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      • KCI등재

        박남수 시의 이미지즘과 사회성 고찰

        박현수(Park Hyun-soo) 한국시학회 2004 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.10

        This paper is aimed at examining the characteristics and limit of imagist poetry by analyzing Park Nam-Soo's works. Because Imagism eliminates an ideological or social aspects from it's aesthetics, it is difficult to find a social sense in imagist poetry. But After Park himself had given his early imagist poetry an social meaning, many critics misinterpreted his imagist poetry. We can call Park's utterance a retrospective modification. It is clear that Park's early poetry is imagist works without social meaning. Park extended his poetic horizon by passing the limit of early imagist poetry in which images are static and plain. He used narrative elements in the middle imagist poetry. Accordingly the absolute image in early poems gave place to the metaphoric image in middle poems. In the later poetry, the suppressed sociality by the principle of imagist aesthetics has revived. Park had written an epic in which a brilliant Korean hero, Euljimunduck, drove back the chinese enemy. It means that imagism is the opposite of sociality.

      • KCI등재

        김수영 시론에 있어서 전위성의 성격과 기원

        박현수 ( Hyun Soo Park ) 한국문학언어학회(구 경북어문학회) 2014 어문론총 Vol.60 No.-

        Kim Soo-young, a post-war Korean poet, has historical significance in Korean modern poetry in that he had intended to integrate Avant-garde(or modernism) and Engagement(political participation). But after that integration in his criticism, his avant-garde was still not escape the nature of aesthetic modernism. Because he had appreciated avant-garde as an aestheticist literary project, avant-guard and engagement in his criticism were always confrontational. His idea stemmed from Japanese Avant-garde of Shi to shiron by Haruyama Yukio and Nishiwaki Kitagawa. Haruyama and Nishiwaki’s avant-garde was an pure surrealist movement which was completely excluded from the possibility of political participation. In the 1960s, Kim recognized his own limitation and tried to overcome it. But because of his traffic accident, his efforts ended in an uncompleted project. By this limitation, Kim Soo-young’s try to integrate avant-garde and political participation produced enormous logical contradictions. Consequently most of his articles had tried to discuss the possibility of political participation in avant-garde poetry had ambiguities and leaps in his logic. In his criticism, many concepts such as ‘experimentation, ambiguity, chaos, freedom, resistant poems’ are often incoherent and lacking continuity.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 1920년대 초기 『조선일보』 「문예란」 연구 -발굴과 위상의 구명

        박현수 ( Hyun Soo Park ),홍현영 ( Hyun Young Hong ) 민족문학사학회·민족문학사연구소 2015 민족문학사연구 Vol.57 No.-

