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      • KCI등재

        다양한 토양의 물리적 특성과 작물에 따른 밭작물 관개용수량 산정

        이태화,신용철,Lee, Taehwa,Shin, Yongchul 한국농공학회 2016 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.58 No.6

        Crop damages due to agricultural drought has been increased in recent years. In Korea, water resources are limited indicating that proper management plans against agricultural drought are required for better water-use efficiency in agriculture. In this study, irrigation intervals and amounts for various crops and soil physical properties (sandy and silt loams) were estimated using the IWMM model. Five different crops (soybean, radish, potato, barley and maize) at the Bangdong-ri site in Chuncheon were selected to test the IWMM model. IWMM assessed agricultural drought conditions using the soil moisture deficit index (SMDI), and irrigation intervals and amounts were determined based on the degree of agricultural drought (SMDI). Additionally, we tested the effects of surface irrigation and sprinkler irrigation methods and various irrigation intervals of 2, 3, 5 and 7 days. In our findings, the irrigation intervals of 5 and 7 days showed the minimum rrigation amounts than others. When we considered that the intervals of 3 or 5 days are usually preferred to fields, the interval of 5 days was determined in our study. The estimated irrigation amounts for different crops were shown as maize > radish > barley > soybean > potato, respectively. The irrigation amounts for maize and barley were highly affected by soil properties, but other crops have less differences. Also, small differences in irrigation amounts were shown between the surface and sprinkler irrigation methods. These might be due to the lack of consideration of water loss (e.g., evapotranspiration, infiltration, etc.) in IWMM indicating model structural uncertainties. Thus, possible water loss (e.g., evapotranspiration, infiltration) need to be considered in application to fields. Overall, IWMM performed well in determining the irrigation intervals and amounts based on the degree of agricultural drought conditions (SMDI). Thus, the IWMM model can be useful for efficient agricultural water resources management in regions at where available water resources are limited.

      • KCI등재

        Personal Factors and Clinical Learning Environment as Predictors of Nursing Students' Readiness for Practice: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis

        이태화,이수정,Yoon Yea Seul,Ji Hyunju,윤숙희,Lee SangA,Ji Yoonjung 한국간호과학회 2023 Asian Nursing Research Vol.17 No.1

        Purpose: It is essential to ensure the readiness for practice among undergraduate nursing students since the purpose of such education is to cultivate competent nurses who deliver high-quality and safe nursing. Astin's theory of student involvement suggests that this is affected by their personal factors and learning environment. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study between November 16, 2020 and December 21, 2020 which examined personal factors and aspects of the clinical learning environment among senior nursing students (n ¼ 838) enrolled across 54 nursing schools in Korea. The participants were asked to fill out a self-administered online survey, which assessed demographic characteristics, self-esteem, depression, work-life balance, clinical learning environment, anxiety during clinical practicum, and readiness for practice. Readiness for practice was measured using the Casey-Fink Readiness for practice survey. We used structural equational modeling to test our hypothetical model. Results: The nursing students' readiness for practice was significantly affected by their self-esteem, work-life balance satisfaction, and clinical learning environment. Anxiety during clinical practicum directly influenced their readiness for practice. Conclusion: Increasing self-esteem and work-life balance satisfaction, and improving their clinical learning environment by providing sufficient educational and clinical support, could help facilitate the transition from nursing schools to real-world practice for nursing students.

