skin irritation and dyspnea as chief complaints. The actual level of the exposure to formaldehyde were not estimated when the exposed workers started to have above symptoms. The environmental monitoring of workplace was measured on April 25, 1990, and the concentration of formaldehyde revealed 0.2 ppm, however the exhaustive ventilatory system was already installed at that time. Twenty six subjects from entire factory were examined by questionnaire, physical examination and spirometry, etc. on August 22, 1990. Significant difference was observed in symptoms and signs of nasal, oral and throat irritation between the exposed group with longer duration and that with short duration. When the exposed group with longer duration was compared to the group of nonexposed, symptoms and signs of nasal, oral, throat and skin irritaion, chest tightness and dullness were significantly increased in the former group. The results of the spirometric test showed that the forced vital capacity and the forced expiratory volume at 1 second were decreased among the exposed group with longer duration but not significant.

      • KCI등재후보

        1개월 이상 금연 성공의 예측인자 : 일개 대규모 산업장 금연운동 결과를 대상으로

        하명화,이덕희 대한산업의학회 2000 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        Objectives : We evaluated demographic, socioeconomic, smoking-related, other health behavior, and disease factors associated with smoking cessation. Methods : This study included 5,493 male employees in a steel manufacturing industry, who smoked at health examination underwent in 1998. Quitters were defined as those who had stopped smoking at least one month prior to re-examination in 1999. The information on related factors was collected by self-administered questionnare. Results : At 12 months of follow-up, 1,955 patients (35.6 %) had quit smoking. The quit rate was higher in middle-aged, white collar, and high rank personnels. The quit rate increased with decreasing amount of cigarette, decreasing duration of smoking, and increasing age of starting smoking. There were higher quit rates among smokers who drank less or exercise. However, the existence of disease did not affect the quit rate. Conclusion : This study showed that many demographic, socioeconomic, smoking-related and other health behaviors associated with smoking cessation. These results could be of use in the other worksite smoking cessation campaigns to enhance the quit rate.

      • KCI등재후보

        1920~30년대 초 도시 주거문제와 주거권 확보운동

        하명화 부경역사연구소 2003 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.12

        The housing problem under the rule of Japanese Imperialism is closely related to the land of the cities. In our traditional land system, the authority of tenants related to the using of land and houses was relatively strong. However, after the occupation of Imperialist Japan, the housing problem had become complicated, connected with the matter of land because the right for using of land was completely excluded in the process of the Land Investigation Project. The citizens moving to cities lived in mud huts or dugouts from the beginning of 1920s, an'd those in a little better condition rented houses at monthly rent. Their housing problem resulted from the concentration of houses. In addition the tenants' residing right was being seriously violated 50% to 70% of citizens lived in rented houses because of the concentration of land and houses. And the housing problem spread toward the small and medium-sized cities in the local area. The movenent for solving the housing problem in early 1920s began as a cultural movement by national capitalists. During the late period of 1920s and early 1930s, the citizens made organtzations themselves and try to obtain the residing right. Activities of Tenants' Union were done in small and medium-sized cities as well as big cities such as Seoul, Pyung-yang, Pusan, Tae-gu, Shineeju. They are movement groups for obtaining the housing right of citizens Although they were in the oppressing situation, the citizens spread their movement in the form of Tenants' Union up to the late of 1930s.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        체중 및 건강행태변화가 혈압 및 콜레스테롤에 미치는 영향 - 철강제조업체 근로자를 대상으로 한 3년 추구연구 -

        하명화,이송권,이덕희,Ha, Myung-Hwa,Lee, Song-Kwon,Lee, Duk-Hee 대한예방의학회 1999 예방의학회지 Vol.32 No.3

        Objectives: We investigated the effects of changes in obesity and life style factors, such as cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking, and exercise, on the changes in blood pressure and serum cholesterol among Korean men. Methods: This study included 7,205 healthy male employees in the steel manufacturing industry. Each subject underwent health examination in 1994 and was re-examined in 1997. The study subjects were classified into four categories, according to changes in body mass index (BMI) (loss; stable; mild gain: severe gain), cigarette smoking (quitter; nor-smoker; smoker continued; smoker started), alcohol drinking (quitter; non-drinker; drinker continued; drinker started) and exercise (more exercise; continuous regular exercise; continuous irregular or no exercise; less exercise), respectively. We evaluated the relationship between the categories of change in those independent variables and the changes in blood pressure and serum cholesterol, adjusted for BMI in 1994 and age by analysis of variance. Results: The change in systolic blood pressure was positively associated with the changes in BMI (p<0.001) and drinking (p=0,001), but negatively with smoking (p=0,004), compared to the first category of each independent variables. The systolic blood pressure was significantly less increased in the continuous smoking group than quitter or hon-smoker. The changes in diastolic blood pressure and serum cholesterol appeared to have statistically significant linear relationships only with the change in BMI. The change in exercise showed a marginal significance with diastolic blood pressure (p=0.088). Conclusions: These prospective data emphasize the importance of obesity as a determinant of the changes in blood pressure and serum cholesterol. In addition, the changes in smoking and drinking habits can affect systolic blood pressure.

      • KCI등재

        Sevoflurane을 이용한 불응성 간질지속상태의 조절

        하명화,김선희,정상호,송남원 대한마취통증의학회 2007 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.52 No.4

        Refractory status epilepticus is defined as seizure activity that continues after treatment with conventional anticonvulsants. An 8-month-old male had an operation for repair of small bowel perforation, and he suffered a febrile seizure that developed into refractory status epilepticus. Febrile seizure is the most common etiology for children with status epilepticus. We report here on a case of a patient with refractory status epilepticus, and he was managed with sevoflurane, an inhalational anesthetic. The patient was given an inspired concentration of 0.6-2 vol% sevoflurane for 15 days. After stopping of sevoflurane inhalation, he continued to experience intermittent convulsive status epilepticus that was successfully managed with using conventional anticonvulsants.

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