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신희철,문석배,이성철,정성은,박귀원,Shin, Hee-Chul,Moon, Suk-Bae,Lee, Seong-Cheol,Jung, Sung-Eun,Park, Kwi-Won 대한소아외과학회 2009 소아외과 Vol.15 No.1
The survival of Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW) infants has been improved with the advancement of neonatal intensive care. However, the incidence of accompanying gastrointestinal complications such as necrotizing enterocolitis has also been increasing. In intestinal perforation of the newborn, enterostomy with or without intestinal resection is a common practice, but there is no clear indication when to close the enterostomy. To determine the proper timing of enterostomy closure, the medical records of 12 VLBW infants who underwent enterostomy due to intestinal perforation between Jan. 2004 and Jul. 2007 were reviewed retrospectively. Enterostomy was closed when patients were weaned from ventilator, incubator-out and gaining adequate body weight. Pre-operative distal loop contrast radiographs were obtained to confirm the distal passage and complete removal of the contrast media within 24-hours. Until patients reached oral intake, all patients received central-alimentation. The mean gestational age of patients was $26^{+2}$ wks ($24^{+1}{\sim}33^{+0}$ wks) and the mean birth weight was 827 g (490~1450 g). The mean age and the mean body weight at the time of enterostomy formation were 15days (6~38 days) and 888 g (590~1870 g). The mean body weight gain was 18 g/day (14~25 g/day) with enterostomy. Enterostomy closure was performed on the average of 90days (30~123 days) after enterostomy formation. The mean age and the mean body weight were 105 days (43~136 days) and 2487 g (2290~2970 g) at the time of enterostomy closure. The mean body weight gain was 22 g/day after enterostomy closure. Major complications were not observed. In conclusion, the growth in VLBW infants having enterostomy was possible while supporting nutrition with central-alimentation and the enterostomy can be closed safely when the patient's body weights is more than 2.3 kg.
유한용량 자동생산 시스템의 효율적인 운용을 위한 시뮬레이션 기반 2단계 은행가 알고리즘(BA) 설계 및 성능분석
신희철,최진영,Shin, Hee Chul,Choi, Jin Young 한국시뮬레이션학회 2012 한국시뮬레이션학회 논문지 Vol.21 No.4
This paper suggests a two-phase look-ahead Banker's algorithm for efficient operation of capacitated automated production systems. The algorithm improves the ability of detecting safe states of the previous one by considering the possibility of processing each job to completion at once as well as partial movement between jobs. The improved performance of the proposed algorithm is testified by performing numerical experiment in terms of (i) detection rate of safe states and (ii) system throughput and verified by using paired t-test.
물류센터 생산성 향상을 위한 피킹스케줄링 문제에 관한 연구
신희철 ( Hee-chul Shin ),이강현 ( Kang-hyun Lee ),방선호 ( Sun-ho Bang ),신광섭 ( Kwang-sup Shin ) (사)한국빅데이터학회 2024 한국빅데이터학회 학회지 Vol.9 No.2
Recently, the domestic e-commerce market has been growing steadily, and the demand for high logistics services is increasing. Due to this change in warehouse operation environment, the efficiency of picking process is becoming more important. However, a lot of studies have mainly been conducted on improving picking productivity related to speed and efficiency improvement through picking route optimization. In addition, there are only a few studies on improving the total process times for customer order processing, including distribution and packaging after picking process. In this paper, we verified the productivity effects of order processing methods in a convenience store logistics warehouse. Based on the layout of an actual convenience store logistics warehouse, an experiment was conducted by setting up a contrast scenario to compare with the current operating method for store order processing. The experimental scenario applied two methods, order picking and batch picking on the picking process, and verified the productivity effect by comparing the total order processing time of the distribution and packaging work according to each method. As a result, the batch picking method had a positive effect on reducing the working time compared to the existing order picking method on the distribution and packaging process. In addition, it was confirmed that the total order processing time was determined by the picking time, which confirmed that the work load balance between the picking process and the distribution & packaging process is important.
기업간 관계형성의 영향요인이 기업성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
신희철(Hee-Chul Shin),신한원(Han-Won Shin),최영로(Young-Ro Choi) 한국항해항만학회 2004 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.28 No.5
본 연구는 기업간 거래관계에서 관계형성 영향요인의 개념을 도입함으로써 관계형성 영향요인이 매개변수를 통하여 관계성과의 향상에 주요하다는 점을 밝히고자 하였다. 따라서 본 연구모형의 기본틀을 선행변수, 매개변수, 성과변수로 구성하였다. 선행변수인 관계형성요인은 거래적 특성요인, 관계적 특성요인, 환경적 특성요인 등 세 가지로 구분하고 이들이 매개변수인 신뢰(Trust)의 관계몰입(Relationship commitment)을 통하여 성과변수인 기업성과(積載率-Load Factor)향사에 미치는 영향을 해운서비스 매매기업간 마케팅 시스템의 문헌적, 실증연구를 통하여 검증하였다. The purpose of this research is to introduce the concept of “relationship formation factors” in inter-firm relations and to empirically demonstrate that they are effective in improving the relationship results by means of an mediating variable. Therefore, the basic model of this study consists of the independent, mediating, and dependent variables. First, the independent variables, that is, the relationship formation factors, are further classified into three components transactional, relational, and environmental characteristics Then, the study empirically examines how each of the three components influences the dependent variable, that is, the business performance(Load Factor), by way of the mediating variables, that is trust and relationship commitment.
