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      • KCI등재

        양봉농가 표준 경영과 마케팅 진단표 개발

        이철휘,송전의,장현동,최칠구,김웅,최재혁,허무열,권세혁,황수연 한국유통과학회 2015 유통과학연구 Vol.13 No.10

        Purpose – This study was conducted to develop a beekeeping farm management standard checklist. This is essential to increase the competitive power of beekeeping farmers. Checklistsin relation to crops and livestock were established by the Rural Development Administration in the 2000s. To date, 60 checklists have been created by crop and livestock experts. However, other farmers outside the 60 checklists are increasing. Therefore, extra development is required for these farmers. This study was conducted to meet farmers’ requirements. The special farming dealt with in this study is beekeeping. Such checklists were not developed due to the small number of beekeeping farmers. However, these days, a number of such farmers are emerging. Research design, data, and methodology – Many related experts participated in this study. This study was conducted in four stages. First, a basic outline of beekeeping was created by surveying many kinds of beekeeping experts. The draft of the beekeeping checklist was created by a secondary advisory council. This draft was then sent to 14 beekeeping experts to confirm whether or not it was suitable as a management checklist. For collecting the experts’ opinions, a direct visit survey was done through an arranged questionnaire. Additionally, a basic management checklist blueprint was reviewed by many experts. In the third stage, a Delphi survey method was utilized with a special Delphi questionnaire. In this stage, experts who participated in the first and second stages were excluded. As there were uncertain answers among them, a second Delphi survey was done. As a result of this survey, all answers were agreed among them. Results – From the results of this survey, four subjects in the management accomplishment index were determined. These are farming scale, average product per beehive, the sale price of honey (1kg), and the number of bee plates in the beehive. In the case of the management checklist content, five items were determined. These are beekeeping farming facilities, the environment around the farm land and general management, the product management of the beekeeping harvest, the management of the disease and pest, and farming management. This checklist will be utilized for beekeeping farmers to implement in a management situation.Conclusions These – days, the number of beekeeping farmers is increasing. The management checklist for beekeeping farmers will be used to improve their farming situation and marketing. Beekeeping farmers can understand their management by reviewing their checklist. After checking, the situation of management can be analyzed. Farmers can supplement weaknesses with expert advice. This checklist will be used by agricultural technique extension workers for farming management consulting. This checklist has to be complemented by a change in the management of the environment. This checklist will be delivered to beekeeping farmers after a verification survey is done. The result of the checklist score will be utilized for a benchmarking service to be implemented for beekeeping farmers to utilize.

      • KCI등재

        포도 재배농가 표준 경영진단표 갱신 연구

        이철휘,장현동,김학헌,서정학,허무열 한국유통경영학회 2022 유통경영학회지 Vol.25 No.6

        Purpose: This study was carried out to meet the direction of agriculture technology support in Agriculture Development Administration(RDA). Research design, data, and methodology: The way of RDA policy for farner’s management support have been transformed from one-sided instruction to taget consulting since 1990s. The management checklist of 60 crops had been developed from 1998 to 2002. These checklists don’t meet to present farming management. And so they needs to be updated as to the situation of pesent farmer’s management. To do it, this study was accomplished by four steps. These includs pilot survey for farmers, the depth interview of experts, delpi expert survey and empirical survey of farmer’s management by updated checklist. To see the result of pilot survey for 14 grape farmers by exisiting checllist. Three factors of four ones have to be updated to meet present situation in management performance index. In part of checking subdivision, eight factors of twenty one have to be renewaled to be utilized on spot. To decide like this result, statistical method which made by standard error was used. In a second step, the depth interview of grape experts was made to establish the blueprint of grape checklist. The draft of the grape management checklist renewal which was made by grape experts was checked by delpi survey method. Results: As the result of delpi expert survey, the opinion of experts have a agreement by IQR. To see the weight rate of subdivided factors, the structure of grape garden 30.64%, the cultivation of grape 22.71%, the management of grape garden 28.21%, the management control 18.43%. Wave was found to be positive. Fourth, the relationship between the brand experience and attitude towards Korean consumer goods and products was found to be positive. Finally, the relationship between attitude towards the wave and Korean consumer goods and products were found to be positive. Conclusions: To make a r enewal c hecklist f or grape f armers, pilot survey and Delphi survey were carried out. The result of this surveys, Three management performance indice, four categories of checking factors and 27 small checking parts were determined. This checklist was divided into five staires according to the level of technique. Grape farmers and consultants can self-check by this checklist. It is appropriate to solve the problem in relation to grape farmer’s cultivation and management.

