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      • KCI등재

        하악 전돌증 환자에서 악교정 수술방법에 따른 설골과 혀의 위치 및 기도량 변화의 비교

        이윤선,한세진,Lee, Yoon-Sun,Han, Se-Jin 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2013 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.35 No.4

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the changes in the pharyngeal airway space, tongue and hyoid bone positions according to the orthognathic surgical methods of mandibular prognathism. Methods: The subjects included 30 patients (16 males, 14 females) with the skeletal class III malocclusion. Group 1 (10 patients) underwent bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy (BSSRO) only; group 2 (10 patients) underwent BSSRO with genioplasty; and group 3 (10 patients) underwent BSSRO, Le Fort I osteotomy. We measured the lines between the selected upper air way, hyoid bone and tongue landmarks on the lateral cephalometric x-ray films of skeletal class III. The measurements were made preoperation, within 1 week after the operation, 3~6 months after the operation and 1 year after the operation. We compared and analyzed the measurements with matched paired t-test and independent samples t-test. Results: There were no postoperative changes in the nasopharyngeal airway space in group 3. The measurements of group 3 also increased during the follow-up period as compared to the preoperative measurements. In group 1, 2 and 3, the immediate postoperative oropharyngeal and hypopharyngeal airway spaces were decreased. In the following period, the hypopharyngeal airway space returned to the preoperative positions, but the oropharyngeal airway space was not significantly changed. The upper and lower tongue was posteriorly repositioned immediately after the surgery. During the follow-up period, the lower tongue position returned to the preoperative position, and the upper tongue position was not significantly changed. Immediately after the surgery, the B point was moved to the posterior position, and a slight anterior advancement was found in the follow-up period. Conclusion: Patients who received the mandibular setback surgery showed a decrease in the posterior airway space, and those who underwent maxillary advancement showed a significant increase of the nasopharyngeal airway space, which remained stable during the evaluation period. The change of the airway space, position of the hyoid bone and tongue did not differ according to the presence or absence of genioplasty.

      • KCI등재

        비모수 분석방법에 의한 국내 건설조직 성과 측정 방향에 관한 연구 - DEA를 이용한 국내 연구 문헌 고찰을 기반으로 -

        이윤선,Lee, Yoon-Sun 한국건설관리학회 2014 한국건설관리학회 논문집 Vol.15 No.5

        자료포락분석모형은 다수의 산출을 생성하기 위해 다수의 투입을 사용하는 생산시스템의 상대적 효율성을 평가하는 비모수적 방법으로 건설생산체계의 복잡하고 동적인 특성을 반영할 수 있는 유용한 성과측정도구로 활용되고 있다. 본 연구는 DEA 방법론을 적용한 건설 생산조직의 성과측정 문헌들을 체계적으로 분석하고, 주요 이슈들과 향후 연구과제를 도출하였다. 국내외 선행 연구를 분석하여 성과 측정 목표 및 대상, 자료 구조화 방법, 생산가능집합과 효율성 척도 선정, 벤치마킹 및 사후 검증 등의 일련의 단계로 이루어진 성과측정체계를 제안하고, 1997년부터 2013년까지 DEA를 적용하여 국내 건설산업 성과측정 연구를 수행한 21편의 학술지를 분석하였다. 관찰된 주요 특성 및 결과들은 건설기업이 자신의 상대적 효율성 수준을 진단하고, 개선 방향을 제시하고, 향후 예측을 하는데 DEA방법론이 유용하게 적용되어왔다고 나타났다. 그러나 타산업의 연구와 비교해볼 때 국내 건설산업의 효율성 측정은 제한적으로 적용되고 있었다. 본 연구는 연구대상, 자료의 구조화, 측정모형, 모형 검증 등에 대한 개선방향을 제시함으로써 향후 DEA을 적용한 건설산업의 생산성 제고를 위한 연구 체계를 수립하는데 활용할 수 있을 것이다. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) measures the relative efficiency of decision making units (DMUs) with multiple performance factors that are grouped into outputs and inputs. DEA has proven to be superior to simple aggregation of performance measures, and is also useful for evaluating the performance of construction companies for comparison with competitor performance. The purpose of this study was to survey literatures on the application of DEA methodology and to propose a methodological scheme to measure the performance of construction organizations. Articles on previous studies were surveyed and examined as part of a comprehensive review. The survey revealed that the application of DEA in the construction industry was li mited. Further, the survey indicated that there is a need for the development of a methodological framework on the special goals and subjects of performance measurement, methods of data structure and collection, selection of appropriate DEA models, analysis of results, and post-test. Based on the survey, this study identified and discussed the types of major issues and topics for future studies from a methodological perspective, which could be helpful to researchers interested in using DEA to study performance issues in construction organizations.

