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        항돌연변이 작용을 보이는 Flavonoid 인 galangin 의 마우스에서의 BP 대사의 영향

        김희,김경호,허문영,김현표 ( Hee Kee Kim,Kyeong Ho Kim,Moon Young Heo,Hyun Pyo Kim ) 생화학분자생물학회 1991 BMB Reports Vol.24 No.2

        To elucidate the antimutagenic action mechanism of flavonoids against benzo(a)pyrene induced micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MNPCEs), alterations of benzo(a) pyrene metabolism were studied. Galangin, a potent antimutagen and (-)-epicatechin, a weak one, were selected and orally administered to ICR mice to compare the liver metabolic enzyme activities, arylhydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) and glutathione-s-transferase (GSH-T). These enzyme activities were not significantly changed between the flavonoid-treated groups and the control group. However, direct addition of galangin to the incubation mixture clearly inhibited arylhydrocarbon hydroxylase activity. These results were well correlated with the findings of the reduced metabolic conversion of [³H]-benzo(a)pyrene in vitro.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        노자와 맹자의 이상정치 비교 연구

        김희 ( Kim¸ Hee ) 충남대학교 유학연구소 2020 儒學硏究 Vol.53 No.-

        본 논문은 노자와 맹자의 이상사회 속에 담지 되어 있는 군주와 민에 대한 정치적인 이해의 관계성이 갖는 의미의 차이를 위민(爲民)의 정치논리를 중심으로 전개된 맹자 인정(仁政)의 왕도정치(王道政治)와 노자 성현의 지극한 정치(至治)에 대한 비교를 통해 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 노자와 맹자의 정치의식에는 그들이 목도한 시대의 모순과 한계에 대한 극복의 의지가 노정되어 있다. 이 점에서 노자와 맹자는 모두 힘의 논리에 토대한 군주의 패권적 정치행위를 비판한다. 그리고 이것은 인간 본연의 성(性)에 대한 담론을 기반으로 이상적인 인간 사회의 모습에 대한 군주의 정치논리로 발전한다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 이상사회의 실현을 위한 방법과 내용의 측면에서 노자와 맹자는 다른 입장을 갖는다. 즉, 맹자에게 있어 “왕과 백성이 함께 즐거움을 나누는(與民同樂)” 이상사회는 군주의 윤리의식 강화를 통해 진행된다. 하지만 그 속에는 계몽된 군주에 의한 민의 교화라는 차별적 신분의 계층성이 정치화 되어 있다. 다른 한편으로, 소국과민(小國寡民)으로 대변되는 노자의 이상사회는 사회적 개체로서 민의 삶이 갖는 자유에 대한 인식을 강조한다. 이 점에서 노자는 사회적 개체의 고유한 삶을 저해하는 외재적 가치들로, 정치적인 목적성이 강화된 위정자의 인위적 행위들에 대한 간섭을 부정한다. 이와 같이 노자와 맹자는 모두 통치를 목적으로 하는 치자의 정치의식에 반대한다. 이 점에서 정치적인 목적성을 갖는 치자의 욕망 소거(권력에 대한 욕망 소거)는 노자와 맹자 모두에게서 강조된다. 하지만, 맹자는 왕도정치(王道政治)를 실현함에 있어 민에 대한 치자의 정치인 목적성을 교화의 논리를 통해 부분 허용하는 입장이다. 그리고 이것은 치자의 정치적인 유목적성이 갖는 인위성을 무위(無爲)의 정치의식을 통해 극소화한 노자의 욕망 소거(寡欲)와 다른 차이를 갖는다. This paper tries to analyze, in an ideal society of Lao-tzu and Mencius, difference of meanings that political interests between a monarch and min (民, people) have, comparing Mencius’s benevolent politics (仁政, 王道政治) and Lao-tzu’s ultimate politics, which are involved with political logic of wimin (爲民, people-oriented politics). Political awareness of Lao-tzu and Mencius reflects their willingness to overcome contradictions and limitations of the times. In this perspective, they both criticize monarch’s political actions based on his dominant power. And such criticism develops into political logic of the monarch for the ideal society. However, Lao-tzu and Mencius take different stances on methods and details about how to realize the ideal society. For Mencius, the ideal society is “enjoying together with people (與民同樂)”, and it is realized by strengthening the King’s ethics. His ideal society politicizes a class hierarchy system where the enlightened monarch reforms people, though. But Lao-tzu otherwise emphasizes the ideal society freedom that people as social entities retain, which is represented as a small country with few citizens (小國寡民). In this view, he denies political involvement of extrinsic values in undermining people’s own life. Both Lao-tzu and Mencius deprecate the monarch’ political actions pursuing political power over ruling the country. Viewed from this, they lay great emphasis on eliminating the desire for power. However, Mencius partly concedes that purposeful political-actions by the monarch are required to realize benevolent politics. This holds difference with Lao-tzu’sidea, eliminating the desire for power through political actions without intention.

