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        초등영어담당 교사 세 명의 "교실영어사용" 인식에 관한 면담연구

        오마리아 ( Maria Oh ),이슬아 ( Seul A Lee ) 글로벌영어교육학회 2008 Studies in English education Vol.13 No.2

        This interview study aims to report how three Korean primary school English teachers perceived `classroom English use` in Korean English educational settings. Based on the data from three times of one-hour interviews, the research finds that (1) 3 teachers perceived the term of classroom English in a limited or an inclusive way; (2) They all believed that students` English level gaps were so big that they could not depend only on English to communicate in English classes; (3) They tried hard to give students individual attentions to bridge the children`s English level gaps at one class; (4) They perceived that English-level-based English classes would be a solution to multi-level English classes; (5) They tried to correct students` English errors unthreatening ways; (6) They tried also to correct their own English mistakes whenever needed; and (7) Two teachers worked hard to improve their English skills in various ways, but one teacher worked more to develop English-teaching classroom activities. The study results shed light on the importance of teacher education on classroom English use and on what primary English teachers want to get at teacher education programs. More implications of the study results are discussed.

      • KCI등재후보

        교실영어 관련 피드백 활용에서 드러난 초등 예비교사들의 영어 학습자 자율성 연구

        오마리아 ( Maria Oh ) 서울敎育大學校 初等敎育硏究所 2015 한국초등교육 Vol.26 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 초등영어 수업을 맡아서 가르치게 될 초등 예비교사들이 대학에서 한 학기 동안 교실영어 연습을 하는 동안 드러나는 학습자 자율성을 알아보는 것이다. 2014년 봄 학기 동안일주 일회 조별 모임에서 교실영어를 연습하고 연습과정을 녹음/녹취하고, 마이크로티칭을 두 번 실시하고, 주마다 영어모국어화자 강사를 만나 교실영어 녹취록에 대한 피드백을 받고 이 피드백을 개인별로 자신의 교실영어 실력 발달을 위해 활용하였다. 영어모국어화자 강사의 피드백 활용에 대해 77명의 예비교사들을 면담조사한 후, 자율성 정도에 따라 세 그룹으로 나누었을 때 드러난 연구결과는 (1) 자율성이 높은 예비교사는 열악한 영어학습 환경에서도 피드백을 구두어로 습득하기 위해 다양하게 노력하였고; (2) 중간 정도의 학습자 자율성을 나타낸 예비교사들은 피드백이 대부분문법 수정이어서 도움이 한정적이었고, 차주 교실영어 연습 조별 모임을 위한 대본 글을 쓸 때만피드백을 활용하여, 피드백 활용에 소극적이었고; (3) 학습자 자율성이 낮은 예비교사는 동료압박등의 다양한 이유로 인해 피드백 활용이 힘들었다고 인식했다; (4) 많은 연구 참여자들은 영어모국어화자 강사 피드백이 교실영어 실력 향상에 도움 되는 정도가 다른 원인은 학생 개인의 “의욕”이나 영어회화실력이지, 영어모국어화자 강사가 원인은 아니라고 말하여 영어학습에서 학습자 자율성의 중요성을 인지하고 있음이 드러났다. 이상의 연구결과에 따라 예비 초등교사 대상 교실영어 교육에서 자율적으로 교실영어를 연습하는 동료 예비교사의 학습 예를 소개하고 그 활용을 격려하는등 동료 학습자끼리 서로 도울 수 있는 자율성 기반 교실영어 프로그램을 제안한다. The purpose of this interview study is to scrutinize primary pre-service teachers`` leaner autonomy which was revealed when they made use of English native-speaking teachers`` feedback on classroom English practice. The participants were 77 primary pre-service teachers who took ``English Teaching Methodology`` in Spring 2014 at a national university of education located in a mid-size city. In early June, two to three participants met at the researcher``s office for sixty to ninety minutes to describe what and how they did to practice classroom English for one semester. The interview data was collected, saved, transcribed and analyzed by the researcher according to the interview research study tradition. Four study findings emerged: (1) 5 participants`` learner autonomy level was high and they tried to make best use of English native-speaking teachers`` feedback on their classroom English; (2) many participants`` learner autonomy level was medium and they made an effort to make use of English native-speaking teachers`` feedback when they wrote class scripts, but not when they practiced speaking classroom English; (3) quite a lot of participants`` learner autonomy level was low and they did not make an effort to make use of English-native speaking teachers`` feedback. They perceived that neither weekly classroom-English practice meeting nor English-native-speaking teachers`` feedback was really helpful for their classroom English skills development; (4) Almost all of the informants agreed that English-speaking teachers`` feedback on classroom English could be useful only if the informants were motivated with good English to make use of the feedback, so the level of usefulness of the feedback was decided not by the English-speaking teachers, but by the informants. The current study findings shed light on the participants`` awareness of the importance of learner autonomy in learning classroom English and the possibility of elevating their autonomy in classroom English practice. Based on the study findings, some suggestions are made to develop primary pre-service teachers`` learner autonomy in classroom English practice. (317 words)

