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      • KCI등재

        활성슬러지 구성 미생물에 의한 폴리오바이러스의 감소 효과

        김태동,최동혁,Kim, Tae-Dong,Choi, Dong-Hyuk 한국환경보건학회 2006 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        The biological wastewater treatment system is known to have an important role in reducing the quantify of enteric virus in water environments. To clarify the roles of activated sludge microbes in decreasing the virus infectivity, the behavior of the virus in bacteria, protozoa, and metazoa was examined by pure or mixed culture system using poliovirus type 1(Lsc, 2ab strain). In the bacterial culture systems, the virus infectivity in the liquid phase decreased by a reversible adsorption of the virus to the bacteria or bacterial flocs. On the other hand, in the protozoa and the metazoa culture systems using T. pyriformis and P. erythrophthalma, respectively, with a variety of bacterial strains as prey, the main virus decrease mechanism of reversible adsorption in early stage was changed to irreversible predation, which was not eluted in this study. The virus decrease was more effective in the P. erythrophthalma culture system, which had high predation and floc forming abilities. However, in the mixed culture system of Z. ramigera and P. erythrophthalma, the more rapid reversible adsorption of virus to Z. ramigera flocs preceded the irreversible predation of P. erythrophthalma.

      • KCI등재

        국민체육진흥투표권 도입을 통한 동계스포츠 활성화 방안

        김태동(Tae-Dong Kim),김종성(Jong-Sung Kim) 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 2018 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회논문지 Vol.12 No.2

        본 연구는 스포츠진흥 재원 조성에 중추적 역할을 담당하고 있는 체육진흥투표권 도입 사례조사․분석을 통해, 2018 평창동계올림픽 유산의 한 부문으로서 동계스포츠 종목의 국민체육투표진흥권 도입을 모색하기 위한 정책을 제언하는 것이 목적이다. 이를 위해 국민체육진흥투표권 현황분석, 동계종목 대상 체육투표권 도입 사례분석, 동계스포츠의 투표권 도입을 위한 유사 법률 사례분석 등을 통해 연구를 수행하였다. 연구의 주요내용은 국민체육진흥투표권 현황분석, 동계종목 대상 체육투표권 도입 사례분석, 동계스포츠의 투표권 도입을 위한 유사 법률 사례분석, 정책제언 등 크게 네 부문으로 구성하였다. 이론적 검토로 국민체육진흥투표권 현황분석으로 우리나라 사행산업 현황과 국민체육진흥투표권 도입배경 및 경과, 국민체육진흥투표권 발매액 및 체육진흥기금 조성규모, 수익금 배분 등에 대한 논의를 전개하였다. 동계종목대상 체육투표권 도입 사례분석에서는 동계스포츠를 대상으로 체육진흥투표권사업을 실행하고 있는 독일, 노르웨이, 스웨덴 등의 국외와 제주도 사례를 분석하여 대중적 인기가 있는 동계스포츠 종목의 체육진흥투표권 도입 추진, 투표권 금액의 소액화, 하계스포츠에 비해 대중성이 낮은 동계스포츠의 국민체육진흥투표권 발행을 위해 동계스포츠 전담사업자 선정 등의 시사점을 도출되었다. 동계스포츠의 투표권 도입을 위한 유사 법률 사례분석에서는 국민체육진흥법, 경륜․경정법, 한국마사회법, 전통 소싸움경기에 관한 법률 등을 분석하여 국민체육진흥투표권 발행 종목 확대 가능성 확인, 동계스포츠의 체육진흥투표권 발행을 위한 법률 제정 필요성의 시사점이 도출되었다. 정책제언에서는 동계종목 대상 체육투표권 도입사례분석, 동계스포츠의 투표권 도입을 위한 유사 법률 사례분석에서 제시된 시사점을 토대로 정책을 제언하였다. The purpose of the study is to suggest a policy for exploring the introduction of sports promotion betting tickets for winter sports as a legacy for PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic through investigating and analyzing the introduction of sports promotion betting tickets which play a crucial part in creating the sports promotion fund. For this purpose, I have conducted my research through analyzing the current status of Korean sports promotion betting tickets, analyzing the actually introduced sports betting tickets, and analyzing similar cases of legislation for introducing betting tickets for winter sports. The details of the study is divided broadly into the four parts: the analysis of the current status of Korean sports promotion betting tickets, the analysis of the actually introduced sports betting tickets, the analysis of similar cases of legislation for introducing betting tickets for winter sports, and the analysis of policy proposals. To begin with, my theoretical review includes the analysis of the current status of Korean sports promotion betting tickets, which discusses the current status of gambling business in Korea, the background and progress if the introduction of national sports promotion betting tickets, the amount of sold national sports promotion betting tickets, and the size of the national sports promotion fund, and the distribution of revenue. The analysis of the actually introduced sports betting tickets review the overseas cases in Germany, Norway, Sweden etc., and the case in Jejudo which currently operate sports promotion betting tickets for winter sports, coming up with such suggestions as promoting the introduction of sports promotion betting tickets for winter sports which are popular, reducing the prices of betting tickets, and selecting exclusive business operators for winter sports with a view to issuing national sports promotion betting tickets that register less popularity than summer sports. The analysis of similar cases of legislation for introducing betting tickets for winter sports examines National Sports Promotion Act, Bicycle and Motorboat Racing Act, Korea Racing Authority Act, Traditional Bullfighting Match Act, thus verifying the possibility of increasing sports disciplines for national sports promotion betting tickets, and giving suggestions for the need to create Act for Issuing Sports Promotion Betting Tickets for Winter Sports. In policy proposals, based on the suggestions from the analysis of the actually introduced sports betting tickets and the analysis of similar cases of legislation for introducing betting tickets for winter sports.

