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        주관적 기억감퇴를 가진 노인에서 백질 변화와 인지기능 장애의 관련성

        신은영,정한용,김양래,이소영,김신겸,Shin, Eun-Young,Jung, Han-Yong,Kim, Yang-Rae,Lee, So-Young-Irene,Kim, Shin-Gyeom 대한생물정신의학회 2011 생물정신의학 Vol.18 No.3

        Objectives The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship between the severity of white matter changes (WMC), risk factors and cognitive domains, including executive function profiles. Method Forty nine subjects over 55 years with subjective memory complaints were assessed with MRI and neuropsychological tests. The WMC were assessed by MRI T2-FLAIR images and divided into 3 groups of mild vs. moderate vs. severe and 2 groups of mild-moderate vs. severe by using Mantyla's criteria and Fazeka's criteria. The risk factors were examined in hypertension, heart disease history and chemistry Lab. Medical conditions which affect to cognitive dysfunction and definite dementia were also excluded. Results Comparing 3 groups, hypertension was identified as a risk factor of the WMC. Comparing 2 groups, total cholesterol and LDL were identified for as the risk factor of WMC. The severity of WMC was significantly associated with cognitive disturbances and their main effect on cognition was working memory and inhibition. Conclusion The risk factors of the WMC in the elderly were hypertension, hyperlipidemia. The severity of WMC appears to be associated with executive dysfunction in the elderly.

      • KCI등재

        국내 건설엔지니어링업체의 베트남 진출전략

        신은영,박환표,Shin, Eun-Young,Park, Hwan-Pyo 한국건설관리학회 2006 건설관리 : 한국건설관리학회 학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        건설엔지니어링의 사업비는 공사비의 $3{\sim}5%$정도에 지나지 않으나, 최종 사업목적물의 성능을 결정하는데 커다란 영향을 미치고 있어 매우 중요하다. 그러나 국내 건설기술수준에 대한 전문가 인식도 조사결과에 따르면 설계를 비롯한 우리나라의 엔지니어링능력은 선진국의 70%도 되지 않는 것으로 조사되어 해외진출 위한 국제경쟁력에 심각한 문제가 있는 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구는 국내외 건설엔지니어링 시장동향을 조사 분석하기 위하여 베트남 건설엔지니어링 시장분석을 위해 국내 해외건설 관련업체를 대상으로 해외진출시 문제점 및 전략에 대하여 설문조사를 실시하였고, 기존 문헌의 분석을 통하여 기본적인 이론의 정립과 함께 국내외 전문가 면담조사, 해외출장 등을 통하여 광범위한 의견수렴을 하였다. 본 연구에서는 국내 건설엔지니어링업체의 베트남 시장을 진출하기 위한 시장분석 결과를 토대로 베트남진출전략 방안을 마련하였으며 해외진출 활성화 방안으로서 현지화 기반구축, 기획제안형 사업창출, 공적개발원조의 지원 확대방안 등을 제안하였다. The cost of construction engineering field is less than $3{\sim}5%$ of the gross construction cost, it, however, is very important because the performance of final facility depends on the technical ability of construction engineering company. However, as the results of the technical level of domestic construction engineering survey from experts, it was less than 70% of developed country. For this reason, domestic construction engineering companies are confronted with serious problems to go into overseas market. Accordingly, this research analyzed the construction engineering market trend of domestic and overseas in order to suggest the strategies to go into the Vietnam. Moreover, this research identified problems and strategies of making inroads into the world market through the survey from the domestic construction company related to overseas construction, advanced a theory through extensive literature review, and collected extensive opinions through an interview with domestic and foreign experts and business trip. The purpose of this research is to provide market analysis and strategic plan for advancing into overseas market in order to make the domestic construction engineering companies to go into the Vietnam market. Especially, as a plan for the revitalization of advancing overseas market of domestic construction engineering companies, this research proposed Constructing Local Infrastructure, Business Creation of Planning Proposals and Enlarged Plans of ODA(Official Development Assistant).

