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        기관지내 종양의 마취증례 보고

        석민호,서병태 대한마취과학회 1981 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.14 No.3

        A 36 years old man was scheduled for carinal resection, left pneumonectomy, and thracheobronchial anastomosis under the diagnesis of malignant tumor in the carina and left main bronchus. During the procedure of carinal resection, anesthesia had been maintained with a right bronchial tube which was intubated through operating thoracic cavity. The E.K.G was monitored continously and a radial artery canula was inserted for disect arterial pressure monitoring and blood gas analysis sampling. Anesthetic course was uneventful with nitrous oxide, halothane and pancuronium under controlled respiration. Postoperative course had minor problem with right upper lobe atelectasis which disappeared soon after tracheal suction.

      • 그람음성 간균의 수술후 상기도 정착에 관한 연구

        석민호,김완식,조양자 한양대학교 의과대학 1987 한양의대 학술지 Vol.7 No.1

        Upper respiratory colonization and subsequent postoperative pneumonia caused by gram-negative bacilli are increased in patients undergoing surgical procedure. The present study was to investigate the effect of surgical procedure on postoperative respiratory colonization and subsequent infection caused by gram-negative bacilli. Among patients undergoing various major and minor operations at Hanyang university hospital during the months of November and December of 1985, 50 patients were chosen to evaluate the changes in upper respirtory colonization by gram-negative bacilli and receptivity of buccal epithelial cells to Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a common respiratory colonizer and pathogen. Upper respiratory colonization by gram-negative bacilli was significantly increased from preoperative 10% (5/50) to postoperative 29% (13/45). Klebisiella pneumoniae was the most frequent postopertative isolate (4 strains). Viability of buccal epithelial cells was decresed postoperaively (P<0.05). Receptivity of buccal epithelial cell to Pseudomonas aeruginosa was increased postoperatively (P<0.001) in mean numbers of attached bacteria per cell and in numbers of cells with minimal numbers of attached bacteria and these two parameters were extremely correlated (=0.999). Upper respiratory colonization rate of gram-negative bacilli and increase in receptivity of buccal epithelial cells to Pseudomonas aeruginosa was significantly greater in patients whose operation took more than 2 hours than in those whose operation lasted less than 2 hours (P<0.001). Data obtained in the present study suggest that changes in surface binding properties of upper respiratory epithelium may be an important factor in predisposing to postoperative respiratory infection by gram-negative bacilli.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        신생아 위액산도의 임상적 고찰

        김완식,석민호,김미연,장신유 대한마취과학회 1980 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.13 No.1

        It is well known that increasing tendeney of emergency surgery of congenital snomalies such as tracheoesophageal fistu1a, esophageal atresia, esophageal hiatal hernia, hypertrophic pyloric stenosis,intestinal obstruction, imperforated anus, omphalocele, and meconium ileus by virtue of improvement of pediatric surgical procedure, anesthetic agent, and anesthetic method. The possibility of a low gastric pH and the resultant pulmonary damage if aspirated must be considered in the initial care of the newborn with poor muscle tone or reflex activity as well as in the anesthetic management of neonates. We became interested in the factors determining neonatal gastric pH in this point of view, and have measured gastric pH in 75 unselected neonates, 55 of whom were born vaginally and 20 by cesarean section. In premature infants, pH was high regardless of mode of delivery. In mature infants, pH was 1) significantly lower after vaginal delivery than after cesarean section; 2) tended to be lower after section preceded by labor than after elective section; and 3) was lowest after precipitate delivery. There was no correlation between neonatal gastric pH and duration of rupture of membranes, birth weight, or Apgar score. It was concluded that the mature human fetus produces gastric acidity in response to stresses associated with labor and vaginal delivery.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        발관시 기관내 표면마취가 혈압 및 맥박에 미치는 영향

        김완식,윤주식,석민호,안기량,서병태,김명숙,김홍대,최근춘 대한마취과학회 1980 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.13 No.2

        Usually, blood pressure and pulse rate are increased in tbe light planes of anesthesia at the end of operation especially just prior to extubation. The increasing of heart rate and blood pressure produce an elevation in cardiac work and oxygen demand and can lead to mycardial ischemia in patients with coronary artery disease. Tracheal anesthesia with 2 or 4% lidocaine (jelly and liquid) was done as a method which permits patients to be extubated during light planes of anesthesia. The results were as follows: 1) Each groups had similar blood pressure and pulse rate five or ten miriutes before extubation. 2) Lidocaine group did not have a significant elevation in systolic or diastolic blood pressure and pulse rate at or after extubation or in the recovery room. 3) The control group had significantly increases in both pressure and pulse rate(p$lt;0.01). The data suggest that maneuver should be of advantage to patients with coronary artery disease who may not be able to tolerate the increased cardiac dynamics during extubation period.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        경막외 Morphine 에 의한 동통관리

        김완식,박동호,김흥대,석민호,김지영,차영덕 대한마취과학회 1980 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.13 No.4

