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        ‘여성 주체’의 관점에서 살펴본 박서원의 시 세계 연구

        박상수 ( Park Sang-su ) 한국현대문예비평학회 2018 한국문예비평연구 Vol.- No.57

        박서원의 시가 90년대 당시, 주목을 받았던 데에는 가부장적 질서에 대항하는 여성적 언어와 문법을 적극 찾고자 노력했던 당대의 시대 분위기 속에서도 기존의 이분법적인 논리로는 쉽사리 해석할 수 없는 대응 양상을 선보였다는 점에 있다. 본고에서는 고통을 현시하는 박서원시의 공간 감각과 고통에 대응하는 양상을 규명해보려 한다. 이를 위해 먼저 필요한 것이 ‘여성적 정체성’과 ‘여성 주체’를 구분하는 일이다. 상징계에 진입하면서 발행하는 호명에 대한 잠정적인 응답으로 ‘젠더 정체성’을 규정한다면, 상징계가 부여하는 정체성 호명이 좌초하거나 상징적 차원을 초과하는 영역에 ‘주체’가 위치해 있다. 상징계의 작동이 실패하고 어긋나는 지점에 ‘주체’가 생겨난다는 말은 상징계에 의해 정체성을 획득하더라도 주체는 그것으로 완전히 포섭될 수 없으며 늘 그것 이상의 잉여를 발생시킨다는 것을 의미한다. 닫힌 공간에 갇혀 있는 박서원의 공간 감각은 시에서 갇혀 있는 여성 주체의 모티브로 지속적으로 반복된다. 현실에서 경험한 트라우마는 시적 상황 안에서도 고스란히 재현되어 박서원의 여성 주체는 길을 잃고 폐쇄된 공간으로 내몰린 자로서의 공간감각 속에 존재한다. 이렇듯 닫힌 공간의 폐쇄적 공간 감각을 확인하는 일은 중요하지만 이것을 박서원 시의 성취와 개성이라고 보기는 어렵다. 그런 의미에서 주목해 볼 것은 갇힌 공간의 감각을 박서원의 여성 주체가 ‘어떤 방식으로 극복’해나가는지의 여부이다. 박서원의 여성 주체는 망가진 삶 속에서 자신을 좁고, 폐쇄된 공간에 갇힌 존재로 인식하고 있지만 역설적으로 바로 그로 인해 자기 몸에 찾아오는 발작과 고통, 환각의 거대한 밀어닥침을 자기 존재의 힘으로 흡수하여 공간적 한계를 극복하려는 양상을 선보인다. 고통을 자부심으로 전환하는 이 과정은 고통스러운 희생자이자 억압적이고 가부장적 체제의 일방적인 여성 피해자로 자신의 정체성을 규정하려는 세계의 시선에 맞서 그것을 좌초시키려는 무의식적인 응전의 힘, 의식적인 저항의 노력과 함께 박서원 시의 가장 인상적인 대응 양상을 만들어낸다. 박서원의 개성적인 여성 주체가 탄생하는 대목이 바로 여기이다. 박서원의 여성 주체는 공간을 초월한 존재로 자신을 정립해나간다기 보다는 공간에 위치지어지는 존재로 자신을 인식하되, 바로 그 공간성을 부정하지 않고 오히려 공간 내부를 확대시켜 양가적이고 모순적이며 충돌하는 대상과 가치들을 담아내는 방식으로 새로운 정체성을 만들어나간다. 박서원의 여성 주체는 뒤섞임 상태가 오히려 재탄생을 위한 능동적 가능성의 공간임을 자기 몸에서 현시하며 “모순적 다양성으로 구조화된 다차원적 지리학”을 선보일 수 있었다. 이 ‘모순적 다차원의 지리학’이 가능했던 것은 박서원의 여성 주체가 부여된 여성적 정체성을 수동적으로 받아들이지 않고 좌초시키기 위해 노력했으며 끊임없이, 격렬하게, 또한 간절하게 ‘다른 어딘가’를 향해 능동적으로 움직였기 때문이다. 파토스를 더욱 극단으로 몰아붙여 고통의 끝에 닿으려는 박서원의 여성주체는 절제의 시학이 아니라 과잉의 시학을 보여주었다. 그 결과 90년대의 한국 시단에는 여성을 포기하지 않으면서도 극복하는 새로운 ‘비-배제적 여성 주체’가 탄생할 수 있었다. In the 1990s, the poetry of Park Seo-won was noticed because she showed a middle-class response that could not be interpreted by the dichotomous logic of the past in an age-old atmosphere in which he tried to find feminine language and grammar against patriarchal order. In this paper, we try to identify the aspects of Park Seo-won 's sense of space and its response to pain. The first thing to do is to distinguish between 'female identity' and 'female subject'. If we define 'gender identity' as a tentative answer to the call to be made when we enter the symbol system, the 'subject' is located in the place where the symbolic name is stranded or exceeds the symbolic dimension. The fact that the symbolic system fails to operate and the 'subject' is created at the point where it is defeated means that even if the symbolic system obtains its identity, the subject can not be completely subsumed by it and always generates surplus. Park's sense of space continues to be repeated with the motif of a female subject trapped in poetry. The trauma experienced in reality is reproduced even in the poetic situation, and the subject of woman in Park is in the sense of space as a person who is lost to the closed space and is put into the closed space. It is important to confirm the closed spatial sense of the closed space, but it is difficult to see it as the achievement and personality of Park. In this sense, it is whether or not the woman subject of Park Seo-won will "overcome" the sense of confined space. Park's female subject perceives herself as a trapped person in a narrow, closed space in a broken life, but paradoxically, she absorbs a massive push of seizures, pain, hallucinations, To overcome the spatial limitations. This process of turning pain into pride is against the eyes of the world to define her identity as a painful victim and a one-sided female victim of oppressive and patriarchal regimes. This effort creates the most impressive aspect of Park's poetry with the power of unconscious reaction and conscious resistance. This is the place where Park's unique female subject is born. The subject of Park Seo-won recognizes himself as being positioned in space rather than establishing himself as a transcendent being. She does not deny the very space, but rather enlarges the interior of the space to create a new identity in a way that embraces both quantitative, contradictory, and conflicting objects and values. Park's female subject was able to show the multidimensional geography that is structured with contradictory diversity, manifesting in his body that the state of coalescence is a space of active possibility for rebirth. This 'contradictory multidimensional geography' was possible because her female subjects did not passively accept female identities, but tried to overcome them, and actively moved toward 'somewhere else', constantly, violently, and earnestly. The subject of Park Seo-won who tried to reach the end of suffering by further excommunicating Patos showed an excess of poetry, not a poetry of temperance. As a result, a new 'non - exclusionary female subject' could be created in Korea in the 1990s.

