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      • 4차산업혁명 관련 기술-산업 지표간 연결에 관한 사례연구 분석

        임정선(JUNG-SUN LIM) 한국기술혁신학회 2018 한국기술혁신학회 학술대회 발표논문집 Vol.2018 No.11

        4차산업혁명은 개념 및 관련기술에 대하여 현재까지도 활발한 논의가 진행 중이며, 향후 기술 진화과정에 대한 불확실성이 크다. 그럼에도 불구하고 각국 정부는 4차산업혁명을 통해 새로운 시장/고용을 창출하고자 정책/기술을 육성중이며, 이와 병행하여 개발기술들이 경제/사회로 전파되는 과정을 분석하는 연구들을 진행 중이다. 예로서 유럽연합은 기술-산업간 전파과정을 파악하는 현장 연구들을 진행 중이다. 기 구축된 공식 지표들의 진화속도는 4차산업혁명을 포함한 첨단기술들의 변화/발전 속도를 따라가기 어려우며, 때문에 기 존재하는 지표들을 재조합 하는 연구들이 필요하게 되었다. 본 연구는 최근 국내외에서 진행된 기술-산업지표간 연결에 관한 현장연구 사례를 분석한다. Despite ongoing debates about the definition, technology and future direction of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, governments have promoted the related developments of policies/technologies for new market/job creation. In addition, field researches are underway to analyze the process of knowledge/technology transfer to the economic effects. Currently research summarizes ongoing efforts of private/public sectors that are actively involved in the development of index/DB for the Fourth Industrial Revolution by reconstructing existing index/DB.

      • KCI등재후보

        기술혁신 시장채택과 기술혁신 확산속도에 관한 실증사례 연구 : 화장품 산업을 중심으로

        김상국(Sang-Gook Kim),임정선(Jung-Sun Lim),권태훈(Tae Hoon Kwon) 동국대학교 경영연구원 2020 경영과 사례연구 Vol.42 No.1

        새로운 기술을 기반으로 하는 제품이 출시될 때, 해당 제품이 시장에서 어떤 형태로 확산될지, 시장이 성숙되고 소멸될 때까지의 시간은 얼마나 걸릴지에 대한 분석은 마케팅 담당자들에게는 중요한 문제이다. 제품을 소비하는 주체는 일반 시장에 존재하는 소비자들이지만, 기술을 소비하는 주체는 주로 기업들이다. 또한 기업은 기술을 소비하면서도 생산하는 주체이기도 하며, 기술을 제공하는 주체는 주로 학계와 연구계에 종사하는 연구자들이다. 기술혁신 시장은 일반 제품시장과는 다르게 생산주체와 소비주체가 혼재되어 있는 경우가 많으며, 이것이 의미하는 것은 기술혁신 생산자가 소비자가 될 수 있으며, 또한 소비자가 생산자가 될 수 있다는 것을 의미한다. 따라서 기술혁신 시장채택은 소비주체와 생산주체를 모두 포괄하고 있는 것을 말한다. 본 연구에서는 혁신을 수용하는 여러 다른 채택그룹들에 의해서 새로운 혁신들이 시장에서 채택되는 과정에 관한 보편적인 연구결과를 바탕으로, 기술혁신들이 채택그룹별로 수용되는 시장채택 방법을 제안하며, 서로 다른 기술혁신 채택그룹별 혁신의 확산속도 계수를 분석하고자 한다. 이러한 실증분석을 수행하기 위하여 기술혁신의 대상을 특허로 설정하였고, 특히 화장품 산업 관련 미국 특허를 활용하여 화장품 산업에서의 기술혁신 시장채택 추세와 확산속도를 실증하고자 하였다. 향후 기술혁신 시장채택 패턴과 확산속도 예측에 활용될 가능성이 높아, 기술혁신에 따른 산업의 파급효과분석에 중요한 근거로 활용될 것으로 기대된다. When products based on new technologies are released, the analysis of how the product will spread in the market and how long it will take for the market to mature and dissipate is an important issue for marketers. The consumers of products are consumers in the general market, but the consumers of the technologies are mainly companies. In addition, In addition, companies are subjects to consumption while producing technologies, and those who provide technologies are mainly researchers in academia and research. Unlike general product markets, technology innovation markets often contains a mixture of producers and consumers, which means that producers of technology innovation can be consumers and consumers can be producers. Based on the results of a universal study on the process in which new innovations are adopted in the market by different adoption groups that embrace innovation, this study proposes a market-adoption model in which technical innovations are accommodated in each adoption group, and tries to analyse the diffusion rate of innovation in different adoption groups of innovation. In order to carry out this empirical analysis, the subject of technological innovation was set as a patent, and the market adoption trend and spread speed of technology innovation in the cosmetics industry was to be demonstrated, especially by utilizing the U.S. patents related to the cosmetics industry. It is highly likely to be used to forecasting the adoption pattern and diffusion speed of technology innovation market in the future, and is expected to be used as an important basis for analyzing the spreading effects of the industry.

