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      • KCI등재

        국어 낭독체 발화의 운율경계 예측

        김효숙,김정원,김선주,김선철,김삼진,권철홍,Kim Hyo Sook,Kim Chung Won,Kim Sun Ju,Kim Seoncheol,Kim Sam Jin,Kwon Chul Hong 대한음성학회 2002 말소리 Vol.43 No.-

        This study aims to model Korean prosodic phrasing using CART(classification and regression tree) method. Our data are limited to Korean read speech. We used 400 sentences made up of editorials, essays, novels and news scripts. Professional radio actress read 400sentences for about two hours. We used K-ToBI transcription system. For technical reason, original break indices 1,2 are merged into AP. Differ from original K-ToBI, we have three break index Zero, AP and IP. Linguistic information selected for this study is as follows: the number of syllables in ‘Eojeol’, the location of ‘Eojeol’ in sentence and part-of-speech(POS) of adjacent ‘Eojeol’s. We trained CART tree using above information as variables. Average accuracy of predicting NonIP(Zero and AP) and IP was 90.4% in training data and 88.5% in test data. Average prediction accuracy of Zero and AP was 79.7% in training data and 78.7% in test data.

      • KCI등재

        랜덤화 블록 모형에서 정렬방법과 위치를 이용한 순서형 대립가설에 대한 비모수 검정법

        김효숙,김동재,Kim, Hyosook,Kim, Dongjae 한국통계학회 2016 응용통계연구 Vol.29 No.4

        랜덤화 블록 계획법을 검정하는 비모수 방법은 일반 대립가설에서 Friedman (1937), 순서형 대립가설에서 Page (1963)가 제안한 방법이 있다. 이 방법은 각 블록 내 처리 간 순위를 이용해 처리 간의 차이를 검정하는 방법이다. 본 논문에서는 Hodges와 Lehmann (1962)이 제안한 정렬방법을 이용하여 블록 간 정보의 손실을 줄이고, Orban과 Wolfe (1982)가 제안한 위치를 확장하여, Kim (1999)이 제안한 대조군과 처리군의 방법을 이용하여 랜덤화 블록 모형에서 새로운 비모수 검정 방법을 제안하였다. 또한 Monte Carlo 모의실험을 통해 제안방법과 기존의 검정 방법을 비교하였다. Nonparametric procedures in a randomized block design was proposed by Friedman (1937) as a general alternative as well as suggested as a test for ordered alternatives by Page (1963). These methods are used for the rank of treatments in each block. In this paper, we proposed nonparametric procedures using aligned method proposed by Hodges and Lehmann (1962) to reduce among block information and based on placement suggested by Kim (1999) in a randomized block design. We also perform a Monte Carlo study to compare the empirical powers of the proposed procedures and established method.

      • KCI등재

        국어 파열연자음 유성음화에 관한 음향음성학적 고찰 -운율구조와 관련하여-

        김효숙,김선주,김선미,Kim Hyo Sook,Kim Sun Ju,Kim Sunmi 대한음성학회 2000 말소리 Vol.39 No.-

        This study aims to reexamine Korean Lenis Stop Voicing (henceforth, LSV) and to specify its phonetic conditions in phonetic terms. LSV optionally occurs within certain prosodic domains. They are called 'Malthomak'(Lee, 1996),'phonological phrase'(Kang, 1992), or 'accentual phrase'(Jun, 1993). On the basis of Jun's phrasing, this study focuses on the more specific phonetic conditions of LSV in the accentual phrase medial position, sub-classifying voicing as complete and partial. The results shows that whether the stops become completely voiced or partially voiced was determined by the various phonetic environments, such as adjacent segments and following intonational phrase boundaries. It is shown that the conditions of LSV should be described in terms of more detailed phonetic environments and that they could be used in predicting the class of voicing.

      • KCI등재

        교육용 온라인 게임의 구성요소분석 및 개선방안 -사용자 인터페이스 디자인 요소 중심으로-

        김효숙,성경,Kim, Hyo-Suk,Sung, Kyung 한국정보통신학회 2009 한국정보통신학회논문지 Vol.13 No.1

        온라인 게임에 있어서 사용자인터페이스(User Interface)는 온라인 상에서 인간과 컴퓨터의 상호작용(Interaction) 관계를 촉발시키고, 게임 진행 정보영역 요소를 제공하여, 게이머가 자신이 의도하는 방향으로 게임을 이끌어 나가게 하기 위해서 반드시 있어야 하는 중요한 존재이다. 그래서 본 연구는 온라인 퀴즈게임의 레이아웃 구성요소 분석에 따른 사용자인터페이스 디자인 요인별로 분석하여 이상적인 교육용게임의 사용자인터페이스 디자인에 대해 살펴보고 개선방안을 제시하고자 한다. Supporting the interactive relation between gamer and computer, and offering the game world information, the user interface in online games plays an important role for a gamer to lead game into the intended direction. The purpose of this study is to analyse a currently utilized online game with educational implications and to analyse its user interface design elements, in order to suggest the strategy how to reformative educational online games.

