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        선거연령 하향 조정과 정치교육의 과제

        조상식(Cho, Sang-Sik) 한독교육학회 2020 교육의 이론과 실천 Vol.25 No.1

        2019년 12월 국회는 만 18세 이상으로 선거연령을 하향 조정하는 공직선거법을 개정하였다. 이 법의 개정을 둘러싸고 정치권에서는 특유의 ‘선거 공학적’ 이해득실을 따지며 다양한 찬반논리가 있었다. 특히 신규 유권자에 고3 재학생이 일부 포함되면서 학교현장에 다양한 문제가 있을 것이라는 지적이 대두되었다. 이에 논문은 고등학교 재학생의 선거 행위와 관련한 교육학적 주제 영역이 정치교육이라는 가치교육의 영역이라고 규정하고, 18세 선거연령을 둘러싼 정치 교육적 쟁점을 다루고 있다. 이를 위해 논문은 정치교육의 모범적인 사례로 평가되는 독일의 ‘보이텔스바흐 협약’의 의미와 한계를 평가하고 향후 우리의 정치교육에서 고려해야 할 문제와 올바른 정치교육을 정착시키기 위한 방안을 제시하였다. 결국 정치교육은 문서화된 지식을 중심으로 행해지는 것이 아니며 사회의 다양한 제도에 학생들을 직접 참여하게 하고 활동하도록 하는 교육이 ‘건강한 삶을 위한 교육’임을 다시금 강조하고 있다. In December 2019, the National Assembly revised the Public Election Act, which lowered the age of elections to those over 18 years old. Around the revision of this law, there were various pros and cons of politics in pursuing a unique election engineering loss and gain. In particular, as new voters included some high school students, it was pointed out that there would be a variety of problems at the school site. In this paper, the pedagogical themes area related to the election participation of high school students is defined as the value education area of political education, and it deals with political and educational issues surrounding the 18-year-old election age. To this end, the thesis evaluated the meaning and limitations of the German Beutelsbach’s Convention, which is considered as a good example of political education, and presented problems to be considered in our political education in the future and a strategy to establish correct political education. In the end, political education is not based on documented knowledge, and it is emphasized again that education should have students engage and take an action in various systems of society. This is nothing more than education for a healthy life.

      • KCI등재

        교육철학의 연구주제로서 ‘肉體로의 復歸’