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        그린캠퍼스를 위한 국내.외 대학시설관리(FM) 비교분석 - 에너지관리 중심 -

        신은영,김준하,Shin, Eun-Young,Kim, Jun-Ha 한국교육시설학회 2012 敎育施設 Vol.19 No.1

        Recently, as the environment issue has been stand out, people's interests in energy consumption of the building have been increased as well. Especially, university has been classified as the one of the main causes of excessive energy consumption. Therefore, domestic and foreign universities are trying to build a green campus in an attempt for sustainable development. Since early 2000s, foreign universities have been aware that one of the main causes of global warming is an excessive consumption of energy in universities. Accordingly, they adopted various energy management programs for the conservation. Ultimately, enforcing energy conservation and using alternative energy resulted in lower expense and it was a great help for the universities. On the other hand, excessive consumption of energy in domestic universities has been considered as serious, which led them to become the second main energy consumers in 2010. However, it seems people do not truly recognize the impotance of energy management, therefore, relatively little attention has been paid to this matter. Based on Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design(LEED) rating systems for on-campus building operation and maintenance, this research suggests the evaluation standard to effectively analyze the energy management activity with the best practices conducted in foreign universities and to solve the problem of campus facilities management in domestic universities. The result shows that domestic universities do not have a designated task force for effective energy management and the lack of energy professionals hinders for the long term development. Therefore, domestic universities should recognize the seriousness of the excessive energy consumption and develop low carbon green campus through proactive management practices since this is very essential for domestic universities to get more competitive in this global era.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        코르네유의 『르와얄 광장La Place Royale』에 나타난교양인의 양상

        신은영 ( Eun Young Shin ) 한국불어불문학회 2015 불어불문학연구 Vol.0 No.102

        Cette etude a pour but d`examiner les aspects de l`honnete homme dans La Place Royale de Pierre Corneille. Il dit, dans l`Examen de Melite, que le succes de ses comedies est du a son style qui fait une peinture de la conversation des honnetes gens. Selon E. Bury, c`etait le premier auteur, avant Moliere, qui insistait sur la relation entre la comedie et son public/honnete homme. Or ce qui est interessant dans ses comedies, c`est que les aspects typiques de l`honnete homme ne se revelent pas clairement alors qu`il l`evoque souvent dans son epitre ou son examen. En analysant les aspects qui confirment ou contredisent l`ideal de l`honnetete, nous allons reveler le role assume par ses comedies dans la formation de l`honnete homme, et cela en relation avec l`evolution de son theatre. L`art de plaire est le but communement poursuivi par l`honnete homme et par la comedie. Or l`amour se trouve au terme de cet art quand les relations sociales mettent en presence hommes et femmes. Phylis, a qui ‘tout le monde plait’, et ‘tous a l`envi s`efforcent a plaire’ est quasiment une ‘muse parisienne de la sociabilite’ comme Celimene dans Le Misanthrope de Moliere. Elle trouve le pendant dans Lysis, un de ses amants souples. Elle se distingue de la ‘coquette’ Celimene dans la mesure ou elle revele franchement son amour pour tous les membres de la societe qui se trouvent ainsi indifferencies en partageant le plaisir commun. Cleandre, qui feint de l`aimer, lui reproche cet amour, ‘ce bien commun a tous’, mais il est loin de l`ideal de l`honnete homme puisque l`honnetete s`oppose avant tout a l`affectation. Or cette feinte d`amour, c`est ce que Phylis demande a Angelique pour son frere Dorante. Cela nous montre l`aspect de la politesse(comme regles pratiques de l`honnete homme) qui risque de se degenerer en hypocrisie quand on ne veut plaire que par les apparences tout en en reconnaissant la faussete. Angelique s`eloigne, elle aussi, de l`ideal de l`honnetete dans la mesure ou elle ne veut plaire qu`a Alidor en refusant ainsi le plaisir et la cohabitation harmonieuse dans la societe. En plus elle est dirigee indiscretement par sa folle passion alors que l`honnetete est faite de moderation et de mesure. Quand elle decide de se retirer du monde au denouement, elle devient une ‘misanthrope’ plus pessimiste qu`Alceste, puisqu`elle vient de rompre l`unique relation qui l`unissait au monde. Quand a Alidor, il veut quitter Angelique parce qu`elle lui ‘plait trop’ en le privant de sa liberte. Pourtant il ne peut pas etre considere comme heros cornelien parce qu`il n`est pas si ‘volontaire’ : il est continuellement ebranle par la passion. Apres ses deux ruses manquees, il en vient a conclure que c`est raisonnable d`accepter l`amour d`Angelique. S`il finit par retrouver la liberte au denouement, c`est par la decision d`Angelique, non pas par sa volonte. Puisqu`il est ainsi entraine par la passion et qu`il recourt a l`artifice, a la feinte, on pourrait dire qu`il est loin de l`ideal de l`honnetete. Quand il essaie de donner Angelique a son ami Cleandre, il agit plutot par l`amour-propre que par l`amitie. Pourtant il revele par la certain aspect de l`honnete homme dans la mesure ou l`amitie ‘n`est qu`un commerce ou l`amour-propre se propose quelque chose a gagner’ et que l`essentiel du commerce des honnetes gens, c`est de rendre poli cet amour-propre, soit de rendre heureux l`un l`autre et de prendre soin de l`amour-propre de l`autre. Apres le refus definitif d`Angelique, il decide de feindre, de deguiser dans la societe mondaine. Cela confirme le risque d`hypocrise implique dans la politesse qu`on a deja remarque concernant Phylis. Or celui a qui Alidor essaie de ‘plaire’ est lui-meme(ou ‘nous’ comme collectif de soi-meme) alors que l`honnete homme veut plaire a l`autre(aux autres). Il veut ainsi etre un homme ‘pas ordinaire’ et se distinguer des autres. Puisque la politesse ou l`honnetete rend egals les membres de la societe en faisant disparaitre leur distinction, celui qui veut toujours etre distingue comme Alidor devient ‘extravagant’ ou ‘ridicule’ comme Alceste dans Le Misanthrope. L`auteur lui-meme est conscient du fait que son heros ne plait pas a son public feminin. ‘Alidor deplaisant’ se revele ainsi un personnage qui est loin de l`ideal de l`honnete homme. A travers les personnages secondaires et ‘ordinaires’, on nous montre la realite du monde ou l`honnetete est deja rendue normale. Alors qu`Angelique est une heroi\ne revoltee contre cette realite, etant fidele a la valeur du passe, Alidor pourrait etre considere comme un honnete homme manque qui ne controle pas son amour-propre ou comme un honnete homme incline au sujet cartesien. Si Corneille ecrit desormais des tragedies, c`est qu`il se tourne vers l`idee du sujet heroique et volontaire.

