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      • KCI등재

        시뮬레이션 교육이 간호대학생의 비판적 사고성향, 문제해결과정, 의사소통능력, 임상수행능력에 미치는 효과

        박진아(Park Jin Ah),홍지연(Hong Ji Yeon) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2017 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.17 No.19

        본 연구는 시뮬레이션 기반 만성폐쇄성폐질환 환자의 호흡관리, 상부위장관 출혈환자의 출혈상황관리, 뇌졸중 환자의 편측마비 및 언어장애 관리, 급성심근경색증환자의 흉통관리 간호교육 프로그램을 개발하여 간호대학생의 비판적 사고성향, 문제해결과정, 의사소통능력, 임상수행능력에 미치는 효과를 확인하고자 시행되었다. 본 연구는 단일집단 전·후 설계의 유사실험연구이며, 연구의 대상자는 G시 소재 일개 4년제 대학 간호학과 4학년에 재학 중인 학생으로 ‘간호핵심역량Ⅱ’ 수업에 참여한 학생 50명이다. 자료는 2016년 8월부터 11월까지 자가보고식 설문조사 및 reflective paper를 통해 수집되었고 SPSS 22.0 프로그램을 이용하여 빈도, 평균과 표준편차, Paired t-test, Pearson’s correlation으로 분석하였다. 본 연구결과 4가지 시나리오의 시뮬레이션 교육의 효과는 임상수행능력에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였으나 비판적 사고성향, 문제해결과정, 의사소통능력에는 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았으며, 변수 간 상관관계는 통계적으로 유의하게 나타났다. 시뮬레이션 실습교육을 통해 간호대학생의 비판적 사고성향, 문제해결과정과 의사소통능력, 임상수행능력을 향상시키기 위하여 표준화된 시뮬레이션 실습교육 프로그램의 개발이 필요하며, 교수자의 일관성 있는 적용이 필요하다. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of simulation based nursing education program on critical thinking disposition, problem solving process, communication skills, and clinical competence of nursing students. This study is a similar experimental study of a single group pre- and post-design. The subjects of the study were 50 students who participated in ‘Nursing core competency II class as a 4th grade students at the university nursing school in G city. Data were collected through self-report questionnaires and reflective papers from August to November 2016 and analyzed using frequency, mean and standard deviation, paired t-test, and Pearson s correlation using the SPSS 22.0 program. The results of this study showed that the effectiveness of simulation education in four scenarios showed statistically significant difference in clinical competence, but there was no significant difference in critical thinking disposition, problem solving process and communication skills. The correlation between variables was statistically significant. It is necessary to develop a standardized simulation program in order to improve the critical thinking disposition, problem solving process, communication skills, and clinical competence of nursing students through simulation education program, and consistent application of the instructor is needed.

      • KCI등재

        염전보사의 정량적 기준에 대한 고찰

        박진아 ( Jin Ah Park ),이상룡 ( Sang-ryong Lee ) 대한경락경혈학회 2016 Korean Journal of Acupuncture Vol.33 No.4

        Objectives and Methods : The aim of this study was to investigate twirling and supplementation and draining by analyzing ancient acupuncture literature and modern research papers, and to discuss the quantitative standards for the procedure. Results : Twirling supplementation and draining techniques were first described in Huang do neijing, after which they were recorded in various other ancient acupuncture texts. Not only were these techniques used in the active treatment of patient historically, but they also form the foundations of modern-day acupuncture treatment. Twirling supplementation and draining techniques described in ancient literatures can be divided into Yin and Yang. Examples of Yang characteristics include Up, Male, Morning, Hands, the governor vessel, Outside, and Left. The left rotation technique is a reinforcing method performed by moving the thumb forward while rotating the needle. Examples of Yin characteristics include Down, Female, Afternoon, Foot, the conception vessel(CV), Inside, and Right. The right rotation technique is a reducing method performed by moving the thumb backward while rotating the needle. Twirling supplementation and draining has been divided for four ways by classical literature and research that worked before. the direction of acupuncture, the stimulus-quantity of acupuncture, the performance of doctor(the uses of both hands, left and right hand) and the feeling of patient. Conclusions : Therefore, continuous research is required to implement Twirling supplementation and draining in a consistent manner. In addition, more active clinical trials using the techniques are necessary as well.

