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      • KCI등재

        중국유머에 나타난 한국인 풍자의 양태(1) ― 유머의 번역과 분류를 중심으로

        이근석 중국어문연구회 2014 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.61

        Humor is incessantly created and enjoyed in society and contains rich elements which can be researched from various levels and aspects such as society, culture, literature, language, etc. However, little research has been made in the academia. Chinese Studies or Sinology is not an exception and research on humor made by sinologists mostly features socio-cultural or linguistic approaches to buzzwords, coinage, and slang reflecting contemporary Chinese social atmosphere. I assume that it is due to inherent nature and features of humor including uncertainty of author and text, realtity, popularity, short-liveness, vulgarness, etc. This writing is designed to present a new way of approach to the hitherto unresearched humor within the frame of Chinese Studies. However, it is not feasible to organize contemporary Chinese humors in an easily accessible manner given its immensity. Thus, I confine to Chinese humors relevant to Korea and grapple with following issues:Firstly, I collect and translate humors relevant to Koreans. Secondly, I classify and review the collected humors. Lastly, I touch upon various issues regarding the interpretation on them and a new way of approach to them.

      • KCI등재

        《요재지이(聊齋志異)》의 논찬(論贊)으로 살펴본 이야기의 윤리적 기능

        이근석 중국어문학회 2018 中國語文學誌 Vol.0 No.63

        《The Liaozhaizhiyi/Yojaijiyi (聊齋志異)》 is a collection of short stories recorded in classical Chinese by Pu Songling/Po Songryung (蒲松齡) who lived in the Qing period. It includes five hundred stories collected by the author himself. He commented on one third of them (195 comments out of 194 pieces) and such literary form is called lunzan (論贊) in Chinese literary circles. The lunzan-s in the 《The Liaozhaizhiyi》 begin with “yishishi yue” (異史氏 曰) and they, being separate from the stories, evidence to some degree that they were recorded as told. In other words, the author separates the objectivity (facts) of the depictions on the collected stories from the subjectivity (opinions) of the criticism by separating the body (stories) and criticism (lunzan). The lunzan basically conveys his own responses to the stories, which are largely divided into social criticism, literary criticism, personal feelings, etc.. 《The Liaozhaizhiyi》 consists of provocative and interest-arousing contents such phantasm as ghosts, specters, afterlives, and mysterious phenomena, free love, satire on society, officials’ corruption, etc.. The author, as a confucian scholar, morally organized them by means of adding the lunzan-s through which he intended that novels/ short stories serve to convey moral lessons, not being limited to absurd and tedious stories. To borrow Chinese literary terms, the lunzan is a device to practice wenyizaidao (文以載道, moral expressed in words).

      • KCI등재

        중국의 청년 감독 원무예(文牧野)와 그의 영화세계

        이근석 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2022 인문학연구 Vol.61 No.3

        It is difficult to make a film that deals with the dark side of reality in China, where there is a strict censorship system of state institutions. In particular, as the international situation in China deteriorated after President Xi Jinping took office, Chinese films began to take on a strong chauvinistic character that defended China or put China first. Under these circumstances, the movie 『Dying to Survive』, released in 2018, is evaluated as an exceptional work that achieved commercial success while dealing with the dark side of the Chinese medical system. After the film's success, director Wen Muye took part in a promotional film for the Chinese regime and released a movie called Nice View featuring the socially underprivileged, which was well received by critics and audiences. This article examines the earliest to the latest works of director Wen Muye, who is currently considered the protagonist role of the next generation of young Chinese directors, and analyzes his success strategies and limitations. He has been highly praised for the quality of the works and commercial properties by directing true stories in the form of genre film. However, the perception of reality and social criticism in his films are not as cold or sharp as the evaluation in China. This is because another theme is hidden in the humanism that runs through the films. It is to glorify the current political and social system and to conform to reality. In other words, his films clearly show the limits of the real-life based films that can be expressed in China, where there is a censorship system. 국가기관의 엄격한 검열제도가 현존하는 중국에서 현실의 어두운 이면을 다루는 영화는 제작되기 힘들다. 특히 시진핑(習近平) 주석 집권 이후 중국이 처한 국제적 상황이 악화되자 중국의 영화들은 중국을 옹호하거나 중국제일주의를 앞세우는 국수주의적 성격을 강하게 띠기 시작하였다. 이러한 와중에서도 2018년도에 발표된 『나는 약신이 아니다(我不是藥神)』란 영화는 중국 의료제도의 어두운 일면을 다루면서도 상업적 성공까지 이루어낸 이례적인 작품으로 꼽힌다. 원무예 감독은 이 작품의 성공 이후 중국체제홍보영화(主旋律电影)에 참여하기도 하고 또다시 사회적 약자들을 주인공으로 한 『바보들의 기적(奇蹟·笨小孩)』이라는 영화를 발표하며 평단과 관중으로부터 고른 호응을 얻어낸다. 이 논문은 현재 중국영화를 이끌 차세대 청년 감독으로 꼽히고 있는 원무예의 영화를 초기작부터 최신작까지 살펴보고 그의 성공전략 및 한계에 대해서 분석하고 있다. 원무예 감독은 현실 소재의 이야기를 장르 영화의 형식을 차용하여 연출함으로써 작품성과 상업성 부문에서 모두 높은 평가를 받아왔다. 하지만 그의 영화 속에 보이는 현실 인식과 사회비판은 냉정하거나 날카롭지 못하다. 영화를 감싸고 있는 휴머니즘 안에는 체제예찬과 현실 순응이란 또 다른 주제가 감춰져 있기 때문이다. 원무예 감독의 영화는 검열제도가 존재하는 중국에서 현실 소재 영화가 표현 가능한 수위가 어디까지인지 그 한계를 명확히 보여주고 있다.

