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      • KCI등재

        조선 선조대 남북 분당과 내암 정인홍

        우인수(Woo, In Soo) 부산경남사학회 2011 역사와 경계 Vol.81 No.-

        남북분당의 과정을 남북 갈등의 조짐, 갈등의 심화로 인한 분당, 대립의 고착이라는 세 단계를 설정하여 각 단계별로 분석하면서 파악하였다. 남북분당기에 발생한 사안에 관한 서로 다른 견해에 대해 그 의미를 검토하고 음미하는 방법을 통해 남북분당 과정을 재구성하면서 종합하는데 의미를 두었다. 특히 단계별 남북분당의 과정에서 보인 정인홍의 역할에 주목하여 이를 통해 그의 영향과 위상을 드러내고자 하였다. 먼저 동인 내부의 남북 갈등의 조짐이 있었던 시기는 선조 13년으로부터 선조 22년 기축옥사가 일어나기 전까지의 기간으로 설정하였다. 이 시기 갈등의 조짐이 된 사건들에는 여러 사람이 상호 복잡하게 얽혀 있었다. 이발과 우성전, 정인홍과 우성전, 이경중과 정여립, 정인홍과 이경중을 둘러싼 여러 가지 갈등이 그러한 예였다. 하지만 이러한 갈등은 분당으로까지 치달을 정도로 심각한 단계는 아니었다고 생각된다. 이 시기의 정인홍도 다소 경직된 면은 있었지만 공무를 강직하게 수행한다는 차원에서 이해될 수 있는 활동을 한 시기로 볼 수 있다. 선조 22년의 기축옥사는 동인을 남북으로 분당시키는 지경으로까지 치닫게 하였다. 정여립의 모역사건을 계기로 만연된 옥사는 동인과 서인 뿐아니라 선조까지 깊숙이 개입하면서 후일 북인으로 분류되는 많은 사람들이 억울하게 처형되는 참혹한 화로 확산되었다. 이 과정에서 화를 주로 입은 측의 인사들은 옥사를 만연한 상대당인 서인은 물론이거니와 이를 적극적으로 구원하지 않고 관망하는 자세를 보였던 같은 동인의 일부에 대해서도 점차 반감을 가지게 되었다. 정인홍과 류성룡, 이산해와 류성룡, 이경전과 정경세 간의 갈등으로 심화되면서 동인이 결국 남인과 북인으로 나뉘게 되었다. 임진왜란이 거의 극복되어갈 무렵인 선조 31년 북인들이 대대적으로 남인의 우두머리 영의정 류성룡을 집중 공격하여 실각시키면서 대립 양상은 절정에 달하게 되었다. 북인들은 명에 보내는 변무 사행에 류성룡이 자청하지 않은 점을 거론하여 체직을 시킨 다음 남북분당의 책임, 임난 때의 주화론 주창 등의 책임을 집중 공격하여 관작을 삭탈케 하는데 성공하였다. 그 외의 남인 인사들이 함께 조정에서 몰려났음은 물론이었으며, 임난 중 의병 활동을 하다가 과로사한 우성전의 관작까지 삭탈시켰다. 정인홍은 이러한 남인의 공격에 직접 나서거나 또는 문인을 통하여 공격하는 간접적인 방법으로 일익을 담당하였다. I analyze the process of the split between Namin and Bukin party in three phases: signs of the conflict between Namin and Bukin party, party split caused by increased conflict, and settlement of opposition. I value to reconstruct the process of the split party by investigating the issues occurred during the period of the split. Special attention is given to Jeong, In-Hong’s role throughout the stages of the split. First, I define the period which shows the signs of the conflict between Namin and Bukin as King Seonjo’s thirteenth year to twenty-second year. I analyze the various conflicts between Lee, Bal and Woo, Sung-Jeon, Jeong, In-Hong and Woo, Sung-Jeon, Lee, Kyung-Jung and Chung, Yeo-Rip, and Jeong, In-Hong and Lee, Kyung-Jung. During this period, Jeong, In-Hong performs his official duties with integrity although he has the tendency to be a bit inflexible. The conspiracy to treason in the King Seonjo’s twenty-second year resulted in the party split in Dongin party. The incident spread by Chung, Yeo-Rip’s treason sacrifice the many innocent people of the Bukin party. In this process, the most victimized Bukin party gradually begins to feel hostile towards some Dongin party who takes a wait-and-see attitude, not to mention Seoin party who are the main reason of the spread of the incident. After all, Dongin party is divided into Namin and Bukin party after the deepened conflicts between Jeong, In-Hong and Ryu, Sung-Ryong, Lee, San-Hae and Ryu, Sung-Ryong, and Lee, Kyung-Jeon and Chung, Kyung-Se. In the last stages of Japanese Invasion of Korea in King Seonjo’s thirty-first year, the sentiments of opposition reach an extreme when Bukin party extensively overthrows the prime minister Ryu, Sung-Ryong, the head of Namin party. Bukin party succeeds in removing Ryu, Sung-Ryong from the government by intensively bashing Ryu’s responsibilities of Pacifism during the Japanese Invasion and the party split between Namin and Bukin party. Naturally, Namin party is expelled from the Court as well. Jeong, In-Hong plays an important role in attacking Namin party by directly involving himself or by indirectly attacking through disciples. The Party Split between Namin and Bukin party is established by undergoing above process. And Jeong, In-Hong is the key force in the course, which proves his historical status in the split.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        명의신탁 관련한 형사법적 쟁점 개관

