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        학습복잡계 기반의 공학적 글쓰기 교수 방법 연구

        김혜경,김차종,Kim, Hae-Kyung,Kim, Cha-Jong 한국정보통신학회 2010 한국정보통신학회논문지 Vol.14 No.7

        본 논문은 학습복잡계 이론의 시각에 근거하여 공학적 글쓰기의 관계 및 교수방법을 고찰한 것이다. 이를 위해 학습복잡계 이론의 구성요소와 특징을 살펴보고 새로운 글쓰기 교육의 가능성을 검토해보았다. 그 결과 공학적 글쓰기교육의 접근 방법이 확장되었을 뿐만 아니라 교육적 실현 가능성이 탐색되었다. 이는 새로운 공학적 글쓰기 교수학습의 가능성을 여는 계기가 될 것이다. 또한 이와 관련하여 앞으로 구체적인 사례 연구와 교재개발 등이 체계적 진행되어야 할 것을 제안하고 있다. This paper examines technical writing and teaching methods based on the perspectives of the complex learning system theory. So, the paper first discusses the constituent elements and characteristics of the complex learning system theory and continues to examine the potential of applying the complex learning system theory to new teaching methods. As a result, not only did the research expand the approach methods of providing technical writing education but also confirmed the potential of actual implementation. Such results will provide a leeway to start applying new teaching methods for technical writing education. Furthermore, the paper proposes more detailed case studies related to this topic as well as development of this research to produce textbooks and other higher level researches.

      • KCI등재후보

        목운동에 따른 목과 어깨부위의 체표변화에 관한 연구

        김혜경,박순지,서추연,석은영,Kim, Hae-Kyung,Park, Soon-Jee,Suh, Chu-Yeon,Suk, Eun-Young 대한인간공학회 2002 大韓人間工學會誌 Vol.21 No.1

        With the wide range of movement, the movement of neck accompanies the body surface change of neck and shoulders. And neck corresponds to the collar of garment, meaning that the body surface change of this part affects the construction of patterns for collars. So the purpose of this study was to manifest the changes of body surface in the neck and shoulder accompanied with the movement of the neck and to draw up the facts worth consideration when constructing the collar pattern. In this study, the draft of body surface of neck and shoulder was drawn up by gypsum method according to the 5 movements (standing at attention, neck bending - front, back, right, left). The length of body surface was measured and analyzed by ANOVA, post hoc test, correlation and regression analysis using SPSS 10.0 for Windows. The variation of the surface of neck was remarkable in the vertical lines than the horizontal ones. So the height of collar should be established considering the range of movement of the neck. It was the raising amount of c.f(center front) of neck and girth of neckbase (back) that were proved to have significantly varied after movement. With correlation analysis done, in every movement, the raising amount of side and the girth of neckbase had remarkably positive relation. The movement of the neck accompanied the variation of body surface in the shoulder as well. It was the part of scapula and side of neckbase that the variation was notable, suggesting that the surplus is needed in these parts.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한승원 소설의 ‘아버지’ 담론 고찰

        김혜경(Kim, Hae-kyung) 한국언어문학회 2017 한국언어문학 Vol.100 No.-

        This paper examines the discourse of the father in Han Seung- W on s novel Submerged Father, identifying several literary themes in the text First, the theme of a loss of identity dominates the protagonist Kim Oh-Hyeon s life, who was branded as the son of the Reds . The Family’s genocide was also accepted as the catalyst that motivated Kim to rebuild the family through a marriage forced by his grandfather. This signified becoming passive - father-being - and showed that he could not revert to the state of being that characterized the name of the father . Second, Kim Oh-Hyeon was obsessed with compulsive desire due to trauma and deprivation. The down fall of the Reds family became a traumatic scar to Kim Oh-Hyeon and his grandfather. Kim Oh-Hyeon needed to raise more and smarter children to make them judges and prosecutors. His desire for judges and prosecutors was an attempt to shed the tag the son of the Reds and restore the image of socially acceptable ideology in his family. Third, the author, Han Seung- W on, never neglected the failures of Kim Oh-Hyeon or the exposure of the family to conflict. Han made Kim regain the name of the father through the place of the father that Kim s wife made. Kim Oh-Hyeon recovered from a loss of identity and a fundamental deficit. This is a foreshadowing which implies a positive conclusion. This novel explores the ontological meaning and typical heaviness of the father of the times through the character, Kim Oh-Hyeon. Moreover, it is an opportunity to discover the value of pursuing understanding and harmony, rather than ideological confrontation, with one’s children. The novel has some meaningful differences from Han Seung- W on s other works, which do not describe a problem of conflict between father and son as contradictory figures.