      • KCI등재후보

        증례 : 문맥염 6예의 임상 양상 및 방사선학적 소견

        김태동 ( Tae Dong Kim ),김태년 ( Tae Nyeun Kim ),오희주 ( Hee Ju Oh ),김준환 ( Jun Hwan Kim ),이헌주 ( Hun Ju Lee ),박원규 ( Won Kyu Park ),장재천 ( Jae Chun Jang ) 대한내과학회 2005 대한내과학회지 Vol.69 No.-

        문맥염은 드문 질환으로 증상이 모호하여 조기진단이 어렵고 치료시기를 놓치면 높은 치사율을 보인다. 원인으로는 충수돌기염, 게실염, 감염성 췌장 괴사 등의 복강내 감염과 간경변이나 간암, 위암, 췌장암 같은 악성종양 및 골수증식성 질환, 혈액응고인자 결핍증과 같은 상태에서 이차적인 감염이 일어나서 생기기도 한다. 예후에 빠른 진단과 치료가 중요하여 저자들은 본원에서 경험한 6예를 통해 화농성 문맥 혈전증의 임상양상과 방사선학적 소견을 고찰해 보고자 하였다. 6예의 환자 모두 남자였으며 평균 추적관찰기간은 11개월(5~24개월), 평균연령은 54.3세(38~60세)였다. 문맥염의 추정 원인으로는 2예에서 담도염, 1예에서 급성 충수돌기염, 3예에서는 원인이 불분명하였다. 임상양상은 전예에서 발열과 오한, 우상복부 통증과 압통을 보였다. 일반혈액검사에서 6예에서 백혈구 증다증과 빈혈이 있었으며 3예에서 혈소판 감소를 보였다. 역동적 복부 전산화 단층 촬영상 전예에서 문맥혈전증이 보였으며 이 중 4예에서 상장간막 혈전증이 동반되어 있었다. 2예에서 간농양이, 2예에서 담즙종이 동반되어 나타났다. 문맥혈전증은 조영되지 않는 간내 문맥, 혈관내 저음영의 혈전소견, 간실질의 불균일한 조영증강, 변연부에 비해 중심부의 저음영 소견으로 나타났다. 치료는 6예 모두에서 광범위 항생제를 투여하였고, 그 중 1예에서 항응고요법을 병행하였다. 6예 모두 증상이 호전되었으며 항응고요법을 시행한 예에서 추적관찰시 혈전이 사라지고 간엽의 위축이 없이 회복되어 항응고요법이 문맥염의 호전에 도움이 될 것으로 생각되나 이에 대해서는 향후 더 많은 연구가 필요할 것으로 생각된다. Pylephlebitis, a suppurative thrombophlebitis of the portal venous system, is a rare complication of intra-abdominal sepsis usually followed by infection either in the region draining the portal system or in the structure contiguous to the portal vein. Early diagnosis and initiation of adequate antibiotic therapy is important for improving the long-term prognosis of patients suffering from this rare disease, so we retrospectively reviewed 6 cases of pylephlebitis. All patients were males with a mean follow-up of 11 months (range 5~24 months). Clinical symptoms consisted of fever (100%), right upper abdominal pain (100%), jaundice (33.3%), and diarrhea (16.6%). Anemia and leukocytosis were found in 6 patients. Suspected etiology was acute cholangitis in 2 patients, acute appendicitis in 1 patient and idiopathic in 3 patients. All patients were successfully diagnosed with dynamic CT scan which showed the presence of portal vein thrombosis (100%), superior mesenteric vein thrombosis (66.6%), liver abscess (33.3%), and biloma (16.6%). Patients were treated with the systemic administration of a broad spectrum antibiotics and 1 patient was given anticoagulant. Initial symptoms were improved in all patients and some beneficial effects of anticoagulation are expected to achieve the recanalization of thrombosis and prevent atrophic changes in the liver, but further studies on the kind of therapy are needed. (Korean J Med 69:S798-S806, 2005)