        『조선일보』의 「문예란」은 1921년 7월 4일부터 같은 해 8월 27일까지 『조선일보』1면에 개설되었다. 이 글의 목적은 『조선일보』 「문예란」에 실린 작품들을 발굴, 소개하고, 그 위상을 구명하는 것이다. 「문예란」이 개설되었던 때는 『조선일보』가 23회에 이르는 발매반포금지와 2차례의 정간을 겪고 점차 운영에서 정상을 찾아가던 즈음이었다. 「문예란」은 총 38회 개설되었는데, 시가 21편, 평론이 3편, 기행문이 1편, 수필이 1편 등 모두 26편의 작품이 실렸다. 「문예란」에 글을 수록한 작가는 변영로, 남궁벽, 김억, 박종화, 오상순, 오천석, 김찬영, 현진건 등이다. 변영로는 「문예란」에서 가장 활발한 작품 활동을 했으며 필자들의 교류에서도 중심에 있었다. 그는 진리가 확정된 세계에서 벗어나 불확실성에 투신하는 자세를 새롭게 창출될 문학의 핵심이라고 주장했다. 이 글은 남궁벽이 스스로 ``∼다``체로 번역해 발표한 「별의압흠」, 「말」 등을 소개하는 것을 통해 정본 확정의 문제를 제기했다. 또 작가의 과작을 고려할 때 새롭게 발굴, 소개하는 남궁벽의 시 5편이 지니는 무게 역시 가볍지 않다. 박종화의 시 가운데 「廢園에누어셔」는 「黑房秘曲」에 실린 시와 달리 3장으로 되어 있다. 특히 3장이 당시 박종화의 지우였던 정백, 홍사용 등의 갈등과 관련되어 주목을 필요로 한다. 이 글에서 소개하는 오상순의 두 시 역시 처음 발굴, 소개하는 시들이다. 이들은 어린 시절의 상상력이 깃든 언어를 가장 본질적인 것으로 파악하는 당시 오상순의 문학관을 드러내고 있다. 「문예란」의 필자들은 이미 문단의 승인을 받은 존재들이었다는 점에서 작품들 역시 문학청년 시기의 습작이나 투고작과는 다르다. 또 「문예란」의 필자는 각각의 동인지에 얽매이지 않는 문인들의 네트워크와 문학 활동을 파악할 수 있는 대상이기도 하다. 「문예란」이 지닌 가장 두드러진 의미는 『조선일보』를 비롯해 『동아일보』 『매일일보』 등 당시 신문 미디어에 같은 성격의 지면이 존재하지 않았다는 점에 있다. Literary section in Chosun Ilbo was first open on July 4, 1921 and lasted until on August 27 in the same year. The section was reported on the first page of Chosun Ilbo. The purpose of this article was to discover and introduce the pieces of literary work reported in Chosun Ilbo, and to bring light on the status of its literary section. The time when literary section was established was the moment Chosun Ilbo was returning to normal condition of running business after having twenty three times of prohibition of release and two times of suspension. The number of reported literary section was thirty eight, which included twenty one pieces of poem, three pieces of critique, one piece of travel essay, and one piece of essay. Thus, the total number of reported literary work was twenty six. Writers who participated in the section were as followed : Young-Roh Byun, Byuk Namgung, Uk Kim, Jong-Hwa Park, Sang-Soon Oh, Chun-Seok Oh, Chan-Young Kim and Jin-Gun Hyun. Among them, Young-Roh Byun was the most active writer in the literary section and was in the center of mutual exchange of opinion among the writers. He sought the core of literature in the attitude that was devoted to the uncertainty, which was off the world of concrete truth. This article supposed a question on determination of the formal copies by discovering and introducing the Byul-eui-ap-hem(별의압흠), and Mal(말) which were reported by Byuk. He translated these pieces for himself using style of writing, "∼ da". Moreover, as Namgung was not a prolific writer, the importance of five pieces of poem by Byuk Namgung should not be overlooked. Park`s poem, Lying in the closed garden(廢 園에누어셔), consisted of three chapters compared to that of his, which were issued in Secret songs in a black room(黑房秘曲). Especially, the third chapter of it was related to conflict among his companions, Baek Jung and Sah-Yong Hong. Therefore, it needs to be focused on that chapter. Two pieces of poem by Sang-Soon Oh were introduced for the first time. These represented Oh`s literary view at the moment, which the writer understood the language with childhood imagination as the most essential one. Writers of the literary section had already been approve by the literary circle. For this reason, the pieces reported in the literary section had a different character from their studies or submission before starting their literature career. In addition, the writers were the subject of the network and career activities among the writers who were not bound by literary coterie magazines. The most significant meaning of literary section was that the section with the same character did not exist in Dong-A Ilbo, Maeil Shinbo, or Chosun Ilbo itself. To prove this point, relation between news media and literature in early 1920s was discussed.

      • KCI등재

        시론의 재구성을 위한 만해 사상의 본질 탐구

        박현수(Park, Hyun-soo) 한국어문학회 2016 語文學 Vol.0 No.131

        As a prerequisite for the reconstitution of Manhae(Han, Yong-un)’s poetics, this paper aims at exploring the prime aspects of his thoughts. First, the historical development of his thoughts is reviewed. And the key points of his thought is dealt with, as a next step, from the three perspectives : 1. insentient being can see its own nature(無情見性論), 2. buddha-nature is possible to be seen.(佛性可見論) 3. post-nationalism. First, the discourse that insentient being can see its own nature(無情見性論) is an argument that all beings possess the buddha-nature and therefore insentient beings like trees and stones generally understood as things lacking the practice ability are capable of attaining the Buddhist goal of enlightenment with its own numinous awareness. Accordingly, the practice and the results which are treated as the preserve of the practitioners like Zen masters should be opened to all sentient or insentient beings. The discourse that insentient being can see its own nature(無情見性論) proves the depth of thoughts in the late period of his life that embraces everything as an agent of life. Second, the discourse that buddha-nature is possible to be seen(佛性可見論) is an argument that all beings seen with our eyes as well as the dharma-nature in the absolute dimension are the buddha-nature and the seeing itself is already “seeing the true nature(見性).” The argument that the buddha-nature verified by our sensory organ and this phenomenal world itself is the buddha-nature accords great importance to the real world in which we get a toehold. Lastly, the discourse of post-nationalism is an argument that all cosmic things, according to the spirit of buddha i.e. the fundamental principle of buddhism, shall be dealt with in the dimension of absolute equality and therefore should not be limited by the particular concepts like nation or bloodline. His argument like this give us a opportunity of reflection on our customary practice of understanding him as an nationalist in every way. The attempts to understand him as a nationalist through and through might restrict his broad-mindedness and latent potentials within narrow framework. His arguments summarized above originate from the thorough buddhist fundamentalism. Compared to his early writing The Treatise on the Chosun Buddhism Reform(조선불교유신론), his thoughts after that time can be briefly described as a buddhist fundamentalism. The core of the later thoughts of Manhae is to interpret the buddhism more fundamentally based on his view points concerning the meaning of buddha-nature and world. The meaning and possibility of Manhae’s poetics should be extracted from this.

