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      • KCI등재

        Changes in Salivary Flow Rate and pH in Stressful Conditions

        김현정,서봉직,Kim, Hyeon-Jung,Suh, Bong-Jik The Korean Academy of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medi 2001 Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain Vol.26 No.1

        타액은 그 양과 조성 등에 있어 많은 인자들의 영향을 받는다. 타액분비 감소는 구강의 자정작용, 완충능, 치아우식저항성 등 타액의 고유한 기능을 변화시켜서 구강건조감, 구강작열감, 다발성 치아우식증 등의 소인이 된다. 이에 저자는 심리적 요인이 구강내 환경에 미치는 영향을 평가하고자 타액선질환을 포함한 전신질환이 없는 전북대학교 치과대학생 20명을 대상으로 일상생활시와 시험 직전의 비자극성 전타액을 5분간 추출하여, 그 유출량과 수소이온농도를 측정, 비교, 평가하였다. 타액유출량은 $25m{\ell}$의 메스실린더를 사용하였고, 수소이온농도는 pH/SEmeter(ORION, 720A model)를 이용하여 측정하였다. 평가 결과 남성의 비자극성 타액유출량과 수소이온농도는 $3.68{\pm}1.31m{\ell}/5min$와 $7.63{\pm}0.17$이었고, 여성에서는 각각 $4.93{\pm}1.47m{\ell}/5min$와 $7.43{\pm}0.29$로서 성별간 유의한 차이가 없었다. 그리고 일상생활시의 성인의 5분간 수집된 비자극성 타액유출량은 $4.18{\pm}1.48m{\ell}/5min$였고, 스트레스하에서의 양은 $2.20{\pm}0.95m{\ell}/5min$로 나타나 스트레스시 타액유출량이 감소하는 것으로 나타났다(p<0.01). 또한 일상생활시의 성인의 비자극성 타액의 수소이온농도는 $7.55{\pm}0.24$였고, 스트레스하에서의 수소이온농도는 $7.22{\pm}0.20$으로 나타나 스트레스시 수소이온농도가 감소하는 것으로 나타났다(p<0.01). 이상의 결과로 보아 스트레스는 타액유출량을 감소시키고 구강내를 보다 산성화시킨다고 사료된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        1950년대 대전 시문학의 양상

        김현정 ( Kim Hyeon-jung ) 영주어문학회 2017 영주어문 Vol.37 No.-

        이 논문은 1950년대 대전 시문학의 양상과 특징을 고찰하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이 시기에 대전 시문학은 1951년에 창립한 호서문학회를 중심으로 이루어졌다. 그들은 1952년에 「호서문학」을 창간한 후 4집까지 발간하여 대전 시단을 풍요롭게 하였다. 이 잡지에는 유치환, 김현승, 김관식, 정훈, 전여해 등의 시를 비롯하여 많은 시인들의 시가 수록되어 있다. 정훈을 비롯하여 전여해, 김대현, 박희선 등이 개인시집을 발간하였고, 한성기, 박용래, 임강빈은 「현대문학」으로 추천받아 등단하였다. 1950년대 대전 시문학의 양상과 특징은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 전후현실과 유토피아의식을 표출하였다는 점이다. 정훈의 「폐허에서」, 「밀고 끌고」, 김대현의 「청사」, 「옥피리」등에서 찾아볼 수 있다. 둘째, 자연의 이치와 인간 순수미를 투영한 작품들이 많다는 점이다. 유치환의 「낮달」과 박용래의 「눈」, 한성기의 「아이들」, 「애정(1)」등에서 이러한 면을 발견할 수 있다. 셋째, 당시 현실적 모순과 불의에 저항하는 현실주의 계열의 작품이 등장한다는 점이다. 박희선의 「기(旗)의 서장(序章)」과 전여해의 「헌사」, 「너 하나만 위해」등에서 확인된다. 이 연구는 1950년대 대전 시단의 형성과정과 특징뿐만 아니라 대전 시문학의 정체성을 고찰하는 데에도 많은 기여를 할 것으로 판단된다. 또한 해방 이후 순수와 진보 계열의 시문학이 어떻게 1950년대에 시문학에서 연계되는지를 고구하는 데에도 적잖은 도움을 줄 것으로 기대된다. The purpose of this study is to look over the aspects and characteristics of 1950s poetry in Daejeon region. Hoseo literary society founded in 1951 was in the center of Daejeon poetry at this period. This society had made Daejeon's poetic circles fairly rich by publishing 4 series of 「Hoseo Munhak」since their first publication in 1952. Many poetry were published in this magazine including the poems from some famous poets like Yu ChiHwan, Kim HyunSeung, Kim KwanSik, Jung Hun, and Jun YeoHae etc. In addition, some poets like Jung Hun, Jun YeoHae, and Kim DaeHyun published their own personal poetry. Also, HanSungGi, Park YongRae, and Lim Kang Bin made their debut by receiving recommendation from 「Hyundae Munhak」during this period. The following describes the aspects and characteristics of Daejeon's poetry in the 1950s. First, it shows national and commonalty consciousness. Such content can be found in 「Jokukjeongseo」, 「milgokkeulgo」, and 「Pajeock(破笛)」, 「Okpiri」written by Jung Hun and Kim DaeHyun respectively. Second, there were a lot of poetry projecting the nature of things and humanity. and such characteristics can be found in various piece of works-「Aejeong(1)」, 「Yeok」by Han SeongGi, 「Ttang」by Park YongRae, 「Sankwa」by Lim KangBin, 「Kyeoulbanghak by Kim HyunSeung, and 「Natdal」by Yu ChiHwan. Third, the works based on realism, that oppose to injustice and contradiction, begin to appear. 「Neo Hanaman Wehae」, 「Heonsa」, and 「Bamcha」from Jun YeoHae contains such characteristics. We anticipate that this study will greatly contribute to investigating not only the formation and characteristics of the 1950s Daejeon poetry circles but also the identity difference between Daejeon poetry and others. Also, we hope this paper opens a way to discover how the pure and progressive poetry is related with the poetry of the 1950s.

