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      • KCI등재

        무용전공학생들의 열정, 몰입, 태도의 관계

        임정희(Lim, Jeong-Hee) 한국체육과학회 2019 한국체육과학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to verify the relationship among passion, flow and attitude of university students majoring in dance. 400 survey questionnaires were distributed the subjects who university students of majoring dance in Seoul and Gyeonggi province. Due to the reliability of data, 389 samples were put to actual analysis. By using SPSS Windows ver. 21.0 and AMOS 18.0, data were analyzed through frequency analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis. The results were as followings. First, passion had a significant influence on flow. Second, passion had a significant influence on attitude. Third, flow had a significant influence on attitude. Fourth, flow mediated between passion and attitude. Thus, this study shows the importance of flow to accomplish attitude through passion.

      • FRP 패널로 보강한 강골조의 가이드 시스템에 따른 성능평가

        임정희 ( Jeong Hee Lim ),권민호 ( Min Ho Kwon ),서현수 ( Hyun Su Seo ),김진섭 ( Jin Sup Kim ) 한국복합신소재구조학회 2015 복합신소재학회논문집 Vol.6 No.2

        Since it is impossible to predict earthquakes, they involve more casualties and property damage compared to meteorological disasters such as heavy snow and heat waves, which can be predicted through weather forecasts. This has highlighted the need for seismic design and reinforcement. Recently, the use of composite materials as reinforcement has surged because steel plate reinforcement and section enlargement are likely to result in increased weight and physical damage to structures. This study evaluates the seismic performance of panels created from composite materials, and their guide systems. The specimens were miniature versions of actual steel structures, and displacement loads were applied in the transverse direction. Seismic performance was found to improve when structures were reinforced with seismic panels.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        여자 청소년들의 무용유형에 대한 태도: 시대간 비교

        임정희 ( Lim Jeong-hee ) 한국무용과학회 2017 한국무용과학회지 Vol.34 No.4

        이 연구는 의미분석 방법을 적용하여 고등학교와 대학교에 재학 중인 일반 여학생들의 순수무용에 대한 태도를 구명하고 이들의 태도는 1998년에 조사된 결과와 차이가 있는가를 구명하는데 목적이 있다. 표본대상은 서울, 경기지역에 위치한 17개 고등학교와 대학교에 재학 중인 학생을 대상으로 편의표집방법에 의해 선정된 928명이다. 이 연구에서 사용된 의미분석척도의 형용사 군은 Osgood, Suci, Tannenbaum (1957)로부터 요인별로 높은 부하량을 나타낸 14쌍의 형용사를 허경자(1998)가 ‘일반여학생의 무용유형에 대한 태도’ 연구에서 사용한 문항이다. 산출된 신뢰도계수(Cronbach's α)는 ‘한국무용’, ‘현대무용’, ‘발레’를 대상으로 했을 때 각각 .789, .816, .777로 나타났다. 설정된 연구문제는 일차적으로 다변량분석(MANOVA)방법을 적용하여 검증하였다. MANOVA 결과 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났을 경우 세 개 요인 각각에 대해 2요인 혼합모형 ANOVA 방법을 적용하였다. 일원 MANOVA를 적용하여 분석한 결과 무용유형별 세 가지 태도요인간에는 Hotelling의 T<sup>2</sup>=238.59, p<.001로써 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 검증결과 첫째, 세 가지 무용유형에 대한 ‘가치평가’와 무용의 ‘활동성’, ‘활력성’에 대해 여학생들은 차별적으로 지각하고 있다. 여학생들은 한국무용의 가치를 가장 높게 평가(M=5.5)하고 있으며, 현대무용은 가장 활동적(M=5.1)이고 활력적(M=5.0)이라고 지각하고 있다. 둘째, 여학생들의 무용에 대한 태도 즉, ‘무용에 대한 가치평가, 무용의 활동성과 활력성‘에 대한 지각은 지난 20년 동안 긍정적으로 변화하였다. The purpose of the study was to investigate the attitude toward different type of dance perceived by the female youths and to examine the differences of their attitudes between 1998 and 2017 survey. The participants were 928 female youths selected by convenient samples from 17 high schools and universities located in Seoul and Gyeonggi province. The attitude toward dance was measured by the Semantic Differential Scale composed of three dimensions such as evaluation, activity, and potency, developed by Osgood, Suci, Tannenbaum (1957). 14 adjective bipolar items selected on the basis of validity study were used to investigate the attitude toward dance. Cronbach alpha was calculated and resultant values of .789, .816, and .777 for three dimensions. MANOVA and 2-factors mixed ANOVA were used and alpha level was set at .05. Significant attitude differences across three dance types such as Korean dance, Modern dance, and Ballet were revealed within the female youths, Hotelling's T<sup>2</sup>=238.59, p<.001. Female youths in general showed a high positive attitude toward 'evaluation factor' (M=5.5) for Korean dance and 'activity factor' (M=5.1) and 'potency factor' (M=5.1) for Modern dance, whereas relatively a low attitude toward three factors for Ballet with the lower than 4.9 of mean. The attitude toward dance of female youths, more specifically for all other attitude dimensions except potency for Ballet (p=.17, d=0.06), has positively changed during last 20 years.

      • KCI등재

        대학무용전공자들의 스트레스와 정서 및 표현능력의 관계

        임정희(Lim, Jeong-Hee) 한국체육과학회 2019 한국체육과학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to examine the model indicated relationship stress, emotion, expressivity of college dancers. A total of 391 college dancers in this study, exploration and confirmatory factor analysis and reliability test were conducted to verify the validity and reliability of the measurement tools. Data which is obtained through self-determination was analyzed using by the T-Test, ANOVA, correlation analysis and path analysis with SPSS 20 and AMOS 23. The result of analysis is give as following. Firstly, there were a partially statistical significant difference between in college dancers stress, emotion and expressivity according to their demographic variables. Secondly, stress had negative/positive effect on dance emotion and expressivity also emotion had negative/positive effect on expressivity.

