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      • 韓國婦人에 있어서의 子宮內避姙裝置의 避姙效果에 關한 硏究

        金鐸一 서울大學校 保健大學院 1966 公衆保健雜誌 Vol.3 No.2

        In order to gauge efficacy and acceptability of the intra-uterine contraceptive device or the Jack Lippes' Loop now in widescale use among the Korean women a follow-up observation was carried out during the period from October to December 1965 towards 3,204 married women in Seoul City who had adopted intra-uterine contraception in the period from July 1964 to September 1965. The analysis of the data thus obtained led the Author to the following major findings : 1. Among the reasons for removals of loops after their initial insertions, the removals for medical reasons represented 94 per cent ranking highest, while the removals for personal reasons 2 per cent and irrelevant reasons 4 per cent, respectively. 2. The monthly rate of removals for medical reasons has been measured at 10.1 per cent or the highest within the first month period after the initial insertion, which declined sharply starting in the second month. In contrast, the rates of removal for personal and irrelevant reasons did not demonstrate any noticeable shift in the successive periods after the insertion. 3. The cumulative rates of removals to the end of first year after the initial insertions have been computed at 31.5±1.2 per cent for medical reasons, 0.9±0.2 per cent for personal reasons and 1.5±0.3 per cent for the reasons irrelevant. 4. The rates of spontaneous expulsions of loops turned out to be highest within the first month period after the initial insertion (2.7 per cent) and declined gradually thereafter, the cumulative expulsion rate to the end of the first year after the insertion having been computed at 11.0±0.8 per cent. 5. The monthly rates of pregnancies taking place while loops were in use maintained a range of 0.2∼0.3 per cent regardless of the length of period of observations after the initial insertion. The cumulative pregnancy rate as of the end of the first year period after the insertion has been computed at 2.9±0.4 per cent. 6. The reinsertion of loops rated 10 per cent or lowest for the cases of removals for medical reasons. rating 44 per cent and 11 per cent for cases of removals for personal reasons and for irrelevant reasons, respectively. The reinsertions by cases of spontaneous expulsions rated 42 per cent. The various "drop-out" rates have been adjusted with the rates of reinsertions taken into account. Accordingly, the cumulative rate of removals for medical reasons as of the end of the first year period after insertion turned out to be 28.4 per cent. that for personal reasons 0.5 per cent and for the reasons irrelevant 1.3 per cent. The adjusted cumulative rate for spontaneous expulsions to the end of the first years period has been computed at 6.4 per cent. 7. No visible correlations have been obtained between the reproductive experience in terms of frequency of deliveries, clinical conditions accountable allegedly for the insertion of intra-uterine contraceptive devices and the incidence of pregnancies with devbices in situ. The rates of spontaneous expulsions, however, appeared to tend to become lower with the progress of the frequency of deliveries experienced. This probably suggests a possibility that the spontaneous expulsions of loops might have been caused by the foreign body reactions inherent with the physiology of uterus rather than by the mechanical element involved with the conditions of the cervical canalor the dilatations resulting from frequent deliveries. 8. The combination of all "drop-out" rates cumulatively totaled 42.6±1.2 per cent as of the end of the first year period after the initial insertion, indicating necessities for administrative measures to be taken to supplement the evident drawbacks accompanying a wide-scale use of Lippes' loops, possible with other contraceptive methods including oral pills.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        증산 강일순의 신명(神明)사상

