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        중국 물류단지 육성정책과 시사점에 관한 연구 -상해물류단지를 중심으로-

        이연미 ( Yeon Mi Lee ),박정희 ( Jung Hee Park ),두해도 ( Hai Tao Du ) 한국물류학회 2014 물류학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        중국은 개혁개방 이후 급속한 경제성장을 이룩하였으며 이제는 더 이상 세계의 공장이 아닌 세계의 시장으로 주목받고 있다. 급속한 경제성장의 배경에는 물류산업이 뒷받침하고 있으나 중국 물류산업의 발전수준은 아직까지 초기성장단계라고 할 수 있다. 중국 정부는 물류산업의 발전을 위해 물류단지를 핵심요인으로 인식하여 발전을 추구하고 있지만 정책과 지원체계가 일관되지 않기 때문에 발전의 많은 어려움이 존재한다. 물류단지란 물류 공동화와 운영의 효율성을 위해 물리적으로 물류시설과 물류기업들을 집중시키는 지역을 의미한다. 상해는 중국에서 물류단지가 가장 활발하게 운영되는 지역이며, 상해에는 외고교, 푸동공항, 심수항, 서북종합 물류단지와 계획 중인 서남종합 물류단지까지 총 5개의 물류단지가 있다. 대부분의 물류단지는 「10,5 상해 현대물류산업 발전」에서 구축이 제기되었고 푸동공항 물류단지와 심수항, 외고교 물류단지로 이어지는 "3항3구" 가 형성되어 있다. 최근 상해 지유무역시범지역의 구축으로 인해 상해 물류단지의 많은 발전 가능성뿐만 아니라 항만과 공항의 연계작용 또한 활발할 것으로 예상된다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 중국 물류단지의 육성정책과 상해 물류단지의 사례 분석을 통해 국내 항만과 상해로의 진출을 모색하는 기업들에게 시사점을 제공해주고자 한다. Since the country reopened, China has been achieving rapid economic growth. They are emerging as a huge market in the world. Although the logistics industry has lead to growth, the development level of Chinese is still in its early stages. The government in China regards Logistics Park as a key factor for the development of China``s logistics industry. There are many difficulties, however, because of the inconsistent government policies and support systems. Logistics Park is an area that has gathered logistics facilities and firms for logistics cooperation and efficiency. Shanghai manages its logistics parks very aggressively and there are five logistics parks. They are operating four logistics parks such as Waigaoqiao, Pudong International Airport, Yangshan Deep-water Port, North-West Comprehensive logistics park and South-West Comprehensive logistics park is under contemplation. Most logistics parks were planned in the 10th Five-Year Plan for Modern Logistics Industry Development of Shanghai. And there were formed "Three Port Three Park" by connecting Pudong International Airport logistics park, Yangshan Deep-water Port logistics park and North-West Comprehensive logistics park. They are expected to grow remarkably as they designate a Pilot Free Trade Zone and to actively interact between port and airport. The purpose of this paper is to provide suggestions for ports in Korea and firms that want to enter into Shanghai. This paper will provide assistance through the analysis of China``s development policies and case studied of Logistics Park in Shanghai.

