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      • 총폐정맥환류이상 환아들의 장기 고찰

        이훈경,유경하,황일태,강은숙,홍기숙,김경효,홍영미,김경희,이근 대한소아청소년과학회 2000 Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics (CEP) Vol.43 No.2

        Purpose:Cryopreserved stem cells from cord blood are usually infused with Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) immediately after thawing. However, this process may cause cell damage due to osmotic shock, and the administration of DMSO may also cause toxic effects. We studied a new method of increasing cell viability by stabilizing osmolarity by adding dextran 40 and washing out DMSO. Methods:Thirty-five samples of cord blood were studied. RBCs were removed in 10% pentastarch. The cells were mixed with DMSO of 5, 10 and 20% each, and stored at -80℃. Cryopreserved cells were thawed and then diluted with dextran 40. DMSO was removed afterwards. The cell viability, osmolarity and colony forming capacity in this new thawing method were compared with the control group done by conventional methods. Results:The recovery rate of WBC after RBCs separation was 92.06% but the contamination rate of RBC was still high(29.90%). The concentration of DMSO significantly affected the survival of WBCs(P<0.05). The osmolarity was 330±17.7mOsm/L before freezing, 1,457±508.7mOsm/L after thawing prior to dilution and 811±199.6mOsm/L after dilution, suggesting that the dilution process was effective in reducing osmolarity. The number of viable cells increased from 6.01±1.61(×103/L) to 7.16±1.48(×103/L) after dilution but was not significant. The number of CFU-C was increased from 5.82±4.19(/105) to 7.58±3.16(/105) after dilution but was not significant. Conclusion:Our method of removing DMSO during the thawing process yields a higher cell survival rate and less DMSO toxicities compared with the conventional method of direct injection with DMSO after thawing. 목 적 : 일반적으로 얼려두었던 조혈모세포를 환 자에게 주입하는 방법은 녹인 후 가능한 한 빨리 DMSO와 함께 환자에게 주입해 주는 방법이었다. 그러나 이 방법은 세포의 생존에 치명적인 손상을 줄 뿐 아니라 DMSO로 인한 심각한 부작용을 일으킬 수 있다. 이에 저자들은 이러한 단점을 보완하기 위 해 삼투압의 차이를 줄여 주어 세포의 파괴를 막고, DMSO 제거를 위해 Dextran 40을 사용하였다.방 법 : 1998년 3월부터 8월까지 이화여자 대학교 동대문병원 산부인과에서 시행하는 정상 질식분만 35례에서 제대혈을 얻어 10% pentastarch를 이용하여 적혈구를 분리한 후 DMSO를 5, 10 및 20%로 주입하여 rapid freezing 후 -80℃로 저장하였다. 조혈세포 해동방법은 37℃ 수조에서 녹인 후 Dextran 40을 넣어 원심 분리하여 세포생존력, 삽투압농도, 및 집락형성능력을 기존의 방법으로 해동한 대조 군과 각각 비교하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        The U.S. Policy and Strategy Toward DPRK:Comparison and Evalution of the Clinton and Bush Administrations

        이훈경 인하대학교 국제관계연구소 2002 Pacific Focus Vol.17 No.2

        This article focuses on studying and evaluating the Clinton and Bush administrations' policies and strategies toward North Korea. The Clinton administration's policy toward North Korea was a continuation of the abandonment of containment and confrontation strategies of the Cold War era. That policy was based on a strategic transfer of power for the purpose of preventing a war, through a combination of aid and deterrence in the Korean peninsula by its engagement policy. The Administration believed that additional food aid and easing of economic sanctions would make a contribution to North Korean survival, and hence, a reduction in its bellicose disposition. Providing that this policy continued, it would be possible not merely to lead North Korea's change, but also to help it enter into international society by breaking down its self‐imposed isolation. To the contrary, the Bush administration points out that the Clinton administration's engagement policy did not lead to North Korea's change, and even left the wrong precedent in nuclear and missile negotiations. Focusing on nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction with an emphasis of transparency, monitoring, and verification, the Bush administration has claimed a broad agenda. This includes an improved implementation of the Agreed Framework relating to North Korea's nuclear activities, verifiable control over North Korea's missile programs and a ban on its missile exports, and a less threatening conventional military posture. With the different views of these two administrations as a background, this article explores the U.S. efforts for achieving such policy goals as freezing North Korea's nuclear weapons program and halting its missile development and sales, together with looking at North Korea's response. American efforts for supporting the necessities for life, easing of some economic sanctions toward DPRK are also described. At the same time, the U.S. policy toward DPRK is evaluated on the whole in considering U.S. policy limits for nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the lack of effort by North Korea for peacemaking and survival, and inconsistency on U.S. assistance. Lastly, this article suggests a way for an alternative solution by thinking about some dilemmas for the U.S. and the DPRK.


        직접 접근법으로 다룬 뇌 동맥류 18예에 대한 수술 경험

        이훈경,오석전,조해동,유영락,김남규,정환영 대한신경외과학회 1983 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.12 No.4

        Eighteen intracranial aneurysm were operated upon with direct approach under the surgical microscope. The aneurysms arising in the anterior communicating artery (8) were most common, followed by internal carotid artery (6), middle cerebral artery(2), posterior communicating artery (1), anterior cerebral artery(l) in order. We preferred pterional approach. And the timing of operation was scheduled as soon as possible if other conditions permitted. Mannitol administration, hypotensive anesthesia, Sugita clip, biobond or aneurysmostat were utilized during the operation. The aneurysmal neck was clipped with Sugita clip mostly, but wrapping was also carried out in certain condition. The elasticity of the Sugita clip is seemed to be better than others. In even Sugita clip, however, overopening at the time of clipping made it weak and resulted in incomplete occlusion of the aneurysm neck. To obtain successful aneurysmal surgical result, following surgical care should be taken. 1) lesser brain retraction 2) complete removal of subarachnoid clots 3) Meticulous hemostasis of micro-oozing from bridging vein and internal dural surface. Uneventful two surgical cases were found to be fatal due to hidden post-operative oozing clots from the internal surface of the dura.


