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        ‘한글’ 명명자(命名者)와 사료(史料) 검증(檢證)의 문제(問題)-고영근(2003)에 답함-

        임홍빈 ( Im Hong-pin ) 한국어문교육연구회 2007 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.35 No.3

        本攷는 ‘한글’ 名稱의 命名者에 대하여 高永根(2003)에 답하는 것을 目的으로 한다. 高永根은 ‘한글’이란 이름을 처음 사용한 사람은 沃坡 李鍾一이지만, 周時經이 지은 것으로 보아야 한다고 主張한다. 이러한 主張은 命題 自體가 異常을 가지는 것이다. 본고는 고영근의 主張을 檢討하여 그 주장이 成立될 수 없는 것임을 밝힘과 동시에 ‘沃坡備忘錄’에 나타난 “한글”이란 名稱은 後代의 누군가에 의하여 加筆, 變改, 飜案된 것임을 밝혔다. ‘沃坡備忘錄’이 紛失된 것으로 알려진 現在 이러한 事實을 立證하기는 어려운 일이다. 그러나 沃坡의 다른 原文과 沃坡紀念事業會 편(1984)에 실린 다른 記錄을 比較 對照하여 變改가 廣範圍하게 행해졌음을 확인할 수 있었다. 沃坡 한글 命名說은 성립할 수 없는 것이다. 따라서 ‘한글’ 名稱은 六堂 崔南善이 朝鮮光文會에서 1910년 10월~12월 사이에 發說한 것이라는 任洪彬(1996)의 假說은 아직 有效한 것으로 볼 수 있다. This paper intends to reply to Ko (2003) on the problem about who invented the name of Hangeul. Attacking Im (1996) which claimed that the name of Hangeul was firstly spoken out by Choi, Nam-seon(崔南善) at the time between Oct and Dec of 1910, not by Ju, Si-gyeong (周時經), Ko (2003) put forth another claim that the creator should be Ju, Si-gyeong, even though the first user of the name was identified as Lee, Jong-il(李鍾一). The so-called Lee hypothesis on the problem of the creator of the Hangeul name was due to the materials of Okpa Memorandum(沃坡備忘錄). If the materials were existent to be identified the date of the first use of the name of Hangeul, Im's (1996) 1910 year hypothesis cannot be maintained. But unfortunately it is said that the original manuscript has been lost not to be retrieved. What we can see at present is a part of the book printed with movable types, the part of which is called Okpa Memorandum. We can find the name of Hangeul at the writings of 4 Jul 1898 and 1 Aug 1898 in those materials. However, the Hangeul names that occured in those data were presumably changed into present forms by some other human(s) afterwards. These facts can be confirmed by comparison of the contents printed in the Okpa Ginyeom Nonseoljip(沃坡紀念論說集) with the ori- ginal writings of Lee, Jong-il. Thus Im's (1996) hypothesis that the name of Hangeul was firstly spoken out by Choi, Nam-seon at the time between Oct and Dec of 1910 is still alive.

      • 고구려 지명 ‘혈구군(穴口郡)’의 ‘구(口)’에 대하여

        임홍빈(Hong-Pin IM) 서울대학교 동아문화연구소 2012 東亞文化 Vol.50 No.-

        This paper attempts to reconstruct the correct form and meaning of the word kocha (古次) that corresponds to ku (口) in the Goguryeoic toponym Hyeolgu-gun (穴口郡) in Samguksagi (三國史記). As to kocha (古次) and the analogous holcha (忽次), a couple of hypothesis have been put forth: Yang (1942, 1965) and Shin (1958) suggested that the words referred to a cape (串) or a promontory (岬), even though they acknowledged that the words were comparable to the Old Japanese *kuti ‘mouth’. Lee (1968) saw that the word form kocha (古次) and holcha (忽次)’ showed dialectal differences in the Gogureoic toponym. On the other hand, Kim(1968) said that the two forms originated from different sources: one originated from the word referring to ‘mouth (口)’, the other from the word indicating ‘promontory (岬)’. However, it is dubious that kocha (古次) and holcha (忽次) or Chinese letter ku (口) should always be interpreted as referring to a cape (串) or a promontory (岬) in Gogureoic toponyms. This paper emphasizes that the shape of the mouth of the beasts like tigers, lions, dogs, foxes, cats, etc. are very similar to a cape (串) or promontory (岬) in that the mouth of a beast is lowering from the back jaws to the front, just like a cape (串) or a promontory (岬) heading for the sea. This means that the mouth sense and the cape sense of kocha (古次) or holcha (忽次) form a polysemy, not a homonym in Gogureoic toponym. And this paper suggested that the Goguryeoic word form for kocha (古次) and holcha (忽次) be /*kutsi/, considering the vowel shift and Old Japanese form *kuti, and other altaiic forms indicating mouth. The Altaic lexical entries relative to a semantic category ‘mouth’ inStarostin et al. (2003) are the forms like <SUP>*</SUP>kiāč́ ’̀ ù, <SUP>*</SUP>àgá and <SUP>*</SUP>ǎḿ o. Starostin et al. (2003) treats the Old Japanese /<SUP>*</SUP>kuti/ at the entry <SUP>*</SUP>kiā́č’ù. However, the Altaic lexical items listed in the entry <SUP>*</SUP>kiā́č̀’ù in Starostin et al. (2003) cannot be seen to be related with the Old Japanese /<SUP>*</SUP>kuti/. The Altaic lexical entries comparable to the Korean ‘mouth’ might be said the forms listed in the entries like <SUP>*</SUP>àgá and <SUP>*</SUP>ǎḿ o. It is claimed that the proper item treated in the entry <SUP>*</SUP>àgá should be the Korean word /akari/ or /akuri/ indicating the animal’s mouth or the entrance of objects. This paper claims that the Altaic varieties could be captured by postulating the Abstract Reconstructed Form (ARF) like <SUP>*</SUP>AKVTW, in which *A stands for the initial vowel, <SUP>*</SUP>K the first consonant, <SUP>*</SUP>V the second vowel, and <SUP>*</SUP>T the second consonant, and <SUP>*</SUP>W the final vowel.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        실록의 훈민정음 간행 기사의 비밀