      • 흑염소농가 컨설팅을 위한 표준 경영진단표 개발

        이철휘,송전의,장현동,최칠구,김웅,최재혁,허무열,권세혁,정순우,황수연 한국동물생명공학회(구 한국동물번식학회) 2017 Reproductive & Developmental Biology(Supplement) Vol.41 No.2

        1990년대 이후로 농촌지도기관의 경영지도의 개념이 컨설팅으로 전환되었다. 지도는 일방적으로 지식이나 기술을 전달하는 것인 반면 컨설팅은 상호 정보교환을 통하여 진단 후 처방하는 방법이다. 이러한 방식은 농산물시장이 국제화되면서 경쟁력을 갖추기 위하 여 필요하고 농가 경영환경이 다양화 되면서 농가별 맞춤식 경영개선을 위하여 필요하게 되었다. 이러한 흐름에 맞추어 2000년 초까지 농촌진흥청은 60개 품목에 대하여 표준 경 영진단표를 개발하였다. 하지만 상대적으로 비중이 적은 작목에 대한 진단표가 개발되지 않아 본 연구를 수행하게 되었다. 본 연구는 기능성이 우수하여 신소득 작목으로 주목받 고 있는 흑염소를 상대로 하였다. 본 연구를 수행하기 위하여 1차적으로 전문가 협의회 를 실시하였다. 분야별 전문가 의견을 수렴하여 경영성과지표 3개 항목과 진단항목 4개 요소를 설정하였다. 경영성과지표 3개는 자양육성율, 분만간격, 사육두수이고, 진단항목 4 개 요소는 번식후보 흑염소 선발, 개체관리, 사육시설, 경영관리 4개이다. 이렇게 경영성 과지표와 진단요소를 설정한 후 2차적으로 전문가 검증과 가중치 설정을 위하여 델파이 조사를 2차에 걸쳐 수행하였다. 델파이 조사를 위하여 흑염소 관련 전문가를 선정하였다. 최대한 객관성을 확보하기 위하여 개별 이메일 설문조사를 실시하였다. 1차 델파이 조사 결과 경영성과지표의 사육두수 항목 중 3단계와 4단계에서 CV-value의 값이 50%를 상회 하여 재조사를 실시하였다. 그리고 세부구성유소에서는 번식후보 흑염소 선발은 모두 일 치하였고 개체관리의 세부요소 예방접종 및 구충, 흑염소 폐사율, 사료급여에서 리커트 척도(1∼5점) IQR 값이 1을 넘어 전문가간 불일치를 보여 재조사를 실시하였다. 그리고 진단표 4개 항목에 대한 전문가 가중치 의견 수렴결과 번식후보 흑염소 선발 25%, 개체 관리 35%, 사육시설 20%, 경영관리 20%로 설정하였다. 1차 델파이 조사결과, 불일치로 나온 항목은 통계적으로 제시한 값을 2차 조사시 다시 보여주고 일치여부를 설문하였다. 이 결과 경영성과지표의 사육두수 3단계와 4단계는 100% 일치를 보여 설정하였다. 그리 고 진단항목 개체관리의 세부요소 예방접종 및 구충, 흑염소 폐사율, 사료급여는 전문가 의 90% 제시값에 동의를 하여 설정하였다. 그리고 번식후보 번식방법도 90% 전문가 일 치로 설정되었다. 최종적으로 흑염소 경영진단표는 경영성과지표의 3가지 항목 자양육성 율, 분만간격, 사육두수를 각각 5단계로 설정하였고 진단항목은 번식후보흑염소 선발의 2 개, 개체관리의 10개, 사육시설 4개, 경영관리 6개 총 22개 세부요소를 설정하였다. 기 만들어진 경영진단표는 100농가의 실증 진단을 통하여 활용 가능성을 검토하였고 시군농 업기술센터에 보내져 전문축산지도사에 의하여 컨설팅 일환으로 활용된다.

