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      • KCI등재후보

        한국과 일본의 아동학대 연구동향

        오미희(Oh, Mi-Hee) 대한일어일문학회 2016 일어일문학 Vol.69 No.-

        Recently, as child abuse cases at home are highlighted in South Korea, the issues in parenting skills by parents, etc. have been pointed out. It means that not all children receive the support from their parents for the formation of the proper personality but there are a lot of cases that they are getting physical and emotional pains. However, a child abuse is being recognized as a serious social problem in Japan as well as Korea. Regarding the purpose and method of this study, it aims to derive research tasks for accessing ways of prophylaxis and prevention by identifying the leading trends related to child abuse in Korea and Japan. It is believed that such a study would be helpful in finding a realistic proposal which can form a social consensus when seeking solutions for child abuse. Research results show that the study on child abuse legal system has been actively made since the 2000s in Korea and 1970s in Japan. Although from the early stage when abuse at home has been found, the two countries were aware that abuse by biological parents was serious, a related legal system was introduced very late. The fact that parent education has been essentially addressed for child abuse prevention, but it did not come to solving real problems can be understood from the continuously growing incidence rate of abuse. Starting from Korean War in 1960, social environments have been transformed variously down to modern in both countries but child centered environment has not changed significantly. The influence of past Confucian cultural customs where the punishment as disciplining is accepted socially during parenting cannot be overlooked. Therefore, ways to redefine more aggressive child abuse related legal system, parenting skills by parents and national level of philosophy for child should be looked for actively.

      • KCI등재

        노인장기요양보험제도 시행 이후의 한일 비교연구

        오미희 ( Mi Hee Oh ) 한국장기요양학회 2014 장기요양연구 Vol.2 No.1

        앞으로의 고령사회와 초고령사회 진입에 대비하여 노인장기요양보험제도의 합리적 기능수행을 위해 사회구조 및 제도 등 다양한 관점의 접근이 요구된다. 오늘날 현실화된 영유아를 위한 자녀양육의 사회화에 이어 노인장기요양의 사회화가 원만하게 이루어지기 위해서는, 관련법제도의 규범적 선택의 체계적 영역뿐 아니라 사회구성원의 합의적 이해가 지속적으로 논의되어야 할 것이다. 본 연구는 노인장기요양보험제도가 시행되고 6년을 맞이하게 된 우리나라와 일본의 개호보험제도에 대해 비교학적인 관점으로 문제점을 도출하여 개선점을 모색하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 연구방법은 노인장기요양보험제도가 시행된 이후의 비슷한 시점을 두고 한국과 일본의 운영현황에 대해 살펴보는 국내외 논문 및 저서의 문헌 중심으로 이루어졌다. 노인장기요양보험제도가 효과적으로 시행되기 위해서는 노인장기요양 인정자의 합리적인 범위에 대한 재검토가 이루어져야 할 것이다. 그리고 보험료 부담의무와 보험급여를 받을 권리에 대한 적극적 홍보를 통해 재원조달의 안정화로 효과적인 노인장기요양복지를 증진시킬 필요가 있다. 또한 서비스의 질적 수준 향상을 위하여 요양보호사의 처우개선과 장기적인 관점의 교육훈련 프로그램이 체계화되어야 할 것이다. 아울러, 노인장기요양기관의 노인인권보호 등 시설안전관리에 따른 세심한 관리감독체계와 노인부양에 대한 가족구성원의 역할과 책무에 대해서도 인식 재고할 필요가 있다. 이러한 연구는 향후 지속적인 연구로 이어지면서 한국의 사회문화 정서에 적합한 노인장기요양보험제도로 자리매김하는 개선방안을 제시하는데 그 의의가 있다고 본다. As the society enter to advanced age society or even superaged, various approaches of social structure and system are essential to perform rational function of long term senior care insurance. To better socialize long term senior care like child rearing which already socialized, consensus of society members should be discussed continuously as well as the systematic domain of normative choices of relative laws. The Aim of this study is seek the improvement of Korea’s long term senior care insurance by compare to one in Japan. Research was approached by examining domestic and foreign theses also references which studied the conditions of operation of Korea and Japan at same time frame after effect of long term senior care insurance. As a result of this study, we conclude that eligibility of recipients should be reappraised to effective operate of long term senior care insurance. Also with active public relation of the right for insurance benefit and obligation, funds supply would be stable which would lead improve the efficiency of long term senior care. Improved treatment and systematic education training program for caregivers are also required for better service quality. Reconsidering of responsibilities and roles of family members for senior support and prudence supervision of facility safety management such as protection of senior right at senior care facility are in need as well. This study is significant as it continues on further study and suggests the improvement plans of long term senior care insurance which suitable to domestic social culture emotion.