      • KCI등재

        여수 영당의 역사와 지속가능한 민속경관 전략

        이윤선 ( Yoon Sun Lee ) 남도민속학회 2007 남도민속연구 Vol.14 No.-

        This study is preceeded with two purposes; one is to exam the present situation of Yeosoo shrine by its history and culture and to inquire into its humanistic foundation, and the other is to inquire into a strategic plan on the sustainable possibility of the exorcism for a big catch of fish of shrines in the side of the preservation and the utilization of a local culture prototype. For these purposes, the study exams the meaning of a city of scenary to the side of a folk of scenary where ‘place’ and ‘folk play’ are performed. Yeosoo shrine has known for the only shrine for the sea god to deify General Lee Soon-shin. Supposed that the shrine was built in 1443, the history of the shrine can be gone back to 15th century or more over. It is said that the shrine was originally for deifying General Choi Young. After going through various processes, the shrine changed the present shrine to deify both General Lee and Choi. According to the related record, there was a portrait scroll centering around General Lee in the record of the shrine until 1942 including the record in 1900. Besides the study can confirm that the tablet was moved into this place. However the portrait was forced removal by Japanese Imperialism on 1943, and having been entirely abolished by the reclamation to establish the Far East Fishing Port Base, the portrait was restored on 1982. The shrine can be said as the representative popular religious place of Yeosoo to take pride in a long history and tradition. Accordingly, the study considers that the shrine can function as the supplementary and complementary system of folk scenary to be able to offset the image of Yeosoo like a fishery city in Japanese Imperialism and a city of chemical industry. This is because the study considers this fact as one of repositioning work and also considers it as a scenary that can complement Yeosoo′s scenary covered with a modern inharmony. In Korean traditional thought of configuration of the ground, a complementary divination by configuration of the ground is a humane countermeasure to have a purpose on the achievement of constancy and stability in the ecological atmosphere of a dwelling site by the harmony of divination by configuration of the ground when the atmosphere is lack. Therefore, the study concludes the shrine can be preserved and utilized continuously in that the shrine has the modern meaning of folk scenary which complement a scenary of city as well as has a long history and tradition. The designation as cultural properties can be the most realistic plan for its preservation. The designation, as UNESCO has pointed it a long time ago, can be interpreted as a cultural scenary or humane scenary. Supposed the side of a designation as cultural properties, it will be possible of designation in the part of “Modern Cultural Heritage”, “Data of Cultural Properties”, “Monument”, and “Folk Data”. Among them, the designation as Folk Data will be the most realistic plan. This is because the study estimates that the supplementary and complementary tradition culture scenary by the designation can function as a port scenary system in the city scenary of Yeosoo.

