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      • KCI등재

        생리활성 펩타이드의 피부미용학적 특성 및 활용

        모상현(Sang Hyun Moh),정대현(Dai Hyun Jung),김형식(Hyoung Shik Kim),조문진(Moon Jin Cho),서효현(Hyo Hyun Seo),김성준(Sung Jun Kim) 한국생물공학회 2011 KSBB Journal Vol.26 No.6

        Bioactive peptides (BAP) showed excellent cosmetic activity than bio-materials such as caffeic acid (CA), gallic acid (GA), and nicotinic acid (NA). Caffeoyl tripeptide-1 (CT-1) is a BAP that is stabilized with Gly-His-Lys (GHK) tripeptide and CA by using Fmoc solid phase peptide synthesis. Digalloyl tetrapeptide-19 (DT-19) is stabilized by combining Lys-Glu-Cys-Gly with GA and nicotinoyl tripeptide-1 (NT-1) is synthesized by GHK and NA. According to experiments, CT-1 has an excellent anti-oxidant function even with a very small amount of 10 ppm CT-1. DT-19’s tyrosinase inhibition activity has the better effect of about 28.57% in 0.01% and 33.33% in 0.005% of concentration and about 7.89% in 0.001% concentration than vitamin-C. In addition, NT-1 is safer than the NA. Almost BAPs like pal-KTTKS, acetyl hexapeptide, and copper tripeptide-1 have the anti-wrinkle effect while DT-19 and NT-1 are applicable for potential BAPs focused on the whitening effect. The three kinds of BAPs like CT-1, DT-19, and NT-1 consisting of amino acids are safe to the skin, and have more excellent stability than bio-materials which are found to be unstable and cause skin irritation. Due to the high biological activity of BAP in the field of skin care, its utilization will increase constantly.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 英語 聖經의 言語

        鄭大鉉 光云大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        This thesis has been written for helping all the scholars and students understand and grasp the English language better and appreciate English literature thoroughly through a competent knowledge of the Bible by studying the biblical English, since the Bible has not only influenced English literature so profoundly and broadly, but also dominated the cultural histories of English speaking nations so crucially. The thesis is composed of three main chapters: Chapter 1 is introduction, and Chapter 2, the Actual Influences of the Bible on the English Langauage-in words, phrases and expressions, and Chapter 3, Conclusion. In Chapter 2 deals with the Actual Influences of the Bible on the English Language in Word and Phrasal Level.' The Biblical English is generally thought as being of two kinds: One is the peculiar style in which the English Bilbes are written; the other is the style in which some writers influenced by the former wrote their works. Bunyan wrote 'The Pilgrim's Progress' in the Biblical English, thus it has wielded a great influence on the English Language and English literature. Proper nouns of persons' names and names of places in the Bible have been used as common nouns to express special meanings which suggest their background stories in the Bible. For example, 'Abigail' is originally the name of a woman which has been used as 'handmaid.' Its semantical origin has been studied to present several quotations from modern English in this comforter,' for instance, means one who, like job's friends, under the guise of administering comfort, aggravates distress. Thirty-seven words and phrases in all have been collected. In the last Chapter of the thesis, Conclusion, emphasis has been made on the indispensable and inevitable relation between the Bible and English literature, showing the quotations from the statistical point of view in Dictionary of English Quotations. The Bible 1.351 Old Testament (702) Apocrypha ( 8) New Testament (605) Prayer-Book (306) Shakespeare 773 Micellaneous 1,406 _____________________________________________________________ Total 3,170 These figures are clear evidence of the truth of the common saying that the English Bible tops the list of most frequently quoted books, immediately followed by the works of Shakespeare. It is true that the Bible is the word of God inspired by the Holy Spirit, not by the impulse of man, but there are many who read the Bible today without finding the word of God; it seems many people simply lack the ability of comprehending passages which they read-and some passages are far from being easy. The secret of innermost can only be revealed through the wisdom of the inspiration. "All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." (2Tim. 3:16-17)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Leuconostoc paramesenteroides의 내산성 변이주로의 개량과 starter로의 첨가 효과