        조상식(Cho Sang Sik) 한독교육학회 2004 교육의 이론과 실천 Vol.9 No.1

        이 논문은 1970년 대 이래 서구 유럽의 교육철학 분야에서 ‘육체로의 복귀’라는 주제의 연구 흐름을 한국 교육학 분야에 소개하면서 아울러 그 연구가 보여준 교육철학적 함의와 쟁점들을 다루고 있다. 먼저 정신 개념에 비해 ‘육체’ 및 ‘신체’ 범주가 서구 인문ㆍ사회과학 분야에서 왜 홀대 받아왔는지에 대한 답을 문명화 과정의 필연적인 측면(생물학적-진화론적 설명과 사회사적 설명)과 합리적 이성을 강조하였던 서양철학의 전통의 결과라는 측면에서 찾을 수 있다. 한편 ‘육체로의 복귀’라는 주제는 다음과 같은 네 가지 지적 흐름에서 연구되고 있다. 1) 낭만주의 사조, 2) 현상학, 3) 미학교육론, 4) 신경생리학적(자연과학적) 접근이 그것이다. 이러한 연구 흐름은 근본적으로 인간 교육에서 육체와 정신의 통일성을 회복하라는 일종의 ‘통합전략’으로 이해되어야 한다. 또한 앞으로 인접 학문들과의 협동적인 연구를 통하여 ‘생산적인’ 해결 방안을 모색해야 한다. Im vorliegenden Aufsatz geht es darum, das Thema, ‘Wiederkehr des Körpers’, dasseit den siebziger Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts im Bereich derErziehungsphilosophie in den westeuropäischen Ländern studiert worden ist,vorzustellen und damit die daraus resultierenden Andeutungen bzw. Streitpunkte zuhandeln. Die Antwort dafür, warum westliche humanwissenschaftliche Bereiche dieKategorien wie ‘Körper’ und ‘Leib’ im Vergleich mit denjenigen wie ‘Geist’ und‘Seele’ vernachlässigt haben, kann man im folgenden herausfinden : 1. die notwendigePerspektive des zivilisationsprozesses(eine biologisch -evolutionstheoretische Erklärungund eine sozialhistorische), 2. die Betonung der rationalen Vernunft in der Traditionder westlichen Philosophie. Das Thema ‘Wiederkehr des Körpers’ ist in folgenden intellektuellen Strömungenstudiert worden : 1. Deutsche Romantik, 2. Philosophische Phänomenologie, 3.Ästhetische Bildung und 4. Neurophysiologie. In den vorigen drei Strömungenhandelt es um die Themen wie Wahrnehmung, Triebe, Empfindungen, Emotion usw..Im Gegensatz dazu bezieht sich die vierte auf die Gefahr, dass man das menschlicheBewusstsein zu vorschnell auf den physiologischen Grund reduzieren könnte. Folglich muss man diese Studie als solche eine ‘Integrationsstrategie’, die auf dieEinheit von Leib und Geist zielen sollte, begreifen. Außerdem muss man zukünftig dieinterdisziplinäre Forschung nicht ausschließen. Damit kann man die ‘produktiven’Auflösungen erwarten.

