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정영대,이희제 한국물리학회 2013 새물리 Vol.63 No.4
We review the Kramers-Kronig relations in the view of causality in electrodynamics. We show that the Landau damping of plasma waves can be derived from the Kramers-Kronig relations. Thus, collisionless damping is traced to causality. An alternative derivation of the Kramers-Kronig relations without the use of analytic continuation but with a direct use of the causal requirement is presented. Kramers-Kronig 관계식을 전자기학에서의 인과법칙의 관점에서 다시돌아보고, 플라스마 파동의 Landau 감쇠가 Kramers-Kronig 관계식으로부터 유도될 수 있음을 보였다. 따라서 플라스마 파동의무충돌 감쇠 (collisionless damping)의 근원적 원인이 인과법칙으로소급될 수 있음을 밝히었다. 해석적연장 (analytic continuation)의논리를 쓰지 않고 인과 법칙을 직접 사용하여 Kramers-Kronig 관계식을유도하는 한 가지 방법을 제시하였다.
정영대,최정준 영산대학교 동양문화연구원 2022 동양문화연구 Vol.37 No.-
Jeongjo was the 22nd king of Chosun, and history evaluates him as a reformer and cultural monarch. This thesis aims to examine King Jeongjo's view of the I-Ching in his life and politics and how he applies the I-Ching to real politics, focusing on Hong Jae-jeon's lecture. King Jeongjo considered the composition and existence form of I-Ching as Lee理-Shu數-Shang象-Zhem占, and said that I-Ching's process is to "watch Shang, to review Zhem, calculate Shu, and reveal Lee." This series of processes is declared as the 'Bridge of I-Ching'. King Jeongjo declares the four codes in the order of Lee-Shu-Shang-Zhem, but in the I-Ching method, he takes a circular structure that returns to Lee after watch Shang, to review Zhem, and calculate Shu. King Jeongjo expressed the dialectical process of recognition and practice, which is the recognition of higher role through the recognition and practice of role, as a 'Bridge of I-Ching'. King Jeongjo figure out the fundamental principle of I-Ching, which is confrontation and change between yin and yang, and recognizes I-Ching as not only an abstract law but also a specific principle of practice. King Jeongjo saw the reason why I-Ching of Chu Hsi became the representative of Sa辭-Byun變-Shang象-Zhem점 was because it had the content and logical structure of Lee-Shu-Shang-Zhem. He consider the real integration of Sangsu and Uili only when Lee-Shu-Shang-Zhem's logical system was established in its contents, not just adjusting the simple quantities. King Jeongjo was well-informed in Zhem and acknowledged that there was a realm of God beyond human reason in Zhem. King Jeongjo clearly distinguished Zhem from sorcery because Zhem contained rational judgment. 정조는 조선의 22대 왕으로서 역사는 정조를 개혁군주 문화군주로 평가한다. 본 논문은 정조의 삶과 정치에 周易이 어떠한 자리매김을 하고 있는지와 그가 현실정치에 어떻게 주역을 적용하고 있는지 알아보기 위한 전제로서 정조의 기본적인 주역관을 홍재전서 「경사강의」를 중심으로 고찰해 보고자 한다. 정조는 역학의 구성 내지 역의 존재형식을 理⋅數⋅象⋅占으로 보고 역학의 중심 방법을 ‘象을 관찰하여 占을 검토하고 數를 다 계산하여 理致를 밝히는 것’이라 하며 이러한 일련의 과정을 ‘易學의 橋梁’이라고 선언하고 있다. 정조는 네 강령을 理⋅數⋅象⋅占의 순서로 선언하고 있지만, 역학 방법에 있어서는 象관찰-占검토-數계산 후 다시 理致로 돌아가는 巡還構造를 취한다. 이같이 정조는 역리의 인식과 실천, 실천을 통한 더 높은 역리의 인식이라는 인식과 실천의 변증법적 과정을 ‘역학의 교량’이라고 표현한 것이다. 정조는 주역을 추상적인 법칙뿐만 아니라 구체적 실천원리로 보았다. 정조는 朱子의 易이 우뚝하게 辭⋅變⋅象⋅占의 주역이 된 이유를 理⋅數⋅象⋅占의 내용과 논리 구조를 갖추었기 때문으로 보았다. 그는 象數易과 義理易의 통합을 단순히 병렬적인 상수와 의리의 분량을 조절하는 문제가 아니라 그 내용에 있어 理⋅數⋅象⋅占의 논리체계가 갖추어져야 진정한 상수와 의리의 통합이라고 보는 것이다. 정조는 占에 능통하였고 占에 인간의 이성을 초월한 神의 영역이 있음을 인정하였다. 그러나 그는 역리를 벗어나 길흉을 추단하는 術數와는 분명히 구별하였다.
웃음을 꽃피우는 협회 - 건강한 기업을 찾아라! - 광주정부통합전산센터 건강 빨간불을 꺼주는 건강관리지원센터
정영대,Jeong, Yeong-Dae 한국건강관리협회 2011 건강소식 Vol.35 No.2
광주정부통합전산센터(센터장 이우철)는 지난 2009년 6월 한국건강관리협회 광주 전남지부와 업무협약(MOU) 체결을 맺고 만성성인질환 예방 관리, 금연클리닉 등으로 건강한 센터를 만들어가고 있다. 지난 1월 18일 철저한 보안으로 둘러싸인 광주정부통합전산센터를 직접 방문했다.
정영대,이현옥,송민영,Jung, Young-Dae,Lee, Hyun-Ok,Song, Min-Young 대한물리치료과학회 2009 대한물리치료과학회지 Vol.16 No.3
Background: To study the effect of the home exercise program on pain, flexibility, endurance of extensor in chronic back pain patients, and suggest optimal method for home exercise program. Methods: I divided into two groups who has chronic back pain; one is control group who was given a treatment at the hospital only and the other is experimental group who did another exercise after treatment at the hospital, and there were 10 people in each group. The manual therapy were given to all the patients in each group after applying a stupe and an electric treatment, but the experimental group conducted another exercise program at homes. All the exercise programs were applied to patients 12 times for 4 weeks totally. Result: SPSS for win version 12 was used for statistic analysis and independent t-test was used to find changes between two groups. VAS scale was used to show changes in pain between each group. The grade of pain was decreased between pre&post test to -5.60 in control group and -4.80 in experimental group but there wasn't significant difference between each group. Finger tip-to-floor test was used for the flexibility changes and it was increased between pre&post test in both groups but the change of flexibility between each groups didn't show statistical difference. Biering-Sorensen test was used to measure the endurance of extensor and it was increased between pre&post test in both groups but there wasn't significant difference between each group. Conclusion: As you read the results above, for a chronic low back pain patient, application of the manual therapy showed that it has effect on decrease of low back pain, increase of flexibility and endurance of extensor. However, the effect of home exercise treatment was not sure about improvements for chronic low back pain patient. So I think there should need further study about the effect of home exercise treatment except the treatments at hospital and the thorough education for the exercise of lumbar should be done before the study for the accurate experiment.