        전교통동맥류 출혈의 뇌동맥조영술 소견의 분석

        박철완,이훈경,김광명,오석전,김남규,정환영,이승로 대한신경외과학회 1990 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.19 No.8-9

        The authors reviewed angiographic findings of 96 cases of ruptured anterior communicating artery aneurysms that were operated at the Department of Neurosurgery of Hanyang University Hospital from Jan. 1986 to June 1990. The results were summarized as followings : 1) Asymmetricity of caliber of A₁ was observed in 71.9% (69/96) and which was 3 times more frequent than that of reported incidence of control group(2∼23%). 2) The incidence of predominance of left A₁ was 54.2% (52/96) and that of right A₁was 17.7% (17/96). Among them, predominant A₁ was operated as afferent artery of aneurysm in 94.2% (65/69). 3) Of 69 cases in which a unilateral A₁ showed predominance, the direction of aneurysm was opposite to the side of predominant A₁ in 66.7% (46/69) and ipsilateral to the predominant A₁ in only 2.9% (2/69). 4) Above findings suggest that it is desirable to approach the anterior communicating artery aneurysm via the side of predominant A₁ when the direction of aneurysm is uncertain on cerebral angiogram.

      • 전교통동맥류 출혈의 뇌전산화단층촬영술과 뇌동맥조영술 소견의 분석

        김남규,이훈경,정환영,김광명,오석전 한양대학교 의과대학 1991 한양의대 학술지 Vol.11 No.1

        In anterior communicating artery aneurysm that accounts for about 30% of intracranial aneurysms, it has been pointed out that the hemodynamic factor plays a very important role in all stages such as initiation, growth and rupture of aneurysm. There are several principles which are generally agreed in surgical field: careful protection of perforators, preparation for temporary clipping of afferent artery of aneurysm and dissection of the neck of aneurysm prior to exposure of the dome. However, there is controversy about the direction of approach to the aneurysm. While Yasargil has approached almost all the anterior communicating artery aneurysm through the right side, Flamm said that he operated the anterior communicating artery aneurysm via the same side of the predominant A₁ Based upon the angiographic findings, the author reviewed 96 cases of ruptured anterior communicating artery aneurysm to propose a standard related to the direction of surgical approach by analyzing the relationships between unilateral predominance of A₁, afferent artery and direction of cerebral angiogram, the author tried to suggest a point referred to which carotid artery should be selected first when direct jcarotid angiography is inevitable. The results were summarized as followings: 1. Of 53 cases which had intracranial hematoma, 28 cases showed unilateral predominance. Among them the predominance of hematoma was opposite to the afferent artery in 82.1%(23/28) and was ipsilateral to the direction of aneurysm in 64.3% (18/28) 2. Of 91 cases which had subarachnoid hemorrhage, 29 cases showed unilateral predominance. Among them the predominace of hematoma was opposite to the afferent artery in 72.4% (21/29) and was ipsilateral to the direction of aneurysm in 58.6% (17/29). 3. Asymmetricity of caliber of A₁was observed in 71.9%(69/96) and which was 3 times more frequent than that of reported incidence of control group (2.2-23%). 4. The incidence of predominance of left A₁was 54.2% (52/96) and that of right A₁was 17.7% (17/96). Among them, predominant A₁was operated as afferent artery in 94.2% (65/69). 5. Of 69 cases in which a unilateral A₁showed predominance, the direction of aneurysm was opposite to the side of predominant A₁in 66.7%(46/69) and ipsilateral to the predominant A₁in only 2.9% (2/69). 6. Above findings suggest that in cases with suspected anterior communicating artery aneurysm rupture that direct carotid angiography is inevitable, contralateral carotid aneurysm rupture that direct carotid angiography is inevitable, contralateral carotid angiography should be undertaken when intracranial hematoma or subarachnoid hemorrhage showed unilateral predominance on brain CT, and left carotid angiography is preferable than right if there is no predominance of intracranial hematoma or subarachnoid hemorrhage on brain CT. And it is desirable to approach the anterior communicating artery aneurysm via the side of the predominant A₁when the direction of aneurysm is uncertain on cerebral angiogram.

      • KCI등재

        Carbyne Bundles for a Lithium-ion-battery Anode

        박민우,이훈경 한국물리학회 2013 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.63 No.5

        Carbyne, an infinite chain of sp-bonded carbon atoms, may be an effective material for energy storage applications, such as lithium-ion batteries, owing to its extremely large surface area (∼11000m2 g−1). Using first principles density functional calculations, we explored the possibilities of carbyne bundles for use in lithium-ion-battery anodes. A composite of a stable Li-intercalated carbyne bundle has the formula C6Li13. The open circuit voltage of the battery made with a carbyne bundle ranges from ∼0.3 to ∼0.9 V with changing concentration x (C6Lix), meeting the voltage requirement for anodes. The Li-intercalated carbyne bundle (C6Li13) possesses specific and volumetric capacities of ∼4840 mAh g−1 and ∼2038 mAh cm−3, respectively, which are much greater than the corresponding values for graphite of ∼370 mAh g−1 and ∼820 mAh cm−3. We propose that carbyne bundles can serve as high-capacity lithium-ion- battery anodes.

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