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      • KCI등재

        중세 일본의 천주교 선교와 신 개념의 수용에 관한 연구

        조재국(Jai-Kook Cho) 연세대학교 신과대학(연합신학대학원) 2012 신학논단 Vol.68 No.-

        This article aims to analyze the characters of Jesuit Christian mission and the acceptance of the concept of deity in Japanese middle age. In particular, the history of Japanese Kirisitan indicates how to accept the concept of Christian God to Japanese in Kirisitan community and how to accommodate Christian God and Japanese religious gods. At first, we analyzed the process of introducing the concept of Christian God to Japanese people in order to understand characters of Japanese acceptance of Christianity by the relationship with Japanese traditional religions. At the latter, we revealed the characters of practice and belief in Kirisitan communities of Ikitsuki and Urakami which had molded two different characters under long religious persecution by Japanese Shogunates. After 400 years persecution, Ikitsuki community was not recognized as Christian community even if Urakami community was permitted as Christian community by Roman Catholic Church at 18 century. The first Jesuit missionaries had taken thousands of Christians in a short time through conversion of Samurais due to admiration of Japanese traditional and life cultures. Unfortunately, the their accommodative method could not adjust to the biblical education as core contents of Jesuit mission. Jesuit missionaries had to make Japanese understand the concept of monotheistic God in Christianity against their syncretic tradition of religious pluralism and polytheism. Japanese scholars insisted that God of Jesuit Christianity was appeared as a temporary appearance of Buddha by Bonjisujuk theory which means Buddha’s accommodation to local gods in various religions. However, Kirisitan members believed God in Christianity as the Creator or the Governor over the other things. Therefore, they thought to suffer martyrdom as possible as sacrifice for God. To willingly suffer martyrdom of Kirisitan members might be from the attitudes of Samurais in Japanese traditional ethic. Todays, we could seek the two different characters from the cases of Ikitsuki community and Urakami community in Nagasaki prefecture. The two communities had to pretend to be Japanese religious communities by usage of the symbols of Buddhist or the rites of Shinto shrine so that the concept of God might make an amendment to the concept of Japanese traditional gods. They pretended worship to Tea ceremony and work for district leader of members to the head of village residents. Ikitsuki community members thought those kinds of amendment as a method to keep their belief of Christianity. They handed down Geredo(Creed) very well even though they did not take Conchirisan (confession) as a condition of redemption in Christianity, which might be from Japanese traditional religions without confession. At least, the symbols and images to express the belief in Ikitsuki community as a statue of St. Mary had been amended as traditional fetishism which could be seek from holy things as possession of Anima(Spirit) during long persecution period. However, Urakami community members handed down the monotheism of Christian belief according to rituals as the baptism and the confession even to pretend traditional religious rituals in the villages. Recently, Ikitsuki community members handed down their amended Christian calendar according to lunar calendar of agricultural villages or see villages in Japan so that scholars might take argument on an indigenous theme from the cases of two different Kirisitan communities. This article aims to analyze the characters of Jesuit Christian mission and the acceptance of the concept of deity in Japanese middle age. In particular, the history of Japanese Kirisitan indicates how to accept the concept of Christian God to Japanese in Kirisitan community and how to accommodate Christian God and Japanese religious gods. At first, we analyzed the process of introducing the concept of Christian God to Japanese people in order to understand characters of Japanese acceptance of Christianity by the relationship with Japanese traditional religions. At the latter, we revealed the characters of practice and belief in Kirisitan communities of Ikitsuki and Urakami which had molded two different characters under long religious persecution by Japanese Shogunates. After 400 years persecution, Ikitsuki community was not recognized as Christian community even if Urakami community was permitted as Christian community by Roman Catholic Church at 18 century. The first Jesuit missionaries had taken thousands of Christians in a short time through conversion of Samurais due to admiration of Japanese traditional and life cultures. Unfortunately, the their accommodative method could not adjust to the biblical education as core contents of Jesuit mission. Jesuit missionaries had to make Japanese understand the concept of monotheistic God in Christianity against their syncretic tradition of religious pluralism and polytheism. Japanese scholars insisted that God of Jesuit Christianity was appeared as a temporary appearance of Buddha by Bonjisujuk theory which means Buddha’s accommodation to local gods in various religions. However, Kirisitan members believed God in Christianity as the Creator or the Governor over the other things. Therefore, they thought to suffer martyrdom as possible as sacrifice for God. To willingly suffer martyrdom of Kirisitan members might be from the attitudes of Samurais in Japanese traditional ethic. Todays, we could seek the two different characters from the cases of Ikitsuki community and Urakami community in Nagasaki prefecture. The two communities had to pretend to be Japanese religious communities by usage of the symbols of Buddhist or the rites of Shinto shrine so that the concept of God might make an amendment to the concept of Japanese traditional gods. They pretended worship to Tea ceremony and work for district leader of members to the head of village residents. Ikitsuki community members thought those kinds of amendment as a method to keep their belief of Christianity. They handed down Geredo(Creed) very well even though they did not take Conchirisan (confession) as a condition of redemption in Christianity, which might be from Japanese traditional religions without confession. At least, the symbols and images to express the belief in Ikitsuki community as a statue of St. Mary had been amended as traditional fetishism which could be seek from holy things as possession of Anima(Spirit) during long persecution period. However, Urakami community members handed down the monotheism of Christian belief according to rituals as the baptism and the confession even to pretend traditional religious rituals in the villages. Recently, Ikitsuki community members handed down their amended Christian calendar according to lunar calendar of agricultural villages or see villages in Japan so that scholars might take argument on an indigenous theme from the cases of two different Kirisitan communities.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        『개역개정』 신약에서 번역어로서 ‘말미암다’의 통사론적, 의미론적 적합성 검토(2)