      • 모음사이의 예사소리와 된소리의 구분에 대한 실험음성학적 연구

        김효숙,Kim Hyo-Suk 대한음성학회 1997 말소리 Vol.33 No.-

        Korean stop consonants are well known for their tripple distinction. In word initial position lax, tense and aspirated consonants are all voiceless. They are differentiated by the degree of tension, aspiration and VOT(voice onset time). But in intervocalic position, lax consonants become voiced. In this study I compare the acoustic features of Korean intervocalic lax and tense stops. The closure duration of lax stops is shorter than that of tense consonants. The preceding vowel length is longer in tan than that in tense consonants. I modify the above acoustic characteristics by an experimental methods. For example, I shorten the closure duration of intervocalic tense stops by 5 steps. r also do auditory tests which will show us listener's reaction on the above examples. And do the same job with the preceding vowels. According to the auditory test, the closure duration does an important role in differentiating Korean intervocalic lax and tense stops. But the preceding vowel length has almost nothing to do with the distinction between lax and tense stops. So I conclude that acoustic features also have hierarchy. Some features have categorical characteristics and others don't.

      • KCI등재

        김춘수 시의 불안과 자유

        김효숙(Kim, Hyo-Suk) 한국비평문학회 2017 批評文學 Vol.- No.65

        이 글은, 김춘수 자전소설 『꽃과 여우』와 산문집 『의미와 무의미』를 근간으로 그의 불안의식과 시적 자유를 고찰한다. 자신이 역사와 이데올로기의 피해자라는 생각은 김춘수 텍스트에서 특히 문제적인 것이다. 이때 그는 과거로 의식을 되돌려 개인 신화를 창조한다. 죄책감이 들게 하는 정치적 과오가 다시 현실의 수면 위로 떠오를 때 자신의 위치를 각성하기 위해 과거의 기억과 인물에 무의식을 투사한다. 현실에서 확립할 수 없는 정체성과 역사선 상에서의 피해의식을 현실적 상처가 없는 신화 공간에서 재현함으로써 죄책감과 불안을 완화하는 특성을 보인다. 김춘수의 불안 의식은 시적 자유를 실험하는 과정에서 현존재에게 허무 · 소외등 부정적 현상으로 나타난다. 그러나 이러한 부정성은 현존재에게 또한 가능성이기도 하다. 불안으로부터 이탈과 사로잡힘은 그의 삶의 조건이었으며, 그가 시의 자유를 실현하는 과정에 운동성을 부여해준 뚜렷한 현상이다. 존재적 불안을 타파하려는 그의 심리는 시의 실존을 실험하면서 의미를 부수는 글쓰기로 실현된다. 그의 시에 담긴 정신은 절대적 의미를 구획 짓지 않는 자유 바로 그것이며, 의미의 권위로부터 자유가 시의 내용을 이룬다. 때문에 시의 실존을 실험하는 과정에서 역사와 현실은 서로 객체로 작용한다. 그러한 간격을 메우기 위한 실험이 김춘수 시의 존재를 확정한다. 자아와 대상과의 관계망을 와해함으로써 의미를 소거한 김춘수의 시작법은 역사와 정치 문제를 현재로부터 추방함으로써 자유를 얻으려 한 것이었다. 김춘수는 독서활동으로 받아들인 서구 아나키스트들의 자유정신을 시에서 실험하지만 자아와 대상 간 관계의 총체성을 구하기보다 체계 내 요소로 작용하는 자유를 구가한다. 그는 아나키스트들에게 자아를 투영하면서 상상 속에서 자아를 이상적으로 변형한다. 또한 김춘수 시편들은 확정된 의미나 관념을 거부하면서 자의식의 해체 과정을 보여준다. 이 세계를 하나의 이유로 설명할 수 없다는 성찰 아래 부단한 시적 실험을 수행하면서 단일한 주체 부정, 견고한 지식 부정, 일정한 지배력으로 고착된 시론을 해체하고, 관점과 사유의 독점적 지배를 와해한다. 핵심을 무능화시키면서 맹목성 · 강압성 · 의미 · 통제 · 절대지배 등의 가치들을 부정한다. The objective of this study was to examine Kim Chun Su"s anxiety consciousness and poetic freedom orientation based on his autobiographical novel Flower & Fox and prose Sense & Nonsense. His consciousness that he is a victim of history and ideology seems to play a critical role in his texts. His consciousness turns back the clock and then creates a personal mythology. In order to find out his location under unstable reality and guilty conscience, he projects unconsciousness onto mythological characters. By reproducing the identity that could not be established in reality and his historical victim mentality in a mythological space in which no reality hurts exist, he characteristically alleviates guilty conscience and anxiety. Kim Chun Su"s anxiety consciousness is negativity as well as positivity which are provided to the existential being through the course of realization of poetic freedom. His breakaway from and obsession with anxiety are his condition of life and give the mobility to the course of realization of poetic freedom. His existential anxiety is materialized through his poetry writing which is an experiment on poetic existence and destroys its meanings. His spirit, presented in his poetry, is the very freedom which makes no division of absolute meanings, and consists of poetic contents through the authority of meanings. History and reality interact as an object in his experimental course of poetic existence. The very experiment to fill the gap between history and reality consists of the content of his poetry. Although he experiments the liberal spirit of Western anarchists, he accepted through reading activities, through poetic works, his pursuit is not the totality of relationship between self and others but the freedom that functions as a component of a system. In this vein, Kim Chun Su"s poetry denies established meanings and ideologies and presents the dismantling course of self-consciousness. With the self-reflection of that this world cannot be firmly established with only one cause, he carries out endless poetic experiments. By denying a single main agent, rejecting solid knowledge, and dismantling firmly established poetic theories of certain dominance, he dismantles the dominance of viewpoints and thoughts. In addition, he makes the core incompetent and then denies such values as blindness, coerciveness, meaning, control and absolute dominance.