      • KCI등재

        전후 비극적 전망의 시적 성취-박인환론

        박현수 ( Park Hyun-soo ) 국제어문학회 2006 국제어문 Vol.37 No.-

        김수영으로부터 비롯한 `겉멋`과 `피상성`이라는 부정적인 선입견 때문에 박인환 시는 시대에 대한 치열한 성찰이라는 측면이 평가절하되어 왔다. 그러나 박인환의 시를 꼼꼼하게 읽어보면 이런 판단이 얼마나 성급한 것인가 하는 점을 알 수 있다. 박인환의 전후 세계 인식은 철저하고 성실한 측면이 강하며 그의 시는 그런 인식을 잘 형상화한 것으로 보인다. 박인환은 해방 공간에서 명확한 현실 인식에 바탕을 두고 낙관적인 전망을 보여주는 시를 창작하였다. 그의 이런 시도 현실추수적인 경향에 의해 창작된 것으로 평가절하 되어왔다. 그러나 그의 시가 사상적으로 일관성이 있으며 표현의 적절성도 획득하고 있다는 점을 고려할 때 그의 해방공간의 시는 새롭게 평가될 필요가 있다. 박인환의 해방 공간의 시가 인민민주주의 민족문학론과 친연성이 있으며, 시적 성취도 역시 당대 다른 시들의 수준을 고려할 때 비교우위에 놓여있다. 1950년대 시 역시 해방공간의 낙관적 전망의 상실과 전쟁의 체험을 통해 형성된 비극적인 전망을 가장 절실하게 문학적으로 형성한 것임을 보여주었다. 그리고 그런 전망을 가장 잘 보여주는 초월적 이미지를 분석함으로써 박인환 시의 특성을 추출하였다. 초월적 권능을 상실한 초월적 존재, 파편적 세계관, 진보적 이념에 대한 비판, 폭풍의 이미지 등이 그것이다. 또한 이런 특성의 핵심으로 필연성이 사라진 전후 세계의 논리를 보여주는 `거저(그저)`라는 어휘에 주목하여 그 의미를 검토하였다. The negative preconception which originated from Kim Soo-Young who attached `foppery` and `superficiality` tag to Park In-Whan resulted in the devaluation of his intense self-reflection on his times. But with a careful reading on his poems, we can get to know that how hasty decision it is. Park In-Whan created poems showing a optimistic prospect based on a clear recognition of reality in the period of Liberation. His poems in those time were also underestimated as the creation just following the social trend. But considering the consistent thought and the use of adequate expression in his poems, we need to revalue his poems in the period of Liberation. Especially, in that he is suspected of being involved in the southern Korean Labor party according to the document of U.S military administration, more detailed approach is required. Park In-Whan`s poems in 1950`s also showed that the loss of positive prospect in the period of Liberation and the tragic prospect formed by the experience of 6.25 war were ingrained in the form of literature in real earnest. And the analysis of the transcendental images showing such prospect in his poems made it possible to extract the characteristics of his poems. Those are as follows: the transcendental being without transcendental power, the fragmentary world view, the criticisms on liberal idea and the image of storm. This paper also examined the meaning of `거저(aimlessly)`, as the key of the characteristics above ,which shows the logic of world after war without necessity. Park In-Whan`s world view after war is thorough and honest and his recognition as such seems to be successfully figured in his poems. Such a poetic achievement cannot be acquired without thorough reflection on the world- historical tragedy. Park In-Whan was the only poet in 1950`s who drew honestly with rhetorics suitable to himself the insight which is gained by confronting the gory face of `black god` or `the black angel of history`

