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      • KCI등재

        남해 양식산 넙치(Paralichthys olivaceus) 치어에 기생한 스쿠티카 섬모충(scuticociliatids) 동태 및 구제에 관하여

        최상덕,김진만,김성연,조용철,최광규,양한춘,Choi, Sang-Duk,Kim, Jin-Man,Kim, Sung-Yeon,Jo, Yong-Chul,Choi, Koang-Kyu,Yang, Han-Choon 한국어병학회 1997 한국어병학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        1997년 1~2월 사이 저수온기에 남해안 일대의 육상수조식 넙치종묘배양장에서 원생충 스쿠티카 섬모충을 분리하여 이들의 감염률 및 in vitro내 사멸실험을 하였다. 스쿠티카 섬모충은 넙치의 아가미와 체표 점액질 부분에서 60%로 가장 높게 감염되었고, 뇌조직에서는 22%로 가장 적게 감염되었다. 기생된 부위는 출혈과 함께 점액이 다량 분비되었고, 궤양도 형성되었다. 넙치 종묘배양장의 사육 원수, 상층수, 저층수에 있어서 스쿠티카 섬모충의 검출량은 각각 0~1, 0~413, $7\sim7.3{\times}10^4$ 마리/$100m{\ell}$이었다. 사육수조내 저층수의 스쿠티카 섬모충이 사육 원수 및 상층수보다 훨씬 많이 검출되었다. 이 기생충의 사멸된 농도와 시간은 포르말린 및 과산화수소 50~500 ppm에서는 2시간 이내에 모두 사멸되었으며, 10 ppm에서는 48시간만에 전멸되었다. 담수 10~70%에서는 48시간 이내에 전혀 사멸되지 않았으며, 담수 100%에서는 10분만에 완전 사멸되었다. 그리고 천연물질 울리고키토산 50~500ppm에서는 1시간 이내에 모두 사멸되었으며, 10 ppm에서는 80분이내에 사멸되었다. We investigated on the prevalence and extermination of scuticociliatids parasitic on cultured japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus in land-marine tank system of southern Korea from January to February in 1997. The gills and the skin showed the highest infection rate(60%), and the brain showed the lowest(22%). Also, fish secreted large quantity of mucus with a bleeding and ulcerated lesions on the infected sites. The number of the parasites in inflowing sea water, surface water and bottom water of farming tank ranged 0~1 individuals/$100m\ell$, 0~413 individuals/$100m\ell$ and $7\sim7.3{\times}10^4$ individuals/$100m\ell$, respectively. This parasite was died within 2 hours in 50~500 ppm, 48 hours of 10 ppm formalin or hydrogen peroxide, 1 hour in 50~500 ppm, 80 minutes of 10 ppm oligo chitosan and 10 minute in 100% but did not died until 48 hours in 10~70% fresh water.

      • Two Species of Parasitic Copepods (Neobrachiella incurva and Peniculus ostraciontis) from the Marine Fishes, Halicheores poecilopterus and Sebastes shlegeli, of the South Coast of Korea

        최상덕,서해립,홍성윤,Choi Sang-Duk,Suh Hae-Lip,Hong Sung-Yun 한국양식학회 1996 韓國養殖學會誌 Vol.9 No.2

        Two species of the copepod parasite were observed from two marine fishes in Korea. A siphonostomatoid copepod Neobrachiella incurva (Shiino, 1956) (Lernaeopodidae) and a cyclopoid copepod Peniculus ostraciontis Yamaguti 1939 (Lernaeidae) were found on the gills of Halichoeres poecilopterus and the fins of Sebastes schlegeli, respectively. The most distinct features of N. incurva are bipartite of maxillule, 2 ventro-posterior processes and conical genital process. P. ostraciontis is very distinguishable in the body shape, antenna, and fused trunk. Both species of copepods are newly observed from the Korean waters.