      • KCI등재

        목포지역 민속음악의 기반과 공연예술

        이윤선(Lee Yoon-Sun) 역사문화학회 2012 지방사와 지방문화 Vol.15 No.1

        목포지역 민속음악의 기반은 서남해 도서지역에 있다. 1900년대를 전후해 목포시에서 활동한 예술인들의 출신이 서남해 도서지역이라는 점을 확인하였다. 판소리, 기악 등 전문 예술에서 강강술래, 농악 등 집단 연희에 이르기까지 목포는 예술을 담는 용광로였다. 이 사실을 논거하기 위해 다양한 공연 장르를 역사적으로 정리하였다. 목포의 전통 예술은 민속음악에만 국한된 것이 아니었다. 창가, 가요 등으로 불리는 근대가요와 연극 등도 빈번하게 공연되었다. 이중 대표적인 것으로 극단 갯돌이 있다. 이 예술 재창조 작업에 나선 이들도 서남해 도서지역 출신들이 많았다. 극장을 포함해서 공연장도 다양한 형태로 설립되고 운영되었다. 목포는 전국에서 공연인구가 가장 많다. 동호인 그룹도 인구 대비 가장 많다. 목포공연예술학이라는 분과학문의 주창이 필요하다. 목포의 공연사 속에서 한국 민속음악의 발전 과정을 확실하게 볼 수 있기 때문이다. 서남해권역 민속예술을 공부하고 전파하는 고등교육이 필요하다. 서남해의 예술 전통이 다양한 형태로 목포로 이입되면서 오늘날의 문화적 전통을 만들었다. Mokpo is a city where folk music of the islands is based.Sometime around 1900, I discovered through research the art of music and dance that exists in the City. Mokpo has been the center of this music and dance art up to the present times. The Pansori and other several instruments were popularly used in Mokpo. Reason it became the center of this traditional art performance. The arguments involved to organize this genre had been historical. Mokpo traditional art was not confined to folk music only but modern music as of lately. Embarked on recreating this work of art, I discovered through information other forms of theater arts. For example, the GAETDOL had been the stage for these performances in the Southwestern area as documents revealed. Different types of artists have performed in the city of Mokpo. Even plain hobbyists groups enjoy going to Mokpo. The undersigned author have been suggesting the need to do a study and research on the Performing Arts because it show the developmental stages of Korea folk music. Also, higher education is needed in understanding the folk art of the the Southwest sea Region. Today, the cultural traditions of the city were formed by the flow of various types of Southwest's folk art.

      • KCI등재

        아마미오시마(奄美大島) 유이(油井) 豊年祭 ‘줄자르기(綱切り)’성격과 ‘탯줄자르기(へその緒切り)’

        이윤선(Lee, Yoon-Sun) 비교민속학회 2013 비교민속학 Vol.0 No.52

        일본 가고시마현 세토우치지역 유이마을의 음력 8월 15일 풍년제에 나오는 줄자르기의 성격에 대해 고찰했다. 쯔나키리(綱切り)는 신성한줄 자르기다. 큰뱀자르기라는 맥락에서는 한 세계의 죽임이요 또 한 세계의 창조다. 세 번에 걸쳐 낫으로 자르는 행위는 시작 기점을 완성하는 의미로 독해할 수 있다. 하쯔도효(初土俵) 또한 당 해에 태어난 신생아를 도효에 첫발을 내딛게 한다는 맥락에서 시작, 출발이라는 의미를 지닌다. 간농사마노 도효미마와리(.音翁の 土俵見回り)는 관음불의 巡視다. 가토돈(ガットどん)은 맹인이 강을 건너면서 복통을 일으켜 배변을 한다는 무언극이다. 강을 건넌다는 것도 이런 맥락에서 경계를 넘는 행위로 보이며 복통은 산통을, 배변은 출산을 뜻한다. 유이 풍년제는 겉으로는 한 해의 농사풍년에 대해 신에게 감사드리는 ‘추수감사제’의 성격을 지녔다. 이면에는 달과 풍요, 여성, 출생, 뱀, 재생 등의 의미를 담고 있다. 한국의 대보름, 추석의례와 같다. 그 모티프는 탯줄자르기에서 비롯되었다. 탯줄자르기는 김영균의 <탯줄코드>에서 제시한 것으로 줄다리기와 줄자르기의 모티프가 탯줄과 출산의 생물학적 과정을 반영한 것이라는 이론이다. 