      • KCI우수등재

        특수관계자 거래와 기업의 공시수준

        김태동(Tae-Dong Kim),이윤아(Yoona Lee),배창현(Chang-Hyun Bae) 한국경영학회 2016 經營學硏究 Vol.45 No.3

        This research focuses on the disclosure patterns of related-party transactions and analyzes the relationship between these transactions and characteristics of companies in terms of disclosure. Because managers often exercise their discretionary powers through related-party transactions, disclosure of these transactions may include useful information for external investors in the form of specific transaction details. However, because the current accounting standards are unclear regarding footnote disclosures in reports containing information about related-party transactions, many users of accounting information have identified differences in disclosure methods in between individual firms. If discretionary accounting choices are allowed, then some managers may disclose only good news favorable to themselves; thus, the transparency and comparability of accounting information will deteriorate. In such cases, it is necessary to monitor and control large transactions between related parties to prevent corrupt practices. However, when this transaction information is arbitrarily hidden, this lack of disclosure increases information asymmetry among interested parties. This study focuses on disclosure patterns and hidden actions that conceal specific information about related-party transactions. We analyze firms’ corporate characteristics and identify factors affecting disclosure about related-party transactions. The empirical findings are as follows. First, we find that disclosure(footnote) quality decreases as the trade volume of related-party transactions increases. Second, in cases of propping, we confirm a significant decrease in the number of disclosures of related-party transactions. Lastly, according to the results of an analysis on differences in disclosure behavior by business groups, a decrease in disclosure associated with related-party transactions is observed in non-large business groups. In conclusion, firms that belong to large business groups and those that engage in propping tend to change their patterns of disclosure according to the manager’s discretionary decision-making. Therefore, in order to reduce information asymmetry in the stock market and improve the quality of accounting information, supervisory authorities must discuss institutional regulations to ensure adequate disclosure levels(quality) and encourage active disclosure. Most former research studies develop their arguments assuming that the nature of transactions causes information asymmetry while ignoring the loophole in the disclosure system of relatedparty transactions. Also, considering that studies on the disclosure standards associated with related-party transactions and the factors influencing disclosure are practically non-existent, this paper provides valuable information about related-party transactions and how the disclosure system fails to address issues related to them. By examining these issues, suggest that the problems related to the market’s biased perception of related-party transactions and the limitations of the information environment can be alleviated by taking complementary measures to improve disclosure standards. Furthermore, while discussion is ongoing about establishment of an effective monitoring system to prevent managers’ opportunistic decisionmaking during disclosure of related-party transactions, this thesis provides a suggested configuration and theoretical implications on the direction of future regulatory policy and oversight of relatedparty transactions through revision of the involved disclosure system.