      • KCI등재

        근대계몽기 국문 담론 양상과 언문일치

        김현정(Hyeon-jung Kim) 어문연구학회 2009 어문연구 Vol.60 No.-

        This paper explores some development and aspects of the korean language use and its semantic network, based on the arguments related to the Korean language use in the modern period of enlightenment. In those days, many intellectuals insisted on the exclusive Korean language use movement and spoken and written language match. Nevertheless, Korean languages and Chinese characters begun to be used together in the written text. By reviewing the Korean language use movement and the spoken and follows : First, as for the exclusive use of korean language and the spoken and written language match, their necessity is more highlighted than their essential aspect since they are associated with the nation and nationalism. Second, the exclusive use of korean language and the spoken and written language match lead to the extensive oppression ot the use of Chiness characters. Third, new intellectuals who study abroad cannot put the exclusive use of Korean language into practice although they emphasize the use of Korean language itself.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        윤곤강의 비평 연구

        김현정(Kim Hyeon Jung) 한국비평문학회 2004 批評文學 Vol.- No.19

        This thesis focuses on the time-division of the change progress of Yun Gon Gang's criticism study into the KAPF period, post-KAPF period, post-liberation period.<br/> His criticism pursues the dialectical unity of the literature and form based on the through reality perception and hierarchical viewpoint and concludes the criticism of pursuing the national reality and tradition. Like this, though the change progress of his criticism is due to the great historical background, it responds to the colonial reality through the criticism of the self-renovation rather than the sensibility for the objective reality change. His criticism contributes to the impotence of the colonizer's will that contends to strengthen and consolidate the colonization, and serves to tap the possibility of overcoming the colonial reality.<br/> In conclusion, Yon Gon Gang's criticism continues to suggest the through reality perception, the self-renovation based on the continual self-reflection and self-examination, the ostracism against the injustice and irrationality, and the creativity of the national spirit for the present situation.