      • KCI등재

        윌리엄 제임스의 의식이론에 대한 학습 이론적 고찰 : 시간 개념을 중심으로

        조상식(Cho Sang Sik) 한독교육학회 2002 교육의 이론과 실천 Vol.7 No.1

        In dierser Abhandlung handelt es sich darum, die Einsicht des Zeitbegriffs, der in der Bewußtseins- bzw. Handlungstheorie von William James eine der wichtigsten Rollen spielt, von Standpunkt der Lerntheorie aus in Betracht zu ziehen. Dazu wurde sowohl die psychologische Definition des Zeitbegriffs, der in seinen frühen psychologischen Werken formuliert ist, als auch die metaphysische Definition, die in seinen späten Aufsätzen ununterbrochen auftritt, berücksichtigt. James’ Bewußtseinstheorie in seiner Psychologie, wie sie insbesondere in dem “Bewußtseinsstrom” oder “Feldtheorie des Bewußtseins” zeigt, charakterisiert sich als den Vorzug der Kontinuität menschlichen Erfahrungsprozesses und der wahrnehmenden Dimension vor dem begrifflichen Denken. Indem sich in seiner späten Metaphysik die Unmöglichkeit der sprachlichen Annäherung an die Erfahrung selbst philosophisch spitzt, werden seine Bewußtseinstheorie aber mit den den traditionell-erkenntnistheoretischen Schemata entgegentretenden Thesen angefüllt. Beispielsweise ist der “Radikale Empirismus”, der James’ späte Metaphysik bzw. Kosmologie resümiert, eine Doktrin, die die wahrnehmende(“perceptual”) Dimension vor der Trennung zwischen Erkennendem und Erkanntem ‘analytisch’ greift und formuliert. Damit betont James, daß menschliche Erfahrung grundsätzlich weniger auf dem logisch-abstrakten Denken als auf dem unmittelbaren Wahrnehmen beruht, und daß das menschliche Bewußtsein von vornherein die gefühlbezogenen Elemente begleitet. James’ Bewußtseinstheorie hat einige lerntheoretische Implikationen wie folgt : Vor allem die Kontinuität und Prozedualität menschlicher Erfahrung, deren Bedeutungen sich seiner Bewußtseinstheorie entnehmen läßt, deutet hin, daß wir uns lernpraktisch für den Erfahrungsprozeß des Lernenden selbst interessieren soll. Einerseits hat sie den Schwachpunkt, daß man nur die ‘passiven’ lerntheoretischen Strategien über den Lernprozeß in sich vorhaben muß, da dieser sprachlich nicht zugänglich ist. Nicht zuletzt ist es tatsächlich theoretisch paradox, die Unbeschreibbarkeit des Prozeßes begrifflich so und so zu formulieren. Andererseits trägt James’ Bewußtseinstheorie dazu bei, den vorschnellen Versuch der technologischen Modellierung des Phänomens des Lernens zu kritisieren. Darin bewahrt sich der kontinuierliche Prozeß der kindlichen Erfahrung und zugleich wird die Vorsorge für die vom Lernenden selber aktiv gestaltete Lernumgebung zu einer pädagogisch-praktischen Hauptaufgabe. In solchem Sinne ist das von Hoffmann entworfene Lernmodell bedeutungsvoll. Lerntheoretisch zeigt die psychologische Tradition über die Zusammenhang zwischen der Handlung und der Wahrnehmung, deren theoretische Schwerpunkt bei Wundt, James, Mead und Dewey übereinstimmend auftritt, daß das freiwillige Handeln des Lernenden eine zentrale Kategorie zur überwindung der Dichotomie zwischen dem Lernenden und dem Wissen ist. Während die spontane bzw. freiwillige Handlung in den traditionell-mechanistischen Handlungstheorien aussschlißlich als die zeitliche Vor-Nach-Beziehung betrachtet worden ist, setzen die Konzeption des antizipatorischen Handelns und das von Hoffmann aufgebaute Lernmechanismus “der verhaltenssteuernden Antizipation” den physiologischen Grund der Wahnehmungsvorstellung voraus, die ein bestimmtes Handeln auslöst. Dadurch macht dies klar, daß das menschliche Handeln anfänglich den wahrnehmenden Ursprung der antizipatorischen Handlung enthält. Daher liegt die Bedeutung des Lernens in dem Erwerb der Gesetzmäßigkeit, d.h. Bildung der Begriffe, die sich in dem Verbindungsverhältnis zwischen dem anfänglichen Handlungsentwurf und seinem realen Ergebnis differnziert und entwickelt. In diesem Punkt ist das Lernen im Anpassungsprozeß des Organismus an Umwelt begr&uu

      • 종합물류기업의 브랜드 이미지 전략

        조상리 ( Cho Sang-lee ),윤지근 ( Yoon Ji-keun ),강명주 ( Kang Myong-ju ) 동의대학교 경제경영전략연구소 2013 經濟經營硏究 Vol.8 No.1

        Due to fierce competition from domestic and international logistics companies, including global logistics company, logistics market has grown every year. In addition, logistics market grows also remarkable development of the state-of-the-art IT industry has been the catalyst. Therefore, they are being prepared for a variety of ways to win in the competition. To propose to contribute to improving the competitiveness of the logistics company, this study examine to leverage the brand image strategy of differentiated ways to win in the competition between the logistics company for the purpose. Case study of brand image strategy of global logistics company for the preceding cases and investigations by identifying the correlation between the importance and necessity of the brand image strategy is an important alternative to the ways of differentiating logistics company logistics company`s brand image laid the foundation of the strategy was to. In summary, the results of this study can be summarized as follows. Strategy to survive in the global competition, brand image of logistics companies is an essential tool for active investors must. To, conduct a variety of brand management for brand image management and marketing activities, logistics company should be actively conducted. Logistics company should build a brand image and then brand image and the appropriate level of customer service should be provided. Brand image strategy can be great help to the success of a logistics company.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KSLV-I 나로호의 발사체 안전 관리

        조상연(Sang Yeon Cho),신명호(Myung Ho Shin),오승협(Seung Hyup Oh),김영목(Young Mok Kim) 한국항공우주연구원 2010 항공우주기술 Vol.9 No.2

