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        敎職適性의 評價에 關한 硏究

        박천환 부산교육대학교 초등교육연구소 1992 초등교육연구 Vol.2 No.-

        The purpose of this study was exploration of primary school teacher aptitudes and developmet of assessment method of these aptitudes. The questions can be specified as follows: 1) What are primary school teacher aptitudes? 2) What is the method to assess teacher aptitudes? Through a review of literature, four factors as teacher aptitudes were identified; academic aptitude, verbal skill, thiking ability, and attitude and value on teacher. To assess these factors as entrance examination, some lmitations: problem of measurement and relationship to other tests - were suggested. Academic aptitudes assessment included basic skills of art, music, and sports. Verbal ability, thinking ability and attitude abd value on teacher could be assessed by interview or paper test confronted the problem situations. The validity and reliability of these assessment must be ensured.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 學校 學習의 成就要因 分析硏究

        朴天煥 釜山敎育大學 1990 부산교육대학 논문집 Vol.26 No.1

        This study was to build the theoretical framework to identify the determinants of school achievement. Today, there are many critics that schools fail for student ??o achieve school curriculum and to realize the social equality. Inspite of these ??ritics, the better school and the better education is our consuming intrest. So ?? this study the determinants of school achievement will be investigated. To investgate the determinants of school achievement I classify the determinants ?? student variables, background variables and school variables and review the ??revious research. At result, general intelligence, academic aptitude, self-concept and study activity of the student variables were identified significant variables. Of the background variables, socioeconomic status(SES), the level of parents' aspiration, pressure or achievement and the effect community were significant. School variables - teacher's characteristics, quality of instruction, and educational conditions have not any significant effect. But, School climate was significant variables. To fail to identify the effect of school variables results from research disign. Interaction between school variables and student's characteristics(Averch et al, 1974) or interaction between instruction design and school conditions had been ??eglected in the research design. This critic was very important in research for ??eterminants of school achievement. Especially, in Korean schools, the variety of students is very large. So the degree of interaction would be very high. Therefore this research design should be concidered these points.

      • 敎育方法의 原理로서의 兒童尊重

        朴天煥 釜山敎育大學 1985 부산교육대학 논문집 Vol.21 No.1

        There are two possible interpretations on 'Respect for Child' in educational context. The one is technological interpretation, which may be ordinary, and which is concerned on efficient method of education. According to this view, we must emphasize needs, interests, and development of children. But the implication of this view was not explicit and sometimes this view could not be fully justified. The other is ethical interpretation. Ethical meanings depend on situations-Casual Conversational Situational and Dialogue Situation. Casual are those verbal interactional situations in which the participants' main purposes are not for arriving at true, cerrect or reasonable beliefs by analysing, examining, scrutinizing or criticizing various views expressed by them. But dialogue situation I mean those verbal interactional situation where the participants are expected to engage in discussion or dialogue for the central purpose of arriving at true, correct or reasonable beliefs in both theoretical and practical realms. In casual conversation situations, the meaning of 'Respect for Child' is to recognize and accept him or her as a distinctive experiencing subject, who has certain desire and interest, beliefs and feelings, and acts in a certain way. In other words, it is to recognize him as rational, moral agent, at least potentially so. In this sense of respect for child applicable to cousal conversation situations, we are not primarily concerned with assessment or evaluation of truth or reasonableness of the belief of a particular particicpant holds or expresses. So, empathetic listening, for example, is an important and only quality. In dialogue situation the meaning of 'Respect for Child' is different from, or more than, what is meant by it in casual conversational situations. We are primarily interested in assessment of beliefs, feelings, emotions or acts themselves according to the relevant standards of assessment available. For example, one expresses his view or a certain feeling, it is not sufficient simply to listen or attend to it empathetically. One must listen or attend it critically so that one may assess whether speaker's view is true or reasonable, whether his reasoning is valid, whether his view is supported by adequate evidence, whether his anger is reasonable, whether his act can be justified, and so on. In teaching situations, participants, teacher and student are (to be) engaged in a search for what is true, reasonable, and right. For this reason, terching-learning situations involve assessment of beliefs, reasoning and feelings, which student or teacher happens to hold, according to the relevant criteria. Since the teacher's being engaged in such critical activity is a necessary condition for respect for child as learner, asking or not asking, whenever appropriate, such in tellectually providing questions as "What do you mean?, "How do you know?," "Is it true justifiable, correct, resonable…?" could be seen as a measure of respect for persons. When the clssroom interactions operate in this spirit between teacher and child, there is mutual respect for person, for both are acting on the hope of rational and moral community, that is, both are engaged in dialogue. The principle of 'Respect for Child' provides more definite, though still general, procedural principles in teaching situation. One does respect child by doing certain things rather than other for rational and moral reasons, not by echoing cliche or repeating slogans.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보
      • 교육과정의 개념에 관한 논의

        박천환 부산교육대학교 교육대학원 2004 논문집 Vol.6 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to explicate the historical modes of curriculum development. Historically speaking, there are two kind of perspectives in curriculum: practical perspective and theoretical perspective. The one is to focus to development of curriculum utilizing various scientific methodology, the other to understand the curriculum and school subjects. So, the study on curriculum has been advanced two directions by these perspectives: one is horizontal direction, another is vertical direction. F. Bottitt is pioneer of practical perspective to curriculum, and R. W. Tyler is famous for completion his perspective in aspect of method for curriculum development. Their pursuit is deserving of our praise in accomplishing the horizontal expansion of curriculum studies. But, there was other side for curriculum studies pursued by J. Bruner and R. S. Peters. Their practical perspective gives a basis for deepening understanding to the curriculum and school subjects. Curriculum studies have been a confliction by the two count approaches. The movement for curriculum reconceptualization seem to appear for solving the confliction. In today, curriculum studies have been advanced to middle ground between practical perspective and theoretical perspective for horizontal expansion and vertical deepening in curriculum.

