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        고려시대 兩班田 分給의 一樣相

        李相國(Lee Sang-Kug) 한국사연구회 2005 한국사연구 Vol.128 No.-

        This paper uses materials obtained from the Ky?ngw?n Yi clan and Tongnae Ch?ng clan to analyze the process through which the yangban class received official appointments as well as changes in the distribution of k?pch?n (給田, official salaries). Based on the results of this analysis, an attempt was made to analyze the structure of the yangbanj?n (兩班田, land granted to civil and military officials during their service period), which resulted in 4 different types of yangban household models being identified. Once an individual acquired a civil or military appointment through the civil service examinations or the granting of a special privilege, the socalled ?ms? system (蔭敍, the protected appointment system), he was perceived as forming an independent household and granted chigy?kch?n (職役田, official land or prebendal grants given to officeholders) in accordance with his official rank. Although a yangban household was composed of the yangban official and his blood ties, as the ch?nho (佃戶, peasant households) who toiled the yangbanj?n were expected to toil the yangban’s own lands as well, they came to be perceived as also being members of the yangban household. Meanwhile, officeholders who were dismissed from office and members of yangban households that failed to secure government appointments were forced to engage in other occupations in accordance with the principle that all members of society should provide their services to the state. Therefore, the yangban class during the Kory? era was not a privileged or fixed class, but one which experienced a great degree of social mobility. The inconsistency between the number of yangban households and government appointments, and the limited amount of lands that could be designated as yangbanj?n eventually resulted in a lack of such lands being available to be distributed to officials. As a result, those yangban households that were forced to adopt new occupations saw their social status change as they lost their membership in the yangban class. In conclusion, yangban households, which formed the backbone of the yangban bureaucracy, were considered to be a unit from which government officials could be recruited and as those who received official lands. As such, the principles of Ip 'och'ungy?k (立戶充役), in which the head of a household was expected to offer his services to the state in exchange for the state’s granting of land, was also applied to the yangban’s acquisition of government offices and the distribution of yangbanj?n.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        지적측량조직 이미지와 취업선호도에 관한 연구

        이상국(Lee Sang Kug),장우진(Jang Woo Jin) 한국지적정보학회 2008 한국지적정보학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 보편적으로 특정대상을 기술할 때 사용되는 형용사들 중에서 지적측량조직으로서 대표격인 대한지적공사의 이미지를 나타내는데 적합한 특수 용어들을 찾아내고 취업선호도와의 관계를 실증분석하여, 대한지적공사 이미지와 학생들의 취업지도 측면에서의 전략적 관리를 위한 기초정보를 제공하는데 있다. 이상의 연구목적을 달성하기 위하여 본 연구는 다음과 같은 핵심적인 3단계로 진행되었다. 첫 번째 연구단계에서는 지적학을 전공하는 대학생 183명이 대한지적공사의 이미지를 나타내기 위한 47개의 특성용어들의 적절성에 대해 실증 평가하였다. 두 번째 연구단계에서는 대학생들의 평가자료를 토대로 내재되어 있는 요인구조를 탐색하기 위하여 요인분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과 견실성, 지성, 성취지향성, 야성, 관료적권위성 등과 같은 5개 요인구조를 갖는 것으로 분석되었다. 세 번째 연구단계에서는 대한지적공사의 취업선호성에 대한 이미지 요인들의 영향력 관계를 실증 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 견실성(β=.481 p<.000), 지성(β=.373 p<.000), 성취지향성(β=.270 p<.000) 등의 순서로 통계적으로 유의한 관계(영향력)을 갖는 것으로 분석되었다. 그러나 관료적권위성(β=.069 ns)과 야성요인(β=.035 ns)은 통계적으로 유의한 관계가 확인되지 않았다. 그리고 이상의 분석결과에 대한 종합적인 논의와 함께 향후 연구방향과 제한점 등을 논의하면서 연구내용을 정리하였다. The purpose of this study was to select appropriate trait adjectives describing korea cadastral survey corporation image. And analyzed the extent showing that the definite images are explaining job preference. For this purpose, three steps were conducted. In study the first steps, total 183 college students rated each of 47 trait adjectives on appropriateness in describing korea cadastral survey corporation image. The second steps, ratings were analyzed by common factor analysis. It was found that there are five(stability, intellect, achievement orientation, propulsion, bureaucratic authority) latent dimensions in those trait adjectives. The third steps, the multi regression analysis from determinative five image factors of job preference are as follows : the ranks of importance effect are stability(β=.481 p<.000), intellect(β=.373 p<.000), achievement orientation(β=.270 p<.000). but the effect between jon preference and bureaucratic authority(β=.069 ㎱), propulsion(β=.035 ㎱) is not significant. Lastly the limitation of this study and additional research tasks were discussed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        SPG 막유화법을 이용한 고분자 입자 제조기술의 동향