        김영찬,정은영,김은해,정대현,이옥숙,권태종,강상모 한국산업미생물학회 1998 한국미생물·생명공학회지 Vol.26 No.2

        김치로부터 Leu. paramesenteroides의 야생균주 Pw를 분리하여 내산성 변이균주 P-100으로 개량하였다. 야생균주 Pw는 HCl로 조정한 pH 4.0이상에서부터 증식하였으며, 유기산 혼합용액으로 조정한 pH 4.0에서는 증식하지 못하였다. 변이균주 P-100은 HCl로 조정한 pH 3.8이상부터 증식하였으며, 유기산 혼합용액으로 조정한 pH 4.0에서부터 증식하였다. 내산성으로 개량한 변이균주 P-100과 야생균주 Pw를 starter로 김치에 첨가하여 10℃에서 발효시킨 결과를 보면, 무첨가군에 비해 야생균주 Pw 첨가군은 2.25배, 변이균주 P-100 첨가군은 2.67배 정도의 산패지연 효과를 나타내었다. 유기산 함량의 변화에서도 숙신산 및 아세트산 함량이 변이균주 P-100 첨가군과 야생균주 Pw 첨가군에서 무첨가군에 비해 상대적으로 높고, 젖산의 함량은 상대적으로 낮았다. 관능검사에 있어서 전체적인 기호도의 경우, 숙성 21일째 첨가군에서 무첨가군보다 매우 높은 기호도 점수(4.0)를 얻었다. 김치 발효 기간중 Leuconostoc 속 균수는 내산성 변이균주 P-100 첨가군, 야생균주 Pw 첨가군, 그리고 무첨가군의 순이였으며, Lactobaciluus 속 균수는 이와 반대를 보여 Lactobacillus 속 균이 생육억제됨을 확인하였다. 이상 젖산 발효균으로서 산 생성 수율이 낮고 풍미 향상에 기여할 수 있는 내산성 변이균주 Leu. paramesenteroides P-100을 starter로 첨가함으로써 발효말기까지 Lac. plantrum과 경쟁적으로 생육이 가능하여 김치 가식 기간의 연장과 함께 기호도가 증대되는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. The Leuconostoc paramesenteroides dominated at refrigeration temperature range was isolated from kimchi, and improved its growth properties by mutation for competative growth against Lactobacillus plantarum at lower pH. It was found that the minimal pH for the wild type Leuconostoc paramesenteroides Pw growth was pH 4.5 adjusted with HCI and pH 5.0 adjusted with organic-mixture (lactic acid:acetic acid=1 : 2), respectivily. The mutant P-100 could grow in pH 4.0, 4.5, repectivily, in MRS broth. Two strains Pw and P-100 were added into kimchi as starter and compared the quality chracteristics of kimchi. The total acceptability of Pw and P-100 inoculated kimchi were evalutated better than that of control kimchi (no starter added) by sensory test and extended the optimal pH range of kimchi up to about 2.2, 2.5 times, respectivily. In kimchi added P-100, the succinic acid was more abundant than others and the total number of Lactobacillus plantarum was down about 2.5 times in contrast to control kimchi.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        김치 starter용으로 개량된 내산성 변이주 Leuconostoc mesenteroides의 내산성 특성

        김영찬,정은영,김은해,정대현,정선호,이동희,권태종,강상모 한국산업미생물학회 1998 한국미생물·생명공학회지 Vol.26 No.2

        김치 starter로 개량된 내산성 변이균주 M-100이 획득한 증가된 내산성에 관한 생리적 성질을 규명하기 위하여 수소 이온 투과도, ATPase 활성, 해당 작용 활성, Mg^+2 해리도 그리고 막지방산 조성등을 그것의 야생균주 Mw와 비교 분석하였다. 수소 이온 투과도 실험 결과 150 mM KCl 수용액 및 3% NaCl 수용액에서 변이균주 M-100의 t_1/2값이 pH 4.0, 5.0 그리고 6.0에서 모두 야생균주 Mw보다 낮은 값을 보였다. ATPase 활성의 결과에서도 전체 pH 범위에서 변이균주 M-100이 야생균주 Mw보다 높은 활성을 보였다. 해당 작용의 pH 의존성 결과에서는 최대 활성의 해당 작용이 일어나는 pH가 야생균주 Mw는 5.0, 변이균주 M-100의 경우는 6.0으로 예상과는 약간 상이하였으나, pH 5.0을 제외한 전체적인 범위에서 변이균주 M-100의 해당 작용 활성이 야생균주 Mw보다 높게 유지됨을 확인하였다. Mg^2+ 해리도에 있어서는 pH 4에서 2시간 경과후 야생균주 Mw에 비해 변이균주 M-100이 약 1/3 가량 적게 Mg^++이 유출되었다. 막지방산 조성의 변화는 환경상의 낮은 pH에 대한 반응양상을 나타내는 중요한 지표로 측정된 결과를 보면, 야생균주 Mw와 변이균주 M-100간의 비교결과 C_12, C_14, C_18:1, C_19:0cyclo 등에서 주된 차이를 나타내었으며, 특히 C_18:1은 야생균주 Mw가 23.4%, 변이균주 M-100이 15.1%로서 변이균주 M-100에서 감소된, C_19:0cyclo는 변이균주 M-100이 12.2%로, 야생균주 Mw이 10.2%에 비해 증가되었다. To investigate the increased acid tolerance of a acid-resistant mutant Leuconostoc mesenteroides M-100 improved as a kimchi starter, proton permeability, ATPase activity, glycolysis activity, Mg^2+ releasement, and membrane fatty acid composition were studied and comprised with its wild type Leuconostoc mesenteroides Mw. In teh proton permeability experiment, the maximum values of the average half time (t_1/2) of pH equilibration through the cell membrane of the Mw and the M-100 were about 8.6 min and 9.2 min in 150mM KCI solution, respectivily. In the 3% NaCl solution, the t_1/2 values of the Mw and the M-100 were 6min and 8.6 min, respectivily. The values and pHs of maximal specific activities of ATPase originated from the Mw and the M-100 were 0.6U at pH 5.5 and 0.8U at pH 5.5, respectivily. The result of pH dependence of glycolysis showed that the M-100 had higher activities than that of Mw except at pH 5.0. The releases of magnesium from the Mw and the M-100 were observed about 36.5% and 13% at pH 4.0 after 2 hours, respectivily. The results of comparison of membrane fatty acid composition of the Mw with the M-100 showed that C_12, C_14, C_18:1, and C_19:0cyclo were major different fatty acids between two strains and the content of C_18:1 and C_19:0cyclo were 23.4%, 10.2% in the Mw and 15.1%, 12.2% in the M-100. These results indicated that acid tolerance of the M-100 was significantly improved in comparison with its wild type Mw.

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