      • KCI등재

        가열식 화침(火鍼)을 이용한 방아쇠수지 치험 2례

        이철휘,박민규,강일아,신민근,서상경,윤광식,이창희,이재민 대한침구의학회 2011 대한침구의학회지 Vol.28 No.6

        Objectives : The purpose of this case study is to observe the effect of burning acupuncture therapy on the trigger finger. Methods : 2 patients were treated by burning acupuncture therapy to recover from trigger finger. The symptoms were evaluated by visual analog scale(VAS) and Tanaka score. Results : In both cases, VAS decreased to 0 and 1. Patients were evaluated as excellent and good by Tanaka score. Conclusions : Burning acupuncture therapy is effective to trigger finger.

      • KCI등재

        양록농가 표준 경영과 마케팅 진단표 개발

        이철휘(Lee, Cheol-Whi),송전의,(Song, Jeon-Eui)장현동(Jang, Hyun-Dong),최칠구(Choi, Chil-Gu),김웅(Kim, Woong),최재혁(Choi, Jae-Hyuk),허무열(Huh, Moo-Yul),권세혁(Kwon, Se-Hyug),황수연(Hwang, Su-Yeon) 한국물류학회 2016 물류학회지 Vol.26 No.4

        우리나라 농산물 시장이 국제적으로 개방되면서 전세계 농가들과 경쟁관계로 돌입하고 있다. 농가가 경쟁력을 가지기 위해서 는 과학적인 경영개선이 필요하다. 이러한 취지에서 농촌진흥청에서는 2000년 이후로 기존의 지도사업을 농가경영컨설팅 사업으 로 전환하였다. 컨설팅을 위하여 필수불가결한 것은 농가경영진단이다. 농가경영진단을 통하여 문제점을 파악하고 이에따른 해결 책을 제시하는 처방전 발급이 가능하다. 농가경영진단을 위하여 농촌진흥청은 작목별로 60개의 농가경영 표준진단표를 개발하였 다. 하지만 농산물 시장의 다변화로 작목구조의 변화도 빨라지고 있다. 즉 새로운 작목의 도입과 확대가 빨라지고 있다. 이러한 변화에 맞추기 위하여 새로운 작목에 대한 농가경영 표준진단표를 제작하기 시작하였다. 본 연구도 이러한 취지에서 시작되었다. 특히 농가가 복잡한 경영관리 때문에 합리적인 컨설팅이 요구되는 작목인 사슴에 대한 농가경영 표준진단표를 설정하였다. This study was carried to develop the deer farm management standard checklist. It is essential to increase the competitive power of deer farmers. At first, checklists in relation to crops and livestock were made by Rural Development Administration in 2000s. Until now, 60 checklists have made by crop and livestock expert. But other crop farmers except for 60 ones are increasing. And so extra development of checklist is required by farmers. This study was accomplished to meet farmer’s requirement. The special livestock that were dealt with in this study is deer. these ones’s checklist were not developed due to small number of farmers. But these days, the number of these farmers are emerging. These days, the number of deer farmers is increasing. The management checklist for deer farmers will be used to improve their farming situation and marketing. Deer farmers can know their management level by checking it. After checking, the situation of management can be analysed by part of management. Farmers can make up for weak part by expert ‘s advice. This checklist will be used by agricultural technique extension worker for farming management consulting. This checklist have to be complemented by the change of the management environment. This checklist will be delivered to deer farmers after verification survey is done. The result of checklist score will be utilized for the benchmarking service to implement deer farmer’s management.


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