        우인성(Woo In Sung) 충북대학교 법학연구소 2015 法學硏究 Vol.26 No.2

        I think, except some cases that the “Act on the Registration of Real Estate under Actual Titleholder's name”(below abbreviated as ‘Actual Name Law’) allows, the nominal trust agreement is not the trust relationship worthy of being protected by Criminal Law, even though the nominal trust is not Kondiktio wegen verwerflichen Empfanges. And the recent decision(2010do10500) changed the precedents about the non-punishable subsequent act. It held that, if the trustee took out mortgages two times or more from the same real estate under the nominal trust that Actual Name Law allows, the subsequent act could be punished. It means that the subsequent act constitutes the crime of embezzlement and is not absorbed in the preceding act of taking out a mortgage. I agree with the result, but the act of taking our mortages should be assessed as a criminal breach of trust, not as a embezzlement. In the other part, the nominal trust about the movable things were dealt with.

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 北邊地域 기생의 생활 양태

        우인수(Woo In-Soo) 부산경남사학회 2003 역사와 경계 Vol.49 No.-

        Kisaengs were professional female entertainers who entertained with songs, dances and poetry recitation at feasts and banquets during the Chosun period. They were members of the lowborn class. They were selected for their beauty and trained at government institutes. They were taught reading, calligraphy, music, dance and other liberal arts.<br/> Kisaengs had two important roles from the social point of view. One was to entertain customers with songs, dances and poetry recitation at feasts and banquets. The other was to give sexual services. So Kisaeng were in the lower class, but they usually joined with the people in the higher class. In this thesis, I studied about Kisaeng as a human being, not erotic and sexual figure.<br/> It was prohibited by law that Kisaengs were flow out from their town. That prohibition law was not removed in the Chosun period. But Kisaengs were flow out illegally, this phenomenon spreaded all over the country in the Chosun period. In the northen remote region, though prohibition law was stricter than that of the other regions, this illegal phenomenon spreaded, too. But most of Kisaeng had to live in their town as long as they live.<br/> Kisaengs expressed their love positively. And they were freer than general women in the meeting and sexual intercourse with men. They had not only a short and one time meeting but also a long and continuous meeting. In most cases they were forced to attend the party without their will. But sometimes they would meet with men actively. Meanwhile, Kisaengs serving as a concubine(房直妓生) were distributed in the northen remote region. They got home to military officers leaving home for a long time. Sometimes public slaves and private slaves were pressed into Kisaengs serving as a concubine. They lived on their military officers' salary. Kisaengs serving as a concubine got much help from their own mothers in a various kinds of their housework.<br/> Kisaengs serving as a concubine were obligated to attend a banquet and an archery match. And they cheered their men in an archery match. After an archery match, she and her man were punished according to the penal regulations like dancing in clown dress. At that time it was a commonplace affair.<br/> In some ways, their life style were similar to that of common housewives. However, their role as a housewife was limited in a period when her man were in public military service. After that, she were obligated to serve another military officer.

