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      • KCI등재

        임플란트 고정체의 매식 경사에 따른 응력분석

        이태엽,강재석,이승훈,안옥주,강동완 조선대학교 구강생물학연구소 2002 口腔生物學硏究 Vol.26 No.2

        Bending moments results from offset overloading of dental implant, which may cause stress concentrations to exceed the Physiological capacity of cortical bone and lead to various kinds of mechanical failures. The purpose of this study was to compare the distributing pattern of stress on the finite element models with the different angulated placement of dental implant in mandibular posterior missing areas. The three kinds of finite element model. were designed according to 3 main configurations: Model 1(parallel typed placement of 2 fixtures). Model 2(15˚ distal angulated placement of one fixture on second molar area). Model 3(15˚ mesial angulated placement of one fixture on second molar area). The cemented crowns for mandibular first and second molars were made on the two fixtures (4㎜ ×11.5). Three-dimensional finite element models by two fixtures were constructed with the components of the implant and surrounding bone. A 200N vertical static load were applied to the center of central fossa and the point 2㎜ apart from the center of central fossa on each model. The Preprocessing, solving and postprocessing procedures were done by using FEM analysis software NISA/DISPLAY Ⅳ Version 10.0((Engineering Mechanics Research Corporation, USA). Von Mises stresses were evaluated and compared in the supporting bone. Fixtures, and abutment . The results were as following: 1. Under the point loading at the central fossa, the direction of angulated fixture affected the stress pattern of implants 2. Under the offset loading, the position of loading affected more on the stress concentration of implants compare to the angulated direction of implants The results had a tendency to increase the stress on the supporting bone, fixture and screw under the offset loads when the placement angulation of implant fixture is placed toward mesial or distal direction, In designing of the occlusal scheme for angulated placement, placing the occlusal contacts axially during chewing appears to have advantages in a biomechanical viewpoint

      • KCI등재

        북한어 정신건강 평가도구 개발 및 그 신뢰도

        이태엽,안명희,전진용,한정미,이소희,함봉진,조맹제,홍진표 대한신경정신의학회 2015 신경정신의학 Vol.54 No.2

        Objectives ZZThe aim of the study was to develop a North Korean version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (NK-CIDI) and to evaluate the reliability and validity of NK-CIDI. MethodsZZSubjects were 100 North Korean defectors, aged 18 to 65, who were recruited in a center for defectors in the National Medical Center or who were on an education curriculum in the defector settlement support center. NK-CIDI was developed based on the Korean version of CIDI considering the sociocultural background of North Korea. Inter-rater reliability, test/retest reliability, and validity of NK-CIDI were evaluated and kappa value was calculated. ResultsZZDifferent vocabularies and awkward expressions were adjusted, and additional explanations were supplemented for difficult phases. The target for development of NK-CIDI was early defectors who entered South Korea less than 3 months ago. Inter-rater reliability (n=30, kappa value 0.35–1.00), test/retest reliability (n=30, kappa value 0–0.86), and diagnostic validity (n=100, kappa value -0.02–0.42) were evaluated. ConclusionZZCompared to the general population, defectors experience more psychiatric issues, and a standardized tool for diagnosis is needed. In this study, NK-CIDI was developed and the results suggest that reliability is acceptable but validity needs further verification. NK-CIDI could be utilized in future epidemiologic studies.

