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        유제놀에 의한 즉시형 알레르기 반응의 억제

        김상현(Sang Hyun Kim),신태용(Tae Yong Shin),김형룡(Hyung Yong Kim),이영미(Young Mi Lee),이은희(Eun Hee Lee),신보경(Bo Kyoung Shin),김윤철(Youn Chul Kim),안년형(Nyeon Hyoung An),김형민(Hyung Min Kim) 대한약학회 1996 약학회지 Vol.40 No.6

        The current study evaluates the capacity of eugenol to regulate immediate allergic reaction by control of histamine release. Administrations of eugenol (1M/kg, i.p.) at 60 min before and 5, 10 min after the compound 48/80 treatment (8mg/kg, i.p.) were shown the mortality rates as 0, 44.4, and 77.8%, respectively. A 60 min before administered group revealed a significant inhibition of serum histamine release compared with those of 5 and 10 min after the compound 48/80 injection. Eugenol (6-48mM) was also showed a dose-dependent activity on the compound 48/80-induced histamine release from the highly purified population of Alcian Blue-positive peritonea] mast cells. These results indicate that in vitro treatment with exogenous eugenol inhibited the active response of mast cell populations and modulated its characteristics.

      • KCI등재
      • 돼지에 있어서 Sphingosine과 Sphinganine의 함량에 미치는 Fumonisin의 영향

        安年衡 圓光大學校 1992 論文集 Vol.26 No.2

        The fumonisins(FB) are mycotoxins produced by Fusarium moniliforme. FB₁induced pulmonary edema, liver and pancreatic damage, and death in swine. We examined dose-response features of FB evaluating morphological changes in liver and sphingolipid metabolism in liver and serum. Thirty 6-14kg male weanling pigs were randomly assigned to 6 test diets. Diets 1-4 contained 60%, 30%, 15% or 7.5% corn screening that were contaminated with FB₁at 166ppm and FB₂at 48ppm:diet 5 contained "clean" screenings(FB₁at 6.4ppm) and diet 6 ground corn(FB₁at 3ppm). Pigs were euthanized on day 14 or when respiratoty distress was observed on day 4-7(3/5 pigs on dietll and 1/5 on diet 2). Hepatocyte disorganization, single cell necrosis and mild inflammation were present in all pigs on diet 1 and 2, 3/5 on diet 3 and 1/5 on diet 4. The levels of sphingosine and sphingaine were elevated in serum and liver from pigs fed fumonisin-contaminated feed. The sphinganine to sphingosine ratios were 10 folds in liver and 6 folds in serum compared to the level immediately prior to feeding fumonisin.

      • Prednisolone의 細胞性免疫反應에 대한 Leucocyte Adherence inhibition의 硏究

        姜恩美,安年衡 圓光大學校 1990 論文集 Vol.24 No.2

        Prednisolone의 免疫 抑制 효과를 究明하기 위해 緬羊 赤血球를 抗原으로 하여 mouse를 免疫시키고 免疫前後에 prednisolone 40㎎/㎏을 일정 시간 간격으로 복강내에 투여하였다. 복강내로 삼출된 白血球 付着 抑制 實驗(LAI)과 mouse체중당 복胸腺과 脾臟의 重量化를 (%) 구한 결과는 1. prednisolone을 免疫 1日前과 免疫과 同時에 投與했을때 LAI는 有意하게 低下되었으나 免疫後에는 약간 低下되었다. 2. mouse체중당 胸腺과 脾臟의 重量化(%)는 免疫 1日前과 免疫後, 免疫과 同時에 有意하게 低下되었으나, 免疫 3日後에는 약간 저하되었다. 3. prednisolone投與後 일정 시간 간격으로 LAI를 측정한 결과 30分과 120分後에는 低下되었으나 60分과 180分後에는 증가되었다. 이상의 결과에서 免疫 1日前과 免疫과 同時에 prednisolone을 投與했을때 細胞性 免疫 反應이 가장 抑制됨을 볼 수 있었다. This study was designed to determine the immunosuppressive effect of prednisolone on the mouse by the leucocyte adherence inhibition(LAI) assay and the proportin of thymus weight and spleen weight per body weight. The mice were immunized with the sheeo red blood cell and received a intraperitoneal dose of 40㎎/㎏ of prednisolone at various inteval days before or after immunization. Lymphocyte was drawn from the peritoneal exudated cell of mice. The results were as follows. 1. LAI was significantly decreased when prednisolone was injected 1 day before or at the same time of immunization, but slightly after immunization. 2. The proportion thymus weight and spleen weight per body weight were significantly decreased when prednisolone was injected 1 day before, after and at the same time of immunization, but slightly 3 days after immunization. 3. LAI was determined on various interval times after prednisolone injection. It was decreased on 30 and 120 mins, but increased on 60min and 180 mins. Thease results indicated that the cell-mediated immune response of prednisolone was suppressed when it was injected 1 day before and at the same time immunization.