      • KCI등재
      • 허스트의 ‘사회적 실제’ 개념에 비추어 본 진로교육

        박진아(Park, Jin Ah) 한남대학교 교육연구소 2013 교육연구 Vol.21 No.-

        이 논문의 목적은 허스트의‘사회적 실제’개념이 우리나라 학교 진로교육에 주는 의미를 밝히는 것이다. 사회와 패러다임의 변화는 새로운 진로교육을 요구하고 있다. 왜냐하면 전통적인 진로교육에서다루었던 방식으로는생애 전반에 걸쳐 자기 주도적으로 진로를 개척하는 능력을 함양하는 것이 어렵기 때문이다. 허스트의 ‘사회적 실제’를 중심으로 하는 교육은 이론적인 지식 대신 경험에 바탕을 둔 실제적 이성을 강조하여 이해보다 경험을 중시한다. 앞으로 진로교육은이해가아닌경험에서시작되어야하며, 그경험은단계별로체계적으로이루어져야한다. 또한진로교육은‘경험’만큼‘반성적사고’도함양할수 있는 방향으로 실시되어야 할 것이다. This purpose of this study is to reveal what Hirst’s thought suggest to the career education in Korea. Social changes and the new paradigms of career education have requested new career education. Because it is not possible that develop career empowerment through the traditional career education. To overcome these problems, this study considers Hirst’s conception ‘social practice’that opposed to the rationalism, and tries to think which way career education should move toward according to the result. For this purpose, I would analyses about the Korea school career education curriculum and Hirst’s conception‘social practice’. On the basis of these analysis, this study concludes as follows: ⅰ) Career education need to start from not understanding but experience, ⅱ) experiences are implemented systematically ⅲ) experiences include ‘critical reflection’ as well as ‘doing’.

      • KCI등재후보

        혈액종양 환자의 조혈모세포이식 전 항암치료 경험

        박진아(Park, Jin Ah) 질적연구학회 2015 질적연구 Vol.16 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of the study was to understand the essential meaning of chemotherapy experience before stem cell transplantation. Methods: Data were collected from December 2011 to October 2014 through individual in-depth interviews. All the interviews were recorded. A total of 11 patients with chemotherapy participated in the study. Data were analyzed using a van Manen’s hermeneutic phenomenological analysis method. Results: The phenomenon of experiencing the chemotherapy before Stem Cell Transplantation by participants was drawn as to 16 themes and 6 essential themes: ‘feel fear and despair because of the diagnosis of the disease,’ ‘feel sad about the disease, blame wrong lifestyles, and reproach themselves,’ ‘suffer physically due to chemotherapy,’ ‘added suffer emotionally due to chemotherapy processes,’ ‘overcome despair and vagueness imagining what they want to do after recovery,’ and ‘expect healing of diseases and wait for stem cell transplantation.’ Conclusion: The result of study is of significance in that it gave practical help to the subjects through understanding of their world of experience and supportive care by providing an understanding of chemotherapy experience before Stem Cell Transplantation of patients with hematologic malignancy and provided guidelines on nursing intervention development to nurses providing care.

      • 산업진흥경영 : 청년층 취업자의 직장 근속연수 결정요인에 관한 연구

        박진아 ( Jin Ah Park ),한재룡 ( Jae Ryong Han ),신동열 ( Dong Yeol Shin ) 산업진흥원 2016 산업진흥연구 Vol.1 No.1

        본 연구는 패널 데이터를 분석하여 청년층 취업자의 현 직장 근속연수에 영향을 미치는 결정요인을 검증하였다. 연구결과 청년층의 직장 근속연수에 영향을 미치는 요인은 성별, 연령, 최종학력(고졸 이하-대졸 이상 여부),혼인상태, 정규직 여부, 현 직장 임금, 현 직장 고용안정 만족도(p<.001), 가구 총 근로소득과 현 직장 복리후생 만족도(p<.01) 및 현 직장 인사고과 공정성 만족도(p<.05)로 나타났다. 또한 남성일수록, 연령이 높을수록, 기혼일수록, 근로소득이 낮은 집단일수록, 정규직일수록, 정년제일수록, 계속근로가 가능할수록, 업무내용과 전공이 일치할수록, 현직장 임금이 높을수록, 현 직장 만족도가 높을수록 근속연수가 길었다. 본 연구는 청년층의 직장 근속연수 결정요인을 밝힘으로써 장기적이고 안정적인 고용을 위한 효과적인 정책을 마련하는 데 시사점을 제공한 것에 의의가 있다. This study verified the determinants of years in service of youth employee by analyzing panal data. The study results showed that sex, age, education, marital status, full-time job, wage, employment stabilization, household earned income, benefit package, fairness of performance evaluation determined years in service of youth employee. Also, years in service was longer in male, higher age, married, lower household earned income, full-time job, age-limit system, possible to work continuously, corresponding to mager, higher wage, higher job satisfaction group. This study provided practical implication to prepare effective emplyment policy for maintaining long-term and stable youth employment by confirming the determinants of years in service of youth employee.