      • KCI등재

        『조선일보』 연재 <이동백 일대기> 再考

        이태화(Tae hwa Lee) 판소리학회 2022 판소리연구 Vol.53 No.-

        이 글에서 문제 제기한 쟁점은 크게 세 가지로 정리할 수 있다. 첫째, 이동백의 판소리 스승으로 알려진 김정근과 김세종은 사실 이동백의 음악에 큰 영향을 주지 않았을 가능성이 높으며, 특히 김세종은 직접적인 스승이 아니었을 가능성도 있다. 둘째, 이동백 자신이 구술한 여러 기록에서 비합리적 정황이 자주 등장하는 이유는 자신과 인연이 닿은 당대의 권세가들을 강조하느라고 구체적인 시공간의 정보를 간과했기 때문이라 할 수 있다. 셋째, 통정대부라는 명예직을 제수받은 일은 이동백의 인생에서 중요한 계기가 되었고, 그로 인해 신분제에 대한 모순된 가치관이 드러나기도 했다. 정확한 정보가 아닐 수 있음에도 세상에 나오는 순간 일단 확정되는 설명들. 그리고 머지않아 후속 연구자들이 별 문제의식 없이 수용하게 될지도 모를 연도나 수치들. 게다가 증언이기 때문에 우선 신뢰해야 하는 구술들. 이미 당사자를 다시 만나 바로잡을 수 없게 된 그것들은, 해당 연구 영역에 새로 합류하는 연구자들에 의해 매번 일정한 재검토의 대상이 되어야 한다. 위대하거나 유명한 인물이라는 가치에 눌려 합당하지 않아 보이는 상황들을 간과해서는 안될 것이며, 그것을 적당히 미화하는 일은 더더욱 위험하다. 아직은 단순한 문제 제기에 지나지 않는 쟁점들을 후속 연구로 심화할 계획이나, 이 분야의 신뢰도 높은 자료가 드물다는 것을 알기에 막연한 염려가 앞선다. 음악적 비교 연구를 필자가 감당할 수 없는 점이 무엇보다 아쉽다. 유관 분야의 다른 전공 연구자들도 이 글의 문제 제기를 검토해 주기를 바란다. This article examines certain questions raised by reviewing the biography of Lee Dong-baek, which is often accepted without question because it was written based on his testimony. Lee Dong-baek enjoyed the greatest popularity among the Japanese colonial era's Pansori master singers, and there are very many related extant materials and sound sources. However, there are many differences in the contents of articles written based on interviews with Lee in his old age. Although this is often true of figures from an era when records were not thorough, in the case of Lee Dong-baek, most of the information is from Lee Dong-baek himself, which can indicate a more complex story. It is necessary to understand all the facts and point of interest properly separately, but when integrating them into secondary data, a willingness not to insist upon conclusive finality is needed. This is because the unconfirmed narrative information is confusing not only regarding him but also his colleagues' activities, and further hinders the organization of historical trends in this field. The issues raised in this article can be summarized into three main categories. First, it is highly likely that Kim Jeong-geun and Kim Se-jong, known as Lee Dong-baek’s Pansori teachers, did not have a significant influence on Lee Dong-baek's music, especially because, Kim Se-jong was not a direct teacher. Second, the reason why irrational circumstances often appear in various records dictated by Lee Dong-baek himself is that he overlooked specific times and time information to emphasize the powerful people of the time who had a relationship with him. Third, receiving the honorary position of the Tongjeongdaebu(通政大夫) was an important opportunity in Lee Dong-baek's life, and therefore, he revealed contradictory values about the status system. Explanations are often confirmed as soon as they appear in the world, even though they may not be accurate information, as well as the years and figures that subsequent researchers may soon accept without hesitation. Besides, because it is a testimony, the phrases must be trusted first. We are already unable to correct them because we cannot meet him again. They must be subject to constant review each time new researchers join the research area. We should not overlook situations in which the value of a great or famous person does not seem reasonable, and it is even more dangerous to glorify them properly. It plans to deepen issues that are still nothing more than simply raising problems in follow-up studies, but vague concerns precede knowing that reliable data in this field are scarce. Above all, it is regrettable that I cannot handle the comparative study of music. I hope other researchers in related fields will also consider raising the issues raised in this article.