      • KCI등재
      • 일본의 출산율 향상 대응정책에 관한 연구

        오미희(Oh, Mi-Hee) 동북아시아문화학회 2018 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.2018 No.10

        Japan"s birth rate is gradually increasing, drawing keen attention to the recovery of the birth rate. Despite similar experiences, such as avoiding marriage and childbirth in Korean society, interest is growing in maintaining a steady rise in the birth rate. This is because when the total fertility rate reached 1.57 children (1989) in the past, it expanded the scope of social issues to 1.57 shock and made efforts to create a low birth rate. In particular, Japan"s childcare system and the establishment of day care centers in the workplace are a positive background for improving the birth rate. In addition, among various policies that could ease the burden on women"s career and childrearing, the policy direction for creating a friendly environment for families and workplaces contributed greatly to the improvement of Japan"s birth rate.

      • KCI등재

        레지오 고경력 교사들의 놀이 의미 읽기를 통한 놀이 지원 경험

        오미희(Oh, Mi-Hee),권귀염(Kwon, Kyee-Yum) 한국교원대학교 유아교육연구소 2021 한국유아교육연구 Vol.23 No.4

        본 연구는 레지오 접근법을 실천해 온 고경력 교사들의 놀이 의미 읽기를 통한 놀이 지원 경험을 탐색해보았다. 연구 참여자는 경력 6-18년의 교사 6명으로, 자료수집은 2020년 7월부터 2021년 1월까지 참여자들과의 3차례의 면담을 통해 이루어졌다. 자료 분석의 결과, 교사들은 유아들의 삶과 연관하여 놀이를 바라보고 놀이 과정 중 변화가 일어날 때 유아들의 생각을 읽으려고 노력하였다. 놀이를 지원하기 위해 교사들은 유아의 의도를 존중하면서도 유아-교사 간의 생각과 방향을 협의하고 맞춰가는 모습을 보였다. 관찰기록을 되돌아보고 동료 교사와의 협의를 통해 놀이 의미 해석과 지원의 깊이를 더하고자 하였으며, 궁극적으로는 유아들의 성장이 이루어지는 놀이로 확장 시키고자 하였다. 이상의 연구 결과를 바탕으로 놀이와 유아의 삶을 바라보는 관점의 중요성과 놀이 의미 읽기와 지원의 접근방법을 논하였다. This study aimed to explore the experiences of highly experienced Reggio Emilia kindergarten teachers in their interpreting and supporting children’s play. To this end, a study was conducted with 6 teachers with 6 to 18 years of teaching experience. Data was collected through three interviews with each participant between July, 2020 and January, 2021. Analysis of the collected data revealed that teachers often attempted to examine children’s play in reference to their lives, particularly in regards to focusing on interpreting their intentions and thoughts in relation to changes in their play. Teachers respected children as they negotiated and matched with children’s thoughts to support children’s play, By returning to observation records and collaborating with colleagues, the teachers were able to add depth to their interpretation and support of the children’s play, nurturing the growth of the children’s minds. The importance of teachers’ perspectives on children’s play and their lives and ways to interpret and support children’s play were discussed.