이것은 시작의례(Tape cutting on opening ceremony or opening ritual) 에 해당된다. 본고의 의의는 세 가지다. 첫째, 총의로서의 ‘줄다리기’에서 ‘줄자르기’로 논의를 확대했다. 둘째, 신성한 줄자르기가 탯줄자르기 모티프에서 출발한 것임을 확인하였다. 셋째, 오늘날까지 광범위하게 진행되는 오프닝 세러모니의 ‘테이프 커팅’이라는 의미를 민속학적 측면에서 연구할 단서를 마련했다. Yui Village is a part of SeotoUchi area(???町) in AmamiOshima(奄美大島), Japan. There is a special festival held every year on the 15th of August in the lunar calendar called Yui Harvest Festival. It is a divine and sacred ritual of cutting the straw rope. The straw was taken from the harvest on that season. It is known as Tsunakiri(綱切り). This long straw line is compared to a huge snake. The ritual is performed by two groups play the straw on each end as in a tug of war, and a man wearing a Lion’s mask holding a sickle will cut through the straw. When the straw has been cut, the two groups of men from the east and west sides of the village, previously holding the straw will tie it again. This ritual is done three times which signifies the beginning of the harvest festival. In this festival several rituals are performed which includes the followng. Another ritual follows called Hatsu Dohyo(初土俵). In this ritual, when a newborn baby steps on the ground for the first time, the Dohyo ritual begins. It is almost similar to Sumo wrestling. It is some kind of a sport. KannonSamano Tohyomimawari(?音翁の 土俵見回り), a certain group of people watching and observing the rituals. Kanon(?音) is a one of the Buddha. There is a pantomime performed called Gato Don(ガットどん). It is a story about a blind man crossing the river. As he was doing so, he had sudden abdominal pain and was not able to control his bowel. This play signifies three meanings. First, crossing of the river means leaving the old world for the new world. The stomach -ache represents the labor pains of a woman giving birth. And the bowel, the birth of a child. The whole festival, in my analysis, has two meanings. First is the surface (superficial) which signifies the harvest. Last one has a deeper meaning which includes the moon, woman, birth, snakes, and reincarnation. This is a symbolism of life. The cutting of the straw in the ritual signifies the birth of life just like in the cutting of the ribbon in a ceremony where a new company starts or begins its operation. It was suggested from <The umbilical cord code> by Young Kyoon Kim. The significance of this paper holds true on the following debate: First, “the tug of war” to cutting of the rope; Second, rope is compared to the umbilical cord; Third is the opening ceremony which has a broader meaning in Folklore study. A hint was suggested in this ritual. I believe that a further study should be taken.