      • KCI등재

        청소년 비행 피해집단 간의 이질성: 순수 피해집단과 가해-피해 중첩집단을 중심으로

        박현수(Park, Hyun­Soo) 한국피해자학회 2018 被害者學硏究 Vol.26 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to classify the groups according to the experiences of the offending and the victimization, and to compare the pure victim groups with the victim-offender group. For this purpose, This study used the Korean Youth Panel Survey data(KYPS) to classify developmental trajectories of offending and victim. The offending group was classified into no offending, middle level rapid-decline, high level reduction group. The victim group was classified into no victim, middle level rapid-decline, high level reduction group. This study assumed that self-control, delinquent friends, and deviant lifestyle were the factors influencing the victim experience. There was a difference in the self-control and the deviant lifestyle between the pure victim group and the victim-offender overlap group. Delinquent friends affected the difference between no offending/no victim and pure victim group. These results show that the pure victim group were victimized by other delinquent friends. In comparison, The victim-offender overlap group has low self-control and deviant lifestyle, and the group is easily exposed to other offender and is victimized.

      • KCI등재

        전후 초월주의의 그늘과 그 극복

        박현수(Park Hyun-Soo) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2009 한국민족문화 Vol.35 No.-

        박재삼은 전후 남한 문학의 중심적 기류로 형성된 초월주의의 영향을 전범적으로 보여준다는 점에서 전후시의 특성을 이해하기 위해서 반드시 고찰하여야 할 시인이다. 그는 전후 초월주의의 중요 특성, 즉 전통성, 미학성, 초월성을 창조적으로 계승하여 자신의 시적 자양분으로 삼았다. 박재삼은 초월주의의 강력한 영향권 내에 있었다. 전통성은 그의 시에 나타나는 ‘한’과 연계된 정서의 적극적 표현이나 춘향전이나 흥부전과 같은 고전 작품의 의도적 인유에서 드러난다. 미학성은 생경한 현실 인식을 철저하게 여과시켜 개인적인 정서로 변용시키는 점에서 잘 드러난다. 초월성은 개별적인 존재가 죽음으로써 완료되는 것이 아니라 다른 존재의 탄생과 연계되어 지속성을 지닌다는 생각에서 확인된다. 그러나 박재삼은 초월주의의 영향과 길항하며 자신의 창조적인 공간을 마련하였다. 그의 창조성이 적극적으로 드러나는 지점은 그의 시에 나타나는 두 가지 불투명성이다. 하나는 불투명한 정서이고 다른 하나는 불투명한 구문론이다. 전자에서는 전후의 서정적 동일성에 대한 고민과 그 극복을 확인할 수 있고, 후자에서는 새로운 매체에 안착한 새로운 서정시의 방향에 대한 적극적 인식을 확인할 수 있다. Park Jaesam is one of the important poets in postwar Korean poets. He accepted the ideology of postwar transcendentalism, the ideology of Cheongmunhyup(Korean Youth Writer's Association; leaded by Kim Dongli, Jo Yonhyun and Seo Jungju). The ideology has three features; traditionality(the approval of Korean traditional thought and emotion), transcendentality (transcendental identifying self with the universe) and aestheticism(the exclusion of political issues from poems). But Park had a correct understanding of the problem of that ideology and overcame its problems creatively. First, When he accepted traditional elements by the rhetoric of temporality, he controlled a subject matter in his poems by reducing risks of the distortion of emotion to the minimum. Secondly, he wrote new lyric poems by the strategy of opaque, that is, the strategy of intentional ambiguity. Park used intentionally two kinds of ambiguity, one is the ambiguity of emotion(an ambiguous emotion), the other is that of grammar. This ambiguity made his poems new lyric poems, by keeping his poems away from the plain repetition of old lyric poems. Park's lyric poems are not only traditional but also modern. He succeeded to Korean traditional lyric poetry. At the same time, he made an effort to write postwar modern poems.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        액막법에 의한 분리 정제기술

        박현수,류재형 ( Hyun Soo Park,Jae Hyung Yu ) 한국화학공학회 1982 Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHA Vol.20 No.3

        Liquid membrane technique, applied recently in many separation prccesses, was reviewed in comparison with the coventional solvent extracticn method. In this paper, the classification, characteristics and mass transfer mechanism of the liquid membrane process were discussed. Recent trand in R&D for industrial applications was also introduced.

