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        IoT 기반 화장(火葬) 안내 자동화 지원 시스템 설계

        이희락,김재웅 한국지식정보기술학회 2017 한국지식정보기술학회 논문지 Vol.12 No.4

        Changes in trends and national sentiment are gradually changing funeral culture from burial to cremation. A number of cremation facilities are newly introduced to the funeral facilities and the number of cremation is increasing every year. As the number of visitors to cremation facilities increases, the need for proper guidance systems is also increasing. However, cremation facilities at Funeral Cultural Center are not equipped with automation due to the nature of facilities. Even if it is equipped, the automation is insufficiently applied. In this paper, We suggest a solution of the problem that the ending signal is not generated by the different business process as per each cremation object in the cremation facility adopting the automation system. We would like to design the system which mounts IoT-based automation support module which guides cremation progress on the car using for funeral. The construction of the cremation progress guide automation system will provide precise progress to the mourners, simplify complicated procedures such as wired wireless communication between the managers in the field and the management room, and reduce the burden on the field support personnel. The support system is designed to be lightweight and wireless so that it does not interface with the cremation work.

      • KCI등재

        "하―"의 특성과 경술어구문

        희락 서울대학교 어학연구소 1996 語學硏究 Vol.32 No.3

        In this paper there are several points that we make about the properties of the Korean ha- 'to do/be/…'. It shows an exceptional diversity not only in its semantic/functional behavior but also in its formal (morphological/disributional) behavior. Firstly, we argue that, among the varlants of ha-, some have their own meanings and others behave as "dummy" verbs. Secondly, ha- variants are classified into three different units according to their morphological status: independent words (those which combine with "verbal/process nouns (VNs)"), clitics (those which combine with "adjectival/stative nominals"), and (derivational) endings. In particular, the ha- in the [VN ha-] format, where the VN does not bear the accusative marker -lul, is also analyzed as a word rather than a part of a word (i.e. a morpheme), just like the one in the [VN-lul ha- ] format. Thirdly, we provide some criteria to distinguish VNs from regular nouns. Although much attention has been paid to Light Verb Constructions (LVCs), previous analyses have failed to provide objective criteria for defining LVCs (and hence "thematically incomplete" Light Verbs (LVs) and accompanying VNs). The verb ha- and the noun preeding it are inconsistently regarded as a LV and a VN, respectively or as a "heavy verb" and a regular noun, respectively, depending on its environment. That is, sentences containing them are analyzed as LVCs only when the noun is not modified or "moved". In the face of these problems, I argue firstly, that all ha- sentences should be analyzed as Light Predicate Constructions (LPCs: LVCs+Light Adjective Constructions) when the potential VN/Predicate Nominal (PN) has at least one of the verbally case-marked phrases as its complement regardless of whether the PN is modified or moved. Secondly, LPCs (neither LPs nor PNs) are classified into two groups based on their structural differences: ??[…, ??[PNP+LP]??]?? and ??[…, PNP, LP]??. Thirdly, LPC sentences in general are ambiguous between these two structures. Many sentences, however, are disambiguated because the PN in each structure has its own special properties. In this approach, the differences of the behavior of the verb ha- and the noun preceding it in LPC sentences are attributed to their structural differences rater than to "spuriously" multiplied lexical items.

      • KCI등재
      • Coal Tar Pitch-Asjphaltene을 Matrix-Precursor로 한 탄소/탄소 복합체의 性質

        희락,오재원 大田工業大學 1991 한밭대학교 논문집 Vol.8 No.2

        The result of the experiment of properties carbon-carbon composite in which we used asphaltene extracted from coal tar pitch as matrix-precursor are as follow : when green composite filled up with carbon- fibre was carbonized, the shrinkage rate was under 1% toward the axis-direction of fibre and about 3.2 through 5.6% towatd 90˚-direction of fibre. The prominent increase of the density of the specimen by the impregnation process was seen when the specimen was recarbonized after the 1st and 2nd impregnation. Flexual strength of carbon-carbon composite was increased with the filling -up rate of fibre and frequency of impregnation, and flexural strength -560 MN / m^2 and flexural modulus showed 460GN / m^2 by the 3rd impreganation and recarbonization.

      • KCI등재후보

        선거보도의 객관성에 관한 연구

        희락 한국정치커뮤니케이션학회 2008 정치커뮤니케이션 연구 Vol.8 No.-

        대의제 민주주의 체계에서 사회 의사소통을 담당하는 뉴스보도의 올바른 공론장 역할은 매우 중요하다. 대중매체가 사회의사소통의 절대적 비중을 차지하는 현대 대중사회에서 진실의 자율교정과정은 대중 언론에 예속될 수밖에 없기 때문에, 진실을 추구하고 전달하는 대중 언론 보도의 객관성은 매우 중요하다. 그런데 오늘날 선거에서 네거티브 전략의 강력한 위력과 언론의 상업주의적 속성 때문에 정책이슈 공방은 사라지고 대신 네거티브 전략에서 배태되는 규범적이고 지시적 이슈들이 언론보도의 주를 이룬다. 결국 중립성 장막에 숨은 언론의 객관성은 상호간의 폭로와 비난을 그대로 보도하는 앵무새저널리즘만을 가능하게 할 뿐이다. 특히, 1980년대 민주과정에서 권력의 하수인 역할을 하던 언론에 대한 비판과 질책이 한국 언론을 공정성을 가장한 중립성의 장막에 숨게 만들었다. 선거캠페인과정에서 언론의 중립성은 네거티브에 의한 상호비난전만 가능하게 할뿐, 진실추구는 어렵게 한다. 본 연구는 서구사회의 오랜 학문적 논쟁의 대상이었던 객관주의가 언론의 상업주의 시대에 뉴스보도의 중심 가치로 부각된 배경과 본질적 합리성(진실추구목적)으로서 언론의 객관성이 자리 잡게 되었는지를 알아보았다. 한편, 국내 언론이 객관성이 중립성을 중심 가치로 부각시킴으로서 진실추구보다는 어떻게 사회 내 의혹만을 더욱 증폭시키는지를 알아보고자 했다. 그래서 지난 제17대 대통령 선거 한나라당후보 경선 시기인 2007년 6월11일(후보등록)일부터 8월20일까지의 방송3사의 ‘메인 뉴스 프로그램’에서 제기된 많은 네거티브 이슈들 중 이명박 후보의 ‘위장전입 이슈’와 ‘땅 투기 의혹’과 관련된 보도 형태를 분석했다. 우리 방송 3사는 쌍방이 있는 대상에 대한 보도에서는 중립성의 객관적 관행을 최고의 저널리즘 가치로 인식하고 있다. 언론은 진실 추구보다는 전형적인 앵무새 저널리즘의 보도 행태로서 양방의 비난을 언급한 보도의 중립적 태도만을 취하고 있었다. 결국 국민은 진실이 무엇인지 몰라 당황할 뿐만 아니라, 거짓에 대한 무감각한 마취에 빠져든 결과를 초래했다.

      • Coal Tar Pitch-Asphaltene을 Binder로 한 Carbon-Materials 제조 및 物性에 관한 硏究

        희락,오재원 大田工業大學 1990 한밭대학교 논문집 Vol.7 No.2

        The results of the experiment of properties of carbon-materials in which we used asphaltene extracted from coal tar pitch as binder are as follows : When asphaltene extracted from coal tar pitch was carbonized to 900℃ in nitrogen atmosphere, the carbon yield of 65% was seen. When green composite filled up with 50% graphite was carbonized, the linear shrinkage rate was about 2.1%. When specimen was made from extrusion molding more than hot-press molding, the result was appeared with the higher flexural strength.

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