      • KCI등재

        인지부하이론에 기초한 예배를 위한 멀티미디어 설계

        김효숙(Hyo-Sook Kim) 연세대학교 신과대학(연합신학대학원) 2015 신학논단 Vol.81 No.-

        As multimedia for worship is an instructional media and a learning environment, understanding how the congregation understands multimedia must be taken into consideration when designing multimedia. Therefore, this study proposes the cognitive load theory, empirically verified in the Cognitive Science field, and design principles for multimedia, and analyzes the fittingness of the multimedia for worship. The analysis subjects are 87 churches that the students in an Educational Technology class of P-University attend. It is a type of meta-analysis, which aggregates and analyzes the observation report of the worship environment and multimedia for worship. The worship environment investigates whether a cross has been placed or not, the screen location, and the type of multimedia. For the fittingness of multimedia, a rubric for analytic evaluation on multimedia design principles that can minimize extraneous cognitive load was devel oped and analyzed. Furthermore, chi-square test, t-test, and one-way ANOVA were conducted to verify the difference among the groups according to church size, church location, and worship hall. According to the analysis results on the worship environment, there were more churches that had not placed crosses in the worship hall for next generation than adult generation. Screens were generally placed at the upper front. In terms of the type of multimedia, it is typical that the smaller churches mainly use PowerPoint while the larger ones more frequently use videos. Consequently, the fittingness of multimedia showed that worship multimedia for adult generation had greater fittingness, and there was very significant difference between adult generation and next generation. The limitation of this study is that it focuses on the extraneous cognitive load focused on some multimedia utilized during worship. It is, however, an interdisciplinary study which applied Cognitive Science for the design of worship multimedia, and is meaningful in that it provides clues for the reconsideration and redesign of next generation worship environments. As multimedia for worship is an instructional media and a learning environment, understanding how the congregation understands multimedia must be taken into consideration when designing multimedia. Therefore, this study proposes the cognitive load theory, empirically verified in the Cognitive Science field, and design principles for multimedia, and analyzes the fittingness of the multimedia for worship. The analysis subjects are 87 churches that the students in an Educational Technology class of P-University attend. It is a type of meta-analysis, which aggregates and analyzes the observation report of the worship environment and multimedia for worship. The worship environment investigates whether a cross has been placed or not, the screen location, and the type of multimedia. For the fittingness of multimedia, a rubric for analytic evaluation on multimedia design principles that can minimize extraneous cognitive load was devel oped and analyzed. Furthermore, chi-square test, t-test, and one-way ANOVA were conducted to verify the difference among the groups according to church size, church location, and worship hall. According to the analysis results on the worship environment, there were more churches that had not placed crosses in the worship hall for next generation than adult generation. Screens were generally placed at the upper front. In terms of the type of multimedia, it is typical that the smaller churches mainly use PowerPoint while the larger ones more frequently use videos. Consequently, the fittingness of multimedia showed that worship multimedia for adult generation had greater fittingness, and there was very significant difference between adult generation and next generation. The limitation of this study is that it focuses on the extraneous cognitive load focused on some multimedia utilized during worship. It is, however, an interdisciplinary study which applied Cognitive Science for the design of worship multimedia, and is meaningful in that it provides clues for the reconsideration and redesign of next generation worship environments.

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