      • KCI등재

        임플란트 고정체의 매식 경사에 따른 응력분석

        이태엽,강동완,Lee, Tae-Yup,Kang, Dong-Wan 대한턱관절교합학회 2002 구강회복응용과학지 Vol.16 No.3

        Bending moments results from offset overloading of dental implant, which may cause stress concentrations to exceed the physiological capacity of cortical bone and lead to various kinds of mechanical failures. The purpose of this study was to compare the distributing pattern of stress on the finite element models with the different angulated placement of dental implant in mandibular posterior missing areas. The three kinds of finite element model, were designed according to 3 main configurations: Model 1(parallel typed placement of 2 fixtures), Model 2(15. distal angulated placement of one fixture on second molar area), Model 3(15. mesial angulated placement of one fixture on second molar area). The cemented crowns for mandibular first and second molars were made on the two fixtures (4mm 11.5). Three-dimensional finite element models by two fixtures were constructed with the components of the implant and surrounding bone. A 200N vertical static load were applied to the center of central fossa and the point 2mm apart from the center of central fossa on each model. The preprocessing, solving and postprocessing procedures were done by using FEM analysis software NISA/DISPLAY IV Version 10.0((Engineering Mechanics Research Corporation, USA). Von Mises stresses were evaluated and compared in the supporting bone, fixtures, and abutment. The results were as following : (1) Under the point loading at the central fossa, the direction of angulated fixture affected the stress pattern of implants. (2) Under the offset loading, the position of loading affected more on the stress concentration of implants compare to the angulated direction of implants. The results had a tendency to increase the stress on the supporting bone, fixture and screw under the offset loads when the placement angulation of implant fixture is placed toward mesial or distal direction. In designing of the occlusal scheme for angulated placement, placing the occlusal contacts axially during chewing appears to have advantages in a biomechanical viewpoint.

      • KCI등재

        Dynamic analysis and parameter estimation of coupled three-link planar manipulator with flexible belt-drive system

        이태엽,최종현,임성수 대한기계학회 2015 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.29 No.3

        The coupled three-link planar manipulator mechanism is widely adopted in panel handling robots for the realization of straight-linetranslational motion of the end-effector with a single actuator and three belt-drive systems. This research analyzes and models the complexdynamics of the coupled three-link planar manipulator including the flexible belt systems. Equations of the motion of the manipulatorare derived mathematically by using Lagrange method and the coupling constraints between the links are modeled and appropriatelyrepresented in the mathematical model. Also, joint friction is modeled with static, Coulomb and viscous models. Using the mathematicalmodel a numerical simulation program is developed. The system parameters, including joint friction and belt damping, for the highlynonlinear model are estimated using the genetic algorithm that is one of the global optimization techniques. The validity of the simulationmodel is verified by comparing the simulation results with the experimental results.

      • KCI등재

        비밀의 보호와 헌법상 기본권 간의 조화

        이태엽 대한변호사협회 2020 人權과 正義 : 大韓辯護士協會誌 Vol. No.