      • 산업진흥경영 : 대졸 청년층의 직장만족이 이직준비 여부에 미치는 영향

        박진아 ( Jin Ah Park ) 산업진흥원 2016 산업진흥연구 Vol.1 No.1

        본 연구는 패널 데이터를 분석하여 대졸 청년층의 직장만족 요소가 이직준비 여부에 미치는 영향을 검증하였다. 연구결과 이직준비 여부에 유의한 영향을 미치는 요소는 전반적 직장만족, 개인의 발전가능성, 자율성/권한, 현직장 월평균 근로소득(p<.001), 근무환경, 근무시간, 전공도움정도(p<.01), 인사체계, 고용안정성, 복리후생(p<.05) 순으로 영향력이 높았다. 또한 성별, 혼인상태, 학교유형(국공사립), 전공계열, 대학유형, 학교소재권역, 고용형태(종사상지위, 정규직여부) 등에 따른 이직준비 여부의 차이가 나타났다. 본 연구는 대졸 청년층의 직장만족도가 이직준비 여부에 미치는 영향을 분석함으로써 청년층 근로자의 이직을 줄이고 안정적인 직장 정착을 높이기 위한 고용정책을 펼치는 데 시사점을 제공한 것에 그 의의가 있다. This study verified the effect of youth university graduates’ workplace satisfaction on preparation for turnover by analyzing panal data. The study results showed that satisfaction of general workplace, possibility of personal development, autonomy/authority, monthly wage(p<.001), working environment, office hours, usefulness of major(p<.01), personnel system, employment stability, welfare benefits(p<.05) affected preparation for turnover. Also, sex, marital status, type and location of university, major, status of workers affected preparation for turnover. This study provided implication for reducing turnover and enhancing workplace settlement by confirming the effect of youth university graduates’ workplace satisfaction on preparation for turnover.

      • KCI등재

        간호대학생의 자기주도적 학습, 자아탄력성, 비판적 사고성향이 기본간호술기 수행능력에 미치는 영향

        박진아(Jin-Ah Park),홍지연(Ji-Yeon Hong) 한국콘텐츠학회 2016 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.16 No.1

        기본간호학 교과목은 간호대학생이 임상실습을 하기 전에 간호실무를 경험하는 교과목으로 이론과 실습으로 구성되어 있으며, 기본간호술기는 대상자의 건강문제를 해결하는데 있어서 핵심적 간호술기이다. 본 연구는 간호대학생의 기본간호술기 수행능력과 관련된 영향요인을 분석하기 위한 서술적 조사연구이다. 본 연구는 간호학과에서 기본간호학 교과목을 수강하는 학생 중 연구 참여에 동의한 총 181명을 대상으로 하였으며, 구조화된 설문지를 이용하여 자기기입식 질문지법으로 자료수집하였다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS WIN 22.0 프로그램을 이용하여 분석하였다. 대상자의 일반적 특성 중 입학동기, 전공만족도, 실습 흥미도에 따라 기본간호수행능력에서 차이가 나타났다. 간호대학생의 기본간호술기 수행능력에 영향을 미치는 요인은 비판적 사고성향, 자율실습 도움정도 이었으며, 이들 변인은 기본간호술기 수행능력 총 변량의 23.8%를 설명하였다. 이상의 결과를 바탕으로 간호대학생의 기본간호술기 수행능력을 증진시키기 위해서는 비판적 사고향상을 위한 다양한 교수법의 활용과 자율실습을 활성화 하기 위한 교과목 운영 방법을 제언한다. Basic nursing, the course for the nursing students to experience nursing practice before going on to th clinical practice, and is crucial for solving health-related problems of patients. This study is a descriptive research study to analyze the impact factors associated with nursing students’ basic nursing skill competency. In this study, total 181 subjects participants, and by using a structured questionnaire. Data were collected by self-written questionnaire method. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS WIN 22.0 program. Of the general characteristics of the subjects, the difference in basic nursing competency was found according to admission motive, major satisfaction, and interest in practice. Critical thinking disposition and the degree of self-training aid influenced performance of basic nursing skills by nursing students, and these variables explained 23.8% of the total variance of basic nursing skills performance. These findings suggest, in order to improve performance of basic nursing skills in nursing students, it is necessary to use various teaching methods that help improve critical thinking and relevant curriculum that promote self-practice.