      • KCI등재

        코호트 효과를 고려한 주택연금 수요 추정

        박상수(Sang-Soo Park),심미령(Mi-Ryung Sim),이충기(Chung-Ki Lee) 한국경제연구학회 2017 한국경제연구 Vol.35 No.3

        2007년부터 시행되고 있는 한국의 주택연금제도는 정부가 보증하는 역모기지 프로그램이다. 한국주택금융공사가 매년 실시하고 있는 연간 설문 자료를 이용하여 미래에 주택연금을 이용할 의향이 있는 가구들에 대해 주택연금에 대한 수요를 추정하였다. 본 논문에서는 이충기․박상수(2014)의 연구를 확장하여 미래 기대와 코호트 효과를 고려하여 순서형 로짓 모형을 설정하였다. 설문에서 진술된 가구의 의향이 미래에 대한 기대에 근거하고 있다는 점을 적절하게 평가하기 위해 몇 가지의 가정을 바탕으로 미래의 기대형성 과정을 계량경제학적으로 모형화하여 주택연금 수요를 예측하고자 하였다. 주택연금에 대한 수요 추정 결과에 따르면, 주택연금 프로그램에 대해 후세대들이 보다 덜 긍정적인 경향이 나타난 반면 저소득 계층은 보다 긍정적으로 나타났다. The J ooTaekYeonKeum is the government guaranteed reverse mortgage program that Korean Government has been implementing since 2007. We extended Lee and Park’s(2014) demand estimation for the reverse mortgage loans in Korea using the yearly survey data, conducted by Korea Housing Financing Corporation, for household’s intention to use J ooTaekYeonKeum in the future. In order to appropriately appreciate the fact that the stated intentions in the survey were based on households’ expectations for their future, we adopted an econometric procedure that incorporated expectations explicitly as well as cohort effects. Our findings include: demands for reverse mortgage loans are estimated similar to that of Lee and Park(2014); later generations tend to be less positive for having the reverse mortgage program; lower income groups are more positive for the program.