        The protection of secrets conflicts with the freedom of speech or the right to know, and the freedom to choose an occupation. So the protection of secrets from a criminal perspectiveshould be reasonably harmonized with the protection of constitutional rights. As for national secrets, the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court have ruled that the actual requirement of secrecy is to require non-publicity and that it should be of substantial value to the extent that it poses a clear danger to the safety of the nation if leaked. The purpose of these rulings is that they must be clearly predictable about what is prohibited and punished, or they may violate the principle of “nulla poena sine lege”. However, even though Article 127 of the Criminal Code explicitly stipulates that “secret by law” is subject to it, the Supreme Court interprets that it does not necessarily have to be classified by law, but it is a secret if it needs to be protected. The position of this Supreme Court case is beyond the bounds of reasonable interpretation. The Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act defines trade secret means information, including a production method, sale method, useful technical or business information for business activities, that is not known publicly, is the subject of reasonable efforts to maintain its secrecy, and has independent economic value. In interpreting each requirement, we should be able to provide a clear predictability of what is prohibited and punished by law enforcement so that freedom of occupational choice is not excessively restricted. Act on Prevention of Divulgence and Protection of Industrial Technology does not require non-publicity, independent economic value, and maintenance of secrecy, but recognizes and protects the information specified through the orders set by administrative agencies. Therefore, the orders should specify both formal and practical requirements, and the practical requirements should be set so that the technology can be clearly identified as being protected. However, the current orders are very insufficient as a norm to resolve conflicts with the protection of industrial technology and freedom of occupational choice in a harmonious way, and therefore it is necessary to revise it in a way that clearly specifies the formal and practical requirements. 비밀의 보호는 헌법에 의해 보장되어야 할 기본권과 충돌되는 측면이 있는데, 언론 출판의 자유 내지 알 권리와 충돌되고 직업 선택의 자유와도 충돌되기도 하므로, 형사적 측면에서의 비밀의 보호가 헌법상의 기본권 보호와 합리적으로 조화될 수 있는 해석방향에 대한 검토가 필요하다. 국가기밀에 대해서는 헌법재판소 결정과 대법원 전원합의체 판결을 통해 비밀의 실질적 요건으로 비공지성과 누설되는 경우 국가의 안전에 명백한 위험을 초래한다고 볼 만큼의 실질적 가치가 있는 실질비성을 포함하는 의미의 요비닉성을 요구하고 있다. 이와 같이 판시한 이유는 법피적용자에게 무엇이 금지되고 처벌되는 행위인가에 관하여 명확한 예측가능성을 제공하는 기능을 하지 못하고 법적용 당국의 자의적인 법해석이나 법적용을 초래할 우려가 있는 경우에는 죄형법정주의에 위배될 수 있기 때문이다. 그런데 공무상 비밀에 대해서는 형법 제127조가 명시적으로 “법령에 의한 직무상 비밀”이 그 적용대상이라고 규정하고 있음에도 불구하고, 대법원은 해석론으로 반드시 법령에 의하여 비밀로 규정되었거나 비밀로 분류 명시된 사항에 한하지 아니하고 요비닉성(要秘匿性)이 있으면 비밀에 포함된다고 해석하고 있다. 이러한 대법원 판례의 입장은 합리적 해석의 범위를 벗어난 것이라는 비판을 받고 있다. 부정경쟁방지법은 영업비밀에 대해 공공연히 알려져 있지 아니하고(비공지성), 독립된 경제적 가치를 가지는 것으로서(경제적 유용성), 비밀로 관리(비밀관리성)된 생산방법, 판매방법, 그 밖에 영업활동에 유용한 기술상 또는 경영상의 정보라고 정의하고 있다. 각 요건에 대한 해석에 있어 직업선택의 자유가 과도하게 제한되지 않도록 법피적용자에게 무엇이 금지되고 처벌되는 행위인지 명확한 예측가능성을 제공할 수 있어야 할 것이다. 산업기술보호법은 부정경쟁방지법상의 영업비밀과 달리 비공지성, 경제적 유용성, 비밀관리성을 요건으로 하지 않고 행정기관 등이 정하는 고시 등을 통해 명시한 정보를 산업기술로 인정하고 보호하고 있으므로, 산업기술을 정하는 고시 등은 형식적 요건과 실질적 요건을 모두 명시해야 하고, 실질적 요건의 경우 대상 기술이 보호대상 기술인지 여부를 명확하게 구분할 수 있도록 그 요건이 정해져야 할 것이다. 그런데 산업기술보호법에 따라 산업기술을 정하는 현행 고시 규정은 산업기술 보호와 직업선택의 자유와의 충돌을 조화롭게 해결하는 규범으로서 매우 미흡하므로, 형식적 요건과 실질적 요건을 명확하게 명시하는 방향으로 개정이 필요할 것이다.

      • 퍼지 최대-최소 신경망을 이용한 특징 집합 선택에 관한 연구 및 보행 단계인식에의 응용

        이태엽,이상완,변증남 한국지능시스템학회 2007 한국지능시스템학회 학술발표 논문집 Vol.17 No.2

        본 논문은 패턴 분류 문제에 사용되는 퍼지 최대-최소 신경망 방법을 이용하여 특징 집합으로부터 새로운 특징 집합을 추출해내고 추출된 특징 집합으로부터 의미 있는 특징을 선택해 내는 새로운 방법을 제안한다. 퍼지 최대-최소 신경망은 패턴 분류를 위해 주로 사용이 되어 왔지만, 퍼지 최대-최소 신경망을 이용해 특징 집합의 값들을 패턴 공간내의 초상자의 집합으로 변환하고 변환된 초상자들끼리의 인접성을 척도로 단순한 연산을 통한 빠른 특징 집합을 선택하게 된다. 마지막으로 본 논문의 특징 집합 선택 방법을 하지 근전도 신호를 이용한 보행 패턴 분류에 적용해 보고, 그 결과를 기존 여러 특징 집합 선택 방법들과 비교해 봄으로써 제안한 방법의 타당성 및 적용 가능성을 알아본다.