      • KCI등재

        협업개발 환경에서의 효율적 동시성 제어를 위한 P2P기반 충돌해결 기법

        박현수,김대엽,윤청,Park, Hyun-Soo,Kim, Dae-Yeob,Youn, Cheong 한국정보처리학회 2009 정보처리학회논문지D Vol.16 No.4

        본 논문은 구성원들 사이의 자원공유를 원천적으로 봉쇄하는 일반적 협업개발 지원도구의 한계를 극복하고, 조직의 여러 사용자들에게 자원 공유의 기회를 제공함과 동시에 자원공유에서 발생하는 버전관리와 충돌문제를 해결하기 위한 방법을 제시한다. 개발된 소프트웨어 협업개발 지원도구는 전통적인 낙관적 기법을 적용하되 충돌해결에 드는 비용과 노력의 절감을 위한 개선된 알고리즘을 사용한다. 시스템의 구조는 전통적인 Client/Server 방식에 개인간 정보교환을 지원하는 P2P(peer-to-peer) 방식이 결합된 형태로 이루어져 있으며, 공개 소프트웨어인 CVS(Concurrent Version System)를 기반으로 구현되었다. 이를 바탕으로 대표적인 기존 협업개발 지원도구들과의 유용성 비교를 통해 기능적 효율성을 확인하였다. This paper provides a way to overcome limitations of general collaborative software development tools that completely restrict co-ownership of resources among individuals in a team oriented developmental environment. It also provides a solution for users to co-own resources and at the same time manage version control and collision problems that may occur due to the co-ownership of resources.The cooperative development support tool of developed software uses the conventional optimistic technique but employs the algorithm which is improved to reduce costs and efforts required for solving collision. The collaborative software development tool presented in this paper is made up of the classical client/server structure with the P2P(peer to peer) method which supports information exchange among individuals. This tool is developed based on open source software CVS(Concurrent Version System). Functional efficiency was confirmed by comparing it to the utility of prior existing collaborative software development tools.

      • KCI등재후보

        채널할당을 고려한 다중계층 셀룰러 네트워크 설계

        박현수,이상헌,Park, Hyun-Soo,Lee, Sang-Heon 한국국방경영분석학회 2008 한국국방경영분석학회지 Vol.34 No.2

        제한된 주파수 범위 내에서 무선통신에 대한 수요증가에 따라 중계소 설치 및 채널할당 문제가 갈수록 중요시되고 있다. 최소한의 주파수 범위를 가지고 간접이 없는 채널을 할당하는 문제는 NP-hard 문제이다. 다중계층 셀룰러 네트워크는 무선통신의 수요가 늘어나고, 서비스 질 향상 요구의 증가에 따라 주목받고 있는 설계 방법이다. 다중계층 셀룰러 네트워크는 큰 도시에 적용되는 방법으로서 소비자의 이동속도에 따라 서로 다른 계층에서 관리하고 소비자에게 안정된 서비스를 제공한다. 본 논문의 유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 다중계층 설계는 지존의 2계층 방식과 달리 3계층(macro, micro, pico) 방법을 적용하며, EMC(Electromagnetic Compatibility Constraints)를 적응하여 현실성을 더욱 증가하였다. 후보지 선정 개수는 $15{\sim}40$개까지 적응하며, 72개의 데이터를 적용하여 알고리즘을 실험하여 수요자 수를 총 수요의 90%이상으로 끌어 올려 현실성을 강화시켰다. With the limited frequency spectrum and an increasing demand for cellular communication services, the problem of channel assignment becomes increasingly important. However, finding a conflict free channel assignment with the minimum channel span is NP hard. The innovations are cellular concept, dynamic channel assignment and hierarchical network design. We consider the frequency assignment problem and the base station placement simultaneously. Our model takes the candidate locations emanating from this process and the cost of assigning a frequency, operating and maintaining equipment as an input. Hierarchical network design using genetic algorithm is the first three-tier (Macro, Micro, Pico) model. We increase the reality through applying to Electromagnetic Compatibility Constraints. Computational experiments on 72 problem instances which have $15{\sim}40$ candidate locations demonstrate the computational viability of our procedure. The result of experiments increases the reality and covers 90% of the demand.

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