      • KCI등재

        Two Copepod Species of Nothobomolochus (Poecilostomatoida, Bomolochidae) Parasitic on Marine Fishes from Yosu Bay, Korea

        최상덕,홍성윤,서해립,CHOI Sang-Duk,HONG Sung Yun,SUH Hae-Lip The Korean Society of Fisheries and Aquatic Scienc 1994 한국수산과학회지 Vol.27 No.6

        한국산 어류 2종(농어, 병어)에서 기생성 요각류 2종이 채집되었다. 이 논문에 Nothobomolochus (Poecilostomatoida, Bomolochidae)속의 2종 N. lateolabracis (Yamaguti and Yamasu)와 N. triceros (Basset-Smith)을 재기재한다. 이들은 모두 한국 미기록종이며, N. lateolabracis와 N. triceros는 각각 농어와 병어에 기생한다. Two species of the parasitic copepod were recovered from two Korean fishes, Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier and Valenciennes) and Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen) taken from Yosu Bay, Korea. The present paper contains redescription of two species of Nothobomolochus of Bomolochidae. Both species, N. lateolabracis (Yamaguti and Yamasu) and N. triceros (Basset-Smith), are newly recorded from the Korean water. N. lateolabracis and N. triceros were found on the L. japonicus and P. argenteus, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        평생학습사회 실현을 위한 영국 대학 개혁 정책의 역사적 고찰

        최상덕(Choi Sang Duk) 한국평생교육학회 2008 평생교육학연구 Vol.14 No.3

          이 글은 1870년대 이후 영국의 대학성인교육의 전통이 어떻게 성인계속교육으로의 전환을 거쳐 평생학습으로 연결되는 지를 분석함으로써, 평생학습을 위한 대학 개혁 정책의 역사적 맥락을 살펴보았다. 특히 ‘대학 구조의 개방화’와 ‘학생 구성의 다양화’에 초점을 두고, 최근까지의 평생학습을 위한 고등교육 개혁정책과 법제도화를 살펴보았다.<BR>  대학확장운동 이후의 자유주의 대학성인교육 전통은 특히 1980년대 초 제조업의 대량실업을 겪으면서 성인계속교육으로 전환되고 대학과 분리 운영되던 성인개방학부가 대학 학부로 통합되었다. 1990년대 이후 대학은 많은 변화를 겪게 되는데, 특히 1992년 ‘계속ㆍ고등교육법’에 의해 파트타임 성인학생의 비중이 높은 폴리테크닉이 대학으로 승격되고, 자격증 및 대학교육 지향의 교육프로그램이 집중 지원되면서 직업주의적 경향이 강화되었다. 또한 평생학습사회 실현을 위한 대학 개혁의 청사진을 제시한 「디어링 보고서」(1997)의 폭넓은 대학 개혁 방안들은 이후 백서인 「고등교육의 미래」(2003)와 「고등교육법」(2004)에 큰 영향을 미쳤다. 이러한 맥락에서 대학 개혁 정책이 어떻게 성인학생 등 다양한 비전통적 학생층의 참여를 촉진하고, 평생학습을 위한 산학협력 및 지역 사회의 연계를 강화하기 위한 대학의 역할을 강조하는지 분석하였다.   This article explores historically how university adult education has changed from the university extension movement to adult continuing education and lifelong learning in the UK since the 1870s. In particular, it examines the characteristics of higher education reform policies and regulations for lifelong learning, focusing on the "openness of university structure" and "diversity of student composition".<BR>  The Great tradition of liberal adult education in universities changed into adult continuing education with the experience of economic crisis in the early 1980s, and the extra mural department was integrated into a part of the university. By the Further and Higher Education Act of 1992, the polytechnics became universities and the government focused on the support of vocational and certificate-oriented programs. In addition, the Dearing Report(1997) proposed comprehensive higher education reform proposals in preparing for a learning society. The White Paper, the "Future of Higher Education", proposed a "Graduate Contribution Scheme" along with several HEIs" reform proposals including teaching and learning. It was followed by the Higher Education Act of 2004 introducing the "Graduate Contribution Scheme" after controversial debates in the Parliament. In conclusion, lifelong learning policies have emphasized social cohesion as well as economic development since New Labour government came to power in 1997. As a result, universities have played a role in promoting the participation of non-traditional students in higher education and strengthening the relationship between higher education and regional communities including industries.

