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      • KCI등재

        인천 내항 통합사 출범에 따른 만족도 조사 연구

        박홍준 ( Hongjune Park ),이향숙 ( Hyangsook Lee ) 한국로지스틱스학회 2020 로지스틱스연구 Vol.28 No.1

        Since the start of the terminal operating company(TOC) system in Incheon's inland port, various measures have been discussed to stabilize the management of the operator following the continuous decrease in volume since 2007. However, as the company experienced difficulties in the current state of operation both internally and externally, it was decided that the integration of the TOC, which had been discussed as a way to improve the management of the Incheon inland port operator. As a result, it was launched in 2018. This study was intended to quantify the qualitative satisfaction level of the service by investigating the post-integration satisfaction level of customers using the Incheon port following the launch of the integrated company. In addition, the purpose of the project is to collect diverse Voice Of Customer(VOC) to discover logistics process improvement factors and improve satisfaction level. The satisfaction survey was divided into three major factors: 'sales service', 'port operation service' and 'port authorities service'. The average satisfaction level, or “port authorities service,” was 54.4, the highest in three categories. The results of the 'sales service' average satisfaction survey showed 51.8 points, and the 'port operation service' had the lowest average satisfaction score with 50.0. This study is the first integrated the case of a single company in line with the government's initiative, and it is believed that it can contribute to the development of port logistics with the launch of a successful fully integrated corporation by reflecting the economic effects, productivity comparison analysis, qualitative indicators of satisfaction, and preference when integrating into other ports.

      • KCI등재

        지역경찰 순찰팀장 리더십 증진 방안에 대한 탐색적 연구: 근거이론 접근법 활용

        박홍준 ( Hongjun Park ),문광수 ( Kwangsu Moon ) 한국경찰학회 2020 한국경찰학회보 Vol.22 No.5

        The purpose of this study is to explore the situational factors affecting the leadership of the police patrol team leader through qualitative research methods. The research was conducted by focused group interview and surveys of 42 patrol team leaders. As a result of the study, 263 nodes which are classified 20 subcategories and 9 parent categories from 3 situational components of contingency model of leadership have been found. ‘Unstable position’, ‘Insufficient authority’ and ‘Excessive responsibility’ in terms of 「Position Power」 factor. ‘Worthless work’, ‘Unclear guidelines of work’ and ‘Unfavorable working conditions’ in terms of 「Task Structure」 factor. ‘Lack of bond’, ‘Uncooperative members’ and ‘Supervisor stress’ in terms of 「Leader-Member Relations」 factor. And the core category was 'decreased control over members from poor situational favorableness due to psychological, structural, and relational factors'. The findings in this study can be used as a basis for future research.

      • KCI등재

        북송사(北宋詞)의 민간문학(民間文學) 특징(特徵)과 그 의미(意味)

        박홍준 ( Park Hongjun ) 한국중국어문학회 2019 中國文學 Vol.98 No.-

        北宋時期是宋詞開展過程中非常重要的時期. 因爲在唐五代民間興起的宋詞, 正處於向全社會擴展的時期. 這一時期的宋詞具有民間文學和文人文學兩種特點. 北宋詞的民間文學特點, 爲保持宋詞本色, 宋詞向全社會擴展作出了巨大貢獻. 民間文學的基本特徵是,以享有者爲中心和口述性. 這些基本特徵爲宋詞作爲民間文學受到廣大觀衆的喜愛做出了巨大貢獻. 此外, 北宋詞還喜歡使用日常口語, 採用鋪敍的手法, 開發了慢詞的形式. 北宋詞在瓦肆勾欄與其他民間演藝競爭, 追求許多變化, 這是構成宋詞民間文學特徵的第三個特點. 爲了在競爭中取勝, 北宋詞探索了諸如運用多種話者, 引進小說或戱劇結構等特殊變化, 結果爲宋詞的發展做出了巨大貢獻. 因此, 北宋詞的民間文學特徵是保持宋詞的本來特徵, 進而對宋詞走向新的通俗文學發揮重要作用. 一個新的文學體裁如何成長和發展的體現, 從這個意義上講, 北宋詞具有非常重要的文學史意義, 我認爲今後對此的硏究應該繼續.