        임홍빈 ( Hong Pin Im ) 서강대학교 언어정보연구소 2013 언어와 정보 사회 Vol.20 No.-

        This paper attempts to make it clear that there appear not a few wrong characters (漢字), misshapen and/or grotesque characters, and wrong arrangement of the New Korean Alphabet, etc., not yet clearly perceived and well understood by Korean linguists, in the articles on publication of Hunminjeongeum (訓民正音) of Sejong Sillok (世宗實錄). Though some characters are pointed out to be mere errata in the literature, as the let-ter ‘두 (a tadpole)’ to be inserted instead of similar but different character 규 (a small dragon) in the context of 如규字初發聲 ‘like the initial sound of kuy’, and the character 崇 (to worship) to be inserted instead of 終 (to end) in the context of 不終朝而會 ‘to catch the letters before the breakfast ends’. The total amount of the characters of these types exceeds our usual expectations concerning usual errata. These are not typo, but intentional uses of wrong characters for the purpose of collecting colleagues, and to insult King Sejong by tricky characters and/or queer character shapes, and to imply stabbing King`s throat with some long weapons, which could be construed by analyzing the wrong characters and the unusual character shapes. Who did attempt such literal treachery in the articles of Sejong Sillok? Why did they show such extreme abhorrence towards King Sejong through wrong characters, etc. The Confucian officials at the time who engaged in editing Sejong Sillok seems to have been extremely furious to King Sejong who held intimate relations with a brilliant Buddhist priest like Sinmi (信眉), a Buddhist official like Kim Suon (金守溫), and Princess Jeongeui (貞懿). These characters seem to have played some important roles at creating the New Korean Alphabet Jeongeum (正音). However, they had never appeared at the surface of history. Instead, King Sejong stood alone against Confucian officials protesting the New Korean Alphabet.

      • KCI등재

        21세기 세종계획 전자사전구축분과 연어사전의 정보구조와 기술내용

        임홍빈(Im Hong-Pin),임근석(Im Geun-Seok) 한국사전학회 2004 한국사전학 Vol.- No.4

        This paper is to introduce the design of the micro-structures and contents of the Sejong Collocation Dictionary in preparation for the computational implementation as a part of the Korean Electronic Dictionary Building Project, contained in the 21C Sejong Project. As is well-known in the field, collocational relations hold between two lexemes L1 and U in a language, when the choice of L1 for the expression of a given meaning is contingent on L2, to which the meaning is applied, not to mention the free collocations. In this case, L1 is called base, and L2 is called collocate. For the compilation of the Collocation Dictionary, it is important to collect proper set of collocational expressions. For the collection of the proper sets of collocational expressions, we make much of the co-occurrence relations holding between the bases and collocates, and especially to distinguish collocational expressions from idiomatic ones, we take it important to consider the meaning transparency of the bases contained in collocations. The micro-structure of the individual entry for the Dictionary comprises 4 divisions and 3 groups: management group(=mntGrp), which contains the writer and corrector related informations; head group(=headGrp), which includes entry related informations; construction group(=cnstGrp), which contains the morphological and orthographic informations; and sense group, which also comprises the semantic Group(=semGrp), syntactic group(=synGrp), and syntactic relation group (=synRel). We give priority to the sense group, because the semantic and syntactic informations covary with the sense divisions. The semGrp contains various informations: English translation for the entry, lexical function between the base and collocate, semantic class, domain, register, argument structure, selectional restriction, and synonymous or antonymous expressions. The synGrp describes the case frame required by the entry if the base is a verb or a noun and adds relevant examples to clarify the meaning and the internal structure of the collocational expression in question. The synRel describes the syntactic transformation relations and morphological idiosyncrasies related to the base or collocate. In the course of descriptions, dictionary writers are often confronted with serious difficulties and indeterminacies especially in deciding correct argument structures, case frames, thematic roles, selection restrictions, and lexical functions etc. However, we believe that we have overcome some crucial difficulties, aided by the tools developed in the Korean Electronic Dictionary Building Division in the 21C Sejong Project, and self developed tools and criteria, attained through the discussions progressed in the meeting of the dictionary writers.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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