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      • KCI등재

        통일시 남한의 보육제도에 북한 영·유아 편입방안 연구

        박금영 한국영유아보육학회 2020 한국영유아보육학 Vol.0 No.125

        남북한이 분단 70년을 극복하고 평화통일을 달성하게 되면 북한지역 영유아들의 보육환경을 개선하기 위하여 북한 영유아들을 신속하게 남한의 보육제도에 편입시켜야 한다. 통일 초기 보육제도 통합에 따르는 혼란을 예방하고 북한 영유아를 안정적으로 편입하기 위해서는 남북한 보육관련 법령과 현행 보육제도의 특징을 분석해서 대책을 미리 마련해야 한다. 북한지역 영유아들을 남한의 보육제도에 편입하기 위해서는 현행 영유아보육법을 개정하여 보육대상을 확대하고, 북한지역에서 파견 운용할 보육교사를 미리 양성하며, 보육관련 인건비와 시설 개선에 필요한 재원을 확보해야한다. 그리고 70여 년간 서로 다른 사상과 이념이 반영되어온 보육프로그램도 통일한국시대에 걸맞은 내용으로 준비되어야 한다. First, after North Korea and South Korea overcome 70 years of division and achieve peaceful reunification, they should quickly incorporate North Korean infants and toddlers into the South's childcare system to improve the childcare environment for infants and toddlers in the North. In order to prevent confusion caused by the integration of the infant care system in the early days of unification and to ensure stable inclusion of infants and toddlers in North Korea, North Korea and South Korea should analyze the characteristics of the current child care system and come up with countermeasures in advance. Second, in order to incorporate infants and toddlers in North Korea into the South's childcare system, the current Infant Care Act should be revised to expand the scope of childcare, foster childcare teachers to be dispatched to and operated in North Korea in advance, and secure financial resources for the improvement of childcare-related labor costs and facilities. Child care programs, which have reflected different ideas and ideologies for more than 70 years, should also be prepared to match the era of a unified Korea.

      • KCI등재

        군대 급식환경 실태분석과 개선방안 연구

        박금영 한국군사회복지학회 2024 한국군사회복지학 Vol.17 No.1

        군대 급식환경을 개선해야 한다는 사회적 요구가 오래전부터 제기되어 왔음에도 불구하고 한정된 국방예산을 이유로 차일피일 미뤄오다가, 2021년 육군훈련소 부실급식 사건을 계기로 국방부가 개선대책을 마련하였지만, 실효성과 지속성이 높지는 않다. 심층 면접과 설문 조사 등을 통해 군대 급식환경 실태를 분석한 결과, 군대 급식환경을 꾸준히 개선하기 위해서는 「군대 급식법」을 제정해서 소요 예산을 안정적으로 확보하고, 민간인 조리사의 급여 인상과 직업 안정성을 보장하며, 전역한 조리병을 고용하는 업체에는 세제 혜택 등을 부여해서 조리병 지원율을 높여야 한다. 신병훈련소 훈련병들의 주식기준량을 증가시켜 배고픔을 해소하고, 간부 숙소에 거주하는 초급간부들은 영내 급식자에 포함시켜 식대 부담을 줄여줘야 한다. 채식주의자들과 종교식 요구자들은 통상적인 부식수불 절차를 활용해서 식재료를 공급하고, 격오지 소규모 부대들에는 반조리 식품을 확대 보급해야 한다. 국방부가 제시한 개선방안처럼 대규모 급식 시설 위주로 조리로봇을 설치하거나 민간업체에 위탁 운영하게 되면, 근무하는 부대에 따라 발생하는 급식환경의 차이로 인해 장병들간에 위화감이 생길 수 있으므로 신중하게 접근해야 한다. Despite long-standing social calls for improving the military lunch environment, it has been delayed due to a limited defense budget, and the Ministry of National Defense has come up with improvement measures in the wake of the military training center's poor lunch incident in 2021, but the effectiveness and persistence are not high. According to an analysis of the actual condition of the military meal service environment through in-depth interviews and surveys, in order to steadily improve the military meal service environment, the Military Meal Service Act should be enacted to secure a stable budget, guarantee the salary increase and job stability of civilian cooks, and provide tax benefits to companies that hire discharged cookers to increase the support rate for cookers. The government should increase the stock standard of recruits' training centers to relieve hunger, and include beginner executives living in executive lodges in the school to reduce the burden of meals. Vegetarians and religious demanders should supply ingredients using the usual corrosion-free procedures, and expand and distribute semi-cooked food to small units in remote areas. If cooking robots are installed mainly in large-scale food service facilities or entrusted to private companies, as suggested by the Ministry of National Defense, they should be approached carefully because there may be a sense of incompatibility among soldiers due to differences in the food environment depending on the unit they work in.

