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      • KCI등재

        자동화된 유희와 지루함의 시스템: 비디오 게임의 자동화된 플레이를 중심으로

        임연경 이화여자대학교 이화인문과학원 2023 탈경계인문학 Vol.16 No.2

        이 글은 비디오 게임에서 지루함의 역할을 논증하고, 지루함을 통해 매개된 비디오 게임과 인간 플레이어의 관계를 분석하고자 한다. 비디오 게임의 알고리듬에 의한 ‘자동화된 플레이(automated play)’는 놀이에서 지루함의 문제를 전면화한다. 자동화된 플레이에서의 지루함은 플레이어와 게임의 시공간적, 심리적 거리감에 의해 다각화된다. 자동화된 플레이 특유의 참여와 비-참여, 재현과 시뮬레이션, 주목과 산만함이라는 이중 구조의 긴장관계 속에서 지루함과 재미는 역동적으로 얽힌다. 자동화된 플레이에서 지루함의 문제는 인간 플레이어와 게임이 맺는 유희적인 관계의 물질-심리적 역동성을 이해하게 돕는다. 이는 노동에 이어 유희마저 자동화되는 시대에 놀이와 게임의 의미를 성찰하는 계기를 제공한다. This article argues for the role of boredom in video games, a popular form of technological play in the age of automation, and analyzes the relationship between video games and human players mediated through it. Automated play, also known as passive, self-running play in video games, brings the issue of boredom in video games to the forefront. The experience of boredom in automated play is diversified by the spatial, temporal, and psychological distance between the player and the game. In the tension between the twofold structures of participation and non-participation, representation and computation, attention and distraction unique to the video game medium, boredom and fun are not binary opposites, but interplay. The problem of boredom in automated play helps us understand the material-affective dynamics of the playful relationship between human players and games. This will ultimately provide an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of play and gaming in an age where play is being automated.

      • KCI등재

        불법복제의 인터페이스: 20세기 후반 한국 비디오 게임 문화/산업을 중심으로

        임연경 동악어문학회 2023 동악어문학 Vol.91 No.-

        In this paper, I argue that the video game as a medium operates as a socio-technical interface through the techno-cultural phenomenon of media piracy in the Korean video game culture/industry of the 1980s and 1990s. The socio-technical interface is a conceptual term coined to describe the way in which the social, which corresponds to the externality of the game, relates to the technical and aesthetic, which supports the internality of the game. Through the interface, the techno-aesthetic form of the video game is simulated while exerting its own political and economic effects. The social, economic, and cultural infrastructure of piracy of Famicom, which had configured the landscape of Korean video game culture/industry in the second half of the 20th century, did not remain a video game externality, but shaped and transformed video game internality. This was manifested to players in degraded images and texts, sometimes as deformed and modified hardware of the consoles and cartridges. The social outside of the game transformed the technical and aesthetic inside, and these pirated video game products distributed through informal channels functioned as socio-technical interfaces that transnationally mediated and spread ludic capitalism within and beyond the boundaries of the system of the capitalism.ᅠ

      • KCI등재

        사회교환이론의 이익과 비용이 공정관광개발지지에 미치는 영향 : 제주주민의 공정관광 인식을 중심으로

        임연경 한국콘텐츠학회 2023 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.23 No.11

        This study attempted to analyze the impact of the benefits and costs of tourism development pursued by social exchange theory on fair tourism development sites and whether local residents' perception of fair tourism plays a mediating role. To this end, this study conducted a survey of residents in Jeju and conducted an empirical analysis to verify the hypothesis. As a result of the analysis, it was found that both tourism development costs and profits had a positive (+) effect on the tourism development.. This means that if fair tourism is recognized, both the profits and costs of tourism development can have a positive effect on the tourism development. Fair tourism awareness was found to mediate the impact of tourism development costs on tourism development sites. Existing fair tourism studies have proved the positive perception of tourism consumers, and this study has shown that fair tourism can have a positive effect on tourism development of local residents. These findings are limited to Jeju, but they are meaningful in revealing the need for tourism development that combines local residents' positive perception of fair tourism and fair tourism.