        The patients recieving epidural morphine were divided into two groups. One group(A group): epidural injection of 2 mg morphine mix with physiologic saline 10 ml were given to 13 patients with acute pain after surgery under epidural or light general anesthesia and chronic pain of chronic disease. The other group): epidural or caudal injection of 2 mg morphine mix with 2% lidocaine 400 mg were given to 5 patients. In A group, assesed single or continuous epidural injection. In B group, assesed epidural or caudal injection. All cases had considerable amelioration of pain which commenced with 2 to 15 minutes and was effectiveness 2 to 59 hours. Epidural morphine injection did not cause sympathetic depression or bladder dysfunction and it's analgesia was segmental.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        경막외 Morphine 이 술후진통에 대한 임상적 연구

        김완식,박동호,서정국,석민호,서병태,김흥대,황영희,장경덕 대한마취과학회 1982 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.15 No.4

        Thirty two patients wha had undergone operations were given a slow extradural narcotic injection. Patients were divided into three groups: First Group: extradural administration of pentazocine 30 mg to 10 adult patients. Second Group: extradural administration of pethidine 50 mg to 10 adult patients. Third Group: extradural administration of low-dose morphine(2 mg) in 10 ml of poysiologic saline to 12 adult patients. The epidural catheter had been left in situ and the patients instructed to request further analgesia in the postoperativly as neded. All case had considered amelioration of pain which became evident with in 2 to 15 minutes and was effective from 1 hour to complete relieve. They had also received an intramuscular injection of atropine sulfate(0.01 mg/kg) and valium (0.2 mg/kg) for premedication 30 minutes prior to sending to the operating room. The conclusions are as follows: 1) The morphine(2 mg) administered by continuous epidural injection is superior to other groups for relief of pain. It suggested that analgesic effect was concerned with drug dosage (Table 4). 2) Third group(morphine) was signficantly higher than other groups in statistical mean analgesic score analysis compared with the other groups. It suggested that significantIy high analgesic score was concerned with the pharmacologic action of the drug effect. 3) Before and after epidural injection of drugs, a statistical pulse change in the second group was significant but the other vital sign changes in all the group was not significant (Table 7). It suggested that significant pulse change was concerned with direct drug action and operative stress. 4) The subject requires study for mechanism, adverse effect and its prevention of narcotic administration in epidural space. Consequently it is suggested that continuous epidural injection of pethidine or' pentazoine is the optimum method of postoperative pain relief, only that when morphine is given, contin-uous epidural injection should be the method of choice.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        소아마취의 임상통계학적 고찰

        김완식,박동호,황영희,김흥대,안기량,석민호,김지영,장경덕,서병태 대한마취과학회 1982 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.15 No.1

        Midazolam maleate, a water soluble banzodiazepine unlike diazepam, was synthetized by Walser and Fryer in 1975. In order to ealuate the effectiveness as an induction agent for general anesthesia, 22 elective surgical patients belonging to ASA classification 1 and 2 were selected. And ten patients (male 7, female 3, average 33.5 years old) were induced with midazolam maleate 0.2mg/kg and twelve patients (mdale 7, female 5, average 32.5 years old) with diazepam 0.3mg/kg. The results were summarized as follows. 1) Anesthesia was induced in all of midazolam group by one intravenous injection, but only 6 patients of diazepam group could induced by one injection and the other 6 patients needed 2 or more injections. 2) The changes of blood pressure and pulse rate after induction and intubation were almost similar in the two groups, but greater individual variation was seen in diazepam group. 3) A buring sensation following intravenous injection was noted in 11 cases of diazepam group, but none in midazolam group and no phlebitis in either group. From the above results, diazepam and midazolam are almost similar in nature but midazolam is definitely effective as an induction agent and has less side effects. Therefore midazolam maleate is regarded as a more effective agent than diazepam as an induction for general anesthesia.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        경막외강내 스테로이드 투여후 관찰된 혈중 Prolactin 증가와 유즙 분비

        원석규(Seok Kyu Won),전용석(Yong Suk Chun),석민호( 대한통증학회 1998 The Korean Journal of Pain Vol.11 No.1

        Epidural steroid injection have become one of the most frequently applied conservative option for the management of acute and chronic back pain. As the indications for epidural steroid injections increase so do the adverse responses associated with this procedure. This study reports the succession of 3 patients who developed galactorrhea and hyperprolactinemia after recieving an epidural steroid injection for lumbar radiculopathy and low back pain. Serum prolactin level was elevated in accordance with epidural injection of corticosteroid. We measured the serum prolactin level by immunoradiometric assay method and peak serum prolactin level at above 500, 144.2, 150.3 ng/ml respectively. Also we found the serum prolactin level decreased to nonnal values 3 wks after corticosteroid injection. Galactorrhra ceased in advance of decrease of serum prolactin level. That Hyperprolactinemia and galactorrhea can occur following epidural steroid injection, requires a much larger prospective investigation.

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