      • KCI등재

        나노기술의 경제적 가치분석

        배성훈(Seoung Hun Bae),임정선(Jung Sun Lim),신광민(Kwang Min Shin),윤진선(Jin Seon Yoon),강상규(Sang Kyu Kang),이솔희(Sol Hee Lee),김민관(Min Kwan Kim),이정우(Jung Woo Lee),김준현(Jun Hyun Kim),신민수(Min Soo Shin),한창희(Chang Hee H 한국산업경영시스템학회 2015 한국산업경영시스템학회지 Vol.38 No.1

        It is difficult to make an accurate estimate of the economic value and effects on societal economy of Nano-technologies. This research measures an economic value of Nano-technologies quantitatively and analyzes its influences on societal economy. This paper chooses some major industries as analysis targets and adapts the DEFRA comparative methodology model which has been developed in the UK and recommended by OECD. For this reason, some industries which are in range of economic value assessment were investigated and related data were collected. Also, the economic value and societal influences of Nano-technologies were calculated, through the procedure of the model. In addition, this study conducts a questionnaire to experts for the validity of measurement results and procedures. This paper suggests a guideline for economic value and effects on societal economy of Nano-technologies assessments through quantitative Defra comparative methodologies.

      • KCI등재

        데이터마이닝을 활용한 기업 R&D역량 특성에 관한 탐색 연구

        김상국(Sang-Gook Kim),임정선(Jung-Sun Lim),박완(Wan Park) 한국지능정보시스템학회 2021 지능정보연구 Vol.27 No.1

        As the global business environment changes, uncertainties in technology development and market needs increase, and competition among companies intensifies, interests and demands for R&D activities of individual companies are increasing. In order to cope with these environmental changes, R&D companies are strengthening R&D investment as one of the means to enhance the qualitative competitiveness of R&D while paying more attention to facility investment. As a result, facilities or R&D investment elements are inevitably a burden for R&D companies to bear future uncertainties. It is true that the management strategy of increasing investment in R&D as a means of enhancing R&D capability is highly uncertain in terms of corporate performance. In this study, the structural factors that influence the R&D capabilities of companies are explored in terms of technology management capabilities, R&D capabilities, and corporate classification attributes by utilizing data mining techniques, and the characteristics these individual factors present according to the level of R&D capabilities are analyzed. This study also showed cluster analysis and experimental results based on evidence data for all domestic R&D companies, and is expected to provide important implications for corporate management strategies to enhance R&D capabilities of individual companies. For each of the three viewpoints, detailed evaluation indexes were composed of 7, 2, and 4, respectively, to quantitatively measure individual levels in the corresponding area. In the case of technology management capability and R&D capability, the sub-item evaluation indexes that are being used by current domestic technology evaluation agencies were referenced, and the final detailed evaluation index was newly constructed in consideration of whether data could be obtained quantitatively. In the case of corporate classification attributes, the most basic corporate classification profile information is considered. In particular, in order to grasp the homogeneity of the R&D competency level, a comprehensive score for each company was given using detailed evaluation indicators of technology management capability and R&D capability, and the competency level was classified into five grades and compared with the cluster analysis results. In order to give the meaning according to the comparative evaluation between the analyzed cluster and the competency level grade, the clusters with high and low trends in R&D competency level were searched for each cluster. Afterwards, characteristics according to detailed evaluation indicators were analyzed in the cluster. Through this method of conducting research, two groups with high R&D competency and one with low level of R&D competency were analyzed, and the remaining two clusters were similar with almost high incidence. As a result, in this study, individual characteristics according to detailed evaluation indexes were analyzed for two clusters with high competency level and one cluster with low competency level. The implications of the results of this study are that the faster the replacement cycle of professional managers who can effectively respond to changes in technology and market demand, the more likely they will contribute to enhancing R&D capabilities. In the case of a private company, it is necessary to increase the intensity of input of R&D capabilities by enhancing the sense of belonging of R&D personnel to the company through conversion to a corporate company, and to provide the accuracy of responsibility and authority through the organization of the team unit. Since the number of technical commercialization achievements and technology certifications are occurring both in the case of contributing to capacity improvement and in case of not, it was confirmed that there is a limit in reviewing it as an important factor for enhancing R&D capacity from the p

      • KCI등재후보

        연구논문 : 「나노기술개발 촉진법」개정방향에 관한 연구

        이동환 ( Dong Hwan Lee ),임정선 ( Jung Sun Lim ),신광민 ( Kwang Min Shin ),윤진선 ( Jin Seon Yoon ),이명수 ( Myoung Soo Lee ),신명숙 ( Myoung Sook Shin ),강상규 ( Sang Gyu Kang ),김제완 ( Je Wan Kim ),신민수 ( Min Soo Shin ),배성 한남대학교 과학기술법연구원 2014 과학기술법연구 Vol.20 No.2