      • 유니버설디자인 원리에 따른 지체장애인 주거개조 실태 분석

        박금영(Park Geum-Young),한규영(Han Kyu-Young) 대한건축학회 2007 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.27 No.1

        The proportion of the physically disabled has been sharply increasing. The right of the physically disabled have attracted much social attention as well. But, the physically disabled still suffered or was not properly respected in residential environment. In order to describe current situations of residential alterations for the physically disabled, this case study was accomplished to analyze residential alterations through Universal Design principles. If Universal Design principles are sensitively applied to residential alterations for the physically disabled, their housing would be more conveniently altered in various parts for safe and independent life.

      • KCI등재

        ‘표준치료를 받은 폐암 환자의 한방병원 입원 임상경로’개발 및 적용

        금영,소정,김동현,하기태,유화승,윤성훈,최준용 한의병리학회 2023 동의생리병리학회지 Vol.37 No.6

        The objective of this study was to develop a critical pathway of integrative medicine to improve the quality of life of lung cancer patients who received standard western medicine treatments. A total of 10 medical professionals, including western and Korean medicine doctors, and nurses participated in a validation survey and revised clinical pathway. Then we applied the critical pathway to 11 lung cancer patients who admitted at Korean medicine hospital and evaluated quality of life at the beginning and discharge of admission using European Organization for the Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire(EORTC QLQ). More than 80% of the respondents gave a score of 3 (appropriate) or more for all items in the validation survey and we modified the clinical pathway by adding ‘bed rest’to the activity item. When applying the revised critical pathway to 11 lung cancer patients, the score of 'Nausea and vomiting', 'Insomnia' in EORTC QLQ-30 and ‘chest pain’in EORTC LC-13 showed statistically significant improvements in the before-and-after admission comparision. The application of revised inpatient critical pathway of integrative medicine for lung cancer showed improvement in some symptoms. Development of more critical pathway in various clinical setting and larger scaled application studies of critical pathway are needed.


        LEE, GEUM-YEONG,JANG, SEON-IL,PARK, HO-WON,RYU, HOON,SO, JUNE-NO 全北大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1991 基礎科學 Vol.14 No.1

        Developing embryos of dace, Tribolodon hakonensis, were analyzed with regard to both gross morphological changes and specific enzymatic changes from the unfertilized egg stage until some 3 week posthatching. The patterns of gene expression among the different tissues in adults were also investigated. The tissue and developmental expression of 13 loci encoding various enzymes and isozymes were visualized by histochemical staining after polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Distribution of enzymes and isozymes in the adult tissues usually show tissue specific patterns. The expression of LDH-C and G6-PD-1 loci was the more restricted than the other loci, and these loci were expressed only predominantly in the liver. Many of the enzyme systems investigated exhibited rich patterns (all loci except for MDH-1A locus) of ontogenetic change, while a few (MDH-1A) remained relatively unchanged throughout the period studied. The appearance of several rather tissue - specific isozymes (LDH-A, C and MDH-1B) was closely correleated with the morphological and functional differentiation of the muscle, liver and gill tissue.

      • 有機色素分子의 metachromsy에 관한 吸收分光學的 硏究(Ⅲ) : Spectra의 溫度效果 및 分子會合의 熱力學的 考察 Temperature effects on the spectra and thermodynamic studies on moleculation association

        朴鍾會,尹錫丞,金永仁 충남대학교 기초과학연구소 1982 연구논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        The temperature effects on the absorption spectra of acridine orange and methylene blue in aqueous solution at various concentrations have been observed and found that increase in temperature has an effect on the spectra similar to that of dilution. At the concentrations lower than 10^-6 M, the effect is insignificant. A new attempt has been made to measure the heat of dimerization by utilizing titration calorimetric method and ΔH_D for acridine orange and methylene blue are found to be -11.86 K㎈/mole and -20.01 K㎈/mole, respectively. The values of free energy and entropy of dimerization process are also calculated and found to be ΔG_D=-5.93K㎈/mole, ΔS_D=-13.13 e.u for acridine orange, and ΔG_D=-5.19K㎈/mole, ΔS_D=-50.58 e.u. for methylene blue, respectively. In light of the thermodynamic function results, discussions are made on the interactive forces between the dye molecules to form dye aggregates in water. It has been concluded that the stacking(dispersive and hydrophobic) interactions are thought to be primarily responsible for the self-association of the dye molecules.

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