      • KCI등재후보

        엘라스타제를 이용한 주름개선 후보물질 검색 시스템의 구축

        오미희 ( Mi Hee Oh ),이주은 ( Ju Eun Lee ),김수연 ( Su Yeon Kim ),김소영 ( So Young Kim ),박경찬 ( Kyoung Chan Park ),윤혜영 ( Hye Young Yun ),백광진 ( Kwang Jin Baek ),권년수 ( Nyoun Soo Kwon ),김동석 ( Dong Seok Kim ) 대한화장품학회 2009 대한화장품학회지 Vol.35 No.1

        피부주름 개선에는 콜라겐(collagen)뿐만 아니라 탄력섬유인 엘라스틴(elastin) 등도 기여하는 것으로 보고되고 있다. 더 나아가 자외선에 의하여 사람의 피부에서 광노화 현상이 나타나며 자외선 조사 후 엘라스타제(elastase)의 활성이 증가하기 때문에 엘라스타제의 활성증가는 자외선에 의한 피부 탄성도의 감소 및 주름 생성의 주요원인으로 생각된다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 피부주름 생성에 영향을 미치는 엘라스타제의 활성을 측정하기 위한 모델을 마련하기 위하여 시판되는 두 가지 엘라스타제, 돼지 췌장 엘라스타제(porcine pancreatic elastase)와 사람 호중구 엘라스타제(human neutrophil elastase)를 사용하였으며 다음 세 가지는 정상 사람 섬유아세포(normal primary human fibroblasts), 쥐의 3T3 섬유아세포주(3T3 mouse fibroblasts), 사람의 CCD-25Sk 섬유아세포주(CCD-25Sk human fibroblasts)로부터 elastase를 준비하여 사용하였다. 준비된 5가지 효소의 농도에 기질의 농도 및 배양시간에 따르는 효소의 활성을 비교 평가하였다. 양성대조군으로 사용한 phosphoramidon이 normal human primary fibroblast elastase와 CCD-25Sk fibroblast elastase의 활성을 유의성 있게 억제한 반면에 porcine pancreatic elastase에는 별다른 영향을 미치지 못하였다. 따라서 주름 개선 후보물질 탐색을 위한 엘라스타제의 선정에는 신중한 고려가 필요할 것으로 사료된다. It has been reported that not only collagen but also elastin contribute to inhibit skin wrinkle formation. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation induces photo-aging on human skin. Because UV radiation increases elastase activity, it is thought that increased elastase activity could be the major reason for skin elasticity reduction and wrinkle formation by UV. In the present study to standardize elastase activity measuring system, purified elastases from porcine pancrease and human neutrophil, and cell extracts of normal human primary fibroblasts, 3T3 mouse fibroblasts, and CCD-25Sk human fibroblasts were used as various enzyme sources. Furthermore, elastase activities were compared according to concentrations of enzyme and substrate and incubation time. Phosphoramidon was used as a positive control to inhibit elastase activities of normal human primary fibroblasts and CCD-25Sk fibroblasts. However, it had no influence on the activity of porcine pancreatic elastase. Therefore, it is suggested that elastase used for testing anti-wrinkle agents should be selected carefully.

      • 가상 운동 훈련 프로그램(Wii fit)이 여성노인들의 균형증진에 미치는 영향

        최재원,정현애,김은비,류애리,박소영,조경미,오미희,Choi, Jae-Won,Chung, Hyun-Ae,Kim, Eun-Bi,Ryu, Ae-Ri,Park, So-Young,Cho, Kyung-Mi,Oh, Mi-Hee 대한고유수용성신경근촉진법학회 2010 PNF and Movement Vol.8 No.3