        KSLV-I 나로호는 대한민국 최초의 위성발사체로 러시아와 공동개발 되었다. 2009년 8월에 이루어진 1차 발사는 위성을 궤도로 올리려는 목표 달성에는 실패하였지만 발사를 안전 관점에서 보았을 때는 사고 없이 안전하게 이루어졌다. 2010년 6월의 2차 발사에서도 인명이나 시설 손상과 같은 사고는 없었다. 이러한 안전한 발사를 이루기 위하여 우주발사체 사업단은 흐루니체프사와의 협력을 통해 발사체 안전 프로그램을 개발한 바 있다. 본 논문에서는 안전 관리 프로그램에 속해있는 각종 분석들과 그 내용들을 소개하고자 한다. KSLV-I, a.k.a. Naro is the 1st Korean satellite launch vehicle, which was launched at Naro space center by Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) in AUG. 2009, and JUN. 2010. Although the missions of 1st and 2nd launch of KSLV-I - inject the space craft into the designated orbit - were not successful, safety of launch vehicle was accomplished through the cooperation with the Russian partner Khrunichev Space Research and Production Center (KhSC). Both parties co-developed the safety management program to ensure launch safety. In this paper, the analysis and contents of safety program are illustrated.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 해고구제의 방법과 절차

        조상균(Cho, Sang-Kyun) 한국비교노동법학회 2016 노동법논총 Vol.38 No.-

        This study has been conducted with the purposes of introducing the contents and the status of the Labor Adjudication System in Japan, which has been in effect for more than 10 years, and of evaluating the possible lessons from the Japanese system for Korea, by analyzing several issues currently debated under the Japanese system. The Japanese Labor Adjudication System refers to the system implemented under the Labor Adjudication Act, enacted April 1, 2006, with the purpose of speedy and fair adjudication of individual labor disputes by the court. This system has been implemented and put into use very fast, and been praised by Japanese practitioners and parties to labor issues as one of the most successful systems created by the legal system reform efforts. However, despite theses extremely positive reviews in Japan, it is still true that this system has its fair share of problems. Specifically, although this is a system introduced as an adjudication system by the court, there has been a tendency to resolve the disputes through monetary awards, rather than through declaration of rights and obligations based on the law, while emphasizing that this is a system designed to provide flexible solutions on a case by case basis. These so-called flexible solutions that are not based on legal concepts, the author believes, are somewhat contrary to the notion of law as justice, especially in cases of wrongful termination where there is a close connection to the worker’s life. In Korea, there have been some efforts to introduce the European style labor court as a vehicle to resolve individual disputes. As such, Korea should pay a close attention to these problems identified in this paper.

      • KCI등재

        TAP(Think-Aloud Protocol)에 나타난 일한번역학습자의 번역 성향

        조상은(Cho Sang eun) 한국통번역교육학회 2004 통번역교육연구 Vol.2 No.1

        This study aims to look into the translation process of Japanese Korean student translators utilizing a Think-Aloud Protocol method. The process-oriented translation studies started to gain attention only recently because of the lack of an adequate methodology to perform them. Despite few of the limitations it may entail, TAP is currently the most efficient and reliable method acknowledged by scholars to tap into the translation process. In addition, TAP method allows the use of a large scale of data to analyze what goes on inside the brains of translators the so-called black box while translating. For the TAP study, seven second-year students studying at the GSIT of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies were chosen as the subjects. The data analysis included collecting TAP tapes, transcribing them, and analyzing the contents to find out whether a general tendency can be detected in the translation process. The TAP tapes reveal some of the difficulties commonly experienced by the student translators during the translation process as well as the strategies adopted to overcome them. One of the significant findings is that the subjects showed heavy reliance on the Internet to research for solutions while translating. The translators resorted to the Internet to research for many Korean expressions, to check the availability of the Target Language counterparts and collocation. The findings show that emphasis should be placed on teaching ways to devise adequate translation skills and strategies during translation education, particularly, not only at microscopic level but also at macroscopic level. Students should also be taught that the Internet can serve as a reference only and be trained to see its limitations as well as the potential utility.

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