      • KCI등재

        강원도 체육시설 안전관리 실태와 정책방향

        김태동(Tae-Dong Kim),김흥태(Heung-Tae Kim) 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 2020 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회논문지 Vol.14 No.4

        본 연구는 강원도 내 소재된 공공체육시설 안전관리 실태를 분석하여 도민들이 안전하게 이용할 수 있는 정책방향을 모색하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 중앙정부와 강원도 차원의 체육시설 안전관리 정책동향, 강원도 체육시설 안전관리 실태분석 등을 종합적으로 검토해 보았다. 강원도 체육시설 안전관리 정책방향에서는 강원도 체육시설 안전관리 실태분석에서 도출된 시사점을 토대로 다음과 같은 정책추진 방향을 제안하였다. 첫째, 지역에서 설립한 개발 및 도시 공사, 대학, 협동조합 등을 활용한 전문기관 지정 운영, 체육시설 관련 안전관리사 운용요원 양성 및 육성 등을 제안하였다. 둘째, 강원도 차원의 체육시설 안전관리 우수시설 지정 및 표창, 안전하고 대응 사례 발표회 개최, 스포츠안전체험한마당 개최, 스포츠안전교실 운영, 홍보만화 제작 등의 체육시설 안전문화 진흥 기반 조성을 제안하였다. 셋째, 타 시 ․ 도에 비해 많은 레저스포츠시설에 대한 안전관리 체계 기반을 마련할 것을 제안하였다. 넷째, 강원도 지역여건에 부합하는 체육시설 안전관리 지원조례 제정 등 제도적 기반 마련 및 강원도형 체육시설 안전관리 기본계획을 수립할 것을 제안하였다. Public sports facilities, which have increased in number due to continued government attention and investment, are used by a large number of residents in the province. However, the safety management in some facilities is limited due to being carried out with reference to safety management standard manuals as a mere formality. The purpose of this study was to analyze the current safety management status of public sports facilities in Gangwon and to seek out a policy direction that can be used safely by provincial residents. To this end. the study made a comprehensive review of central government and Gangwon government policy trends in sports facility safety management in Gangwon along with actual cases, from which it made the following suggestions for policy directions. First, it proposed the designation and operation of specialized institutions using locally established development and municipal companeie,. universities and cooperatives. and the training and fostering of safety managers for sports facilities. Secod, it proposed the establishment of a foundation to promote a sport facility safety culture such as designation of and commendation for excellent facility safety management on the provincial level. holding case presentations on safety and responsiveness. sports safety experience plazas, sports safety classes, and cartoons for public relations. Third, it proposed setting the foundation for a safety management system that takes into account the greater quantity of leisure sports facilities compared to other cities and provinces. Fourth, it proposed the establishment of an institutional basis to establish support ordinance for sports facility safety management that meets the local conditions in Gangwon. Fifth, it proposed safety management measures for sports facilities at the central government level in parallel with a basic plan for sports facility safety management tailored to Gangwon that matches the conditions on the ground in the region.