        김탁 대진대학교 대순사상학술원 2020 대순사상논총 Vol.35 No.-

        Jeungsan, Kang Il-Sun (hereafter, Jeungsan)’s perspective on divine beings can be characterized by the philosophical notion of divinity, which recognizes a variety of divine entities. Jeungsan insisted that all things embrace divine entities. Furthermore, he claimed that the backgrounds of all incidents were influenced by these gods. Jeungsan thought that the universe consists of the heavenly realm, the earthly realm and the underground realm. He insisted that there were many gods in each realm. And Jeungsan defined his times as the era of divine beings, which meant that the age was a time for divine beings to actively interact with one another and take the lead in world affairs. Divine beings were briskly involved in human affairs and could either reciprocate gratitude or attain revenge. They were also divine beings that could change the acts and perception of humans as well as judge human acts. However, Jeungsan predicted that by the time the paradisiacal land of immortals was established in the Later World, divine beings would instead run errands for humans. In addition, he forecast that divine beings would be entities likely to harbor grievances just like humans, yet they would ultimately become perfected beings in the Later World. Jeungsan further suggested a multitude of various concepts such as the mutual relationship wherein the realm of divine beings and the realm of humanity interrelate with each other, the mutual responses and functions between them, mutual itineration, co-existence, and the homogeneity of divine beings and humans, which described how both have the same innate characteristics. Jeungsan proposed the concept that ‘Divinity is an existential state experienced after one’s death.” In this regard, he is the one who formulated a new perspective of divinity. Moreover, Jeunsan stressed the immortality of humans (continuity or eternality) and the co-existence of divine beings and humans. He emphasized that divinity is intrinsically immanent and the realm of divine beings has a hierarchical system that maintains order and is akin to that of the human realm. Jeungsan recognized a revolutionary change and perspective based on humanity by suggesting a unique view of humanity. In other words, he was a religious figure who introduced an ingenious view of divinity and dramatically transformed this pattern of reasoning. In conclusion, Jeungsan re-interpreted traditional views of divinity in Korea and systemized them into a new concept of divinity in an ingenious way. 증산 강일순의 신관은 다양한 신적 존재를 인정하는 신명사상으로 정리할 수 있다. 증산은 만물에 신적 존재가 깃들어있다고 주장했다. 나아가 증산은 온갖 현상이 신(神)이라고 주장하며, 모든 사건의 배후에는 신이 작용하고 있다고 강조하였다. 그는 우주가 천상계(天上界), 지상계(地上界), 지하계(地下界)로 이루어져 있으며, 각기 많은 신들이 존재한다고 주장했다. 그리고 증산은 자신이 살던 시기를 신명시대라고 정의했는데, 이는 신명들이 활발하게 활동하는 시대라는 뜻이며, 신명들이 이 세상의 역사를 주도적으로 이끌어가는 시간대라는 의미다. 신명은 인간사에 적극 개입하며, 인간에게 보은(報恩)과 앙갚음을 하는 존재이며, 인간의 행동과 인식을 변화시키는 신격(神格)이며, 인간의 행위를 심판하는 존재다. 그런데 증산은 이상향인 후천선경(後天仙境)이 지상에 세워질 때가 되면 신명이 오히려 인간의 심부름을 하게 될 것이라고 예언했다. 나아가 증산은 선천에서는 신명도 인간과 마찬가지로 원한을 지닐 수 있는 존재였는데, 후천이 되면 신명도 궁극적으로 완성될 것이라고 전망했다. 그리고 증산은 신명계와 인간계가 서로 밀접한 관계에 있다는 신인상관론, 신명과 인간은 상호작용하고 상호영향을 주고받는 관계에 있다는 신인감응론, 신명계와 인간계는 상호 순환하는 관계에 있다는 신인순환론, 신명은 인간은 함께 어울려 존재한다는 신인공존론, 신명과 인간은 본디부터 가지고 있는 고유한 특성이 같다는 신인동질론을 주장했다. 증산은 “신(神)은 인간의 사후존재양식이다.”라고 주장하여 신관(神觀)을 새롭게 규정한 인물이다. 나아가 증산은 인간의 영혼불멸 혹은 존재의 영속성에 대한 믿음을 강조했으며, 인간과 신명의 공존(共存)을 주장했다. 그리고 증산은 만물에는 신성(神性)이 본질적으로 내재한다고 강조했으며, 신명계는 인간계와 마찬가지로 일정한 위계에 따른 질서가 유지된다고 주장했다. 또한 증산은 신명 중심에서 인간 중심의 신관으로 혁명적 변화와 새로운 인식을 강조하였다. 결국 증산은 새롭고 독창적인 신관을 제시하여 신명과 인간에 대한 사유방식의 대전환을 시도한 종교적 인물이다. 결론적으로 증산은 한국 전통적인 신관을 독창적으로 재해석하여 신명사상으로 체계화시킨 종교적 인물이다.

