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        보호동기요인이 나트륨 저감화 관련 행동 의도에 미치는 영향 - 경남·부산 지역 대학생을 중심으로 -

        장수현,윤은주,Jang, Soo-Hyun,Yoon, Eunju 한국식품영양학회 2016 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.29 No.1

        In this study, we investigated protection motivation and behavioral intention to prevent serious illnesses related to excessive sodium intake among the university students in Gyeongnam and Busan. Within the protection motivation theory (PMT) framework, a survey questionnaire was developed to measure participants' perceptions on the severity of and the vulnerability to the threat of serious diseases due to the high sodium intake as well as the effectiveness of preventive measures (response efficacy), and the ability to perform them (self-efficacy) along with their willingness to follow recommendations (behavioral intention). Data was collected in June 2015. Study participants were divided into either low (n=117) or high (n=177) sodium intake behavior groups based on their current behaviors. Exploratory factor analysis was performed to measure construct validity and Cronbach's alpha was calculated to check reliability of measurement items. The high sodium intake behavior group perceived higher vulnerability than the low sodium intake behavior group among four PMT factors. Differences of the other three factors were not significant between the two groups. The results of hierarchical regression analysis indicated that self-efficacy and response efficacy affected behavioral intention of high sodium intake behavior among students. Hence, development of strategies to increase self-efficacy and response efficacy are strongly recommended.

      • KCI등재

        보호동기이론을 적용한 나트륨 과다섭취에 따른 위험성 및 나트륨 섭취 감소 방안의 효과성에 대한 부산·경남 지역 남녀 대학생들의 인식 비교 연구

        장수현,윤은주,Jang, Soo-Hyun,Yoon, Eunju 한국식품조리과학회 2016 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there was a gender difference in motivating university students to decrease their sodium intake and to identify effective motivating factors. Within the protection motivation theory (PMT) framework, a survey questionnaire was developed to measure participants' perceptions on the severity of and the vulnerability to risk of serious diseases due to the high sodium intake, as well as the effectiveness (response efficacy) and the ability to perform preventive measures (self-efficacy). Behavioral intentions on five specific practices (checking nutrition label, consuming more fruits and vegetables, consuming less soups, avoiding spicy and pungent food, purchasing less instant or restaurant foods) related to decreasing sodium intake were also included. A total of 294 usable response data were collected from university students (92 male, 202 female) in Busan and Gyeongnam in June 2015 and analyzed using IBM SPSS 22. Severity was the highest (4.04) PMT factor followed by response efficacy (3.72), self-efficacy (3.42), and vulnerability (3.26). Compared to male students, female students thought that the threat was more severe (t=6.035, p<0.001) and reducing sodium intake would be effective to prevent serious illnesses (t=4.724, p<0.001), but their vulnerability and self-efficacy perceptions were not different from male students. Among the five items measuring behavioral intention, female students were more likely to increase fruits and vegetables consumption (t=3.811, p<0.001), while male students were more likely to avoid spicy and pungent foods (t=2.336, p=0.020). Based on findings of this study, the recommended strategy to effectively motivate university students to lower their sodium consumption level is the development of campaign focused on increased vulnerability perception, response efficacy, and ease of practicing preventive measures instead of emphasizing the severity of the consequences.

      • KCI등재

        이산민의 초국가성과 다층적 정체성: 중국 위해의 한국화교에 대한 사례연구

        장수현 ( Soo Hyun Jang ) 현대중국학회 2010 現代中國硏究 Vol.11 No.2

        이 논문은 중국 산동성 위해 지역으로 이주한 한국화교들에 대한 사례연구를 통해 전 지구화 시대 초국가적 이산민의 유동성과 그 정체성의 문제를 살펴보고 있다. 1990년 인천-위해 간 정기 여객선 개통으로 한국화교들의 위해 이주가 본격화되었다. 보따리무역에 의존하는 의류도매업의 번창으로 위해 한국화교 사회가 빠른 속도로 커갔으나 이후 여러 가지 요인 때문에 위해의 상권이 축소되면서 쇠퇴의 길로 접어들었다. 이들의 이주는 모국/고향에 대한 향수나 갈망이라는 정서적 차원보다는 그 삶의 주변성 및 불안정성에서 기인하는 유동성의 관점에서 이해하는 것이 더 적합하다. 포용적인 화교정책을 통해 해외화교들을 그 국가적 기획 속으로 끌어들이려는 중국정부의 노력은 중국에 대한 한국화교들의 인식을 매우 긍정적인 것으로 전환시켰고 양자는 상호 협력적인 관계를 형성하였다. 그러나 그것이 반드시 이들의 재중국화로 이어져서 중국적 정체성의 강화를 가져오는 것은 아니다. 오히려 때로는 현지 중국인들과 구분되는 자신들의 이질성에 주목하여 자신들의 다층적 정체성에 대한 인식을 새롭게 하기도 한다. This paper, focusing on the case of Korean `Overseas Chinese` in Weihai, China, looks at the mobility and identity of transnational migrants in the age of globalization. The migration of Korean `Overseas Chinese` to their old home places like Weihai and Yantai in Shandong Province began in full force in 1990, with the opening of a regular ship route between Incheon and Weihai. These transnational migrants soon found a lucrative business in apparel trades and the Korean `Overseas Chinese` community in Weihai expanded rapidly. Yet, due to various factors, this business went downhill and the community fell apart. The migration of Korean `Overseas Chinese` to Weihai had not much to do with a nostalgia for the motherland or the home place, but was driven by the mobility of the marginalized and unstable people like the Overseas Chinese in Korea. Chinese government provided these migrants with certain privileges and economic benefits, so that they could contribute to China`s economic development and stand in a friendly relationship with the PRC. This has changed their perception of communist China, from a fearful and dangerous state to a friendly one. Yet, this does not necessarily lead to their resinicization. They often notice some critical cultural differences between local Chinese and themselves, which makes them put their multi-layered identity in a new perspective.