      • 사찰의 문화재관람료 법적 연구

        박정희(Jung-Hee Park) 한국국가법학회 2011 공법논총 Vol.7 No.1

        국립공원의 입장료가 폐지되어 수년이 지났지만 국립공원 내에 있는 사찰의 문화재관람료는 계속 징수하고 있어 문화재관람을 원하지 않은 공원탐방객의 불만과 함께 관람료에 대한 타당성의 논쟁이 여전히 계속되고 있다. 관람료징수의 입장에서는 국립공원을 입장 할 때는 사찰의 문화재도 함께 관람한다는 전제가 포함되어 있다는 것이다. 문화재를 둘러싼 주변의 환경까지도 역사문화 환경에 포함된 개념이기 때문에 문화재를 관람할 의사가 없다고 해도 사찰문화재를 향유하고 있다고 보아서 관람료징수는 정당하다는 주장이다. 반면, 관람료징수의 부당성 측면에서는 관람료징수와 관련된 문화재보호법과 자연공원법이 헌법적 가치인 국민의 기본권 즉, 인간의 존엄과 가치ㆍ행복추구권, 인간다운생활을 할 권리, 재산권과 사적자치권을 침해하는 위헌성을 안고 있고 포괄위임금지원칙과 법률유보원칙의 위헌성도 제기되고 있다. 그동안의 관람료징수에 대한 관련 법제도의 과정과 분쟁의 사례를 살펴보고 법적 타당성을 검토하였다. 합리적 대안으로서 국민의 기본권이 침해당하는 위헌의 소지를 없애고 사찰의 문화재관람료 사용에 대한 투명성, 징수구역의 재설정, 사찰의 비영리법인화, 관람료의 사전승인제도 등을 검토하여 명확한 관련법제ㆍ개정의 시급함을 제시하고자 하였다. 사찰의 문화재는 소중한 우리의 문화유산이며 공공의 재산이다. 따라서 국민이 누릴 수 있는 문화재향유권의 영역에서 사찰문화재 관람료징수문제가 검토되어야 할 것이다. Several years have passed since the admission fee for national park was abolished. However, the admission fee for cultural properties in Buddhist temple is being continuously collected. Thus, the argument of validity on admission is still being continued along with dissatisfaction in park visitors who don’t want to see the cultural properties. From the position of collecting admission fee, it is said to be necessarily included the proposition as saying that even the cultural properties of Buddhist temple are viewed together when entering the national park. It is a concept that even the environment of surrounding the cultural properties is involved in the environment of historical culture, thereby being considered to enjoy the cultural properties of Buddhist temple even if having no intention of seeing cultural properties, resulting in asserting that collection of admission is righteous. On the other hand, from the aspect of iniquity in collecting admission fee, there is the violation of the constitution that infringes on people’s basic right, which is the constitutional value in the Cultural Properties Protection Law and the Natural Park Law related to collecting admission, namely, on the Human Dignity and the Right of Pursuing Happiness, the right of a Life Worthy of Human Beings, property right and private autonomy. Even the violation of the constitution against the non comprehensive delegation doctrine and the Reservation of Laws is being raised.36) It examined the process of legal system and a case of dispute in relation to collecting admission fee in the meantime, and inquired into legal validity. As a reasonable alternative, the aim was to suggest the urgency of the definite enactment and the revision of the relevant law by removing the possibility of violating the constitution that people’s basic right is infringed and by examining the transparency on the use of cultural-property admission in Buddhist temple, the re-establishment of collection section, making a Buddhist temple noncommercial corporation, and the prior approval system of admission. The cultural properties of Buddhist temple are our precious cultural heritages and public assets. Accordingly, there will be a need of examining a problem of collecting admission fee for cultural properties of Buddhist temple in the sphere of the Enjoyment Right of Cultural Properties that can be enjoyed by people.

      • 세침흡인 검사로 진단된 갑상선 유두상 암종의 세포학적 소견

        박정희,장희진,강경하,손진희,서정일,Park, Jeong-Hee,Chang, Hee-Jin,Kang, Kyung-Ha,Sohn, Jin-Hee,Suh, Jung-Il 대한세포병리학회 1991 대한세포병리학회지 Vol.2 No.2

        Fine needle aspiration biopsy cytology (FNA) is an important diagnostic tool in the management of thyroid nodule. Especially, papillary carcinoma of the thyroid has distinct morphologic features that allow a definite cytologic diagnosis with high degree of accuracy. We examined the characteristic cytologic features of 57 cases of papillary carcinoma of the thyroid, and their frequency and diagnostic significance were evaluated. The results obtained are summerized as follows; 1. In pattern of cellular arrangement, papillary structure with or without stroma is predominant feature (96%). 2. In individual cell morphology, grooved nuclei (95%), intranuclear cytoplasmic invagination (89%) and nuclear lobulation (74%) are most frequent and important cytologic findings. 3. Chromatin pattern is usually fine. Coarse chromatin is infrequent finding (37%). Nucleoli are inconspicuous. Cytoplasm us plump and distinctly eosinophilic. 4. Psammoma bodies are identified only in 4 cases (7%), but they are considered as helpful diagnostic features. 5. There are other associated findings including multinucleated giant cells (51%), macrophages (37%) and cystic degeneration (16%).

      • KCI등재

        황색포도상구균의 테트라사이클린 내성 플라스미드 동정

        박정희,이재윤,문경호,Park, Jung-Hee,Lee, Jae-Yoon,Moon, Kyung-Ho 대한약학회 2008 약학회지 Vol.52 No.4

        Plasmids were isolated from 15 tetracycline (Tc) resistant S. aureus. Two small tetracycline resistance plasmids, pKH16 and pKH17, have been isolated from Staphylococcus aureus JY10 and Staphylococcus aureus JY22, respectively and the complete nucleotide sequences of those plasmids have been determined. pKH16 consisted of 4,442 bp and showed high identity to pKH6 (99% matching percentage) isolated in 1989 from S. aureus SA2. pKH17 consisted of 4,441 bp and showed less identity to pKH6 (95% matching percentage) than pKH16. PCR analysis showed that tetK and tetM did not exist in ten large plasmids isolated from ten Tc resistant S. aureus. Twelve Tc resistant S. aureus showed reistance both to Tc and Mn and we might analogize that twelve Tc resistant S. aureus had tetM in their chromosome.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        지역사회 건강증진 간호활동의 프로그램 개발