        조재천(Jaecheon Cho) 한국복음주의신약학회 2020 신약연구 Vol.19 No.1

        국어 어휘로서 ‘말미암다’를 역사언어학적, 의미론적, 형태론적, 통사론적으로 고찰하고 『개역개정』(1998)과 『개역한글』(1961) 신약에서 ‘말미암다 용례의 형태, 상응하는 원문 어구별 빈도를 비교, 분석했던 이전 연구에 이어서, 이 연구에서는 『개역개정』 신약의 말미암다 가 사용된 문장 예순 두 개를 선정해서 각 용례가 표현하는 의미 범주를 여덟 개로 나누어 검토하고 그 모호성과 다의성을 개선하는 대안적 번역을 제시했다. 그 범주들과 대안적 번역어들은 다음과 같다: 궁극적 수행자( ~에 의해[서] ); 신적 소명부여의 근거( ~에 근거해서 ); 매개적 수행자( ~을/를 통해[서] ); 도구, 수단, 방법( ~[으]로[써] , ~을/를 통해[서] ); 이유, 원인 또는 근거( ~때문에 , ~에 근거해서 ); 목적 또는 이익( ~을/을 위해[서] ); 책망이나 자랑의 내용(‘~에 대해’); 기원, 출처( ~[으]로부터 [나온] ); 그리고 대리( ~을/를 대신해서 ), 자격( ~의 권능으로 ), 설명( ~[이]라는 , ~ 곧 ~ ). Based on the preceding portion of this study, this study demonstrates that the semantic range of mal-mi-am-da in the New Testament of NKRV is too wide and ambiguous to differentiate various meanings of various Greek prepositional and adverbial phrases. As an illustration sixty two sentences which contain mal-mi-am-da with various meanings are selected from NKRV. Each usage of mal-mi-am-da is analyzed based on the syntax, etymology, and the theological contexts of their Greek originals and then classified into nine semantic categories: direct or ultimate agent, foundation of apostolic calling, indirect or intermediate agent, instrument or means, cause or ground, purpose or interest, reasons of reproof or boasting, source, representation, credential, and epexegetical function. For each category, an alternative translation is proposed to replace the ambiguous and even misleading mal-mi-am-da.

      • KCI등재

        상업 스포츠시설 이용자의 시설만족도에 미치는 영향

        조재기(Jae Ki Cho),김경두(Kyung Doo Kim) 한국사회체육학회 1997 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.7 No.-

        We made a research on the sports consumers who use the swimming pools(18 spots), golf training courses(40 spots), bowling alleys(53 spots), health spas(7 spots), aerobics gyms(7 spots) in Teagu and tried to find out the motives and reasons why they use these facilities, their geographical and environmental conditions, the human relationship within the facilities, the degrees of satisfaction using the facilities. The results of the reseach are as follows. 1. The highest degree of facility satisfaction is revealed in the sports consumers who are under high school graduates, in schooling, under 5 years, in the execution (practice) of present sports, 「under 3 years」 in the use of present facilities, 「golf」 in the kinds of sports, and 「families」 in the sports informers. 2. The priority order of the factors which affect the satisfaction of sports facilities is like these. 「the reason for using present facilities」, 「the motives of selecting present sports」, 「sports imformers」, 「the distance to the facilities」, 「the time schedule of using facilities」 and 「the extra monthly expenses in sports activies」.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        일본 공공도서관 지역정보 디지털아카이브 콘텐츠 분석

        조재인(Jane Cho) 인문사회과학기술융합학회 2018 예술인문사회융합멀티미디어논문지 Vol.8 No.3

        일본에서는 지방 분권이 강화되면서 지역정보화 및 향토문화콘텐츠 개발을 통한 공동체 소통의 거 점으로서 공공도서관이 중요한 역할을 담당하게 되었다. 본 연구는 일본 공공도서관의 지역정보 서비 스와 지역정보 디지털아카이브 운영 현황을 이해해 보며, 실제 지역정보 디지털 아카이브가 활성화된 35개 공공도서관을 대상으로 구축된 콘텐츠의 유형을 분석하였다. 구체적으로 도서관 아카이브에 소 장된 콘텐츠를 15개의 종으로 범주화하고 각 아카이브를 대상으로 콘텐츠의 소장 유무를 이항 변수 (Binary Data)로 식별한 후 이를 활용하여 도서관 아카이브를 군집화 하였다. 또한 아카이브 군집과 콘텐츠 종간의 연관성을 시각화하기 위하여 대응일치 분석(Correspondence Analysis)을 통해 저차원 지도에 플롯팅(Plotting)하였다. 그 결과 많은 유형의 일본 공공도서관 지역정보 아카이브가 귀중본, 민화/그림, 고지도를 주요 콘텐츠로 다루고 있는 것으로 분석되었으며, 지적도, 행정자료를 포함해 다 양한 지역정보 콘텐츠를 망라하는 아카이브의 숫자는 상대적으로 많지 않은 것으로 분석되었다. In Japan, as the decentralization is strengthened, public libraries play an important role as a base for community communication through the development of local information and local cultural contents. This study examined the status of regional information service and digital information archive in Japan through literature review, and analyzed the types of digital contents of the 35 public libraries. Specifically, the contents of local information archives were categorized into 15 species, and the archives were classified into four clusters by hierarchical cluster analysis according to the collected species of contents. This study also visualized associations between clusters and content types by plotting them on a low dimensional map through Correspondence Analysis. As a result, many Japanese public library local information archives are mainly dealing with valuable books, folk paintings / drawings, and old maps as content, and the number of archives covering various contents including such as cadastral maps and administrative documents is relatively small.

      • KCI등재

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