정상임신중 Doppler초음파에 의한 태아 뇌의 내경동맥 혈류속도파형의 양상
신희철 ( Hee Chul Shin ),윤보현 ( Bo Hyun Yoon ),노정래 ( Cheong Rae Roh ),김완영 ( Wan Yung Kim ),최두석 ( Doo Seok Choi ),김승욱 ( Syng Wook Kim ) 대한주산의학회 1990 大韓周産醫學會雜誌 Vol.1 No.1
Blood flow velocity waveforms recorded by pulsed real time Doppler ultrasound from the fetal internal carotid artery were analysed in 123 normal pregnancies. One hundred twenty-eight determinations were carried out from the 29th to the 43th weeks of pregnancy. All cases presented highly pulsatile waveforms in the fetal internal carotid artery, with continuous forward flow during diastole. As gestation advances, the values for the A/B ratio and RI declined progressively indicating a gradual fall in resistance of the cerebral circulation in normal pregnancy. The reference values obtained from this study may be useful as a basis for new basic research and clinical application in prenatal care.
토끼에서 자궁내 감염 유발 후 항생제 투여 시간 경과에 따른 임신 예후
문신용(Shin Yong Moon),윤보현(Bo Hyun Yoon),신희철(Hee Chul Syn),박교훈(Gyo Hoon Park) 대한산부인과학회 1999 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.42 No.1
Objective: In a pregnant rabbit model using hysteroscopy-guided inoculation of E. coli, we investigated pregnancy outcome according to elapsing time with immediate antibiotic treatment after E. coli inoculation, and in turn determined which of the maintenance of pregnancy with antibiotic and tocolytic administration or prompt delivery in the management of preterm labor complicated with intrauterine infection offered the improvement of pregnancy outcome. Methods: Timed-pregnant rabbits underwent hysteroscopy at 20-21 days of gestation(70%). Animals were inoculated with either E. coli(0.2 ml containing 10' cfu/ml) or saline, and administered ampicillin-sulbactam(100 mg/kg/day; Unasyn; Pfizer) in divided doses every 8 hours beginning 30 minutes after microbial inoculation until euthanasia with one of the following; 3 days(n 10), 5 days(n 8), or 7 days(n-8) after hysteroscopy. In the first study, which performed in animals with inoculation of E. coli, pregnancy outcome including fetal survival rate and results of microbial studies and placental pathology were compared among three groups. In second study, which performed in animals with inoculation with saline, pregnancy outcome were compared among three groups for the purpose of elucidating effects of antibiotic administration during inoculation-to-euthanasia interval on pregnancy outcome. Results: Of rabbits inoculated with E. coli and receiving antibiotics immediately, the rate of fetal survival and positive intrauterine cultures in total and live fetuses decreased significantly, and the rate of placental inflammation in total and live fetuses increased significantly with time from intracervical inoculation with E. coli to euthanasia(p<0.05, respectively). Of rabbits inoculated with saline and receiving antibiotics immediately, the rates of fetal survival, positive intrauterine cultures in total and live fetuses, and placental inflammation in total and live fetuses have no difference with time from intracervical inoculation with saline to euthanasia. Conclusion: Fetal complications including fetal death could be induced in utero if persistent subclinical intrauterine infection was present in spite of earlier antibiotics administration initiated after inoculation of E, coli. Therefore, when treating with antibiotics in intrauterine infection, it is needed to observe and monitor the presence of persistent intrauterine infection, and if it is persistent, prompt delivery may be better than maintenance of pregnancy with antibiotic and tocolytic administration for the improvement of pregnancy outcome.
이희준 ( Hee Jun Lee ),김선영 ( Sun Young Kim ),박정우 ( Jeong Woo Park ),김우오 ( Woo Oh Kim ),박찬욱 ( Chan Wook Park ),박중신 ( Joong Shin Park ),전종관 ( Jong Kwan Jun ),신희철 ( Hee Chul Syn ) 대한산부인과학회 2011 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.54 No.12
Unilateral pulmonary agenesis is a very rare developmental malformation that is often associated with other anomalies. The prognosis of pulmonary agenesis varies from stillbirth, to neonatal death, to survival without any symptoms depending on the presence of associated congenital malformations. Therefore, it is very important to perform a prenatal diagnosis of unilateral pulmonary agenesis. We describe a case of unilateral pulmonary agenesis diagnosed in the second trimester by transabdominal ultrasound.