      • KCI등재

        려말선초 성리학의 불교배제와 수용의 정치성 연구

        김희 ( Kim¸ Hee ) 동아시아불교문화학회 2021 동아시아불교문화 Vol.- No.47

        본 논문은 조선이라는 새로운 왕조국가의 탄생과정 속에 기능하는 성리학자의 불교 배제에 대한 부정의 의식과 긍정의 정치적 인식과정을 불교의 구명(救命)의식과 비교하여 고찰하고, 그 의미를 규명하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 조선의 건국에 대한 정치적인 정당성은 고려사회의 여러 모순들에 대한 개혁의 필연성을 역사화 한다. 그리고 이것은 삼국시대를 거쳐 고려사회에 토착화된 불교의 사회적 기능성을 대체할 수 있는 새로운 정신문화의 기획에 대한 의도가 전제되어 있는 것이기도 하다. 이 점에서 불교에 대한 부정의 의식을 정치와 사회의 영역에서 피력하고 있는 고려의 김초(金貂)·조준(趙浚)을 비롯해 조선 초기 권근과 정도전의 척불(斥佛)에 대한 인식은 고려시대를 아울러 조선사회의 성리학자들이 갖는 불교에 대한 정치적인 이해의 목적성을 대변한다. 하지만, 성리학을 중심으로 하는 새로운 왕조국가의 정통성 확보와 사회질서의 개편 과정에도 불구하고, 강한 믿음을 기반으로 하는 불교의 기복적 세속성은 성리학에 대응하는 불교의 논리를 사회화하기도 한다. 그리고 불교의 호교(護敎)성은 성리학의 억압에 대한 불교의 대응으로만 인식할 수 없는 내용을 갖는다. 다시 말해, 불교의 호교성은 성리학의 정치 이념이 구조화되는 변혁의 역사 속에서도 기능할 수 있는 기복신앙의 기능성에 대한 사회적 의미를 대변한다. 또한, 이것은 민간을 중심으로 토착화된 불교에 대한 역사적인 이해의 과정이 보다 다각적인 측면에서 진행될 필요성을 말하는 것이기도 하다. 그러므로 피폐한 삶에 대한 부정의 논리를 보편의 삶을 위한 구명의 구원의식으로 전화하는 불교의 기복성은 위민의 정치논리를 기반으로 하는 조선왕조 군주제의 실현을 위한 정치적인 연대의 가능성을 갖는다. This study focuses on consideration of Neo-Confucianists’ positive and negative consciousness of Buddhism embedded in a process of the birth of new dynasty, and an investigation into its analytic milestone. Political legitimacy of establishment of the Joseon Dynasty historicizes the necessity of reform for different contradiction in the Koryo society. And this necessity includes the intention of replacing social practicality of Buddihism indigenized in the Koryo society throughout the Three Kingdoms Period with new moral culture. In this regard, Kimcho(金貂)·Chojoon(趙浚) of the Joseon Dynasty, who shows negative consciousness of Buddhism in the political and social sphere, as well as Gwongeun(權近)’s and Jeongdojeon(鄭道傳)’s anti-Buddihist consciousness represent toward Buddhism finality of political political interests that the Neo-Confucianists in both the Koryo and Joseon society retain. Though a process of procuring legitimacy of new dynasty and reorganization of the social order with priority given to Neo-Confucianism, secularism of indigenous Buddhism based on strong faith socializes a counteractive logic against Neo-Confucianism. it is not only considered that apology of Buddhism is the Buddhist response to the oppression of Neo-Confucianism. Such apology of secular Buddhism, that is to say, has a meaning of accepting an idea for new society. Furthermore, this equates to socially establishing semantic relations that is considered that the apology of indigenous Buddhism rooted in the people’s consciousness can respond to the Confucian view of the world. Also, it can be the beginning of perceiving a new understanding of apology in which the Confucian view of the world becomes socialized in people’s lives. In this respect, it can be said that there socially exists a possibility of contextual reconciliation between the Confucianism and Buddhism in an exclusion process of Buddhist in the early years of the Joseon Dynasty.