      • KCI우수등재

        간호사가 인식하는 환자안전문화의 영향요인: 진정성 리더십과 팀효과성을 중심으로

        이태화(Lee, Tae Wha),김필자(Kim, Phill Ja),이혜영(Lee, Hye Young),신혜경(Shin, Hae Kyung),이현심(Lee, Hyun Sim),최윤아(Choi, Yoona) 한국간호행정학회 2021 간호행정학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        Purpose: This study was conducted to test a structural model for patient safety culture of clinical nurses focusing on organizational policy and interpersonal factors. Methods: A descriptive structural equation model design was used. Participates in this study were 385 clinical nurses. The variables of safety management system, authentic leadership, team effectiveness, and patient safety culture were measured to test the hypothetical model. SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 21.0 were used to analyze descriptive statistics and path analysis. Results: The final model fit satisfied goodness-of-fit and all path were significant. Authentic leadership (β=.54, p=<.001) was reported as the most influencing factor, followed by team effectiveness (β=.24, p<.001) and safety management system (β=.21, p<.001). Safety management system (β=.38, p=.002) and authentic leadership (β=.12, p=.002) had indirect effects on patient safety culture as well. Conclusion: The findings of this study show the importance of authentic leadership, team effectiveness, and safety management system to develop patient safety culture. The health care organization should develop the programs to increase these influencing factors.

      • KCI등재

        한국 노인의 건강 문해(Health Literacy)실태와 영향 요인

        이태화(Lee, Tae Wha),강수진(Kang, Soo Jin) 한국노년학회 2008 한국노년학 Vol.28 No.4

        본 연구는 지역사회에 거주하고 있는 노인을 대상으로 건강 문해 수준과 이와 관련된 영향 요인을 확인하기 위함이다. 본 연구의 대상자는 2008년 1월 7일부터 2월 4일 까지 서울 및 경기 지역에 거주하고 있는 60세 이상의 노인 411명을 편의 추출하였으며, 일대일 면접을 통해 자료를 수집하였다. 건강 문해 측정 도구는 이태화(2008)가 개발한 한국형 건강 문해 측정 도구를 이용하였다. 이 도구는 이해 및 수리 영역 14문항과 용어 영역 11문항의 총 25문항으로 구성되어져 있다. 자료 분석은 서술 통계, t-test, ANOVA, 문항 분석, 다중 회귀 분석을 이용하였다. 연구 결과 남자가 160명(39.0%), 여자 250명(61.0%)로 여자 대상자가 더 많았으며, 대상자의 건강 문해 도구의 평균 점수는 총 25점 만점을 기준으로 17.49(±5.73)이었다. 하부 영역별로 살펴보면 이해 및 수리 영역은 8.96(±3.61), 용어 영역은 8.53(±2.83) 이었으며 이것은 문해의 기준인 초등학교 졸업자의 점수에 가까웠고 평균 점수 이하의 응답자는 176명(42.8%)로 조사되었다. 대상자의 일반적 특성에 따른 건강 문해 정도의 차이를 비교해 보았을 때, 보유 질환수를 제외한 성별, 연령, 교육 수준, 동거 유형, 월 소득, 병의원 이용 빈도가 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였다. 다중회귀분석을 이용하여 건강 문해 수준에 영향을 미치는 요인으로는 교육 수준, 연령, 월소득, 동거 유형이 통계적으로 유의하였고, 이 변수들은 건강 문해의 26.5%를 설명하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구 결과를 바탕으로 건강 전문인들은 노인의 보건교육 및 질병관리, 의료이용의 영역에서 인구사회학적 특성을 고려한 다양한 건강 문해 향상 전략을 개발하여 노인의 건강성과를 높이는데 기여해야 할 것이다. This study aimed to measure the health literacy among Korean elderly living in the community, and to explore the factors influencing health literacy of the elderly. A descriptive correlational research design was used. The sample consisted of 411 elders who were conveniently selected from the community welfare center users in Seoul and Gyeong-gi province. Data were collected from face-to-face interviews by trained interviewers between January, 7 and February, 4, in 2008. Health literacy was measured by Korean Health Literacy Scale developed by Lee(2008). Descriptive statistics, ANOVA, t-test, and multiple regression were used to analyse the data. In result, the mean score of health literacy was 17.46(±5.73) with a range of 0 to 25, 42.8% of elderly had limited health literacy problems. Multiple regression showed that 26.5% of variance in health literacy was accounted for by the combination of education, age, living arrangement, and income. In conclusion, various strategies to improve health literacy in elderly population in the areas of health education and disease management should be needed to reduce health disparities among elderly.

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