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      • 3D 그래픽 처리를 위한 ALU 설계

        윤준철(Jun-Chul Yoon),정진하(Jin-Ha Jung),신광식(Kwang-Sik Shin),김도형(Do-Hyung Kim),최상방(Sang-Bang Choi) 대한전자공학회 2007 대한전자공학회 학술대회 Vol.2007 No.7

        In this paper, we design an ALU that supports IEEE-754 for 3D graphic processor. The ALU consists of calculation unit and control pipeline unit The ALU operates on 4-input data (X, Y, Z, W) simultaneously. It executes various instructions such as multiplication, addition, comparison, multiply-add, and dot product operations. The simulation result shows that the designed ALU operates correctly with the clock frequency higher than 100㎒ and consumes 4496 slices in Virtex-4 implementation.

      • 추상회화를 응용한 현대 한국화 표현연구

        윤준성(Yoon, jun-seong), 김종경(Kim, jong-kyoung) 조선대학교 조형미술연구소 2012 조형미술논문집 Vol.12 No.2

        현대미술은 19세기부터 시작된 미술이다. 비구상미술, 추상미술 이러한 양식들은 현대미술 속에 존재하는 각각의 양식이다. 현대미술의 가장 큰 특징 중 하나는 표현하고자 하는 화가 개인의 사상과 감정이 담겨있다. 그렇기에 정형화되어있는 색감과 형태로만 보는 것이 아니라 빛을 어떤 식으로 응용하였는지, 색감은 어떤 느낌과 터치를 살렸는지, 형태는 어떤 식으로 구성했는지, 왜 이렇게 표현을 해야 했는지 등 모든 의문점을 가지고 접근해보는 것이 이해하기 좋을 것이다. 회화라는 용어가 무척 생소하다. 한국화, 서양화, 판화 등 각각의 고유성을 지니고 있는 장르를 떠나, 하나로 통합된 단어 즉 현대미술에 접근한 조형언어라 생각한다. 고정관념을 탈피하고 서양에서 시발점이 된 추상미술을 현대한국화적인 느낌으로 받아들이고 응용하기 위해 다양한 표현기법을 생각해 보는 게 본 연구의 목적이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 추상미술이 어떤 식으로 발생했으며, 세계 속으로 퍼지게 된 계기 및 한국에서의 추상미술 이론적 배경을 알아보며 현대한국화가 앞으로 나아가야 할 발전방향을 모색해보는데 의의를 갖는다. Keywords : 추상미술, 현대한국화 Abstract art, Modern korean painting,

      • KCI등재후보

        초등학생 필자의 쓰기 태도 발달 연구

        윤준채 ( Jun Chae Yoon ) 한국작문학회 2009 작문연구 Vol.0 No.8

        이 연구의 목적은 우리나라 초등학생들의 쓰기 태도가 어떠한 발달궤적을 그리면서 변화하는지를 양적 연구 방법론을 적용하여 탐구하는데 있다. 이를 위해, 대구광역시에 소재하고 있는 초등학교 학생 728명이 설문에 참여했으며, 검사 도구로는 Kear와 동료들이 개발한 쓰기 태도 검사가 사용되었다. 초등학생들의 쓰기 태도의 발달과 관련하여 이 연구가 발견한 사실은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 초등학생들의 쓰기 태도는 1학년에서 6학년으로 진급하면서 계속적으로 부적인 발달 경향을 보이며, 이러한 부적 발달 경향은 4~6학년과 같은 고학년에서 더욱 두드러졌다. 둘째, 학년을 가로질러 여학생의 쓰기 태도가 남학생의 쓰기 태도보다 높았으며 그러한 격차는 학년이 올라갈수록 조금씩 커지는 경향을 나타냈다. 이러한 결과는 학년이 올라가면서 감소하는 쓰기 기회 및 쓰기 활동으로부터 오는 인지적·정의적 만족의 감소, 필자의 쓰기 목적의 변화 및 필자에게 의미 있는 타자들의 쓰기에 대한 인식의 변화에서 기인한것으로 추정된다. The purpose of this study was to examine the developmental trends in Korean elementary schoolers` attitude toward writing. Especially, it investigated how their grades and gender have an influence on their writing attitude development. For it, 728 first-to-sixth elementary schoolers in Daegu were participated in the study and Kear et al.`s Writing Attitude Survey was used for the data collection. Results from the study showed a negative trend in Korean elementary schoolers` attitude toward writing as they pass through their grades. Regarding gender effect on their writing attitude, results indicated that girls as a group possess more positive attitude than boys at all grade levels, especially at higher grade levels. A gap between boys and girls in writing attitude was growing bigger. These results might be attributed to a rapid decrease in writing time and in cognitive and affective satisfaction from writing and a change in writers` purpose and in expectation of significant persons to them. Implications for writing educators seem clear. Early intervention in an effort to preempt writing difficulties and to provide better writing instruction, writing environment, and opportunity to write may curb such attitude decline.