      • KCI등재

        기술-사회-자연 네트워크 20세기 후반 한국 해저케이블을 중심으로

        임연경 한국언론학회 2023 커뮤니케이션 이론 Vol.19 No.2

        이 연구는 20세기 후반 한국 해저케이블을 중심으로 기술과 사회, 그리고 자연의 이종적 행위자 네트워크를 탐구한다. 해저케이블과 20세기 후반 한국사회의 행위자 네트워크는 독특한 물질-사회적 생태계를 공형(configuration)했다. 한편으로, 해저케이블이라는 비인간 행위자는 당시 한국의 사회적, 정치적, 경제적 행위자와 네트워크를 이뤘다. 체신부, 한국통신과 한국해저통신 등은 해저케이블 기술의 사회내 안정화를 위한 동맹(alliance)을 맺었으며, 소수의 힘있는 행위자 간의 동맹은 해저케이블의 다층적인 네트워크를 다수의 이용자로부터 비가시화하는 데 기여했다. 다른 한편으로, 해저케이블은 인간과 비인간, 자연적인 것과 인공적인 것, 그리고 사회적인 것 사이의 관계를 생산하고 매개했다. 광역 네트워크 차원에서 해저케이블은 자연적인 것(전기, 빛)을 인공적인 것(통신 시스템)으로 변환시켰으며, 국지적네트워크 차원에서는 바다라는 자연 인프라를 사이에 두고 해양생물 및 인근 지역사회와 긴장 관계를 형성하기도 했다. 20세기 한국사회와의 관계 속에서 해저케이블은 장거리 통신을 가능하게 하는 안정적이고 견고한 미디어 인프라인 동시에 다양한 행위자의 동맹과 긴장 관계를 포함하는 가변적이고 유동적인 기술-사회-자연의 네트워크로 작동하고 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        사회적 인터페이스로서의 얼굴 데이터 아카이빙 : 얼굴인식기술을 돌봄 실천의 기술 양식으로 재전유하기

        임연경 사단법인 언론과 사회 2024 언론과 사회 Vol.32 No.1

        이 글은 자동화된 얼굴인식기술에 의해 구축되고 관리되는 얼굴 데이터 아카이빙의 사회적 중요성을 논증하고자 한다. 또한, 얼굴 데이터의 생산자이자 얼굴 데이터를 아카이빙하는 능동적인 관리자로서 인간이 디지털 사물과 맺는 관계적얼굴 실천 방식을 검토하도록 하겠다. 얼굴은 심리적인 것과 신체적인 것, 개인적인 것과 사회적인 것을 소통하게 하는 사회적 인터페이스 효과를 발생시킨다. 자동화된 얼굴인식기술은 얼굴이 포함된 이미지 및 영상을 기계적인 지각에서 식별하고, 분류하고, 관리함으로써 얼굴의 사회적 인터페이스 효과를 다양한 윤리적·정치적 지대에서 매개한다. 이 글은 자동화된 얼굴인식기술과 연결된 얼굴이 윤리적인 방식의 사회적 인터페이스 효과를 생산하기 위해서는 우리는 모두얼굴 데이터의 새로운 아키비스트가 되어야 한다고 주장한다. 이를 위해 이 글은디지털 얼굴 데이터 아카이빙 전략을 통해 얼굴 데이터와 윤리적으로 관계를 맺는 새로운 아키비스트의 디지털 돌봄 실천을 검토하고자 한다 This article aims to argue for the social significance of facial data produced, distributed, consumed, and processed through facial recognition technologies. It also seeks to examine the intricate interconnections between facial data, facial data archiving, and facial recognition systems. The face serves as a medium that produces social interface effects, mediating the psychological and the physical while communicating the individual, the collective, and the milieu. By identifying, categorizing, and managing images and videos containing faces in nonhuman perception, computer-based facial recognition technologies re-enact the social interface of the face in a variety of ethical and political arenas. This article proposes that humans collectively adopt the role of new archivists for facial data. This role is crucial for establishing an ethical relationship between mind, body, society, technology, and the milieu in an era where facial recognition is highly industrialized and automated. To this end, this article critically examines techno-cultural phenomena where facial recognition is narrowly understood as a technology of control, command, progress, and freedom. Instead, it advocates for a reappropriation of facial practices related to facial data archiving, framing them as caring practices through ethical engagement with facial data

      • KCI등재

        제주주민의 공정관광개발지지에 관한 연구: VBN요인을 매개효과로

        임연경 한국관광진흥학회 2024 관광진흥연구 Vol.12 No.1

        본 연구에서는 사회교환이론에서 추구하는 관광개발의 편익과 비용이 공정관광개발지지에 미치는 영향과 제주주민의 VBN 요인이 매개 역할을 하는지 분석하고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 본 연구에서는 제주주민 298명을 대상으로 설문 조사를 실시하고 가설 검증을 위한 실증 분 석을 실시하였다. 분석 결과 관광 개발 편익과 비용은 모두 관광개발지지에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 공정관광을 인식하는 경우 관광개발에 따른 편익과 비용 모두 관광개발지지에 정의 영향을 줄 수 있음을 의미한다. VBN 요인 중 신념은 관광개발 편익이 관광개발지지에 미치는 영향을 매개하는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 공정관광 가이드를 육성하는 과정에, 책임있는 관광에 관한 개인의 신념을 고양시킬 수 있는 교육이 진행된다면 공정관광에 더욱 적합한 인재를 양성할 수 있을 것이다. 기존의 공정관광 연구들이 관광객의 긍정적인 인식을 증명하였는데 본 연구에서는 지역 주민의 관광개발지지에도 공정관광이 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있음이 밝혀졌다. 이러한 연구 결과는 추후 관광개발에 있어서 지역 주민들의 공정관광에 대한 긍정적인 인식과 관광개발의 필요성을 밝힌 데 그 의의가 있다고 볼 수 있다. 본 연구의 한계점으로는 전국대상이 아닌 제주지역의 지역주민을 대상으로 자료수집 표본이 이루어져 일반화에는 제약이 있고, 후속 연구에서는 질적 연구 내지는 양적 연구와 질적 연구를 혼용한 연구 및 다양한 심리적 변수가 추가된다면 더욱 의미 있는 결과를 기대할 수 있을 것이다. This study attempted to analyze the effect of the supportiveness of the residents for the tourism development pursued by the VBN factors as a mediating role. To test the hypothesis, a survey was conducted on Jeju residents, and 298 samples were ultimately analyzed. As a result of the analysis, it was found that both the benefits and costs of tourism development had a positive (+) effect on tourism development sites. This means that if fair tourism is recognized, both the benefits and costs of tourism development can have a positive effect on tourism development sites. Among the VBN factors, belief was found to mediate the effect of tourism development benefits on tourism development sites. Therefore, if education is conducted to enhance individual beliefs about responsible tourism in the process of fostering fair tourism guides, it will be possible to cultivate more suitable talents for fair tourism. These research results can be seen as meaningful in revealing the positive perception of fair tourism by local residents and the necessity of tourism development in future tourism development. As a limitation of this study, data collection samples are conducted for local residents in Jeju, not nationwide, and generalization is limited, and further studies can expect more meaningful results if qualitative or quantitative studies and various psychological variables are added.