        나노기술은 미래 산업의 핵심 기반기술로써, 현 정부가 제시하는 이른바 ‘창조경제론’의 실현에 핵심적인 역할을 할 것으로 기대되고 있다. 그러나 나노기술이 창조경제를 뒷받침하고, 또한 급변하는 세계적 시대상황을 반영하기 위한 법제개선은 이루어지지 않은 실정이다. 따라서 나노기술촉진정책의 시각에서 정부의 정책기조를 분석하고, 이를 실현하기 위한 「나노기술개발 촉진법」 개정방향을 살펴볼 필요가 있다. 본 논문에서는 그 개정 방안으로 첫째, 나노기술개발 촉진법의 목적을 기술혁신ㆍ상용화 및 나노안전까지 포괄할 수 있도록 확대할 것. 둘째, 확대된 나노기술촉진업무의 책임행정조직으로 미래창조과학부의 위상과 책임을 분명히 하고, 정부지원체계도 가능한 범위 내에서 미래창조과학부 중심으로 일원화 할 것. 셋째, 기술혁신과 상용화의 시각에서 혁신과 안전이 상호 기여하는 관계로 나노제품ㆍ나노안전 및 나노안전인증 등과 관련된 주요 법·정의조항들을 보완할 것을 제시한다. Since South Korea first introduced ``NANOTECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT PROMOTION ACT`` in 2002, Korean nanotechnology society has witnessed many dramatic changes of technology development and manufacturing environments in domestically as well as globally. As innovation of manufacturing and commercialization of nanotechnology become priority policies and strategies of president Park government, the environmental, health, and safety(EHS) issues are becoming more critical and complicated not only in nano science?technology?industry fields, but also in law society to accelerate the crossing valley of death. This article covers the past, present, and future of nanotechnology legislation in South Korea, focusing on the cooperation?coordination of agencies and nano-safety activities for innovation with commercialization. After brief researches on the president Park government``s new policy?strategy of innovation, and current international issues of nano convergence, the authors suggest an amendment of the current ``NANOTECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT PROMOTION ACT`` of 2002 including legal ground for innovation of nano-manufacture, Public Private Partnership, and National Inter-Agency Committee for Coordination of Nanotechnology Policy.

      • KCI등재

        게잡이 원숭이에서 Recombinant Human Erythropoietin의 4주간 투여 후 비장 유전자 발현 연구

        윤석주(Seokjoo Yoon),황지윤(Ji-Yoon Hwang),임정선(Jung-Sun Lim),정선영(Sun-Young Jeong),김용범(Yong-Bum Kim),김달현(Dal-Hyun Kim),권명상(Myung-Sang Kwon),한상섭(Sang-Seop Han),김충용(Choong-Yong Kim) 한국독성학회 2005 Toxicological Research Vol.21 No.3

        We investigated effects of recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) on profiles of mRNA transcripts in 6 male cynomolgus (M. fascicularis) monkey’s spleen for 4 weeks. Six monkeys, composed of control and treatment group (Control : M1, M2, M3; Treatment : M4, M5, M6) were intravenously administered 3 times per week without or with a dose of rHuEPO 2730 IU/0.1 ㎖/㎏. After 4 weeks rHuEPO treatment, spleen was removed for RNA isolation. Splenic gene expression was assessed using Affymetrix U133A 2.0 arrays containing 18,400 transcripts and variants, including 14,500 well-characterized human genes. Gene expression pattern was very different between individuals even in same treatment. In rHuEPO treated groups showed number of genes were up-or downregulated (M4: 79; M5: 48; M6: 73 genes). Six genes (epidermal growth factor receptor, calgranulin A, estrogen receptor binding site associated antigen, matrix metalloproteinase 19, zinc finger and BTB domain containing 16, progestin and adipoQ receptor) were commonly expressed in rHuEPO treated group. The different individual response could be major considering factor in monkey experiment. Further study is needed to clarify the different individual response to rHuEPO in molecular level. This study will be valuable in the fundamental understanding and validation of molecular toxicology for biogeneric drugs including rHuEPO in cynomolgus monkey.