      • KCI등재후보

        숙련급 조종사와 초급 조종사와의 주의 배분 차이 분석

        박상수,김기우,명노해,Park, Sang-Su,Kim, Gi-U,Myeong, No-Hae 대한인간공학회 2004 大韓人間工學會誌 Vol.23 No.1

        In this study. differences in attention allocation patterns between expert and novIce pilots were investigated by a verbal protocol when pilots were engaged in a task during the instrument flight. Ten pilots including experts and novices were participated to conduct a pre-determined task(a fix-to-fix) on F-5E Cockpit Procedure Trainer Simulator. Experts show better performance as expected with more stable variations in speed. altitude. and attitude. In attention allocation patterns. novices allocated about 83% of attentional resources on the primary instruments (airspeed indicator. altitude indicator. and attitude) relating to the task of the basic flight while experts spent 57%. This difference in the availability of attentional resources allowed expert pilots to accomplish the task better than novices. In other words. training a pilot should consider a program for building up wider instrument scanning patterns to become an expert in a shorter time.

      • KCI등재

        효율적 U-City 구축을 위한 정보통신망 선정방안에 관한 연구 - 자가망과 임대망 경제성 분석을 중심으로 -

        박상수,박승희,김성아,진상윤,주형우,Park, Sang-Soo,Park, Seung-Hee,Kim, Seong-Ah,Chin, Sang-Yoon,Joo, Hyeong-Woo 한국BIM학회 2015 KIBIM Magazine Vol.5 No.1

        The Cities that recently developed have been applied to private network for establishing information communication network system. The local governments planning or pursuing U-City construction should also choose the private network in consideration of operation and maintenance. In viewpoint of agency operating u-City, it is necessary to integrate traditional and new network. However, there has been lack of guides to choose U-City network considering the economic analysis between private and leased network. This study analyzed the characteristics of private and leased network, and the cost-benefit by estimating the network cost and communication demand focused on U-services that are recently applied. This study purpose a guide for efficient U-City information network selected by estimating ROI(Return On Investment) and BEP(Break Even Point) for establishing private and leased network.

      • KCI등재

        영어사에서 타동사 증가를 향한 결합가 변화

        박상수,Sangsoo Park 한국영미어문학회 2015 영미어문학 Vol.- No.117

        This paper analyzed valency changes which were derived by a decrease in intransitive verbs and an increase in transitive ones in the history of English. From the OE period a syntactic structure was changed by a lexical verb that determined the number and form of argument, its assignment position with a particular theta-role, and features on the lexical aspect Asp. It means that a diachronic change of lexical verb in use between intransitivity and transitivity triggered the reinterpretation of syntactic-semantic features on the v P-AspP-VP layers. A causative affix - i in OE that was inherited from - j in Germanic derived anticausative or intransitive verbs to function as causative or transitive ones. Other causative affixes like - en , - se and - ø introduced in OE and - ate , - (i)fy and - ise borrowed from Latin and French in Early ME made it possible that anticausative or intransitive verbs came to be used as causative or transitive ones, too. The leveling and loss of inflectional ending of verbs from Late OE via ME to Early ModE rendered labile verbs, or ergative verbs available with a large extent, which brought about the effect that many lexical verbs alternated in valency without any change in their forms. The opacity of morphological varieties also induced the reanalysis of lexical aspect-feature and measure-feature like [±telicity], [±definiteness] and [affectedness], and as a result, almost all of these features have been incorporated onto the light verb v in PDE from on the lexical aspect Asp in OE.