      • KCI등재

        북송(北宋) 사학(詞學)의 전개(展開)와 사체(詞體) 관념(觀念)의 형성(形成)

        박홍준 ( Park Hongjun ) 한국중국학회 2018 중국학보 Vol.85 No.-

        본 논문은 북송 사학의 전개 과정을 통시적으로 고찰하여 송사가 어떠한 과정을 통해 형성되고 전개되었는지의 과정을 살펴보는데 주된 목적이 있다. 송사는 송대 문학을 대표하는 문학 장르인데 이것은 문학사의 전개 과정에 있어 대단히 혁명적인 사건이었다. 즉 송대 이전 문학에서 문학사의 중심이던 시문이 송대에 들어와서는 갑자기 송사로 교체되는 현상이 벌어졌던 것이다. 이러한 변화의 원인에 대해서는 여러 가지 분석이 가능하겠지만, 민간 중심의 새로운 문학에 대한 수요가 가장 큰 원인이라고 생각된다.북송 사학의 형성에서는 갑자기 문학사의 중심에 서게 된 송사의 등장에 대해서 이를 어떻게 인식하고 어떻게 대응했는가를 시기별로 살펴보고자 하였다. 즉 북송 초기에는 아직 송사의 출현에 대해서 종합적으로 인지하지 못하였기 때문에 음악 가사로서의 기능에만 집중하는 모습을 보였다. 하지만 북송 중기 소식의 이시위사를 주장하는 전통 문인의 공격을 받고서 비로소 송사의 체재를 정비하고 송사에 대한 종합적인 인식을 추구하는 시도들이 이루어졌다. 북송 후기에 들어서는 이러한 시도들이 하나로 종합되면서 별시일가의 주장이 힘을 얻고 사에 대한 종합적인 인식이 궤도에 오르게 되었다.북송 시기 사체에 대한 인식도 이러한 사학의 전개와 궤를 같이 하여 처음에는 사체에 대한 개념을 확실히 지니지 않던 것이 북송 중기의 충격을 받고나서 북송 후기에 이르러 주방언에 이르러 집대성이라 일컬어지는 사의 규율화가 확립되게 되었던 것이다.이러한 고찰을 통해 하나의 새로운 문학 장르가 문단에 자리를 잡기 위해서는 상당한 시간을 필요로 한다는 사실을 알 수 있었다. 또한 민간에서 출발한 문학이 규범화된 이후에 민간의 생명력을 흡수하지 못하고 고정화되어 다시 쇠퇴하는 양상을 보인다는 것을 알 수 있었다.끝으로 북송 시기는 송사의 등장과 발전에서 대단히 중요한 시기였으며, 이 시기 사학의 종합적인 성격을 고려했을 때 송사에 대한 보다 종합적인 연구가 앞으로도 필요할 것으로 생각되었다. The main purpose of this paper is to examine the process of development of the repatriation history and the process through which the Song-ci was formed and developed. The lSong-ci is a literary genre that represents Song’s literature, a highly revolutionary event in the course of the development of literary history. In other words, in pre-song literature, poetry, which was the center of literary history, entered Song dynasty was suddenly replaced by a Song-ci. Although various analyses can be made on the causes of this change, I think the demand for new literature centered on the private sector is the biggest one.The chapter of the formation of Northern-Song Ci’xue aims to examine how the prosecution recognized the emergence of a Song-ci that has suddenly become the center of the history of literature and how it dealt with it. In other words, in the early days of the Northern-Song, they did not know about the appearance of the Song-ci, so they focused only on functions as a music lyrics. However, after being attacked by a traditional writer sh-shi, who claimed the yi-shi-wei-ci in the mid-Song period, attempts were made to organize the Song-ci and seek comprehensive recognition of the case. These attempts, which began in the latter phase of the Northern-Song, gained strength in the claims of the bie-shi-yi-jia and launched a comprehensive understanding of the ci.The recognition of ci-ti at the time of the Northern-Song was also accompanied by the development of a ci-xue that did not clearly hold the concept of ci-ti, but after the shock of the mid-Song era, they reached the end of Song-dynasty and established a system called the synthesis by zhou-bang-yan.This consideration revealed that a new literary genre would take considerable time to establish itself in literary circles. It was also found that literature originating from the private sector has become stagnant and declining after being standardized without absorbing the private life force.Finally, the time of Northern-Song was a critical period in the emergence and development of lSong-ci, and considering the general nature of the history, it was thought that more comprehensive research into the Song-ci would be needed.