      • 해외 국립민족학박물관의 프로그램 비교분석에 관한 연구

        박진아(Park, Jin-Ah),정아영(Jung, A-Young),공순구(Kong, Soon-Ku) 한국실내디자인학회 2013 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2013 No.11

        As Korea enters multi-cultural society and in order for Korean society to better respond to this change and to understand various ethnic groups around the world, development of Korean museum of Ethnology is pivotal. This study aims to provide a guidance for future development plan for Korean museum of Ethnology. Hence, the study analyzes national museums of Ethnology of Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom and Japan, focusing on their method of exhibition, educational and operation program by interviewing in person and via e-mail and by visiting the museum itself. According to the research and analysis, the several suggestions for future Korean museum of Ethnology are found. First of all, in terms of display program, emphasis should be on respecting the ‘varieties of many cultures.’ so that many people from different cultures can understand other cultures and consequently biases and hostility are eliminated. Secondly, when developing educational programs, the authority should consider ages and successful method for yielding maximum educational effect to come up with many programs. Thirdly and lastly, in terms of operating, it is important to run additional services such as cafe, restaurant and souvenir shop within the museum facility. Above all, effective management is required in maintaining the existing museum.

      • KCI등재후보

        집단 심리극에서 나타난 가정폭력 피해가족의 경험

        박진아 ( Park Jin Ah ),성은옥 ( Sung Eun Ok ) 한국사이코드라마.소시오드라마학회 2018 한국사이코드라마학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        본 연구는 쉼터에 입소한 가정폭력 피해가족을 대상으로 집단 심리극을 시행하고 그 경험을 탐색하고자 하는 목적으로 시도되었다. 자료는 2014년 3월 3일부터 4월 1일까지 가정폭력 피해자 보호시설 입소자 21명을 대상으로 10회의 집단 심리극의 실연을 통하여 수집한 후 Giorgi의 현상학적 방법으로 분석하였다. 그 결과 17개의 하위구성요소와 8개의 구성요소가 도출되었다. 그 영역은 ‘주위에 떠밀려 어린 나이에 결혼을 하게 됨’, ‘남편이 의처증으로 인해 자녀의 출생을 의심함’, ‘남편의폭행과 감금으로 죽음의 공포를 느낌’, ‘자녀들도 무차별하게 폭행을 당함’, ‘남편이 시부모의 폭력성향을 대물림함’, ‘자녀가 부친을 닮지 않으려 기를 씀’, ‘집단 심리극을 통해 마음의 응어리를 풀어냄’, ‘집단 심리극을 통해 미래에 대한 희망을 가짐’ 등이다. 이를 통해 가정폭력의 대물림을 근절하기 위한 대책과 가정폭력 피해가족의 안전에 대한 대책 마련을 제안한다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the experiences of group psycho-drama on family violence victims who entered the shelter. The data were collected from 21 residents of family violence victims' protection facilities from March 3 to April 1, 2014 and analyzed by Goirgi's phenomenological method after collecting through 10 performances of psycho-drama. As a result, 17 sub-components and 8 components were derived. The components derived from this study are ‘being married at a young age by being pushed around’, ‘suspicious of the birth of the child due to the husband's morbid jealousy’, ‘feeling the fear of death by husband's assault and confinement’, ‘children are indiscriminately assaulted’, ‘parents’ violence being passed down to husband’, ‘children are reluctant to resemble their father’, ‘psychodrama is used to solve the heart’s bad feeling’ and ‘hopes for the future through psychodrama’. In addition to research on women who are victims of domestic violence, this study attempted to investigate the family members of victims and found out the components related to ‘following parental violence’ and ‘avoidance of resembling the father’. In order to reduce the incidence of family violence in the future, this study suggests the necessity to stop parents’ violence passed down to their children and, to prepare safety of the victim family.

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