      • KCI등재

        가족 관련 변인에 대한 음악치료 연구 메타분석

        임정희(Lim, Jeong Hee),황은영(Hwang, Eun Young) 한국음악치료학회 2020 한국음악치료학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        본 연구에서는 가족 관련 변인에 대한 음악치료의 효과크기를 알아보기 위하여 국내 석ㆍ박사 학위 논문 및 학술지 논문을 대상으로 메타분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과, 최종 선정된 31편의 연구로부터 143개의 효과크기가 산출되었으며, 전체 평균 효과크기는 0.333으로 중간 수준을 나타내었다. 변인 별로 살펴보면 가족 특성에 대해서는 장애 및 질병군 가족과 기타 가족 모두에서 중간 수준의 효과크기를 보이고, 참여 가족 구성원 유형에 대해서는 다양한 가족 구성원이 혼합하여 참여하였을 때 높은 효과크기를 보였다. 중재 목적에 대해서는 가족 구성원 간의 관계에서 가장 큰 효과크기를 나타내었으며, 프로그램 구성에 대해서는 노래 만들기, 악기 연주, 기타(음악극 등)가 높은 효과크기를 나타내었다. 회기 수에 대해서는 9회기 이상 15회기 이하, 회기 당 소요시간에 대해서는 40~50분이 가장 큰 효과 크기를 보였다. 연구자 전공에 대해서는 타전공자보다 음악치료 전공자에 의해 시행된 음악치료가 더높은 효과크기를 나타내었다. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect size of music therapy regarding family-related variable by meta-analysis where master/doctoral theses and journal articles were included. As a result, 143 effect sizes were derived from 31 studies. Overall mean effect size was 0.333, indicating a medium effect size. When it was analyzed by variable, regarding family characteristics, it showed a medium effect size in family with disease and disability. For other families, a medium effect size was observed. Regarding participated family member type, it showed a large effect size when mixed members participated in music therapy. Regarding intervention purpose, relationship between family members had the largest effect size. In case of program configuration type, music therapy which consists of songwriting, playing musical instrument, or others (music drama, etc.) showed a large effect size. In regards to total number of sessions and time per session, 9 to 15 sessions and 40-50 minutes showed the largest effect size, respectively. Finally, regarding researcher’s major, music therapy by music therapy major researchers was more effective than one by the other major researchers.

      • KCI등재

        21C 다변화 시대의 무용 인식에 관한 연구 : 무용 전공생을 대상으로

        김광진(Kim, Kwang-Jin),임정희(Lim, Jeong-Hee) 한국체육과학회 2021 한국체육과학회지 Vol.30 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the perception of dance majors regarding the dance (Korean dance, modern dance, ballet) in the 21st century"s diversification era. A survey was conducted with 917 dance majors. If you investigate the difference in perception according to gender, age, and major with something, and summarize the results, that"s how it went. There is a difference in the perceptions of Korean dance, modern dance, and ballet among contemporary dance majors. In particular, there are differences by gender in dance, in particular by age in Korean dance, and by major in ballet. New interpretations and approaches are likely to be judged.

      • KCI등재

        왕양명의 심론心論으로 본 한국 전통춤의 내재미 고찰

        이용희 ( Lee Yong-hee ),임정희 ( Lim Jeong-hee ) 한국무용교육학회 2021 韓國舞踊敎育學會誌 Vol.32 No.4

        This study aims to examine the aesthetic source by applying the relationship between the embodied philosophy that can realize body and mind integration through dance based on Wang Yang-myeong’s psychological theory. In other words, since Korean traditional dance reveals the mind originating from the inner world of Muja, I would like to argue based on East Asian aesthetic traditions, focusing on the aesthetic worldview of Wang Yang-myeong and the body and mind reached through the training of Muja. Traditional Korean dance requires a proper understanding of the mind and performance based on it, as the direction and content of practice vary depending on the sexual nature of the mind and how you view of the mind. Therefore, I would like to raise the methodology for specific presentations as follows. The aesthetic characteristics of the body and mind inherent in traditional Korean dance are divided into the beauty of envy, the beauty of lightness, the beauty of temple, and the beauty of rain as follows. First, the beauty of traditional Korean dance refers to the artistic spirit and mind function of a Muja person seeking aesthetic values in an unconscious world that he does not know, and this can be seen as the texture of the dance in which Muja’s fermented spirit and dance mind are expressed in temperament and disposition. Second, the “beauty of light white” of traditional Korean dance expresses the naturalness of the dance and reveals its lightness and purity, and is pursued through the mental world of the body and mind. This “beauty of light white” is not a mind that moves along the form of dance, but an aesthetic spirit that expresses the dance of a warrior who is restrained by a mind that flows along with this. Third, the beauty of the temple can be seen as an aesthetic idea that captures the balance of moderation and mind that suppresses the feelings rising from the inside of the warrior as an external tool and technique that naturally reveals the taste of residence by itself. Fourth, the beauty of rain in traditional Korean dance is an aesthetic spirit that lives with an empty heart without putting a mind to the world. For example, crane dance can be seen as the aesthetic spirit of “the beauty of rain” because it contains the flavor of nature and the light and simple taste of dance, away from the artificiality that values formality and form. Therefore, it can be seen that Wang Yang-myeong’s psychological theory has an interdependent relationship with the dance of traditional Korean dance, starting with the mind and spirit filled through foreign objects in the mind of the Muja from the perspective of reception.

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