      • KCI등재

        20세기 초기(1912-1931년) 한국 화교교육의 역사와 화교사회 - 서울지역 화교소학을 중심으로 -

        김희신 ( Kim Hee Sin ) 한국중국학회 2016 중국학보 Vol.77 No.-

        Traditionally overseas Chinese people have established diverse overseas Chinese organizations and made development by keeping their culture different from that of Koreans while they have lived in Korea. In particular, primary cultural functions of overseas Chinese organizations comprise school establishment and support, and it has been a long history that sections of overseas Chinese society raise funds to operate schools. This study attempted to recompose overseas the existing Chinese education history focusing on Seoul area in the early of the 20<sup>th</sup> century(1912-1931) by mainly referring to data such as academic affairs, personnel affairs, etc. from `Zhuchaoxianshiguandang` (possessed by The Archives of Institute of Modern History, Taipei center institute) that has not been quoted in the previous studies related with overseas Chinese education. For this, firstly, this study reviewed what types of overseas Chinese schools there were in Seoul in the early of the 20<sup>th</sup> century, and explored what meanings the existence of these overseas Chinese schools had on overseas Chinese society and overseas Chinese education. Secondly, this study pursued historical transition processes of to what directions the overseas Chinese elementary school was settled and reconstructed in the early of the 20th century focusing on overseas Chinese elementary schools, and restored the real state of overseas Chinese school operations in detail. This study may provide a basic material for what effect the education policy of Chinese government had upon overseas Chinese society in Korea, and further to say, and a clue to a prospect of the overall history of overseas Chinese society in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        중학생의 수준별 수업과 학업성취에 관한 종단 연구

        김희란 ( Hee Ran Kim ),이수정 ( Soo Jung Lee ),김혜영 ( Hye Young Kim ) 한국교육과정학회 2015 교육과정연구 Vol.33 No.1

        본 연구는 수준별 수업이 중학생의 영어와 수학의 학업성취에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 영어 참여자 1,504명과 수학 참여자 1,492명 학생들의 중학교 1학년 때부터 3학년 때까지 세 차례에 걸쳐 반복 측정된 영어와 수학 성취도를 토대로 수준별 수업의 지속 기간의 효과가 어떠한지를 탐색하였다. 연구 방법으로는 선형혼합효과 분석 방법을 활용하고 통계 프로그램으로는 R이 사용되었다. 분석 결과 수준별 수업은 교과에 따라 다른 양상을 보였지만 영어와 수학 성취도에 어느 정도 긍정적인 영향을 끼친다고 볼 수 있었다. 영어의 경우 3학년 때까지 수준별 수업을 받은 집단의 성취도 변화율이 가장 높았으며, 수학의 경우 1학년 때까지 수준별수업을 받은 집단의 성취도 변화율이 가장 높았다. 영어의 경우 수준별 수업 기간이 길수록 성취도에 긍정적인 효과를 보이는 경향이 있는 것으로 나타났으나, 수학의 경우 지속 기간이 길수록 효과가 있었다고는 볼 수 없었다. 다만 이들 수준별 수업 외 변인들은 성취도 변화율의 개인 간 차이를 더 크게 만드는 데 기여하였다. 본 연구를 통해 수준별 수업을 운영하는 데 있어서의 지침을 얻을 수 있기를 기대한다. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of ability grouping on English and Math achievement among Korean middle school students. The data used for this study was 1st, 2nd, and 3rd wave of Korean Education Longitudinal Study 2005 (KELS 2005). The data analysis procedure was Linear Mixed Effect Regression using R. Participants were categorized into four groups by continuity of ability grouping in each English and Math classes offered by participants`` schools during their middle school years; a non-experience group, an only 1st grade experience group, an until 2nd grade experience group, and an until 3rd grade experience group. The study resulted in different slope effects of English and Math achievement along with the four groups. In English, the until 3rd grade experience group showed the highest slope significantly compared to the slopes of the other three groups, meaning that students who had three consecutive years from 7th grade to 9th grade changed most greatly their English scores. In Math, the only 1st grade experience group showed the highest slope significantly. Overall, the effect of ability grouping on English achievement gradually increased over time while the effect of ability grouping on Math achievement gradually decreased over time along with continuity of ability grouping experience.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        1930년(年) 전후(前後) 인천화교소학(仁川華僑小學)을 통해 본 화교사회(華僑社會)의 동향(動向)