      • KCI등재

        폭발 하중을 받는 방폭문의 성능 평가

        김태동(Tae Dong Kim),김진호(Jin Ho Kim) 대한기계학회 2020 大韓機械學會論文集A Vol.44 No.6

        최근 폭발 하중을 받는 방폭문에 대한 연구가 활발히 진행되어지고 있는 추세이며, 국외에서는 여러 방폭 설계 기준을 제시하였다. 테러 공격이 국방 시설보다 일반 상업 건물에 집중되어지고 있으며, 보통의 구조 기술자들이 기본적인 수준의 방폭 설계를 수행할 수 있게 되었다. 이에 본 논문은 간단한 사례를 통하여 ANSYS Transient Structural을 사용하여 ductility ratio, support rotation angle을 계산한 뒤 방폭문(blast resistant door)의 방폭 성능을 살펴보았다. 폭발 하중의 정압만을 고려하여 해석을 수행하였으며, 2차원 설계 도면에서 CATIA Part Design을 통하여 각 부재들을 모델링하였고 CATIA Assembly를 통하여 부재들의 접촉 조건을 주어 3D 모델링을 진행하였다. μ =2.8734, θ=0.4941°라는 값을 얻을 수 있었으며 선정한 보호 수준에 적합하다는 결론을 도출하였다. Recently, research on the blast resistant door of the structures subjected to the blast load has actively been progressed, and various explosion proof design standards are presented abroad. Terrorist attacks have been concentrated in commercial buildings rather than military facilities, and normal structural engineers have been able to perform basic level explosion-proof designs. In this paper, we investigated the explosion resistance of blast resistant door after calculating the ductility ratio and support rotation angle using ANSYS Transient Structural through a simple case. The analysis was performed considering only the positive pressure of the blast loading and each member was modeled using the CATIA Part Design in a two-dimensional design drawing; 3D modeling was performed by providing the components" contact conditions through the CATIA Assembly. The values μ = 2.8734, θ = 0.4941° were obtained and conclusion was drawn that these values were suitable for the selected level of protection.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        선행학습을 적용한 학교스포츠클럽 참여 청소년의 자기결정성 동기와 운동몰입 및 운동지속의도의 관계

        김태동(Tae-Dong Kim),김상태(Sang-Tai Kim) 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 2017 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회논문지 Vol.11 No.1

        이 연구는 선행학습을 통해 학교 스포츠클럽에 참여하는 중, 고등학교 학생들의 자기결정성동기와 운동몰입 및 운동지속의도 유형을 파악하고 자기결정성동기와 운동몰입이 운동지속의도에 미치는 상대적인 영향을 조사, 분석하여 학교 스포츠클럽에 참여하는 청소년들의 운동지속의도 향상에 필요한 기초 자료를 제공하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 2015~2016년 교육부에 등록되어 있고 서울시와 경기도 지역에 소재하고 있는 중, 고등학교에 재학하고 있는 학생들 중, 선행학습을 통해 학교스포츠 클럽에 참여하고 있는 학생들 157명을 대상으로 자기결정성동기와 운동몰입이 운동지속의도에 미치는 상대적인 영향을 분석한 결과, 다음과 같은 결론을 얻게 되었다. 연구대상자 특성별 자기결정성동기는 학교 스포츠클럽에 참여한 경력이 많을수록 내적동기 수준과 내적규제 수준이 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 운동몰입은 경력이 많을수록 인지몰입과 행위몰입 수준인 높은 것으로 나타났고 운동지속의도는 경력이 많을 수록 가능성 수준이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 경향성과 가능성 및 강화성 운동지속의도에 가장 많은 영향을 미치는 자기결정성동기와 운동몰입 및 운동지속의도 하위요인들로서는 내적동기가 가장 영향력이 큰 것으로 나타났으며, 그 다음으로는 내적규제 요인과 행위몰입 요인인 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relation ship between self-determination motivation, exercise flow and exercise adherence intention of adolescents participating in school sports club through the prior learning. In order to achieve these purposes, a questionnaire survey was conducted with 157 middle and high school students participating in school sports club in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do areas. For data analysis, SPSS 18.0 program was operated, and analyzed such as EFA, Cronbach" α, t-Test, oneway ANOVA, correlation analysis and stepwise regression analysis were implemented to achieve the study aims. The following conclusions were obtained. 1. Self-determination motivation. In the exercise experience, the higher players appeared high level than other players in the "intrinsic motivation" and "intrinsic regulation". 2. Exercise flow. In the exercises experience, the higher players appeared high level than other players in the "cognitive commitment" and behavior commitment". 3. Exercise adherence intention. In the exercise experience, the higher players appeared high level than other players in the "predisposing" and "enabling". 4. The correlation between self-determination motivation, exercise flow and exercise adherence intention showed a significant level between each sub-factor. 5. The influence that self-determination motivation and exercise flow types have on exercise adherence intention are "intrinsic motivation", "intrinsic regulation" and "behavior commitment".

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