        김성욱 ( Sung Wook Kim ),최경호 ( Kyoung Ho Choi ),임은희 ( Eun Hee Lim ),이상국 ( Sang Kug Lee ) 한국고무학회 2009 엘라스토머 및 콤포지트 Vol.44 No.3

        단분산이면서 마이크로 크기의 입자로 쉽게 조절이 가능한 SPG (Shirasu porous glass) 막유화법이 최근 각광을 받고 있다. SPG 막유화법은 다중에멀젼, 단분산, 다양한 형태 등을 쉽게 제조할 수 있는 장점을 가지고 있어서 기능성 입자를 만드는데 적합한 방법으로 최근 적용분야로는 토너입자, 식품첨가제, 약물전달 등으로 적용분야가 넓다. SPG 막유화법에서 입자크기 및 형태 조절 요소로는 개시제, 첨가제, 단량체, 가교제, 중합금지제 등이 있으며, SPG의 장점인 단분산을 싼 단가로 대량생산에 접목시킬 수 있기 때문에 여러 분야에서 다양한 접근이 가능하다. Shirasu-porous-glass (SPG) membrane emulsification is highly attractive in the field of toner industries, foods and drug delivery systems because of its easy control of particle size in micro-scale, narrow size distribution and multiple emulsion. The particle size and morphology of emulsion droplets can be controlled by changing the type of initiators, additives, monomers, crosslinkers and inhibitors in SPG membrane emulsification. In this paper, principles of SPG membrane emulsification, influence of process parameters and industrial applications have been addressed.

      • KCI등재

        수중 전파 지연을 고려한 매체 접근 제어 프로토콜에 대한 성능 평가

        황호영,김우식,이상국,조호신,Hwang, Ho Young,Kim, Woo-Sik,Lee, Sang-Kug,Cho, Ho-Shin 한국음향학회 2015 韓國音響學會誌 Vol.34 No.6

        본 논문에서는 수중 전파 지연을 고려한 매체 접근 제어 프로토콜을 제안하고 제안하는 프로토콜의 성능을 평가한다. 제안하는 수중 전파 지연을 고려한 매체 접근 제어 프로토콜은 한 슬롯 시간 내에 여러 개의 RTS(Request-To-Send) 프레임들이 싱크 노드에 수신되는 경우에 RTS 프레임들이 겹치지 않게 수신되면 이들을 복원할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 제안하는 수중 전파 지연을 고려한 매체 접근 제어 프로토콜의 성능 평가를 다양한 환경에서 수행하고 기존의 매체 접근 제어 프로토콜과도 성능을 비교 분석한다. In this paper, we propose an underwater propagation delay-aware medium access control protocol and evaluate the performance of the proposed protocol. In the proposed propagation delay-aware medium access control protocol, a sink node can restore the received RTS frames that are not piled up in a slot time. We analyze and compare the performance of the proposed underwater propagation delay-aware medium access control protocol with that of the conventional medium access control protocol in various environments.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        효과도 분석을 통한 천해용 수중분산 센서망 설계 연구

        김완진,배호석,김우식,이상국,최상문,Kim, Wan-Jin,Bae, Ho Seuk,Kim, Woo Shik,Lee, Sang Kug,Choi, Sang Moon 한국군사과학기술학회 2014 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.17 No.5

        In this paper, we have described the characteristics of the Underwater Distributed Sensor Network (UDSN) and proposed the conceptual design guideline by an effectiveness analysis. To perform the effectiveness analysis, we defined an battlefield environment, and then analyzed principal components which compose the UDSN to find out simulation parameters and system constraints. We have chosen a measure of effectiveness based on a target trajectory, which could enhance intuitive understanding about current status, and performed various simulations to reveal critical design parameters in terms of sensor node types, arrangement, cost and combination of detection information.

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