      • KCI등재

        전북농촌 여성노인 A의 생애구술에서 드러난 삶의 원동력

        오마리아(Maria Oh),김하나(Hana Stella Kim) 한국콘텐츠학회 2009 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.9 No.9

        본 연구는 전북농촌에서 평생 살아온 여성노인 A의 삶의 주제를 찾아본 생애구술사 연구이다. 약 40여회의 면담에서 드러난 A 삶의 주제는 본인의 자율학습과 자식교육을 향한 끊임없는 노력인데 구체적인 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, A는 어려서 야학당에 다니며 공부를 했다. 둘째, 일곱 자녀의 교육비 마련을 위해 농사를 짓고, 가마니 짜기, 삼베 짜기, 누에치기 등을 하고, 농산물과 해산물을 팔고, 쌀계의 계주역할을 수행하기도 하였다. 셋째, 아들교육이 우선되어 딸들 교육은 어려웠으나 누에가 크면 팔아서 갚는다고 “외상입학”을 시키기도 하면서 어렵게 이어갔다. 동시대 많은 여성노인이 교육기회박탈에 아쉬워하기만 할때 본인과 자녀의 교육 환경 개선을 위해 노력한 A의 삶은 매우 주목할 만하다. 사회변화의 힘이 개인의 능동적인 노력에서 기인한다는 점을 생각해 볼 때 비슷한 삶의 주제를 가진 이들의 구술생애 연구가 활성화되어 능동적이며 주체적인 농촌 여성노인에 대한 체계적인 이론화가 필요하다고 하겠다. This autobiographical narrative interview study aims at exploring how A, one Korean 82-year-old female farmer strived vigorously to learn by herself and to teach her children (4 boys and 3 girls) despite the fact that she was not afford to pay tuitions on time. From 40 times of interview-data three major findings emerged: (1) A learned how to read Korean Japanese and Chinese characters and how to calculate at a free-of-charge teaching center although her father didn't approve of her learning; (2) A tried very hard to earn money inside and outside home to support her children's education, organizing many mutual fraternity meetings to seek mutual financial support, selling mostly farm products as well as farming almost all day and everyday; (3) Although it was so hard to educate three daughters, A was proud of the fact that she was able to put her second daughter to a high school with a promise to pay her tuition later. Some implications of the findings are added.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        전자펜팔활동을 통한 초등학생들의 영어학습자자율성신장 연습

        오마리아(Oh Maria) 한국외국어교육학회 2006 Foreign languages education Vol.13 No.1

        This study aims to investigate how some Korean primary school students practiced autonomous English-learning while they exchanged email letters with foreign friends for 20 weeks. In order to achieve triangulation of the study, the following data resources were used: email letters exchanged and uploaded at an Internet cafe, a survey implemented in April and July as an autonomy measuring instrument, the informants’ comments on keypal activities written in July, two times of individual interviews and the researcher’s observation report. One major finding emerged from the data is that there were four types of autonomy development. Some implications drawn from the study findings are added for future keypal-based English-learning autonomy development programs.