      • KCI등재


        박천환 한국도덕교육학회 2013 道德敎育硏究 Vol.25 No.3

        플라톤의 대화편 ‘프로타고라스’는 ‘덕은 가르칠 수 있는가?’라는 질문을 두고 소크라테스와 프로타고라스가 논쟁하는 것이다. 프로타고라스는 ‘가르칠 수 있다’고 하지만 소크라테스는 ‘가르칠 수 없다’고 주장한다. 소크라테스와 그는 이 질문에 앞서서 ‘덕’이 무엇인지를 먼저 규명하고자 한다. 소크라테스는 덕은 지식이라고 주장하는데 반하여 프로타고라스는 지식이 아니라고 주장하지만, 종국에 프로타고라스는 덕은 지식이라는 점에 동의하게 된다. 대화의 과정에서 프로타고라스는 덕에 관하여 무지함이 밝혀지지만 그는 자신의 무지를 부정하려하고, ‘덕은 가르칠 수 있는가?’에 관한 당초의 질문에 대해서는 결론을 내리지 못하고 대화는 끝난다. 이 대화편이 도덕교육에 주는 시사점은 도덕교육의 내용과 대화법에 관한 것이다. Plato's Dialogue Protagoras has a question "Can virtue be taught?". Socrates discuss about this question with Protagoras who is a famous sophist. Protagoras said that it was possible but Socrates said not possible. Socrates insists that at first to answer this question, they should investigate the concept of virtue. Socrates said that virtue is a kind of knowledge, but Protagoras said that it's not knowledge. But they agreed that it's knowledge at last. On the way of dialogue it was proved that Protagoras had not any knowledge about virtue, but he could not admit his ignorance. And they finished their discussion but they could not have any answer their question, "Can virtue be taught?" This Dialogue give us some implications about the content of moral education and the technique of instruction named 'Socratic Method'.

      • KCI등재

        캘러의 ARCS 동기화 모델의 적용이 초등학교 학생의 자아개념과 학업성취에 미치는 영향

        박천환,박한숙 한국초등교육학회 2003 초등교육연구 Vol.16 No.2

        본 본 연구의 목적은 Keller의 동기화 모델을 분석하고 그것을 초등학교 사회과 교과에 적용하여 학업성취도와 자아개념에 미치는 영향을 알아보는 것이다. 연구의 대상은 부산 C초등학교 4학년 2개 학반으로 했으며 사전-사후 검사통제집단 설계를 사용하였다. 연구결과는 첫째, ARCS 이론을 적용한 수업은 사회과 학업성취도에 유의미한 영향을 미쳤으며 사전·사후검사 득점에 있어 통제집단과 실험집단간의 평균차의 유의성을 검증한 결과 5% 수준에서 유의미한 차이가 나타났다. 둘째, ARCS 이론을 적용한 수업은 아동의 자아개념 향상에 유의미한 효과를 나타내었다. 사전·사후검사 득점에 있어 통제집단과 실험집단간의 평균차의 유의성을 검증한 결과 5% 수준에서 역시 유의미한 차이가 나타났다. 셋째, ARCS 구성요인들이 학업에 영향을 미치는 정도를 중다변량분석해 본 결과 전체요소가 약 36.3%의 학업성취를 설명할 수 있는 변량을 지닌 것으로 나타났으며 이 가운데 주의집중요소가 28.3%, 만족감이 5.9%, 관련성 요소가 1.8%, 자신감 요소가 0.3%로 나타나 주의집중 요소가 학업성취를 가장 많이 설명해 주는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the Keller's ARCS model on elementary school students' achievement and self-concept. Most specific research questions were as follows: 1)Does the ARCS model enhance the students' achievement in social study significantly?; 2)Does the ARCS model enhance the students' self-concept in elementary students?; 3)How degree does the component of ARCS influence on the students' achievement? In order to fulfill the purpose of this study, the two major research methodologies were implied: pretest-posttest control group design and formative research. This study was conducted in two distinct phase: 1)designing a set of instructions for 4 weeks with the principles of the ARCS model and 2)teaching the instructions and checking the effectiveness of the ARCS model by pretest and posttest with control and experimental groups. After the experiment, each group took an achievement test and self-concept test on the given instruction and gathered data were analyzed with a 2(experimental conditions)X2(pre- and post test) ANOVA and multiple regression. The major findings of this study were as follows: First, as to the effects of ARCS models on students' achievement in the social study, there appeared significant difference between treatment group and control group. Second, as to the effects of ARCS model on self-concept, there appeared significant difference between the group of treatment class and control class. Third, sub-component of ARCS model affects on students' achievement differently. The 'attention' component has 36% explanation variance in regression analysis. But 'satisfaction' component doesn't have a little explain variance. In conclusion, above results implied that ARCS model classes in elementary school played an important role in students' achievement and self-concept improvement.

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