        박정희,Park, Jeong-Hee 한국지역사회간호학회 1999 지역사회간호학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        Health promotion has come to the fore through new concept approach in consequence of the increase of chronic diseases. increase of medical cost and social trend of putting more emphasis on the individual responsibility for health. Studies of health promotion can be classified into two types: one is micro intervention method which is mainly focused on modifying individual life style and the other. macro intervention method in which they put another emphasis on the environment the individual is surrounded. in addition to modifying individual life style. This study belongs to the later. This study aims to develop nursing activities and program it for the purpose of community health promotion. The process of the study can be briefed as follows: to draw out nursing contents to intervene for community health promotion: to promote community health to develop nursing action indicators; to develop nursing action indicators for the development of main nursing activities. And those developed nursing activities are programmed systematically. The community health promotion program is composed of a hierarchical structure with nursing process that the nurses are supposed to apply to perform professional nursing. the level of nursing perform. the main items of nursing process. health promotion nursing indicators. health promotion nursing activities. The conclusion of this study according to objectives are as follows. First. community health promotion contents at individual and community level are remained revised and complemented and those at organizational level are developed. The developed main contents of community health promotion nursing are as follows. 1) Revised individual level nursing contents: 35 items. 2) Developed organizational level nursing contents: 24 items. 3) Revised community level nursing contents: 36 items. Second. for the development of the health promotion nursing action indicators. principles were set up and applied as follows. 1. Developed indicators should be provided with such qualities as comprehensiveness. diversity. developability, availability. practicability. 2. Developed indicators should be provided with functional abilities to measure the conditions and changes in any phenomena or state. inspect the development of the states. control the implementing program. evaluate the result of program and grasp what nurses should do. 3. Developed indicators should be provided with relevance and sequence. 4. Developed indicators should be undergo inspections from the expert. The developed community health promotion action indicators developed in this study. observing above mentioned principles. are total 330 indicators of 95 items. Third. when the main nursing activities were developed for each nursing action indicator. five priciples were set up in accordance with each nursing action indicators to decide main nursing activities. Main nursing activities developed observing those principles. are total 1273. Forth. for the programming of the developed nursing activities. three principles were set up. 1. The nursing activities are systematized in line with (nursing process) (nursing client) (key items of nursing process) (nursing action indicators for health promotion) (nursing activities). 2. The program is constructed in downward and hierarchical order. 3. The program is constructed not in relation to same level activities but in relation to high and low level activities. The process step of programming of developed main health promotion nursing activities are; Step 1. The Developed nursing action indicators are classified into nursing process. Step 2. The main nursing activities are allocated per each nursing action indicators. Step 3. The statement of main nursing activities are inspected. Step 4. The items of main nursing activities allocated by a certain nursing action indicators are sequenced. taking into consideration the elaborateness of activity. the sequency of activity. familiarity of activity. the difficulty of

      • KCI등재

        지상경계점등록부 등록 및 관리 개선방안에 관한 연구

        박정희,장봉배,최윤수,Park, Jung-Hee,Jang, Bong-Bae,Choi, Yun-Su 한국국토정보공사 공간정보연구원 2014 지적과 국토정보 Vol.44 No.2

        한국은 지적측량에 의하여 설치되는 지상의 경계점을 효율적으로 관리하기 위하여 2013년 7월 17일 "측량 수료조사 및 지적에 관한 법률" 제65조를 신설하여 지상경계점등록부를 작성 관리하고 있다. 그러나 현재 이 제도는 작성시간의 과다한 소요와 활용성 미비로 제도 시행에 따른 부정적 인식이 확산되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 우리나라의 지상경계점등록부 운영과 관련한 문제점을 분석해 보고 선진 해외사례 조사와 국제 지적전문가의 인터뷰 등을 통하여 합리적인 개선방안을 제안하였으며 이를 통하여 우리나라의 지적측량에 대한 신뢰도가 보다 향상되기를 기대한다. South Korea makes and manages the ground boundary points record to efficient menage for the installed ground boundary points from cadastral survey with established the Land survey Channel investigation and Cadastre law Section 65 on 17 July 2013. However, this system's negative perception is spreading across the country because of the excessive business process time and inadequate availability. Consequently, this study has analyzed implementation problems of the ground boundary points record. Moreover reasonable development plans have been proposed through the investigation of the advanced foreign cases and interview of the international cadastral experts. Based on this study, it looks forward to improvement more enhanced reliability of the Korean cadastral system.