      • Ethynodioldiacetate의 대사에 대한 연구

        安年衡 圓光大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.17 No.2

        Ethynodiol diacetate는 경구 피임약으로 널리 사용되어 왔으며 이에 대한 硏究로는 tritated ethynodiol diacetate를 암쥐에 體重 100g당 0.1 mg의 量을 투여한 후 각장기내의 radioactivity의 분포를 관찰한 결과 특이한 선택성이 없음을 보고했고 (Watanabe et. al,1968), 쥐에 있어서는 Deacetylation되어 ethynodiol을 거쳐 간에서 Norethindrone으로 전환된다는 보고 (Tokuda et al, 1967)와 生體內에서 17α-ethynylestradiol로 전환된다는 보고(Besch et al. ,1963)가 있으며 여성에게 Ethynodioldiacetate를 경구투여 후 糞尿에 存在하는 이의 代謝産物에 分離確認되고 (Kishimoto et al.,1972)혈장에 存在하는 대사산물도 분리 확인되었으며 (Cook et al.,1973)쥐와 사람의 肝을 사용하여 Ethynodiol diacetacetate의 시험관내 대사실험으로 대사산물도 분리확인 되었다. (Freudenthal et al.,1971) 이외에도 Ethynodioldiacetate와 이의 대사산물의 분리 확인 방법이 다수 보고 되어 있다.(Walls et al.,1977) 이와 같이 ethynodioldiacetate의 대사에 대한 연구는 동물이나 사람의 간이나 혈장내에서는 이루어졌지만 피부에 있어서는 아직 보고된 바가 없으며 부신피질 홀몬을 비롯하여 몇몇의 steroid 홀몬이 피부에서 이루어지는 대사에 대해서는 많이 보고된 점에 착안하여 토끼와 Hairless mouse의 피부에서 ethynodioldiacetate가 어떻게 대사되는가를 연구한 결과 약간의 지견을 얻었기에 이에 보고하는 바이다. Ethynodioldiacetate is metabolized by both hairless mouse and rabbit skin to a number of intermadiary metabolites. A sensitive, specipic high-performance Liquid chromatographic procedure for the determination of Norethindrone in animal skin is described. The organic solvent extract of metabolites of Ethynodiol diacetate in animal skin is chromatographed on a reversed phase column using a high-performance liquid chromatograph fitted with an ultraviolet detector(210nm) The system was gradient acetonitrile 65~90%(v/v) in water as mobile phase on a 150×4.6mm I.D.RP-8-10㎛ colum. Metabolites and endogenous substances do not interfere with the assay of Nore thindrone.