      • KCI등재

        다양한 시추궤도에서의 유성이수 유정제어 모델링

        이태엽,최종근,이경북,성국주 한국자원공학회 2013 한국자원공학회지 Vol.50 No.4

        A kick is unscheduled flow of formation fluids into the wellbore. Well control includes the whole process of kick prevention, kick detection, kick control, and kick removal. Well control may occur in a variety of drilling conditions. It is essential to understand kick behaviors for safe drilling. In this study, an oil based mud well control model is developed and it considers mud types, well trajectories, formation conditions and thermal effects of mud. When the gas kick occurs with oil based mud, it goes into solution resulting very small initial pit gain and choke pressure, which compensates hydrostatic pressure loss in the wellbore. These effects make kick detection more difficult and become remarkable as horizontal sections of well trajectories are long. However, if early kick detection is made in oil based mud, the kick removal in oil based mud can be much easier than that in water based mud, because low choke pressure is needed. 킥(kick)이란 의도하지 않은 상황에서 지층의 유체가 유정으로 유입되는 현상이다. 이러한 킥의 발생을 방지하며 킥이 유입된 경우 빠르게 감지하고 제어하여 안전하게 제거하는 과정을 유정제어(well control)라 한다. 유정제어는 다양한 시추상황에서 발생할 수 있어 킥의 거동을 파악하고 숙지하는 것은 안전한 시추를 위해 필수적이다. 본 연구에서 이수의 종류, 시추궤도, 지층조건, 열전달 효과를 고려한 유성이수 유정제어 모델을 개발하였다. 유성이수에서는 수성이수와 비교하여 가스킥의 용해현상 때문에 유성이수의 이수부피 증가와 이를 보상해 주기 위한 초크압력이 낮다. 따라서 킥감지가 어려우며 특히 이러한 현상은 시추궤도의 수평구간이 길수록 두드러진다. 하지만 만약 유성이수에서 킥을 빠른 시간에 감지할 수 있으면 수성이수에 비해 지표에서 가해주어야 할 초크압력이 낮으므로 킥을 제거하는 것이 더욱 용이할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        번개탄을 이용한 자살에 대한 전반적 고찰과 예방 대책

        이태엽,이아롱,안명희,정수연,홍진표 대한신경정신의학회 2014 신경정신의학 Vol.53 No.1

        Suicide by charcoal burning is common in Asian countries such as Hong Kong and Taiwan. Suicideby charcoal burning has recently shown a rapid increase in Korea, following a celebrity suicide,which was extensively reported by the media. Not only is suicide by charcoal burning fatal,but it also causes delayed neuropsychiatric symptoms through carbon monoxide poisoning. Riskfactors associated with charcoal-burning suicide include middle age, male, divorced or unmarried,and economically active but with financial difficulties. To prevent suicide by charcoal burning,limited access to charcoal, responsible media reporting as recommended by internationalguidelines, and detoxification of charcoal by modifying the raw material should all be considered. In addition, suicide prevention programs should increasingly focus on suicide by charcoal burning. Relevant measures to prevent suicide by charcoal burning will be essential in order to lowerthe overall suicide rate in Korea. 번개탄을 이용한 자살은 홍콩, 대만에서는 흔한 자살 방법이며, 국내에서도 빠른 속도로 증가하고 있었다. 번개탄을 이용한 자살기도는 치명도가 높을 뿐 아니라, 일산화탄소 중독으로 인한 지연성 신경정신과적 증상을 나타내는 경우가 많다. 번개탄을 이용한 자살의 위험인자는 중년의 나이, 남성,이혼 혹은 미혼, 경제 활동 중이며 경제적 어려움을 겪는 인구 및 기저 정신과적, 신체적 질환의 부재 등이 있다. 일산화탄소 중독 자살 예방을 위해서는 번개탄에 대한 물리적 접근성을 제한하고, 언론의 자살방법 보도 지침이 엄격히 준수되도록 해야 하며, 번개탄 품질을 개선하여 그 독성을약화해야 한다. 그 외에도 포괄적 자살예방활동을 번개탄 자살에 초점을 맞추어 강화하여야 한다. 번개탄 자살에 대한 적절한 예방대책이 시행되어야 향후 국내 자살률을 낮출 수있을 것이다.

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