      • KCI등재

        중국 청도 한국 조기유학생들의 초국적 교육환경: 교육의 시장화와 다양성의 딜레마

        장수현(Jang, Soo Hyun) 한국열린교육학회 2013 열린교육연구 Vol.21 No.1

        이 논문은 중국 청도지역의 한국인 조기유학생들의 초국적 교육현장에 초점을 맞춰 신자유주의적 교육정책이 이들의 교육환경에 미친 영향을 살펴보고 그것이 이들의 교육적 선택과 관련하여 야기하는 제반 문제들을 논의하고자 한다. 중국정부의 교육시장화 정책은 국제학교, 국제부 등 다양한 이름을 가진 외국인학교의 설립을 촉진하였다. 이 학교들은 현지화교육 모델, 국제화교육 모델, 국민교육 모델 등을 다양한 방식으로 결합시킨 새로운 교육모델들을 보여준다. 이와 같은 교육프로그램의 다양화는 소비자들의 선택의 폭을 넓혀주는 동시에 여러 가지 다양성의 딜레마를 가져다주었다. 이제 학교 선택은 학비, 교육이념, 교과과정, 교육성과, 교육경험 등 갖가지 요소를 고려한 전략적 결정의 문제가 되었다. 특히 제한된 수의 한국학생들을 두고 학교 간 경쟁이 심화되는 가운데 대학입시라는 단기목표에 초점을 맞춘 사교육형 학교들이 청도 교육시장의 중심축으로 등장하면서 학교 선택을 둘러싼 딜레마는 더욱 더 심화되고 있다. Focusing on the transnational educational environment of K-12 Korean students in Qingdao, China, this paper attempts to discuss the impact of neo-liberal educational policies on their educational environment and the many problems that it has generated with regard to their educational experiences. The Chinese government's policy of marketization in education led to a blossoming of international schools and international classes in Chinese schools. These schools and classes feature a wide variety of education programs, combining the 'local education' model, the 'international education' model, and the 'national education' model in various ways. This diversity in educational programs has widened the spectrum of school choices for students, but it also puts them in various dilemmas of diversity. Now, school choice needs a strategic decision based on serious considerations of costs, educational ideals, curriculums, educational achievements, school life, and many other factors. A deepening penetration of private education into public education further complicates this problem. Korean international schools of various sorts offer such classes as TOEFL, TOEIC, and HSK to help their students earn better results in these tests necessary for university entrance. Since this type of education can be effective for and preferred by certain students, these schools can compete with normal ones in Qingdao's education market. Now the Korean government needs to pay serious attention to Korean international schools and classes in China and redress serious problems in these schools to ensure better education for expatriate students.

      • KCI등재

        K-POP 한류와 산업적 이해관계 -중국과 일본 사례 비교분석-

        장수현 ( Soo Hyun Jang ),이향철 ( Hyang Chul Lee ) 국제비교한국학회 2014 비교한국학 Comparative Korean Studies Vol.22 No.2

        Guided by the viewpoint that the recent K-POP syndrome is the result ofKorean entertainment industry’s engagement with its counterparts in receivingcountries, this paper aims to show the way in which the unfolding of K-POP hallyu has been affected by the economic interests of the receiving country’smusic industry. It compares Japan and China, which have starkly contrastingmusic markets and different structural conditions for K-POP artists. The surprisingly rapid growth of K-POP industry in Japan has beenaccomplished not only by Korean entertainment agencies’ active pursuit ofoverseas market as an exit from the crisis of domestic music industry by thebeginning of the 21st century, but also by Japanese music industry’s positiveresponse to K-POP artists. Japanese records companies saw great potential inthem, as these companies sought new sources of revenue that could help themcope with market crisis. Contrastingly, K-POP artists’ penetration into Chinesemarket has been limited and partial. Generally, they find it difficult to breakinto and earn enough money from Chinese market which is dominated by Chinesesingers both within and outside mainland. A comparative analysis of Japanese and Chinese cases reveals that the unfolding of K-POP hallyu can vary according to the values that the receiving country’smusic industry finds in K-POP artists. K-POP as a global phenomenon cannotbe properly understood without taking industrial interests into account.

      • KCI등재
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      • KCI등재

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