      • KCI등재

        웹 기반의 SWOT 분석 지원도구 설계 및 구현

        황지나(Jeena Hwang),서주환(Ju Hwan Seo),임정선(Jung-Sun Lim),유형선(Hyoung Sun Yoo),박진한(Jinhan Park),김유일(You-eil Kim),김지희(Ji Hui Kim) 한국콘텐츠학회 2017 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.17 No.7

        기업 내부 및 외부 환경 요인 분석을 통한 올바른 비즈니스 전략 수립은 기업의 혁신성과 창출로 이어질 수 있다. 때문에 SWOT 분석을 통해 기업 내부의 강점요인과 약점요인을 인지하고, 기업 외부의 기회요인과 위협요인을 정확하게 분석하는 과정은 매우 중요하다. 그러나 많은 기업들이 그들의 상대적인 강점요인과 약점요인, 기회요인과 위협요인에 대해 정확하게 판단하지 못하는 경우가 많다. 본 연구는 기업이 환경분석 과정에서 보편적으로 활용하는 분석모델 중 하나인 SWOT 분석을 지원하는 도구를 설계 및 구현한 것으로, 각 분야의 전문가들이 작성한 SWOT 분석 결과를 바탕으로 SWOT 분석 사례 DB를 만들어 사용자가 데이터베이스에 저장되어있는 각각의 환경요소를 조회하여 기업에 적합한 환경요소들을 선택, 수정, 추가하게 함으로써 SWOT 분석 시에 기업들이 고려해야하는 내부 및 외부 환경 요인에 대한 정보를 제공하고자 한다. 이를 통해 기업들이 자신의 내부 역량에 대해 보다 정확하게 인지하고, 외부 환경 변화에 대한 고찰을 도울 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. The best business strategy leading to innovation and productivity can be achieved by carefully analyzing internal and external environments of a company. Many companies often require, but difficult to find a tool to determine their own internal/external environmental factors including strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats(SWOT). SWOT is one analytical base model that is utilized in this research to design semi-automated environmental analysis process. This study investigates on SWOT generation system that is built on existing analysis database created by experts in each field. Companies can search and choose their best expressing environmental elements that are stored in the database. This semi-automated SWOT tool is expected to contribute that companies can recognize their internal capabilities more accurately, and help consider external environment changes around them.

      • KCI등재

        데이터베이스 산업 육성을 위한 법제화 연구

        배성훈(Seoung Hun Bae),이명수(Myung-Soo Lee),서일교(Il-Gyo Seo),김선영(Sun-Young Kim),이재진(Jae-Jin Lee),김성철(Sung-Cheol Kim),임정선(Jung Sun Lim),신민수(Minsoo Shin) 강원대학교 비교법학연구소 2014 江原法學 Vol.43 No.-

        최근 데이터베이스 산업의 중심이 데이터베이스에서 데이터로, 활용으로 확대되면서 데이터베이스 산업은 지식정보사회의 핵심 인프라이자 데이터 기반 경제의 고부가가치 산업으로 부상하고 있다. 그러나 중소기업 위주의 낮은 경쟁력, 품질관리 체계 미흡, 전문 인력 부족 등의 고질적인 문제를 안고 있으며, 이를 극복하기 위해서는 관련 법적 근거 마련이 필수적이다. 본 논문에서는 데이터베이스 산업 현황에 대해 고찰하고 관련 법률 제정의 필요성과 방향을 제시하여 국내 데이터베이스 산업의 새로운 도약의 기회를 소개하고 향후 데이터 기반 경제에 대비하고자 한다. Recently, the focus of database industry is moving from database to data itself with applications. Database industry is being emerged as an essential infrastructure of knowledge-based economy and becomes a new high value-added business. To become a new engine of national economic growth, database industry may have the potential problems such as relatively low competitiveness of relevant SMEs, lack of database quality management system, and shortage of professional manpower. One of ways to deal with these problems is to establish a legal basis. In this study, we have studied the current status of database industry. Based on the analysis, we have suggested the need for establishment of relevant law and the direction on how such law can be enacted. This study contributes to provide a new chance for the growth of database industry and build up momentum in order to make a step toward data based economy.

      • KCI등재

        고등학생의 상표충성차원에 의한 진의류 시장세분화연구

        임숙자,임정선 한국의류학회 1997 한국의류학회지 Vol.21 No.4

        The purpose of study were 1) to find whether brand loyalty is reasonable measurement for market segmentation or not, 2) to know consumers' purchasing behavior by marketsegmentation, 3) to draw preference jean product. Objects were 462 high school students who live in Seoul and random sampling referred from "Korean school guide book". The questionnaires were selected from the previous studies and various bibliographies. For statistic analysis, percentage, average, ANOVA, χ^2-test, Duncantest, paired t-test, and multiple regression were used by SAS package. The results of this study were as follows. 1) Consumers were classified into affective brand loyalty group, familiar brand loyalty group, habitual brand loyalty group, brand interest but no brand loyalty group, and no brand loyalty group. 2) There were notable differences in clothes purchasing behavior variable through market segments' purchasing frequency, price. 3) The most prefered jean product is 80,000 won, domestic well-known brand, baggy style and preferable jean product shows different when it classified brand loyalty.

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