      • KCI등재

        宋代 通俗詞派의 存在, 特徵과 그 意義

        朴泓俊 ( Park¸ Hongjun ) 한국중국어문학회 2021 中國文學 Vol.108 No.-

        In the flow of Tang-Song-Ci, there were many writers with similar characteristics to Liu-yong. They were not concentrated at any one time, but existed throughout each period. In this paper, we will temporarily refer to it as a Popular lyric Group, reflecting its characteristics. They actively adopted the system of Man-ci as a form, actively used spoken language, and adopted the Pu-xu’s expression style. The work also pioneered a new area of a Life Lyric, creating a variety of songs that were closely related to the lives of the people of Song Dynasty. Many of the above features were changes that shook the existing framework of Song-ci, and the direction of the change was to accept all the characteristics of folk literature to Song-ci area. The independent recognition of the popular social group is required, along with a review of the two-part method of dividing Song-ci’s Faction into Wan-yue and Hao-fang. In addition, it is necessary to evaluate the significance of literature history by recognizing that the typical pattern of Chinese literature, in which the activities of Popular lyric Groups are transmitted from private literature to literary literature, is reflected in Song Dynasty.

      • KCI등재

        다중빔 능동위상배열 안테나를 고려한 테스트베드 기반 Radio 전송링크 설계

        윤종택,김용이,박홍준,박주만,Youn, Jong-Taek,Kim, Yongi,Park, Hongjun,Park, Juman 한국정보통신학회 2021 한국정보통신학회논문지 Vol.25 No.11

        본 논문에서는 현재 기술 개발 과제로 진행 중인 공중 네트워크 검증용 테스트베드 시스템에 다중빔 능동위상배열 안테나 모의기 적용 공중 네트워크 모사 Radio 전송링크를 설계하여 그 결과를 제시한다. Ku 대역을 활용하여 개발 중인 시스템에 대한 요구사항을 만족하도록 링크 버짓을 고려하여 Radio 전송링크를 설계하였다. 단거리 링크와 장거리 링크를 고려하여 요구되는 다중빔 중계기와 임무기의 EIRP 및 G/T 성능 규모를 적용하여 Eb/No를 기준으로 최소, 최대치 링크 마진을 확인하였다. 이러한 Radio 전송링크 설계에서 강우 가용도 등 적용 분석 결과를 이용하여 다중빔 중계시스템 적용 공중 중계 운용 반경 및 관련 시스템 규격 선정시 기준 수립에 효과적으로 활용될 수 있도록 기여하고자 한다. This paper designs and presents the results of an air network simulation radio transmission link applied with a multi-beam active phase array antenna simulator in a testbed system for verifying an air network currently underway as a technology development task. Using the Ku band, the Radio transmission link was designed in consideration of the link budget to satisfy the requirements for the system being developed. Considering short-distance links and long-distance links, the required EIRP and G/T performance scales of multi-beam repeaters and mission planes were applied to confirm the minimum and maximum link margins based on Eb/No. In this Radio Transmission Link design, the application analysis results such as rainfall availability are used to effectively establish standards when selecting the operating radius of the multi-beam relay system and related system standards.

      • KCI등재

        훼손 수목 이식에 대한 이해관계자 인식 연구

        문윤정 ( Yoonjung Moon ),박홍준 ( Hongjun Park ),차재규 ( Jaegyu Cha ),나진주 ( Jinjoo Na ),이선미 ( Seonmi Lee ) 한국환경영향평가학회 2021 환경영향평가 Vol.30 No.6