      • 청년주거복지를 위한 대학생 주거선택 서비스 구축

        이윤선(Lee, Yoon-Sun),김민정(Kim, Min-Jeong),김유진(Kim, Yu-Jin),오나윤(Oh, Na-Yoon),홍은빈(Hong, Eun-Bin),김상겸(Kim, Sang-Gyeom),임재한(Lim, Jae-Han) 대한건축학회 2018 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.38 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to develop a customized residential selection service that recommends residential areas that meet individual needs so as to occupy an appropriate residential environment for students of Sinchon which is a university campus area. We have developed a housing selection service by integrating housing information and constructing a data model based on the investigation of the residential type and the current status of students in Shinchon area. In the preliminary survey, students were classified into 5 types of housing (Dormitory, Studio, Gosiwon, Boarding house, and Share house). Five residential areas were selected from Daehyun-dong, Yeonhyudong, Changcheon-dong, Daesin-dong, Nogosan-dong. The housing informations were divided into accessibility, cost, facilities, indoor environment, outdoor environment and common facilities. The university residence selection beta service is being divided into the housing selection recommendation process and the user participation type database expansion plan.

      • KCI등재

        베트남 사파(Sapa)지역 神殿의 神格 구성 고찰 : 덴항포(Den Hang Pho, SAPA)를 소재삼아

        이윤선(Lee Yoon Sun),LE THI NGOC CAM 한국역사민속학회 2010 역사민속학 Vol.34 No.-

        본고는 베트남 북부지역인 Sapa의 神殿 '덴항포Den Hang Pho'의 신격구성을 소재로, 베트남의 종교 관념을 살펴보기 위해 시도되었다. 이를 위해 우선 베트남의 신전 유형을 4가지로 구분하여 Chua, Den, Dinh, Mieu의 유형을 살펴보았다. 이중에서 'Den'에 주목한 것은 이곳에 베트남의 역사와 관련된 영웅들이 신격으로 좌정되어 있기 때문이었다. 이를 통해 베트남의 전반적인 종교 신앙의 성격을 추정하는 사례로 삼을 수 있다는 판단이었다. 먼저 성모신격을 분석해보았다. 대개 3위 체계와 4위 체계의 형식으로 이루어져 있는데, 여신으로 부터 출발하여 각각 하늘과 땅, 바다(강), 산(숲)을 관장하는 신격으로 확장되었음을 살펴보았다. 진흥 도장군은 베트남에서 최고의 권위를 갖는 역사인물로 주로 '덴'이라는 신전에 모셔졌다. 다양한 설화와 의례를 통해 출산과 관련된 신앙, 질병을 치료해주는 신앙으로 확대되어 나왔으며, 성모신앙과 대칭관계를 이루는 신격으로 좌정하게 되는 맥락을 살펴보았다. 현장 사례로 덴항포의 신격구성을 살펴보았다. 여기서는 성모신앙 중의 산신聖母가 강조되는 사례를 확인하였다. 특히 성모신격과 대칭되는 개념으로 진흥도 장군이 신격화되고 있으며, 나아가 한 쌍의 뱀이 각 실마다 배치되어 강조되고 있음을 살펴볼 수 있었다. 이는 베트남 북부지역이 갖는 소수민족 중심의 토착성(지역성)과 베트남이라는 국가적 정체성, 그리고 준령의 계곡을 흐르는 풀기 의 생태적 조건이 강조되는 삼원체계의 종교 관념이 만들어낸 구성이라고 말할 수 있다. 이런 융합지향의 종교 관념이 자연스럽게 지역과 국가 그리고 생태적 환경조건을 대응하게 하면서, 다신 신격의 베트남 신앙으로 확대되었다는 결론을 얻게 되었다. This study has its purpose on figuring it out to the religious notion in Vietnam with the material of the divinity construction of Den Hang Pho in Sapa where is the northern region of Vietnam. To make this, the study divides the type of Vietnamese temples into four parts; Chua, Den, Dinh, and Mieu. Among them, the study pays attention to 'Den' because Vietnamese historical heroes are seated as divinity. This reason makes a reasonable case to this study to figure out a typically and generally religious faith. First of all, the study analyzes immaculate divinity, which generally consists of three and four layered system. The study confirms that the immaculate divinity started from the goddess and then extended to the concept to dominate the sky, the ground, the sea(river), and the mountain(forest). General Trần Hung Đạo is the best historical hero in Vietnam and has been placed in temples called Den. The study exams the context that the divinity extended to the religious beliefs, for examples, the belief related in a childbirth by lots of narrations and ceremonies and the belief to treat a sickness, and also exams the context that the divinity placed in a divinity to make a symmetrical relation with immaculate faith. The study exams the divinity construction of Den Hang Pho as its authentic case. In this case, the study could verify a case emphasized by mountain Holy Mother among immaculate faiths. Especially, the study can confirm that General Trần Hung Đạo was apotheosized as a concept to be symmetrized with immaculate divinity, and futhermore, a couple of snakes was emphasized by their positioning to every room. Tri-system lays stress on the aboriginality(locality) centered on minority races in the northern Vietnam, the national identity of Vietnam, and the ecological condition of rivers flowing the valley of high and steep peak. The confirmed facts could be said to a construction what the religious notion of tri-system makes. The study makes a conclusion that this kind of conversion-oriented religious notion naturally corresponded with region, nation, and ecologically environmental condition, and extended to the Vietnamese faith with polytheistic divinity.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        2차원 전열해석을 통한 천장거치형 흡음 패널의 설계 조건에 따른 TABS의 방열 특성 평가

        이윤선(Lee, Yoon-Sun),임재한(Lim, Jae-Han),정웅준(Chung, Woong-June) 한국건축친환경설비학회 2018 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집 Vol.12 No.2

        Low temperature heating and high temperature cooling systems have proven to be an energy efficient solution for conditioning building. Thermally activated building system (TABS) has become established as innovative systems for radiant heating and cooling system, and utilizes the building structure to store the thermal energy, reduce the peak loads and decrease primary energy demand in buildings. However, room acoustic performance should be of concern for the use of TABS. For this, free hanging acoustic panels (FHAP) were generally designed to reduce the overall sound intensity and reverberation time. This study aims to investigate the long-term effect of FHAP on cooling performance characteristics of TABS through two dimensional heat transfer simulation. In results, the coverage ratio up to 50% of the ceiling area by using horizontal FHAP has no significant influence on the cooling performance characteristics. And the vertical FHAP does not affect the cooling capacity from the ceiling at all.

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