      • 대식세포 NAD glycohydrolase에 관한 연구

        이지영,안년형 圓光大學校 1995 論文集 Vol.30 No.2

        NAD glycohydrolase (NADase:EC는 포유류에서 형질막에 glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) 결합으로 연결되어 있어 박테리아의 phosphatidylinositol-특이성 phospholipase C (PI-PLC)로 가용화 된다. 본 연구에서는 결핵 감염된 마우스로 부터 대식세포를 얻어 LPS처리후 막외 NADase가 유리되는 것을 관찰하였다. 이 활성화된 대식세포에서 NADase가 유리되기에 앞서서 대식세포에 내재하는 GPI-PLC 활성이 증가하는 사실을 관찰하였다. 이는 대식세포의 활성화에 의해 대식세포에 내재하는 GPI-PLC활성이 증가하므로써 GPI결합으로 붙어 있는 NADase가 유리됨을 의미한다. 활성화 대식세포에서 증가된 GPI-PLC 활성 분획을 DEAE column 크로마토그라피를 시행하여 단일 peak의 용출액을 얻은 후 이분획에서 활성을 확인한 결과 GPI-PLC 활성은 없음을 알았다. NAD glycohydrolase (NADase) is located on the surface of the cell via glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linkage, which can be cleaved by bacterial PI-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC). When macrophages primed with live or dead Mycobacterium tuberculosis were treated with liposaccharide, ecto-NADase was released from activated macrophages. The result that the release of NADase followed the increase of GPI-PLC activity in macrophages suggests that endogenous GPI-PLC can cleave the PI-linkage of NADase on the macrophages. The GPI-cleavae activity was shown as a single peak on DEAE chromatography and the activity was not inhibited by phenanthroline, a selective inhibitor of GPI-phospholipase D (GPI-PLD). There data indicate that the release of NADase from activated macrophages may be due to the activity of GPI-PLC, but not GPI-PLD.

      • 유제놀에 의한 즉시형 알레르기 반응의 억제

        김상현,신태용,김형룡,이영미,이은희,신보경,김윤철,안년형,김형민 우석대학교 의약품개발연구소 1996 藥學硏究誌 Vol.1 No.-

        The current study evaluates the capacity of eugenol to regulate immediate allergic reaction by control of histamine release. Administrations of eugenol (1 M/kg. i.p.) at 60 min before and 5.10 min after the compound 48/80 treatment (8 mg/kg.i.p.) were shown the mortality rates as 0.44.4. and 77.8%. respectively. A 60 min before administered group revealed a singificant inhibition of serum his-tamine release compared with those of 5 and 10 min after the compound 48/80 injection. Eugenol (6-48mM) was also showed a dose-dependent activity on the compound 48/80-induced histamine release from the highly purified population of Alcian Blue-positive peritoneal mast cells. These results indicate that in vitro treatment with exogenous eugenol inhibited the active response of mast cell populations and modulated its characteristics.

      • 형광검출 역상 액체크로마토그래피에 의한 Histamine의 정량

        유희춘,김형룡,김상현,김대기,이영미,김형민,안년형,신태용 우석대학교 의약품개발연구소 1996 藥學硏究誌 Vol.1 No.-

        Histamine을 정확하고 신속하게 정량하기 위해 9.Fiuorenylmethyl chloroformate를 형광유도체화제로 하여 역상 HPLC법으로 정량하였다. 히스타민을 형광유도체화할 때 반응액의 pH, 반응시간, 형광유도체화제의 농도 등 최적 반응 조건을 검토하였다. 이 방법으로 히스타민을 분석한 결과 0.1~0.5ug/ml의 농도범위에서 상관계수가 0.922인 양호한 직선성을 나타내었으며 검출한계는 0.01??/ml였다. A rapid and simple method for the determination of histamine by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection was established. 9-Fluorenylmethyl chloroformate(FMOC) was used as fluorescent derivative reagent. The optimum conditions for the derivatiation such as pH, reaction time and he concentration of FMOC were investigated. Linearity of calibration curve was obtained between 0.1ug/ml/and 0.5ug/ml(r=0.922) and the limit of detection was 0.01ug/ml.

      • Analysis of Norethindrone in animal skin by High Performance Liquid Chromatography

        An, Nyeon-Hyoung 圓光大學校 1984 論文集 Vol.18 No.2

        고속액체크로마토법으로 토끼와 털없는 생쥐의 피부중에서 Norethindrone을 정량하였다. 정량 한계는 피부 1g중 Norethindrone의 함량이 12.5㎍이었으며 유기용매로 추출한 검체중의 어떠한 성분도 본 정량방법에 방해가 없었고, 간편하고 정확한 방법이라 사료되었다.

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