        김희신 ( Kim Hee Sin ) 중국사학회 2016 中國史硏究 Vol.104 No.-

        This study captured overseas Chinese schools, especially the operation status of Incheon overseas Chinese elementary schools as part of a way of investigating the reality of overseas Chinese society that existed a part of Korean society for a long time. The author as part of the history of overseas Chinese education in Korea, has once conducted the research about the education of overseas Chinese schools in Incheon area which can be said to be an axis of overseas Chinese education in Korea together with Seoul, and this study can belong to its follow-up studies. In referring to related existing studies, by actively utilizing recording materials related with academic affairs, personnel affairs and business affairs, etc. in zhuchaoxianshiguandang, this study attempted to explore issues of conflicts occurring around the operation of Incheon overseas Chinese elementary schools, and through this, examine the internal trend of Incheon overseas Chinese society. For this, this study analyzed firstly, the issues of appointment and dismissal for the faculty members of Incheon overseas Chinese elementary schools and accompanying student alliance shut down incident, secondly, school closing measures in 1932 owing to lack of education expenditure, and lastly, principal Cengdingjun beating case. In the process of analysis, this study could peep into different interpretations over between school trustees, between school trustees and school faculty members and between principal and school faculty members with regard to each case, and overseas Chinese management system of coordinating subjects of Chinese Consulate-General in Seoul and Chinese Consulate in Incheon. Thus, this study expects to provide a clue to explore the reality of overseas Chinese society in Korea that has been beyond clear confirmation.

      • KCI등재

        1926-1935년 重慶의 ‘內的’ㆍ‘人的’ 요소와 도시근대화

        金希信(Kim Hee-Sin) 동양사학회 2009 東洋史學硏究 Vol.109 No.-

        This study was conducted as a part of the history of urban transformation, namely, how urban spaces have reflected and structured historic situations, focused on people living in cities and urban societies. Among the open port cities under the treaty system, the centers (coastal areas) and the surroundings (inland areas) show very remarkable differences from each other. The opening of Chongqing was around 50 years later than Shanghai, and the coastal cities represented by Shanghai had already been substantially modernized. When Shanghai had gradually been positioned at the center of Chinese modernization, Chongqing in the deep inland was very slow in modernization and was merely a region remote from the center owning most of traditions. However, the influence of the centers on the surroundings was much stronger than the shock of ‘port opening.’ The prosperity and development of steamship transportation business on the Chuan River and the high enthusiasm of Chongqing city administrators, managers and supporters provided favorable conditions for the influence of the centers (coastal cities) to infiltrate into relatively closed environment. In particular, urban constructors (劉湘, 潘文華, 盧作孚, 劉航琛, 胡光?, 胡仲實, 康心如, 楊燦三, 何北衡 etc.) who tried to connect Chongqing, an enclosed world in the inland, to the outside, the open world, and to cope with rapidly changing global trends had direct impacts on the process of urban development. This meant that Chongqing was faced with the time to accept modern things. The modernization of Chongqing was a process that the influence of ‘the centers’ was continuously exerted on inland Chongqing full of obsolete and premodern things. However, in very ‘diverse’ modern changes (urbanization, the development of commerce and industry, people’s value system or cultural consciousness, change in the existence pattern of pubic areas), the urbanization of Chongqing basically concentrated on ‘construction’ imitating the material aspect of large cities such as Shanghai. In general, the urbanization process included education, police and organization services related to transportation, energy, telecommunication, water supply, education, health, public administration and other facilities. On the other hand, as revealed by the expression ‘downstream people (downstream culture),’ the historical and spatial distance was too large to achieve a cohesive force of unified Chinese culture and this meant the requirement of time and effort as that much.

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