        Purpose : The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of virtual exercise training programs on the improvement of balance in the elderly women. Methods: The subjects were fifteen female citizens, 67 years of age or older living in G city, the subjects were randomly divided into groups; Virtual exercise training group(n=9), control group (n=6). After treatment measured balance by Berg Balance scale test and One-leg stand test during virtual exercise training program at pre-intervention and post-intervention. Results : The results of this study were as follows : Virtual Exercise Training Program (Wii fit) after applying the Berg balance test scores and One-Legged Stance Test, the evaluation results showed significant results(p<05). Conclusion : Virtual exercise training programs can be used to improve the balance of the elderly, as it has been shown to increase Berg balance test and one-leg stand results conducted after virtual training programs. Virtual Exercise Programs(Wii fit) were applied to demonstrate the effecting the balance of the elderly to promote more research on the impact of the ADL survey.

      • KCI등재후보

        사람의 섬유아세포 엘라스타제 활성에 대한 탄닌산의 억제 효과

        이주은 ( Ju Eun Lee ),김소영 ( So Young Kim ),김수연 ( Su Yeon Kim ),오미희 ( Mi Hee Oh ),윤혜영 ( Hye Young Yun ),백광진 ( Kwang Jin Baek ),권년수 ( Myoun Soo Kwon ),김동석 ( Dong Seok Kim ) 대한화장품학회 2008 대한화장품학회지 Vol.34 No.3

        피부에서 엘라스틴(elastin)은 중요한 탄력섬유의 구성성분 중의 하나이다. 피부주름(skin wrinkle) 형성은 콜라겐(collagen)의 합성과 분해가 중요한 요인으로 작용한다고 알려져 있지만, 최근 많은 연구에서 엘라스틴의 재형성과 분해 또한 주름형성 기전에서 중요한 작용을 하는 것으로 보고되고 있다. 엘라스타제(elastase)는 엘라스틴을 분해하는 일종의 메탈로프로테이나제(metalloproteinase)이며, 자외선 B (ultraviolet B, UVB) 조사 후에 활성이 증가하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 따라서 증가된 엘라스타제의 활성은 피부의 탄력성 감소와 주름 형성의 주요한 원인이 될 것이다. 본 연구에서는 항산화 효과가 있으며, 각종 견과류나 과일에 함유된 폴리페놀(polyphenol)성분인 탄닌산(tannic acid)을 사람의 섬유아세포(CCD-25Sk fibroblasts)에 처리하여 엘라스타제 활성과 트로포엘라스틴 생성에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 탄닌산은 농도의존적으로 사람의 섬유아세포 엘라스타제 활성을 유의성 있게 억제시켰다. 그러나 트로포엘라스틴 합성이나 발현증가에는 유의성 있는 효과를 보이지 않았다. 이러한 결과들로부터 탄닌산은 엘라스타제의 활성을 억제시켜 엘라스틴의 3차원적 구조를 유지하는데 기여하는 것으로 사료된다. 따라서 탄닌산은 주름생성을 억제하는 물질로 개발 가능할 것으로 기대된다. Elastin is an important component of elastic fibers in the skin. Recently, many studies have reported that elastin is also involved in inhibiting or repairing wrinkle formation, although collagen is a major factor in the skin wrinkle formation. Elastase is a metalloproteinase which acts on degradation of elastin. It is known that elastase activity is increased by ultraviolet (UV) B radiation. Thus, increased elastase activity could be the major reason for skin elasticity reduction and winkle formation. Tannic acid is a polyphenol found in various fruits and nuts. This molecule has a potent ability to eliminate reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species. In the present study, we investigated whether tannic acid has effects on elastase activity and tropoelastin synthesis. Our results showed that tannic acid reduced elastase activity significantly in a dose-dependent manner. However, the expression of tropoelastin protein and mRNA was not significantly affected by tannic acid. From these results, we suggest that tannic acid may contribute to block tortuosity of elastic fibers by inhibiting elastase. Thus, tannic acid might be developed for a possible agent to inhibit skin aging.

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