      • KCI등재

        16~17세기 동아시아 예수회의 선교 정책

        김혜경(Kim, Hae-Kyung) 서강대학교 신학연구소 2010 신학과 철학 Vol.- No.17

        이 논문은 예수회가 16~17세기 동아시아에서 펼친 ‘적응주의 선교 정책’의 의의를 규명하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 예수회는 종교개혁의 거센 물결이 유럽을 강타하던 시기에 창설되었다. 유럽에서는 설립초기부터 교회를 지적 · 영적으로 쇄신했고, 휴머니즘과 르네상스의 영향을 받아 교육의 커리큘럼을 개혁했으며, 보호권과 종교개혁에 대응하여 교회가 진정으로 나아갈 방향을 고민하였다. 아프리카와 남미에서는 노예 상인들에 맞서 원주민들의 인권 보호에 앞장섰고 흑인 노예들의 개종과 문명 교육에 힘썼다. 그리고 아시아에서는 오늘날 그리스도교 토착화의 원형이라고 할 수 있는 적응주의선교 정책으로 지역문화와의 대화를 시도했다. 이 논문에서는 아시아의 선교 정책에 초점을 맞추어 논의를 개진해 보고자 한다. 예수회의 ‘적응주의 선교 정책’은 대화의 차원에서 진행된 근대적인 선교 방식으로서 선교학에서도 중요한 역사적인 의미가 있는 선교 방법론이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 이 분야의 연구는 미비한 상태에 있다고 생각된다. 따라서 필자가 이 논문에서 특별히 다루고자 하는 부분은 ‘적응주의 선교 정책’의 연원과 관련한 부분이다. 즉, 적응주의의 배경에 관한 것으로서 유럽의 휴머니즘과 르네상스의 영향을 살펴보고, 적응주의의 역사적인 상황으로서 식민지 시대의 보호권 선교노선과 종교개혁의 여파 및 아시아를 향한 유럽인의 진출에 대해 논의해 보는 것이다. 적응주의는 동아시아 예수회의 선교 방법론으로서 과거 다른 대륙에서는 생각조차 하지 못했던 아시아의 특수한 상황을 고려하여 아시아에 맞춘 ‘맞춤식’ 선교정책이었다. 이것은 바오로 신학을 근거로 하여, 제2차 바티칸공의회의 노선을 4세기 가량 앞당긴 대단히 진보적인 방법론이었다. 그래서 지금도 ‘본성상 선교해야 하는’(선교교령 2항) 교회로서는 결코 간과할 수 없는 중요한 이슈라고 할 수 있다. This is a study to investigate the significance of Accommodation. It is a mission policy that the Society of Jesus managed in East Asia in the 16-17th centuries. The Society of Jesus was established when the Reformation broke out and affected all over the Europe. This promoted intellectual and spiritual renovation of the Church reformation in educational curriculum that was affected by Humanism and Renaissance, and agonized the right direction for the church confronting Custody and Reformation in Europe. In addition, it took the lead in protecting the human right of natives against slavers, and made an effort to convert and educate black slaves in Africa and South America. And in Asia, the Society of Jesus tried to communicate with regional culture with Accommodation - The original form of that is now being called as the Christian inculturation. This paper is mainly focused on missionary policy in Asia. Accommodation has an important historical meaning in missionary methodology as the modern propagation way has been progressed by communication. Nevertheless, this study has not been properly discussed. Henceforth, I decided to concentrate upon the origin of Accommodation in this paper. Hence it may clarify some arguments on accurate basis regarding the adaptation principle that has had much rumors. The origin of Accommodation refers to the background and genesis of Accommodation. In other words, it means that on what historical context and event the Accommodation was affected. This study is also able to reveal who accepted it and how it was accepted. In extension, details of the content of it as well. As the Accommodation of the Society of Jesus is based on Pauline Theology from its beginning, it was very progressive methodology preceding about 4 centuries to the 2nd Vatican Council. Thus it is a big issue that should not be neglected by the Church who has her own “missionary nature”(AG 2) by nature.