      • KCI등재

        골유착성 임플란트를 중간 지대치로 사용한 고정성 보철물의 응력분석

        박상수,방몽숙,Park Sang-Soo,Vang Mong-Sook 대한치과보철학회 1993 대한치과보철학회지 Vol.31 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the stress distribution of the natural teeth, the implant, the prosthesis and the supporting tissue according to the types of implant and connection modality in the five-unit fixed partial denture with a implant pier abutment. A Two dimensional stress analysis model was constructed to represent a mandible missing the first and second premolars and first molar. The model contained a canine and second molar as abutment teeth and implant pier abutments with and without stress-absorbing element. Finite element models were created and analyzed using software ANSYS 4.4A for IBM 32bit personal computer. The results obtained were as follows. 1. Implant group, compared to the natural teeth group, showed a maximum principal stress at the superior portion of implants and a stress concentration at :he neck and end portion. 2. Maximum principal stress and maximum Von Mises stress were always lower in the case of rigid connection than nonrigid connection. 3. A cylinder type implant with stress absorbing element and screw type implant were generally similar in the stress distribution pattern. 4. A screw type implant, compared to the cylinder type implant, showed a relatively higher stress concentration at both neck and end portion of it. 5. Load B cases showed higher stress concentration on the posterior abutments in the case of nonrigid connector than rigid connector. 6. A maximum displacement was always lower in the case of rigid connection than nonrigid connection. These results suggest that osseointegrated implant can be used as an intermediate abutment.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중등도 및 중증의 무지 외반증에서 Akin 절골술 동반 유무에 따른 원위부 갈매기형 절골술의 수술 결과 비교

        박상수,이준영,김웅희,Park, Sang Soo,Lee, Jun Young,Kim, Woong Hee 대한족부족관절학회 2014 대한족부족관절학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        Purpose: This study was conducted among patients with moderate to severe hallux valgus who underwent distal chevron osteotomy and groups of patients with or without Akin osteotomy were compared for evaluation of the relationship between their radiological and clinical outcomes. Materials and Methods: From January 2009 to January 2012, among patients with moderate to severe hallux valgus who underwent distal chevron osteotomy at our institution, 28 cases with additional Akin osteotomy and 35 cases without Akin osteotomy available to follow up of more than one year were included in this study. For radiologic evaluation, hallux valgus angle, 1, 2 intermetatarsal angle, and hallux interphalangeal angle were measured before and after surgery. For clinical assessment, visual analogue scale score, American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society score, subjective satisfaction of the patients, and passive range of motion of the first metatarsophalangeal joints were evaluated. Results: At the final follow up, correction of valgus hallux angle and 1, 2 intermetatarsal angle was obtained from radiation results of both groups and it was found that patients who underwent Akin osteotomy showed radiographically larger angle correction but less subjective satisfaction. Conclusion: Patients with moderate to severe hallux valgus who underwent distal chevron osteotomy showed not only functional but also radiographically satisfactory results, and patients who underwent additional Akin osteotomy showed decreased subjective satisfaction. Therefore, if an incongruent first metatarsophalangeal joint is not observed, distal chevron osteotomy without Akin osteotomy seems preferable.

      • KCI등재

        유기질 퇴비의 시용이 수수${\times}$수단그라스 교잡종의 생산성, 사료가치 및 가축사육능력에 미치는 영향

        박상수,노진환,박준혁,윤기용,이주삼,Park, Sang-Soo,Noh, Jin-Hwan,Park, Jun-Hyuk,Yoon, Ki-Yong,Lee, Ju-Sam 한국유기농업학회 2012 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.20 No.1

        본 실험은 다양한 유기질 퇴비의 시용이 Sorghum${\times}$Sudangrass hybrid의 생산성, 사료가치 및 가축사육능력에 미치는 영향을 검토하였고, 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. Sorghum${\times}$Sudangrass hybrid의 건물수량은 FPM이 19.60ton/ha로 가장 많았으나, PBC와의 유의한 차이는 없었다. 상대사료가치는 1회 예취에서 PBC가 80.66으로 유의하게 높았으나, 2회 예취에서는 FCM을 제외한 모든 시험구에서 유의차를 보이지 않았다. 가축사육능력은 $K_{CP}$와 $K_{TDN}$의 평균값으로 비교해 보았을 때, FPM이 9.45두/ha/yr로서 가장 높은 값을 보였다. 따라서 Sorghum${\times}$Sudangrass hybrid의 유기 재배 시 FPM이 생산성, 사료가치 및 가축사육능력에 있어서 다른 유기질 퇴비에 비해 좋으며, 유기질 퇴비의 연용 시에는 다른 가축분과의 혼용을 통하여 계분의 부족한 유기물을 충족시켜 준다면 작물 및 토양에 있어서 더욱 좋을 것으로 판단된다. 또한 적절한 혼합 비율에 대한 추가적인 연구가 필요할 것으로 판단된다. This experiments was conducted to investigate the influence on the growth of Sorghum ${\times}$ Sudangrass hybrid by use of various organic fertilizer and investigated their productivity, feed value and stock carrying capacity. In the results, the application of fermented poultry manure showed 93.6ton/ha, 19.6ton/ha, 1.12ton/ha, 11.31ton/ha of fresh yield, dry matter yield, crude protein (CP) yield and total digestible nutrients (TDN) yield but there were no significant differences with the application of poultry by-product compost (poultry manure with sawdust) and swine by-product compost (swine manure with sawdust). And the average value of $K_{CP}$ and $K_{TDN}$ showed the highest one as 9.45head/ha/yr in the application of fermented poultry manure. However, organic matter content of fermented poultry manure to the lower portion of 32.1% compared to other organic fertilizers could imagine that mineralization of fermented poultry manure was fairly advanced and plant used most of nitrogen in fermented poultry manure, so productivity of Sorghum ${\times}$ Sudangrass hybrid was shown more than other organic fertilizers. If other organic fertilizers use continuous, this difference can be considered to be reduced further. As a result, fermented poultry manure is better than other organic fertilizers in productivity, feed value and stock carrying capacity due to the higher content of mineralizable matters. In addition, mixing poultry manure with cow and swine manure is better choice because cow and swine manure will meet a low organic matter in poultry manure.