      • KCI등재

        초등 예비교사 영희와 지아의 영어 학습자 자율성에 관한 연구

        오마리아 ( Oh Maria ) 대한영어영문학회 2014 영어영문학연구 Vol.40 No.1

        The purpose of this present study is to explore how two pre-service primary school teachers develop autonomy in English learning. The informants took a class entitled ‘Advanced English Conversation’ in spring 2013 at a teacher's college. The class was led by three English-native-speaking teachers and one Korean teacher-researcher. One major research method was individual interviews. Furthermore, survey results measuring learner autonomy, learning contracts, learning logs, audio-taped speaking in classes and audio-taped classroom English practice were used to triangulate the interview data. Two findings immerse: (1) Two informants’ initial autonomy levels showed considerable difference, and they believed that teachers motivated them to be active or passive in English learning; and (2) one informant's initially strong autonomy in English learning was well practiced and the other informant's initially low autonomy was developed while they were advised about ways to practice English inside and outside the class for one semester. Based on the study findings, the following suggestions are made to enable the future success of the autonomy development program: The program needs to develop a teacher-education program to raise teachers’ awareness of the importance of learner autonomy in English learning; it should be individually approached to take students’ individual differences into account; teacher roles and councillor roles should be clearly defined and teachers should not be solely in charge. (Jeonju National University of Education)

      • KCI등재

        초등학부모 여섯 명의 초등영어교육에 대한 인식 연구

        오마리아 ( Oh Maria ),장유진 ( Jang You-jin ) 대한영어영문학회 2009 영어영문학연구 Vol.35 No.1

        The purpose of this interview study is to report how six Korean primary school parents perceived Korean primary English education. Based on the data from interviews, the research uncovered five perceptions: (1) 2 parents perceived the importance of primary school students’ English learning very confidently, but 4 parents perceived it hesitantly; (2) they perceived that the best English learning methods were word memorization and talking/listening-based English learning; (3) two informants had very strong beliefs about how their children learn English while the other four informants were not very sure of their children’s English learning methods; (4) all but one informant were not clearly aware of the current primary school English curriculum; (5) five parents planned or wanted to send their children overseas to help their children learn English, but one parent did not want to sacrifice his family life for the sake of his child’s English education. The findings from this study of six parents’ voices on primary English education shed light on the urgent need for the education of parents on how to assist their children’s English learning at home, as well as on how to balance their children’s English learning and family lives. Further implications of the findings are also discussed. (Jeonju University of EducationㆍJeonju Inbong Elementary School)

      • KCI등재

        초등5년생들의 웹게시판 활용 쓰기활동

        오마리아(Oh Maria),이희수(Lee Hee-Su) 한국초등영어교육학회 2007 초등영어교육 Vol.13 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to report how 33 Korean fifth graders practiced English writing for nine months at an Internet Cafe Web-board (http://cafe.naver.com/eletea81.cafe) designed and managed by a teacher-researcher. The 33 students utilized the Internet Cafe Webboard at a computer lab to learn English writing twice a week for 9 months. The data were collected from their survey results, webboard messages, written reflections on the webboard-based English writing and the teacher"s observation reports. The study results are as follows: 1) They were generally satisfied with the web-board-based English writing activities; 2) The students became more active to learn English writing while they participated in the study. Implications of the positive study results are added to make web-hoard-based English teaching/learning more fruitful at most Korean primary schools.

      • KCI등재

        지방도시 중학교 2학년생 세 명의 초등 및 중등영어교육에 관한 인식

        오마리아 ( Oh Maria ),강경욱 ( Kang Gyung Wook ) 대한영어영문학회 2012 영어영문학연구 Vol.38 No.1

        The present study is designed to explore three Korean eighth-grade students’ perceptions of primary and middle school English education. The informants were three students at P middle school located at a mid-size city in a southern provincial area. They were selected based on their English proficiency levels: the first one from a high-level class, the second from a intermediate-level class and the third from a low-level class. Three-time individual interview questions were asked mostly about their primary and secondary school English learning in and outside schools. Two researchers collaborated to voice-record, transcribe, analyze and eventually to triangulate the research study. The study results are as follows: First, three informants focus on English test scores as a main trigger of their English learning and they perceive that English is a way to get test scores; Second, all three informants perceive their primary and secondary school English learning quite negatively; Third, all three informants perceive that communicative-action-based English teaching is an effective English teaching method. Suggestions to improve Korean primary and secondary school English education were added. (Jeonju National University of Education·Maam Elementary School)

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