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        원주지역 설사 환자에서 분리한 Small Round Structured Viruses ( SRSV ) 염기서열 분석

        지영미(Young Mi Jee),김기순(Gee Sun Kim),천두성(Doo Sung Chun),박정구(Jung Goo Park),강영화(Young Hwa Kang),정윤석(Yoon Suk Jung),고운영(Woon Young Ko),신영학(Young Hak Shin),윤재득(Jae Deuk Yoon) 대한바이러스학회 1999 Journal of Bacteriology and Virology Vol.29 No.4

        Small round structured viruses (SRSV) are the major ethological agents which can cause outbreaks of non-bacterial gastroenteritis or food poisoning both in children and adults. The classification of family Caliciviridae to which SRSV belong, is based on the genome encoding three open reading frames. The rotavirus is another major pathogen which causes diarrhea in young children. We examined stool specimens obtained from diarrheal patients in Wonju from which bacterial pathogens were not found. To detect causative viruses from stool specimens of patients, reverse transcription (RT)-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or nested PCR using rotavirus or SRSV specific primers was performed. In this study, RT-nested PCR procedure which can amplify a 330 bp fragment derived from RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP) region within ORF1 was applied for the detection of SRSV. For the detection of rotaviruses, a 877 bp fragment from the VP4 region of rotavirus genome was amplified. As a result, rotavirus was not detected while SRSV sequences were detected from one out of five specimens. The nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the Wonju isolate were compared with other 6 Korean isolates which have been isolated and sequenced in our laboratory. Sequence analysis revealed that the Wonju isolate was rather distinct from other Korean isolates: the Wonju isolate was closer to genogroup I of SRSV while other 6 Korean isolates belonged to genogroup II.

      • 최근 국내 유입 Vibrio cholerae균 및 1995년도 국내 집단 발생 콜레라의 역학적 양상

        김호훈,신영학,강연호,유천권,박미선,김동술,유재연,전정훈,이복권,박기덕,김동진,정태화,이종구,박기동,김상순,이동모,김문식,조병륜 대한감염학회 1996 감염 Vol.28 No.6

        목적 : 1992년 이후 국내에 유입, 확인되는 V. cholerae 균은 현격한 증가 추세를 보이고 있으며, 1995년도 국내 집단 발생 콜레라의 역학적 양상이 종래의 경우와 상이한 바 있어 최근의 콜레라균 유입상황과 국내 역학적 특성을 정리하여 향후의 방역 대책에 참고로 하기 위하여 본 연구를 시행하였다. 방법 : 국내 유입 V. cholerae 균은 세균학적 방법에 의해 1986-1995년 사이에 확인된 균주를 대상으로 분석하였고, 국내 집단발생 콜레라는 1995년도에 내국인 거주자에게서 진성 콜레라 환자로 구명된 환자를 대상으로 역학적 양상을 살펴보았다. 결과 : 국내 유입 V. cholerae균은 1992년 이후 1995년 사이에 계절과 무관하게 뚜렷한 증가 추세를 보였다. 1995년도 콜레라 국내 집단 발생의 역학적 양상은 초발 환자가 인지되면서 단기간 사이에 지역적 연고가 없는 다양한 지역에서 콜레라 환자 발생이 확인되었다. 환자 발생 지역 내에서는 비교적 소규모 환자 발생에 그쳤고 진성 콜레라 환자로 확인된 환자 중 사망자는 없었으며 남성에서 여성보다 발병율이 높았다. 결론 : V.cholerae O1균의 국내 유입이 최근 현격히 증가되었고, 1994년에는 V. cholerae O139균의 국내유입이 처음으로 확인되었다. 콜레라 환자의 국내 집단 발생 위험은 1992년 이후 증가되었으며 1995년도의 집단 환자 발생은 지역적 연고가 없는 다양한 지역에서 비교적 단기간에 사망자 없이 소규모의 환자 발생양상을 보였다. Background: Imported Vibrio cholerae strains have increasingly been found since 1992 and the pattern of recent cholera epidemic outbreak in Korea showed a little difference from that of former epidemic outbreak. Methods: We had collected suspected V. cholerae isolates from Quarantine Stations or Public Health Laboratories, which were identified as V. cholerae O1 or O139. Epide miological analysis was made on the base of field surveys. Results: During the period from 1986 through 1995, 138 V. cholerae strains were imported. Nearly 85.5% of the strains (118 strains) were imported within recent 4 years from 1992 to 1995. One hundred and twenty-eight strains were E1 Tor-Ogawa type V. cholerae O1, 6 strains were V. cholerae O139 and 4 strains were E1 Tor-Inaba type V. cholerae O1. Of 138 strains, 71 strains were isolated from the airplane toilet swab and 67 strains from the passengers who entered into Korea after international travel. From 1993 to 1995, 101 strains were imported from the Southeast Asian countries; including Thailand(65), Indonesia(17), Philippines(10), Hongkong(6) Singapore(2) and Vietnam(1). During the cholera epidemic in 1995, 68 patients with V. cholerae O1 (E1 Tor-Ogawa) were found. Oneset of the index-case occurred on August 26th and the last on September 13th. Geographically it occurred in Incheon city(25), Chungcheongnam do(25), Kangwon do(6), Kyungsangbuck do(5), Kyunggi do(4), Daejeon city(2) and Pusan city(1). Of total 68 cases, 39 were male. Cases were found in all age groups, but it was more common in elderly groups. During the epidemic, E1 Tor-Ogawa type V. cholerae O1 strains were also isolated from the coastal sea water of Kanghwa kun where the epidemic outbreak occurred. Conclusions: In Korea, the imported V. cholerae O1 and V. cholerae O139 strains have increasingly been found without seasonal variation since 1992. Cholera epidemic outbreak in 1995, occurred simultaneously at many different local areas within a short period without mortality.

      • 강원도 원주시 초등학생 Small Round Structured Virus (SRSV) 유행발생 보고

        고운영,신영학,유정식,지영미,김기순,윤재득 대한감염학회 2001 감염 Vol.33 No.3

        Small Round Structured Virus (SRSV) is a common cause of non-bacterial acute gastroenteritis in developed countries. In 30 June 1999, a large number of gastroenteritis cases occurred among elementary school children in Wonju province, who had attended the summer camp from 28 to 30 June 1999. We interviewed those students and performed both bacteriological and virological examinations. The reported cases occurred from 30 June, peaked on 1 July and decreased from 2 July, which suggested the point source outbreak pattern. The attack rate was 22.5% according to the clinical case definition which is defined as those who have more than two symptoms among; vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. The most common symptom was diarrhea (48.0%), followed by abdominal pain (38.1%) and vomiting (17.1%). The duration of diarrhea was one to two days. Among the 352 stool examinations, all of the following organisms, Salmonella spp, Shigella app. and EHEC O157, were negative, and in virological examinations of 5 stool specimens for rotavirus, enterovirus, and SRSV, one specimen was positive for SRSV. Sequence analysis showed that detected SRSV was closely related to genogroup I. We concluded that SRSV might be the possible cause of this outbreak (Korean J Infect Dis 33:210∼213, 2001)

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