      • KCI등재

        집회,시위에 대한 형법 제185조 (일반교통방해죄) 적용의 문제점

        신은영 ( Eun Young Shin ) 안암법학회 2012 안암 법학 Vol.0 No.37

        Controversy over the general obstruction of traffic clause in the Criminal Act had been aroused as the court approved the prosecution under that provision against the participants of the candlelight rally in 2008. The following decision on March 2010 by the Constitutional Court that declared the constitutionality of the clause intensified the debate. The reality that people who wish to exercise theft most basic constitutional rights to assembly and demonstration are subject to criminal prosecution seriously harms the rule of law: it does not satisfy the principle of ultima ratio, one of the most fundamental principles of criminal law. While article 185 penalizes traffic-obstructing behavior that endangers safety of human life, body, or property, disturbance of traffic in the course of assembly and demonstration should not be punishable under the clause as these acts are based on fundamental rights stipulated in the Constitution. The courts hold that acts during unlawful assembly and demonstration are punishable. In accordance with the principle of lex specialis, however, the Assembly and Demonstration Act or Road Traffic Act shall be applied to these behaviors instead, as these contain provisions with identical action configurations. Further, none of the terms that describe the action configurations in the article, "destroys", "blocks a road", or "by other means", do not correspond to the act of assembly and demonstration. Even if a broad interpretation by courts may be permissible, acts during assembly and demonstration are not subject to punishment by the clause as there is no infringement or risk of infringement of legal interest equivalent to the social legal interest which the article intends to secure. Also, certain inconvenience to the traffic is to be endured, as the extent of right to transport lies within the boundary of maximizing the freedom of assembly. Material disadvantages that exceed the balance can be resolved through other relevant regulations of the Criminal Act. Issue of excessive intervention of criminal law is another problem that this article poses as the special laws can be taken as denying a need to punish acts that do not cause direct harm to the public; the Assembly and Demonstration Ad reduces the scope and degree of punishment against simple participants, and the Road Traffic Act provides that "a person who sits, lies, stands on a road in an obstructing manner" is subject only to minor fines. In conclusion, acts during assembly of demonstration should be subject to Assembly and Demonstration Ad or Road Traffic Act only, rather than the general obstruction of traffic provision of the Criminal Act. It is further suggested that the action configurations of the article he clarified accordingly, through amendment of law.

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