      • 건설업의 안전경영시스템 모델개발에 관한 연구

        이근석,박범 대한안전경영과학회 1999 대한안전경영과학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.1999 No.1

        건설업은 위험요소가 많은 업종 특성상 높은 재해발생율을 보이면서 정부에서도 많은 투자와 노력을 기울여 왔으나, 건설안전수준은 크게 향상되지 못하고 있다. 반면 선진국에서는, ISO에서 품질경영시스템과 환경경영시스템을 도입한 이후, 안전경영시스템에 대한 논의가 활발히 추진되고 있으며 안전에 관한 국가규격을 제정하는 등 안전활동이 크게 발전해 있다. 우리나라에서도 금년 7월부터 KISCO 2000프로그램이 시행되었지만, 건설업은 적용에서 제외되었다. 따라서 건설업에서의 안전경영시스템 적용 모델 개발 및 보급은 서둘러야 할 과제이다. 본 연구에서는 향후 건설업에 적용될 안전경영시스템 추진 모델을 개발하고 요건에 대응한 건설안전업무의 범위 및 문서화 체계작업, 그리고 추진과정을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        난류모델 변화에 따른 블레이드 팁 영역의 공력성능예측 정확도 평가에 관한 연구

        이근석,임희전,김범석 한국풍력에너지학회 2021 풍력에너지저널 Vol.12 No.3

        In this study, the prediction accuracy of the aerodynamic performance of the RANS and DES turbulence models through 3-D unsteady CFD analysis under high Reynolds number conditions were compared and analyzed for NACA64-618 airfoils. Numerical simulations were performed by applying the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS)-based turbulence model and Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) model, and the simulation results were compared with wind tunnel test results. The realizable k-ε turbulence model failed to predict the flow separation point and the size of the recirculation region, resulting in very low aerodynamic performance, and the S-A turbulence model showed a characteristic of over-predicting the drag coefficient after the stall point. The SST K-ω γ-Re-θ model and the DES model had excellent prediction accuracy in drag coefficient at a low angle of attack and lift coefficient after stall angle of attack. When comparing two turbulence models in terms of computational efficiency, it is recommended to apply the SST K-ω γ-Re-θ model.

      • KCI등재

        아음속 횡단류로 분사되는 이상유동 제트의 분무특성

        이근석,이원구,윤영빈,안규복 한국분무공학회 2019 한국액체미립화학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        An experimental study on the spray characteristics of aerated-liquid jets discharged from effervescent injectors to a subsonic crossflow was conducted to investigate effects of a gas to liquid mass ratio (GLR) and a ratio of the orifice length to the diameter (L/d). The present effervescent injectors consist of a plain orifice injector and an aerator. To analyze breakup length and spray trajectory, instantaneous spray images were taken by a high speed camera. As the GLR increased, the spray penetration became higher under the same liquid mass flow rate and the breakup length became shorter due to the bubble expansion or the annular liquid film breakup. To predict the spray trajectory of two-phase flow jets into the crossflow, the homogeneous and the separated flow models were compared.

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