      • KCI등재후보

        영국의 평생학습체제 구축에 대한 법·제도적 고찰 - 학습, 고용, 생활세계의 연계체계를 중심으로 -

        최상덕(Choi Sang-Duk) 한국평생교육학회 2005 평생교육학연구 Vol.11 No.3

        영국의 평생학습체제 구축은 1980년대부터 제도화된 이래 90년대 중반이후 본격화되며, 집권 정당에 따라 정책의 초점에 있어서 다소 차이가 있다. 즉, 보수당 정부는 경쟁력 강화를 위해 기업주도의 정책을 우선시한 반면, 1997년 노동당의 집권 이후에는 경제 성장과 사회통합을 동시에 추구하면서 상대적으로 파트너십과 네트워킹이 정책적으로 강조된다. 이러한 관점에서 평생학습 체제의 구축 과정을 정책이 수립되는 상황적 맥락 속에서 법, 제도를 중심으로 분석하였다. 이를 위해 법, 제도 고찰을 위한 비교 분석적 틀을 제시하였다. 그리고 역사상 처음으로 노동당이 재집권하는 데 기여한 평생학습정책을 크게 5가지 축을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 즉, 국가 수준의 평생학습 체계의 구축, 연계를 위한 프로토콜의 개발, 직업 및 자격과 연관된 계속교육의 확대, 평생학습을 위한 기초학습능력의 강조, 평생학습 파트너 간의 네트워킹을 위한 추진축 설립이 어떻게 연관되고 평생학습 체제의 구축으로 발전하는가에 초점을 맞추었다. This article explores how the lifelong learning system has evolved in the UK since the 1970s. It examines the characteristics of the lifelong learning framework and driving mechanism on the basis of analysing policies and the modes of regulation of lifelong learning. In this regard, the network model of lifelong learning is compared with four different international models, in order to explain the characteristics of the lifelong learning system in the UK. The analysis of the UK system is focused on a qualifications framework, the expansion of further education, and the Learning and Skills Council(LSC). In addition, the Third Way of the Labour government is discussed in relation to lifelong learning policies. More important, this paper examines the importance of five key factors in building the lifelong learning system in the UK. The five factors are the lifelong learning framework at the national level, protocol for networking, expansion of further education in relation to job training and qualifications, basic literacy education for lifelong learning, and launch of driving force for networking between learning partners. Finally, the paper stresses the importance of the government's coordination and the partnership between stake-holders in developing the lifelong learning system in Korea.

      • 가막만 양식굴의 대량폐사에 관한 연구 Ⅱ. 부착생물 및 납작벌레

        최상덕(Choi Sang Duk),김성연(Kim Sung Youn) 전남대학교 수산과학연구소 1999 수산과학연구소논문집 Vol.8 No.-

        Fouling organisms and flatworms have been investigated at mass mortality of oyster, Crassostrea gigas in Kamark Bay. Mean mortality of oyster were 76.85% (75.4~78.4%) in inner (st. 10, 11) of Kamark Bay, 23.61% (9.6~43.6%) outer (st. 1~4, 7~9) of Kamark Bay, and 54.7% (49.0~60.4%) in Baekdo (st. 5, 6), respectively. At surrounded oyster farm area, temperature and salinity were 1.5℃ and 0.0003 higher from August to september in 1996 than ordinary year (1990~1995). fouling organisms of oyster culturing beds such as Mytilus edulis, Balanus sp., Styela sp., Caprella kroeyeri, Tropiometra afra macrodiscus and Actiniidae were much in quantity(1~5 individuals per collector). And more organism malignant to oyster culture such as Stylochus sp. were found especially in all stations(3~43 individuals per hanging rope). Number of Stylochus sp. in Baekdo (st. 5, 6) and inner Kamark Bay(st. 10, 11) ranged 21~43 individuals per hanging rope. This suggests that the mass mortality of cultivated oyster is caused by aqua-farm environment and flatworms.