      • KCI등재

        오탁번 시에 나타난 제천의 의미

        김현정(Kim Hyeon-jung) 숭실대학교 한국문학과예술연구소 2018 한국문학과 예술 Vol.26 No.-

        이 논문은 오탁번의 시에 투영된 제천의 의미를 추출하기 위해 세 측면에서 고찰하였다. 첫째, 순은(純銀)과 시심(詩心)의 공간으로, 주로 고향에서의 유년시절의 추억을 노래한 내용이 주를 이루고 있다. 시기별로 시에 투영된 고향의 모습이 각기 다른 양상으로 표출되었고, 그 근간에는 순은의 세계와 동심의 세계가 자리하고 있음을 볼 수 있었다. 둘째, 자연과 인간, 생명의 공간으로 ‘제천/백운’의 자연과 인간을 묘사한 내용이다. 상실과 병듦이 사라진, 역사와 현실이 함께 어우러진 생성의 의미를 함축적으로 보여주었다. 셋째, 반근대와 유토피아 추구의 공간으로 현재 머물고 있는 ‘원서헌’을 중심으로 ‘원형(原型)’으로의 회귀를 표출하였다. 현대인들의 살아가는 각박한 현실, 경쟁 위주의 현실에 벗어나 자연의 섭리와 생명의 소중함이 담긴 순수의 세계를 보여주었다. 따라서 오탁번의 시에 등장하는 제천은 유년시절의 삶과 어머니가 존재하는 고향이고, 천등산과 박달재사이의 포근하고 안락한 곳이며, 자연과 인간이 함께하는 생명의 소중함을 전해주는 곳이라는 의미를 함축하고 있는 문학지리라 할 수 있다. This paper examines to extract the meaning of Jecheon projected in Oh Takbeon`s poetry in three aspects. First, in the space of pure silver and poetry, his poem was mainly composed of memories of childhood in the hometown. The appearance of the hometown projected in his poetry differed depending on the periods, and the innocence of a childhood and 순은 were the basis of his poetic world. Second, it describes nature and human being of `Jecheon / Baekun` as a space of nature and life. It implicates the meaning of creation that combines history and reality where the loss and illness disappeared. Third, it expressed a return to `prototype` centering on `Wonseo - han` where he is currently staying to pursue anti-modern and utopia. Abandoning the harsh and competition-oriented reality, it showed the world of pureness which is filled with the preciousness of nature and life. Therefore, `Jecheon` appearing in the poetry of Oh Takbeon is a cozy and comfortable place between Cheondungsan and Bakdaljae where mother and the childhood life coexisted. In result, Jecheon can be said to be a literary geography where nature and human beings share the preciousness of life together.

      • KCI등재

        전여해의 시 연구

        김현정 ( Hyeon Jung Kim ) 현대문학이론학회 2015 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.62

        전여해는 우리에게 잊혀진, 매몰된 시인이다. 1950년에 『동방신문』으로 등단한 그는 1956년에 임화(林和)를 회상하며 쓴 시 「너 하나만 위해」를 발표하였고, 1960년4월 학생운동이 막바지에 이르던 시기에 『대전일보』에 시 「어린 조국에-후렴있는 4월의 노래」를 발표하기도 하였다. 그리고 그는 1960년 6월에 시집 『풀밭에서』를 출간한 뒤 이 시집에 쓴 ‘친일 문인’을 비판한 내용이 발단이 된 필화사건으로 인해평생 ‘은둔’과 ‘침묵’으로 일관하며 일생을 보냈다. 그는 당시의 현실적 모순을 비판하고 불의에 저항하였기에 아이러니하게도 대전문단에서, 그리고 대전문학사에서 배제된, 잊혀진 시인이 된 것이다. 그러나 전여해가 비록 매몰되었고, 잊혀진 시인이 되었지만, 그의 문학은 결코 소홀히 다루어져서는 안 되는 문학사적 의미가 있다. 그것은 그의 문학이 1950년대 대전문학의 주류인 서정성 짙은 순수문학적인 모습뿐만 아니라 현실주의적 경향을 보여주고 있다는 점, 그리고 해방 이후 대전 문학장에 『현대』 잡지를 중심으로 형성된 진보문학의 계보를 잇고 있다는 점 등이다. Jeon Yeohae is a forgotten poet. He started his literary career in 1950 through Dongbang Sinmun and published “Neo hanaman wihae” which was written in the memory of Im Hwa(林和) in 1956 and when the student movement was reaching its final stage he published “Eorin joguge-Huryeominneun 4worui norae” in Daejeon ilbo. As a result of criticizing ‘pro-Japanese literati’ in his poetry 『Pulbateseo (풀밭에서)』in June 1960, he had to spend the rest of his life in reclusion. It was an irony that exclusion was implemented by the Daejeon Literary Society and Daejeon Literary History by showing his exclamation on the contradiction of the realities and justice. As a result he became a poet who was ruled out and forgotten by Daejeon Literary History. Though Jeon Yeohae became an ostracized and forgotten poet, his legacy shouldn``t be treated indifferently as it has its own literary significance. His works showed not only realistic propensity but also pure literary form connoting rich lyricism. It was a progressive literature which was based on the pedigree of a magazine called 『Hyundae(현대)』in Daejeon Literary Field after liberation.