      • KCI등재

        How can a Body Connecting to Locative Media Practice Urban Space?: “Feeling” as the Technique of Orientation in the Digital Age

        임연경 서울시립대학교 도시인문학연구소 2020 도시인문학연구 Vol.12 No.1

        How does the body practice space in the digital age? This paper aims to study the everyday practice of walking in urban space as a theoretical object. This study consists of two questions: (1) Who does the body walk around with in urban space? (2) How does the body feel the emotions, sentiments, and moods of urban space? At a glimpse, the two questions seem distinct. However, they are to be integrated into one in the sense that the body divergently feels space when the body walks with locative media. It is an attempt not to view space as an objective reality, but to see it as ‘becoming,’ co-evolving when the body connects to locative media. By coupling the discourse of space with affect theory, this paper explores the role of forms of affect and their operation. Forms of affect toward locative media and the network of the non-human world jointly work as the technique of orientation in urban space. Delving into the technique of orientation, this paper consists of two sections. The first section discusses the mutual embeddedness of the body and space. The emotional-sensory experience of urban space perception based on gender and sexuality signals that the body embodies space which it constitutes. The second section examines specific uses of map interfaces linked to locative media narrative strategies in the form of art. Consequently, I argue that both map interfaces and locative media narratives act as technologies of orientation, which enable the body to wander urban space according to the various levels and qualities of forms of affect. Through case studies of an old map interface, site-specific art, the Situationist International, and media arts, I have suggested that we can learn how the body plays with emotional-sensory experiences in urban space. In doing so, the everyday practice of walking in urban space with mobile phones could be problematized, and a reconsideration of a constitutive medium for cultural transformation could be facilitated. The initial finding of this study is that the emotion is not only the technique of orientation, but also that of disorientation. The emotion produces “queer space” where a political subject tries to reorient their direction in unprecedented ways. Therefore, the ultimate finding of this study is that the body and space are mutually embedded through the form of affect.

      • 두부손상환자 가족의 불안에 관한 탐색적 연구

        임연경,소희영 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1989 충남의대잡지 Vol.16 No.1

        Economic an Social development have been accompanied by an increased traffic and industrial accident rate resulting in head injuries causing disability to youth; head injury place a burden on their families. The study purpose was to determine factors and levels related to anxiety of head injury patients’ family members with sudden accident. Furthermore it was to contributed to the assessment and the intervention of nursing for the promotion of recovery and adaptation of patient. The Subjects for this study were 150 family members. The samples were head injury patients’ family members in 7 general hospitals in Daejon. Data was collected from July 3rd, to Aug. 19th 1988. The content validity was verified and the reliability about each items was Cronbach’s alpha value. .9550. Data was analyzed in a SPSS program using the frequency, Mean, Standard derviation, t-test and ANOVA. The results were as follows! 1. Among anxiety factors reported by the subjects, that which ranked highest was “having anxiety when the patient’s progress become worse”(M=4.253, SD-1.130). Next was “having anxiety when I see that another patient who has the same operation becomes aggrevated”(M=4.0130, SD=1.117), and “having anxiety when the patient’s character or appearance may be changed after a head injury”(M=3.880, SD=1.146). 2. Level of anxiety about social factor was M=3.46, SD=0.96, emotional factor was M=3.37, SD=0.85 and physical factor was M=3.18, SD=1.08. 3.Among the general characteristics of family members, level of anxiety was statistically significant differences in age (F=4.9418, P<0.001), marital status(F=8.8443, P<0.09), level of education (F=3.0892, P<0.05), Surgery (t=3.3, P<0.001), and level of consciousness (t%3.38, p<0.001). 4. There were statistically significant differences between levels of anxiety of patients’ family members related with the duration of hospitalization (F=2.5401, P<0.05). 5. There were statistically significant differences between anxiety of patients’family members related with the connection. 6. There were statistically significant differences between anxiety of patients’family members related with severity of illness(F=26.9820,F<0.001).

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