        환경영향평가 시 개발사업으로 훼손되는 수목의 약 10%를 이식 또는 재활용하도록 하고 있으나, 이식 시 여러 가지 문제점들이 제기되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 이해관계자를 대상으로 이식 시 발생하는 문제점에 대한 인식을 파악하였다. 2020년 10월 9일부터 25일까지 실시한 설문조사에 협의기관, 검토기관, 사업자·대행자 그룹별 각각 36명, 44명, 83명(총 163명)이 참여하였다. 세 그룹 모두 개발사업으로 인한 훼손이 심각하므로 개발 부담금이 증가하더라도 훼손 수목의 일부를 이식하는 것이 필요하다고 응답하였다. 가장 심각하다고 응답한 문제점은 고사율이었다. 고사 시 대체 방안으로 세 그룹 모두 동일한 수종과 수량을 식재해야 한다는 응답 비율이 높았다. 고사율을 줄이기 위해 이식 수목은 크기가 작은 것을 이식하고, 이식 수종은 식재종과 조경 수종을 포함하여 확대시키고, 이식 수목량은 자생 수목량 대비 이식 비율을 산정하자는 응답 비율이 높았다. 관리자를 별도로 배치할 필요가 있다고 응답한 비율도 높았다. 본 설문조사의 결과는 훼손 수목의 이식 시 발생하는 문제점을 개선하기 위한 기초 자료로 활용할 것이다. About 10% of trees damaged by the development projects are to be transplanted when conducting the Environmental Impact Assessment. However, various problems have been raised during transplantation. In this study, we confirm the stakeholder’s perceptions of the problems that occur during transplantation. The survey was conducted from October 9 to 25, 2020. Among the stakeholder groups, 36 respondents participated in the consulting institute group, 44 from the review institute group, and 83 from the developer·agency group (total of 163). All three groups responded that it was necessary to transplant some of the damaged trees even if the development charge increased because the damage caused by the development project was serious. The most serious problem was ‘high mortality’. The response rate was high that all three groups should plant the same species with the same quantity as an alternative method in case of withering. In order to reduce the mortality rate, small-sized trees were transplanted and transplanted trees were expanded to include planted species and landscape trees. In addition, the number of transplanted trees was high in response to calculating the transplant ratio to the number of native tree damaged. The percentage of respondents who said that it was necessary to allocate a separate manager was also high. The results will be used as basic data to improve problems that occur during transplantation of damaged trees.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Bi가 첨가된 In₂O₃ 박막의 광학적 특성

        손영준(Youngjun Son),송세환(Sehwan Song),이지성(Jisung Lee),박홍준(Hongjun Park),한승훈(Seonghoon Han),김지웅(Jiwoong Kim),배종성(Jong-Seong Bae),김송길(Songkil Kim),박성균(Sungkyun Park) 한국물리학회 2022 새물리 Vol.72 No.10

        정공을 운반자로 사용하는 p-형 산화물은 깊은 O 2p 준위로 인해 상대적으로 정공 이동도가 낮아 n-형 산화물보다 잠재적인 응용 가능성이 낮다. 최근 밀도범함수이론 연구에 따르면 Bi가 첨가된 In₂O₃는 가전자대 근처에서 새로운 in-gap 상태를 형성하여 받개의 형성 에너지를 낮출 수가 있다고 보고되었다. 또한, 이전 실험에서 Bi가 첨가된 In₂O₃ 세라믹에서 광학적 특성을 통해 in-gap 상태가 형성된 것을 확인하였다. 본 연구에서는 결정성과 in-gap 상태의 상관관계를 이해하기 위하여, 다양한 증착 온도에서 Bi가 첨가된 In₂O₃ 박막을 RF 마그네트론 스퍼터링 방법을 이용하여 제작하였다. 그 결과, 증착 온도가 증가함에 따라 결정립 크기가 증가하였다. 이와 더불어 광학적 특성 측정을 통해 벌크 In₂O₃의 밴드갭(~2.7eV)과 Bi 첨가에 의해 새롭게 형성된 in-gap 준위(~1.9eV) 에너지가 형성되는 것을 확인하였고, 박막의 증착 온도가 증가함에 따라 두 밴드갭이 줄어드는 것을 확인하였다. 이러한 변화는 결정립 크기 증가와 관련이 있는 것으로 생각된다. P-type oxides using holes as carriers exhibit a relatively low hole mobility due to the deep O 2p level; thus, their potential applications are fewer than those of n-type oxides. Recently, a DFT study has reported that Bi-doped In₂O₃ forms a new in-gap state near the valence band, thereby lowering the formation energy of the acceptor and enabling the formation of a new p-type oxide through additional doping. In addition, a previous experiment on the Bi-doped In₂O₃ ceramics revealed the in-gap state. In this study, Bi-doped In₂O₃ films were grown under various conditions to examine the possibility of optical bandgap modulation. Consequently, from a structural viewpoint, the crystalline size grew as the deposition temperature increased; spectroscopically, two optical absorptions were confirmed. While the larger optical bandgap corresponded to bulk In₂O₃, the smaller one was associated with a newly formed in-gap state owing to Bi doping. Furthermore, the bandgap energy decreased as the deposition temperature increased. Therefore, the reduced optical bandgap with an increased deposition temperature was related to the reduced quantum size effect.

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