      • A Systematic Study on the Marine Hydroids in Korea 9. The Family Sertulariidae

        박정희,노분조,Park, Jung-Hee,Rho, Boon-Jo The Korean Society of Systematic Zoology 1986 Korean Journal of Systematic Zoology Special Issue Vol.1 No.-

        한국(韓國) 해산(海産) 히드라충류(蟲類)의 계통분류학적(系統分類學的) 연구(硏究)의 일환(一環)으로서 1965년부(年)부터 1984년(年)까지 우리 나라의 삼면연안(三面沿岸)과 도서지방(島嶼地方) (60개(個) 지역(地域))에서 채집(採集)된 테히드라류의(類) 표본(標本)을 동정(同定) 분류(分類)하였고 아울러 분포(分布)도 고찰(考察)하였다. 그 결과(結果) 2아과(亞科) 10속(屬) 40종(種)이 밝혀졌으며 이 중(中)에서 21종(種)은 한국미기록종(韓國未記錄種)으로 판명(判明)되었다. 가로테히드라 (Sertularella miurensis) 가 가장 흔한 종(種)으로서 우리나라의 전해역(全海域)에 널리 분포(分布)되어 있었고 40종중(種中) 24종이(種) 일본해역(日本海域)과 공유(共有)되어 있었다. 테히드라류의(類) 군집계수(群集係數)에 근거(根據)한 우리나라의 두 해역간(海域間)의 연관(聯關)은 남해(南海)와 황해(黃海)사이가 가장 높았고 남해(南海)와 동해(東海)사이가 그 다음이며 동해(東海)와 황해(黃海)사이는 가장 낮은 것으로 나타났다. The known Korean sertularian hydroid fauna consists of 41 species(including Sertularella areyi reported by Rho, 1974) of 10 genera in two subfamilies. Of which 20 species have been previously known and the following 21 species are newly recorded in Korean waters (Dynamena cornicina, Sertularella distans. Sertularella tongensis, Sertularella obtusa, Sertularella tenella, Sertularella pedrensis, Sertularella gayi, Abietinaria traski, Sertularia desmoides, Sertularia turbinata, Thuiaria suensoni, Thuiaria plumosa. Thuiaria thuia, Thuiaria nuttingi, Thuiaria similis, Thuiaria articulata, Thuiaria carica, Selaginopsis triserialis, Selaginopsis cornigera, Selaginopsis trilateralis and Selagiopsis pinnata). They were sampled from the depths below 100m. Of 41 species Sertularellla miurensis is the most common species and 10 species, Dynamena cornicina, Sertularella distans, Sertularella lagenoides, Sertularella areyi, Sertularella pedrensis, Sertularella gayi, Sertularia hattorii, Sertularia turbinata, Thuiaria plumosa and Thuiaria articulata are scarcesly founded in Korean waters. 25 out of 41 species are shared with Japan and the remaining 16 species so far have been unknown from Japan. The coastal waters of Korea are divided into three regions, the East Sea, the South Sea and the Yellow Sea, on the basis of the geographical distribution and the community coefficient. Concerning the distribution in each region, 11 species occur in the East Sea, 39 species in the South Sea and 23 species in the Yellow Sea The community coefficient between the South Sea and Yellow Sea(0.733) is higher than those of the South Sea-the East Sea (0.476) and the East Sea-the Yellow Sea(0.438).

      • KCI등재

        앙상블 접근법을 이용한 반감독 차원 감소 방법

        박정희,Park, Cheong-Hee 한국정보처리학회 2012 정보처리학회논문지D Vol.19 No.2

        클래스들 간의 거리를 최대화시키는 사영 방향을 구하는 감독차원감소 방법인 선형판별분석법(LDA)은 클래스 정보를 가진 데이터의 수가 매우 적을 때 성능이 급격히 저하되는 경향이 있다. 이러한 경우 상대적으로 저렴한 비용으로 얻을 수 있는 클래스 라벨 정보가 없는 데이터를 활용할 수 있는 반감독 차원 감소법이 사용될 수 있다. 그러나 통계적 차원 감소법에서 흔히 사용되는 행렬연산은 많은 양의 데이터를 사용하는데 메모리와 처리시간에서 한계가 있고, 적은 수의 라벨드 데이터(labeled data)에 비해 너무나 많은 언라벨드 데이터(unlabeled data)의 사용은 처리 시간의 증가에 비해 오히려 성능감소를 가져올 수 있다. 이러한 문제들을 극복하기 위해 앙상블 접근법을 이용한 반감독 차원 감소 방법을 제안한다. 문서분류 문제에서의 실험결과를 통해 제안한 방법의 성능을 입증한다. While LDA is a supervised dimension reduction method which finds projective directions to maximize separability between classes, the performance of LDA is severely degraded when the number of labeled data is small. Recently semi-supervised dimension reduction methods have been proposed which utilize abundant unlabeled data and overcome the shortage of labeled data. However, matrix computation usually used in statistical dimension reduction methods becomes hindrance to make the utilization of a large number of unlabeled data difficult, and moreover too much information from unlabeled data may not so helpful compared to the increase of its processing time. In order to solve these problems, we propose an ensemble approach for semi-supervised dimension reduction. Extensive experimental results in text classification demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method.

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