      • KCI등재

        Coaching학습법을 활용한 이공계 글쓰기 교육 사례 분석

        김혜경 ( Hae Kyung Kim ),김차종 ( Cha Jong Kim ),김영찬 ( Young Chan Kim ) 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2013 인문학연구 Vol.45 No.3

        본 연구는 Coaching학습법이 이공계 글쓰기의 교수 방법으로 합당하며, 의미 있는 성과 도출이 가능한가를 확인하려는 목적에서 출발하였다. 이를 위해 연구자는 Coaching학습법의 활용방안 탐색을 위한 시도로 ‘Coaching의 개념과 기법은 무엇인가? Coaching의 단계와 절차, 방법은 어떻게 되는가? 이공계 글쓰기에서의 적용과 활용방안은 무엇인가? 그 결과는 어떻게 도출되는가?’를 기준으로 연구하였다. 본 연구의 중심이 되는 Coaching학습법은 이공계 의사소통 전문교양 과목인 에 적용 시행하였다. 그 결과 학생들로부터 학습내용 측면의 이해도 상승, 자신의 글쓰기 문제점 파악 후 수정 가능, 글쓰기 태도와 능력 변화 등의 긍정적 평가를 얻었다. 또한 교수자는 학생의 특성파악 및 맞춤형 지도가 가능하다는 점을 발견하였고, 학생 개인과의 상담병행의 효율성을 확인하였으며, 적극성이 부족한 학습자의 학습동기 유발 측면과 자기효능감 강화 등의 심리적 효과도 검증하였다. 따라서 Coaching학습은 긍정적인 의미의 교수 학습방법이며, 글쓰기 학습효과의 극대화, 학생과의 상호작용성 증대, 학생의 자기주도 학습의 방법 모색 등의 효과를 확인하는 교수법으로서 의의를 발견할 수 있다. This study was motivated to find out whether the learning method through coaching would be a suitable teaching method in college education and whether a meaningful achievements could be drawn from using coaching. In specific, to fully understand techniques and features of learning method of coaching, research questions of this study were set up as follows: ``What is coaching and what are the techniques of coaching?``, ``What are the phases, procedures, and methods are like in coaching?``, ``Utilizing coaching, what kinds of application could be made in college education, particularly, in ``academic writing for the students majoring natural sciences and engineering?``, and finally, ``what kinds of results could be drawn from the applying and using coaching?The course in which coaching was used as a learning method was a , a specialized liberal arts course which was focused on communication for the students majoring in natural sciences and engineering. As a result of the application, several positive reviews were earned from students such as an increased understanding of learning content, being able to get an opportunity of revision after noticing problems of their own writing, students`` changed attitude on writing, and students`` improved writing ability. Moreover, from teachers`` standpoint, it was found that individual student``s characteristics were identified through coaching, and eventually, coaching made possible a customized teaching for each student. In addition, coaching was verified to have a few positive psychological benefits such as being able to be an effective alternative in student counseling, triggering motivation of learning for those learners who lacked initiative, and enhancing students`` self efficacy. To sum up, this study was significant in a way that coaching was confirmed as a positive and meaningful learning method which was effective in increasing interaction with students and helping them to pursue their self-directed learning.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        인터넷마케팅활동이 부동산 중개성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        김혜경(Kim, Hae Kyung),강정규(Kang, Jeong Gyu) 한국주거환경학회 2018 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집) Vol.16 No.3