      • KCI등재

        혈관조영실에서 실시한 마취 관리에 대한 후향적 조사

        윤준로 ( Jun Rho Yoon ),정은용 ( Eun Yong Jung ),김미정 ( Mi Jung Kim ) 대한마취과학회 2009 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.56 No.1

        Background: Advances in the field of interventional and diagnostic radiology have resulted in anesthesiologists becoming involved in angiographic suites. In the present study, we evaluated the characteristics of patients and the anesthetic management in an angiographic suite, to determine what factors influenced the patient outcome. Methods: Data pertaining to patients that were anesthetized at an angiographic suite in a university hospital between 1 January 2007 and 31 December 2007 were evaluated retrospectively. Specifically, we evaluated the patient characteristics and the types of anesthesia administered, to determine which factors were related to patient outcome. Results: Sixty-four percent of the patients enrolled in this study were women. Cases involving coiling for unruptured and ruptured aneurysm, embolization for intracranial arteriovenous malformation and fistula, pediatric diagnostic angiography, embolization for extracranial arteriovenous malformation, and implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) implantation all required the involvement of anesthesiologists. Major postoperatve complications included pneumonia, atelectasis, and hydrocephalus. In addition, GCS, net fluid balance, and anesthesia time had influence on patient outcome. Conclusions: We evaluated the characteristics of patient groups, procedures, and postoperative complications in an angiographic suite. The results of our analysis revealed that a through understanding of nervous and vascular pathology, as well as knowledge of current interventional radiology, neuroanesthesia and vascular anesthesia techniques is essential for development of safe and effective care. (Korean J Anesthesiol 2009;56:36~46)

      • KCI등재

        현대미술의 멀티미디어 테크놀로지와 신령함 표현의 다변화

        윤준구(Yoon, Jun-gu) 한국근현대미술사학회 2012 한국근현대미술사학 Vol.23 No.-

        The origin of this research stems from an interest in the broad question of whether religious subject matter remains a viable concern for contemporary art during a period in which secular ideas are becoming increasingly dominant. After Constantine (280-337 AD) religious subject matter had been the major focus of European art. Belief was a given and therefore the problem of the representing the spiritual life which had characterized art forms in earlier ages was no longer significant since the idea of a spiritual life was taken fore granted. The modernization of Western cultures, which accompanied the beginning of the nineteenth century, resulted in artistic styles, which challenged both the purpose, and representation of traditional religious painting, which adhered closely to established creed and doctrine. The consequence of this liberalism is reflected in the manner in which contemporary artists understand and express the concept of spirituality in far broader and more personal terms. As such they are considerably less likely to demonstrate allegiance with any one specific religion or religious doctrine. These shifts in spiritual understanding and the subsequent attempts of artists to visually represent that understanding in Western art history demonstrates that the process of expressing or approaching spirituality in art is a constantly changing field which is redefined according to different criteria in each era. In the arts, the ‘medium’ in the usual sense, is the agent by which images are transmitted yet the last couple of decades have seen the rapid transformation of these processes. The speedy development of technology has resulted in the clear demarcation of ‘multimedia’ from other prior existing media. My research examines the inherent potential of multimedia specifically to facilitate numinous experiences and how these differ from what has gone before. Therefore, Chapter 2 commences with a necessary clarification of precisely how I am using the term ‘multimedia’ and ‘Numinous’ in this research. In Chapter 3, I examine how the term numinous has been conceptualized and represented through historical and contemporary culture in order to gain an understanding of this less familiar terminology. I look first in depth at different interpretations of the numinous as offered by Rudolf Otto, Carl Jung and Mircea Eliade. This critical evaluation is subsequently applied to the artistic case studies of Nam June Paik, Bill Viola throughout Chapter 4. controlled country known as Joseon.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        지속적 경막외차단시 세균여과기의 효과에 관한 연구

        윤준로(Jun Rho Yoon),한석호(Seok Ho Han),정은용(Eu 대한통증학회 1998 The Korean Journal of Pain Vol.11 No.2

        N/A Background: Continuous epidural block is widely used for surgical operation and postoperative pain management. The potential infection due to the epidural catheter is a definite harzard of continous epi- dural block We investigated the effectiveness of bacterial filter in pmvention of infection due to the epidural catheter. Methods: Patients scheduled for transabdominal hysterectomy were assigned to two groups by simple randomization (50 patients per group). All catheters were placed in the 2nd and 3rd lumbar epidural space, using careful sterile technique. Group 1 received injections by the epidural catheter with a bacterial filter and group 2 received injections by the epidural catheter without a bacterial filter. The infection rate in the tips of epidural catheter left for 3 days were compared between the two groups. Results: There was no significant difference in the infection rate between two groups. Conclusions: A bacterial filter of the epidural catheter for surgical anesthesia and postoperative analge- sia dose not prevent all kinds of infection in continuous epidural block.

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      • KCI등재

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