      • 기획논문 : 선비들의 임란 창의정신(倡義精神)과 의병 활동

        우인수 ( Woo In Soo ) 경북대학교 퇴계연구소 2015 퇴계학과 유교문화 Vol.56 No.-

        본고는 선비들의 임란 창의 격문이나 통문의 분석을 통해 창의 정신을 추출하고, 그를 선비정신으로 간주하였다. 그리고 선비정신에 입각한 그들의 의병 활동상을 살피면서 의미를 부여하고자 하였다. 분석에 활용된 자료는 『난중잡록』에 실린 총 41편에 달하는 격문과 통문이었다. 그 중 임진년인 1592년 한 해 동안에 작성된 것이 34편으로 전체의 약 83%에 달할 정도로 집중되어 있었다. 이는 의병이 활발하게 일어나면서 긍정적인 기능을 수행한 때가 역시 임란 초기였음을 확인케 해준다. 격문과 통문에 나타난 핵심어의 분석을 통해 창의의 동기를 짐작할 수 있었으며, 이를 통해 창의에 영향을 미친 선비들의 정신을 추출할 수 있었다. 추출된 선비 정신은 大義, 忠誠, 爲國, 責任, 復隧 등 다섯 가지였다. 선비들의 창의는 평소 자신들이 가지고 있던 바로 그 선비정신의 발로였다. 선비들의 의병 활동은 선비정신의 현실 세계에서의 구현이자 적용이었던 것이다. 이는 위기를 맞은 공동체가 나아가야 할 올바른 방향성을 부여한 행위로서 지도자의 마땅한 역할이었다. 창의의 명분이 합당하다고 하더라도 많은 백성들을 의병 휘하에 모우고 거느리기 위해서는 높은 명망이 요구되었는데, 이는 평소 학문을 닦으면서 인격 도야에도 힘쓴 선비이기에 가능한 일이었다. 임란 초기 선비들의 의병 활동은 꺼져가던 국운에 희망의 불씨를 살리는 행위였다. 의병의 중요성을 인식한 조선 정부도 의병 창의를 독려하여 총력전을 펼침으로써 위기를 극복하고자 하였다. 무너져가는 나라를 지탱시킬 수 있는 힘인 희망을 선비들이 행동으로 이끌어 낸 것이다. 이들의 활동은 백성들의 인심이 더 이상 이반되지 않고 하나로 결집하는 계기가 되었다. 그리고 일본군에게 일방적으로 우세하게 전개되던 전쟁의 흐름을 바꾸는 계기로 작용하였다. 의병의 활약으로 체제 정비를 위한 시간을 번 조선은 차츰 육지의 관군을 수습하여 재정비할 수 있었던 것이다. 비록 의병의 긍정적 활동이 단기간에 그쳤고 전투적인 측면에서는 크게 성취한 바가 없었다고 하더라도 국가의 명맥이 의병 덕분에 유지될 수 있었음은 분명한 사실이다. This study identified the spirit behind raising militias by analyzing the appeals and circular letters seonbi, or virtuous Confucian scholars of the Joseon Dynasty, wrote to raise militias during the Japanese invasion of 1592, and regarded in them the spirits of seonbi. Furthermore, the study examined seonbi’s militia activities based on the spirits of seonbi and tried to attach meaning to the activities. The materials used for the analysis here included a total of 41 written appeals and circular letters carried in Nanjung Jabrok. Out of the 41 works, 34, or about 83 percent of the entire works, were created in the year 1592 alone. This confirms that in the early days of the Japanese invasion of 1592, militias were actively raised, performing positive functions. Through the analysis of the key words in the written appeals and circular letters, the motive for raising militias could be guessed, and, based on the motive, the spirits of seonbi, which affected the raising of militias could be identified. The identified spirits of seonbi consisted of great cause, loyalty, serving one’s country, responsibility and revenge. These five spirits were not different but correlated. Seonbi’s raising militias was a manifestation of their spirits. That is, their militia activities were the realization and application of their spirits in reality. The militia activities, which showed a right direction for the community to follow, were what leaders were required to perform. Although the cause of raising militias was reasonable, one was required to have a good reputation to raise and lead militias composed of ordinary people. Seonbi had such reputation as they always tried to lead a studious and virtuous life. Seonbi’s militia activities in the early days of the Japanese invasion of 1592 gave a glimmer of hope to the nation going into decline. Being aware of the importance of militias, the Joseon government encouraged the raising of militias to wage all out war against Japanese forces and overcome the national crisis. That is, seonbi’s militia activities became a hope that could save the falling nation. Their militia activities served as momentum uniting all the people who were estranged from the government. In addition, they reversed the flow of the war, which was developing favorably for Japan. Thanks to militia activities, the Joseon government was able to have time to improve its military system and collect and rearrange government troops on land. Although militia activities had a positive effect only for a short period and did not achieve much in terms of military aspects, it is certain that they played a crucial role for the survival of the nation.

      • KCI등재

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