        This study used a number of online marketing activities of authorized real estate brokers and portal sites to select among these tools and to focus on Internet marketing activities. Based on the demographic differences, the government conducted a survey of authorized brokers in Seoul, Daejeon, Daegu and Busan according to the characteristics of internet marketing activities. Research methods are as follows. First, conducting frequency analysis, Internet activities of established public service brokers are categorized into search ads, SNS marketing, search ads and social networking sites marketing, SNS marketing and portal site advertisement, total SNS site advertising and portal marketing, Among the seven Internet marketing activities, the results of real estate brokerage are high when they are engaged in search, SNS marketing, portal site advertisement and SNS marketing together. Second, through factor analysis, the main reasons for internet marketing activities were extracted as explanatory variables, and reliability analysis was conducted. Third, the analysis of one-way distribution looked at real estate brokerage performance by opening public utility certified brokers according to their type of Internet marketing activities by demographic characteristics, region and specialty. The results confirmed that the opening public brokers were engaged in Internet marketing activities, focusing on search and portal site advertising to quickly deliver products. SNS marketing was helping to communicate with customers through the use of real estate information in a limited marketing area due to the characteristics of real estate. Therefore, if they are actively marketed separately or in combination, they could be effective in marketing brokerage performance.

      • KCI등재

        성매매피해여성의 탈성매매경험에 관한 연구

        김혜경(Hae-Kyung Kim),구차순(Cha-Soon Gu) 한국콘텐츠학회 2017 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.17 No.9

        본 연구는 성매매피해여성의 탈성매매경험을 분석하고 그 결과를 바탕으로 탈성매매 경험과정에 관한 이론 형성에 기여하고자 하는 목적으로 진행되었다. 연구방법으로 Strauss와 Corbin(1988)이 제시한 근거이론 방법을 적용하여 수행하였다. 본연구의 참여자는 탈성매매 되어 있는 여성 10명으로 탈성매매 기간 평균 2년 이상이 된 성매매 경험 여성들이다. 본 연구 결과 105개의 개념과 35개의 하위 범주와 17개의 범주를 도출해 냈다. 축코딩에서 패러다임에 의한 범주 분석결과, 탈성매매 경험의 인과적 조건으로 ‘잘못된 선택의 시작’이 나왔다. 중심현상으로 ‘심신의 황폐’가 나왔다. 이러한 중심현상을 가져오는 맥락적 조건으로는 ‘악순환의 고리에 얽매임’, ‘무력감’이 나왔으며 중심현상에서 작용/상호작용 전략을 중재하는 조건으로서는 ‘불가피한 중단’, ‘지지체계’, ‘막연한 기대,’ ‘퇴출됨’, ‘역할감 생김’, ‘가족의 그림자’가 도출되었다. 작용/상호작용 전략으로 ‘자성’, ‘자포자기’, ‘벗어나려 애씀’이며 결과는 ‘정체성혼란’, ‘흔적에 대한 두려움’, ‘성매매 재유입 여지’, ‘벗어남’으로 도출되었다. 탈성매매 과정은 ‘심신의 황폐 단계’, ‘단념의 단계’, ‘의지 회복의 단계’, ‘평범한 삶의 적응에 도전 단계’를 거치는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구에서 성매매 피해 여성의 성공적 탈성매매 여부는 자신의 주체적 의지가 중요한 역할을 한다는 결론이 도출되었다. The purpose of this study was to analyze an experience of sexual traffic victims and contribute for its formation of theory based on the results. A method of study was performed by using grounded theory method of Strauss and Corbin(1988). Through the results of study, one hundred and five concepts and thirty five subcategories and seventeen categories were deducted. ‘destroy of mind and body’ from the central phenomenon. The core category of experience of escaping from prostitution was presented by ‘return of ordinary life recovered from destroy of life ’and the process of escaping from prostitution was presented in order of ‘destroy of mind and body step’, ‘abandonment step’, ‘recovery of will step’, ‘challenge of adaption of ordianry life step’. In the study, it followed that an independent their own will of a sexually exploited women play an important role for a successful escaping from prostitution.

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