      • KCI등재

        대구경북지역 초등학생들의 영양소 섭취상태와 가당식품 섭취와의 관련성

        김현정(Hyeon Jung Kim),오현미(Hyun Mee Oh),조영지(Young Ji Cho),윤진숙(Jin Sook Yoon) 대한지역사회영양학회 2010 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.15 No.5

        This study was conducted to investigate the association of nutrients intake with sugar-containing food consumption of elementary school students in Daegu-Kyungpook area. We analyzed the dietary information from 164 elementary school students (82 boys, 82 girls) participated in Dietary Intake Survey of Infants, Children and Adolescents conducted by Korea Food & Drug Administration and Korea Health Industry Development Institute. Information on habitual dietary intake of sugar-containing foods was collected by food frequency questionnaires. Daily nutrients intake of each subject was calculated from 24-hour recall data for two non-consecutive days. As a result of average daily intake of major foods of elementary school students was analyzed from 1 to 50 ranking that show up higher ranking of white milk and white rice but include many kind of sugar-containing food. Dietary intake of energy, carbohydrate, Ca, P, Fe and riboflavin were significantly lower for girls with higher sugar-containing food frequency scores. Significantly negative associations between Index of Nutrition Quality (INQ) and sugar-containing food frequency scores were observed for calcium (r = -0.34) and iron (r = -0.32) among girls. Mean Adequacy Ratio (MAR) was significantly lower for girls with higher sugar-containing food frequency scores (r = -0.26). Our results indicated that nutrition education for elementary school students should focus on the importance of reducing the sugarcontaining food consumption with more attention for girls. (Korean J Community Nutr 15(5): 573~581, 2010)

      • KCI등재

        섭취식품군 점수에 근거한 대구경북지역 초등학생들의 식사의 다양성과 영양섭취상태 평가

        김현정(Hyeon Jung Kim),윤진숙(Jin Sook Yoon) 대한지역사회영양학회 2010 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        This study was intended to investigate the relation between nutrient status and food diversity of elementary school students in Daegu-Kyungpook area. The subjects were 164 elementary school students (82 boys, 82 girls) who participated in “Dietary Intake Survey of Infants, Children and Adolescents” conducted by Korea Food & Drug Administration and Korea Health Industry Development Institute. We analyzed the nutritional status for two non-consecutive days by 24 hour recall method. Adequacy of dietary intake was evaluated by the proportion of subjects consuming nutrients less than Estimated Average Requirements (EAR). Food diversity was compared by using Dietary Diversity Score (DDS) and Dietary Variety Score (DVS). Nutrients intake was significantly higher in boys than girls. Subjects who consumed all food groups showed higher intake of energy and other nutrients. Boys maintained better diet quality than girls, measured by Dietary Diversity Score (DDS) as well as Dietary Variety Score (DVS). Based on these results, nutrition education for elementary school students should focus on the importance of consuming all food groups with more attention for girls. (Korean J Community Nutrition 15(3): 297~307, 2010)

      • KCI등재

        회전로터 및 후류 동하중을 고려한 스마트 무인기 천이응답해석

        김현정(Kim, Hyun-Jung),오세원(Oh, Se-Won),김성준(Kim, Sung-Jun),최익현(Choi, Ik-Hyeon),김태욱(Kim, Tae-Wook),이상욱(Lee, Sang-Uk),김진원(Kim, Jin-Won),이정진(Lee, Jung-Jin),김동현(Kim, Dong-Hyun) 한국소음진동공학회 2006 한국소음진동공학회 논문집 Vol.16 No.9

        In this study, structural vibration analyses of a smart unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) have been conducted considering dynamic loads generated by rotating rotor and wakes. The present UAV (TR-S5-03) finite element model is constructed as a full three-dimensional configuration with different fuel conditions and tilting angles for helicopter, transition and airplane flight modes. Practical computational procedure for modal transient response analysis (MTRA) is established using general purpose finite element method (FEM) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technique. The dynamic loads generated by rotating blades in the transient and forward flight conditions are calculated by unsteady CFD technique with sliding mesh concept. As the results of present study, transient structural displacements and accelerations are presented in detail. In addition, vibration characteristics of structural parts and installed equipments are investigated for different fuel conditions and tilting angles.

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