      • KCI등재

        한국 중부지역에서 우분의 연용이 유기 벼의 생산성 및 유기 볏짚의 사료가치, 가축사육능력에 미치는 영향

        박상수,노진환,이희충,김윤중,이주삼,Park, Sang-Soo,Noh, Jin-Hwan,Lee, Hee-Choong,Kim, Yoon-Joong,Lee, Ju-Sam 한국유기농업학회 2013 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.21 No.2

        본 실험은 중부지방에서 벼 재배 시 유기 우분의 연용과 화학비료 시용이 유기 벼의 생산성, 볏짚의 사료가치 및 가축사육능력에 미치는 영향을 조사하였고, 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 유기 벼의 생초수량, 건물수량, 식물 1개체 당 낱알의 건물 중 및 개수는 1, 2년차에는 화학비료 시용구가 유의하게 높았으나(p<0.05), 3년차에는 각 시험구 간 유의차는 없었다. 또한 수확지수는 3년 모두 화학비료 시용구가 유의하게 높았으며(p<0.05), 해가 거듭할수록 각 시험구 간의 차이가 약간 줄어드는 경향을 보였다. 또한 단위면적당 가축사육능력은 $K_{CP}$와 $K_{TDN}$의 평균값으로 비교해 보았을 때, 화학비료 시용구가 높은 값을 보였고, 각 시험구 간의 차이는 점점 줄어드는 경향을 보였다. 특히 $K_{ME}$의 경우 3년차에 우분 시용구가 유의한 차이는 없었지만 높은 값을 보이기도 하였다. 이상의 결과로 볼 때 중부 지방에서 유기 벼 재배 시 우분을 연용 했을 경우, 처음 1, 2년은 화학비료를 시용했을 때 보다는 수량이 낮았지만 3년차부터는 화학비료를 시용했을 때와의 격차가 줄어들기 시작하였으며, 추후 우분을 연용한다면 그 격차는 더욱 줄어들 것으로 판단된다. This experiments was conducted to investigate the influence on organic rice cultivation by continuous use of cow manure in the central region of Korea and investigated productivity of organic rice and feed value, stock carrying capacity of organic rice straw. In the results, application of chemical fertilizer showed higher one of 1st and 2nd year in fresh matter yield (15.77, 30.30ton/ha), dry matter yield (9.90, 13.89 ton/ha), dry matter yield of rice straw (4.88, 7.15ton/ha), dry matter weight of kernel per plant (29.81, 39.99g) and number of kernel per plant (1212.58, 1701units), but there were not significantly differences with each experimental plots in 3rd year. And harvest index showed higher one in application of chemical fertilizer (0.52, 0.48, 0.43) until 3 years. But their quantitative difference between application of chemical fertilizer and cow manure was gradually decreased each year. And the average value of $K_{CP}$ and $K_{TDN}$ showed higher one in application of chemical fertilizer (2.01, 2.94, 1.95 head/ha/yr) until 3 years. However, quantitative difference between chemical fertilizer and cow manure was gradually decreased each year. Especially, application of cow manure showed higher value of 3rd year in $K_{ME}$, but there was not significantly difference with each experimental plots. According to the results, continuous use of cow manure will be reduced their quantitative differences between chemical fertilizer as the year progress in the central region of Korea in terms of productivity of organic rice and feed value, stock carrying capacity of organic rice straw.

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