      • 갯강구, Ligia exotica의 번식생태에 관한 생물학적 기초연구

        최상덕(Choi Sang Duk),이영숙(Young Suk Lee),라성주(Sung Ju Rha),윤호섭(Ho Seop Yoon),정형택(Hyung Taik Jung) 전남대학교 수산과학연구소 1999 수산과학연구소논문집 Vol.8 No.-

        Ligia exotica was sampled from coast of Yosu, Korea. And it has been reared for 4 months in the laboratory. At copulation of Ligia exotica, adult male rode on female’s back and copulating was continued for 24hr. In copulated female, ventral side from 4th thoracic segment was changed white, fertilized eggs were developed at marsupium after copulating. The period when female possess the eggs is about 30 days and then it was hatched. Newly hatched juvenile was morphologically adult. In copulating, male’s size is higher than that of female, the larger female’s size is, the much more egg’s number is.

      • 가막만에서 살포식 및 수하식 양식에 따른 피조개(Scapharca broughtonii)의 성장과 생존율

        최상덕(Sang Duk CHOI),김양섭(Yang Seop KIM),우찬열(Chan Yeoul Woo),이용한(Yong Han LEE),조주현(Ju Houn Jo),김두용(Doo Yong KIM),최규정(Kyu Jung CHOE) 전남대학교 수산과학연구소 2000 수산과학연구소논문집 Vol.9 No.-

        A hanging and bottom culture experiment of ark shells, Scapharca broughtonii, one of the edible clams, was carried out in Kamark Bay of southern of Korea to find the state of growth and any problems which influence them from May to December 1999. At sampling station, water temperature, specific gravity, pH, DO, PO₄-P, DIN and COD were 10.2~25.8℃, 1.0200~1.0262, 7.71~8.94㎎/ℓ, 0.001~0.015㎎/ℓ, 0.006~0.074㎎/ℓ and 0.40~2.03㎎/ℓ, respectively. And the habitat sediment was composed of mud. Seed shells at an average length of 2.2mm(1.4~3.1mm), height of 1.2mm(0.7~1.3mm) were planted on bottom and hanging May 1999. The growth rate of seeds in bottom was batter then in hanging. For seven months, an average shell length, shell height, shell breadth, total weight of ark shells cultured in hanging attained to 41.9mm, 32.2mm, 24.5mm and 18.9g, respectively. And an average shell length, shell height, shell breadth, total weight of ark shells cultured in bottom were gained to 63.6mm, 49.6mm, 40.3mm and 67.5g, respectively. It showed that the state of growth was favorable. But the survival rate of seeds in hanging(61.5%) was batter then in bottom(83.7%).

      • 개불, urechis unicinctus의 생식주기에 따른 아미노산 변화

        최상덕(Sang Duk CHOI),김호진(Ho Jin KIM),라성주(Sung Ju RHA),주용석(Yong Seok Ju),정관식(Kwan Sik JEONG),이원교(Won Kyu LEE),신태선(Tae Sun SHIN) 전남대학교 수산과학연구소 2000 수산과학연구소논문집 Vol.9 No.-

        In order to evaluate the marine mollusc as foodstuff not only from the biochemical aspect but also from the view point of food science, we have analyzed the protein and amino compositions of the Urechis unicinctus on reproductive cycle. We sampled Urechis unicinctus from January te June, 1999 in Yosu. Urechis unicinctus’s muscle contained about 12.95~16.63% of protein, 0.01~0.47% of fat, 78.93~83.41% of moisture and 2.59~3.48% of ash. The total amino acid compositions change in the muscle of Urechis unicinctus was found to be very similar reproductive cycle of Urechis unicinctus. The major amino acid of Urechis unicinctus’s muscle protein was glutamic acid, glycine, alanine, leucine, and asparactic acid in order.

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