      • KCI등재
      • 니코틴이 치은 섬유아세표의 세포주기 조절 단백질 발현에 미치는 영향

        김탁,신형식 원광대학교 치의학연구소 2001 圓光齒醫學 Vol.10 No.3

        Normal gingival fibroblasts functioning is fundamental for the maintenance of periodontal connective tissue as well as wound healing. Nicotine have been found to affect DNA synthesis and cell proliferation, which appear to depend on the type of cells. This in vitro study was done to determine the effects of nicotine, a major component of tobacco, on cell proliferation, viability, activity, cell cycle distribution, and expression of cell cycle regulatory proteins in human gingival fibroblasts. Nicotine has been tested for 2 days or 4 days in 5 different concentrations; 0.1㎍/㎖: 1㎍/㎖; 10㎍/㎖; 100㎍/㎖; 1000㎍/㎖. To assess cell proliferation and viability, viable and non-viable cells were counted by hemocytometer; to evaluate cellular activity, MTT assay was employed; to analyze cell cycle distribution, fluorescent propidium iodide-DNA complex were measured using fluorocytometer; to determine the expression of cell cycle regulatory proteins, western blot analysis was performed. After 2 days and 4 days incubation respectively, at concentrations of 1㎍/㎖-1000㎍/㎖, nicotine significantly inhibited proliferation comparing to non-supplemented controls. The cell viability was significantly decreased after 2 days and 4 days at concentrations of 1㎍/㎖-1000㎍/㎖ and at 10㎍/㎖-1000㎍/㎖ respectively. After 2 days and 4 days, the cellular activity was significantly decreased at concentrations of 10㎍/㎖-1000㎍/㎖. Treatment with 100㎍/㎖ nicotine for 48 hours caused an increase in the proportion of G1-phase cells (from 46.41% to 53.46%) and a decrease in the proportion of S-phase cells (from 17.80% to 14.27%). The levels of cyclin D, and CDK 4 proteins in nicotine-treated fibroblasts were lower than that of controls, whereas the levels of p16 and pRB were higher than that of controls. These results suggest that the decrease of cell proliferation and lengthened Gap phases (G1) by nicotine may due to the increased expression of p16 and pRB as well as decreased expression of cyclin D, and CDK 4 in human gingival fibroblasts.

      • KCI등재

        KONIS 운영방식 개선을 위한 국가별 의료관련감염 감시체계 운영방식에 대한 문헌 조사

        김탁,은병욱,홍기호,최희경,김성란,한수하,최영화,엄중식,이미숙 대한의료관련감염관리학회 2020 의료관련감염관리 Vol.25 No.1

        Background: In many countries, surveillance systems are being operated to reduce healthcare- associated infections. In Korea, the Korean National Healthcare-Associated Infections Surveillance System (KONIS) has been established and operated by the Korean Society for Healthcare-Associated Infection and Prevention as a national research project. However, the current operating system has limitations and needs reform. Methods: Upon reviewing the literature, we investigated the current status of the operating systems of healthcare-associated infection surveillance in other countries. After sharing this literature review, which was gathered using Google and PubMed, the Delphi survey was conducted on the authors, who are experts on infection control and prevention. Results: The governments of the United States, Japan, Taiwan, United Kingdom, France, and Germany fund and operate surveillance systems. The Canadian government provides a private organization with funding to operate the surveillance system. One surveillance network is operated by a private consortium in which private medical institutions from various continents, such as Latin America and Africa, participate. In a Delphi survey, the authors responded that continuity∙sustainability, and the reliability and confidentiality of data are key factors in operating surveillance systems. Additionally, eight of nine authors thought that the government should operate the KONIS. Conclusion: In most countries, healthcare-associated infection surveillance systems are directly operated by the government. For the continuous and stable operation of the KONIS, the government should consider transitioning to a government-operated system.

      • 電子科 模型敎育課程 修正開發

        金濯,嚴鳳燮,金奎秀 울산과학대학 1987 연구논문집 Vol.12 No.2

        中堅 職業技術人을 養成하기 爲한 專門大學 敎育目的에 따라 電子科의 敎育課程을 現實的與件위에서 再檢討하여 模型敎育課程을 開發하였다. 硏究의 方法 및 節次는 先進工業國의 職業敎育의 實態 및 內容을 調査하고, 國內의 學界와 産業體에 對한 設問調査 및 協議會를 運營하였으며 特히 職業敎育의 特性을 提高하기 爲하여 産業展開의 展望 및 職務分析 資料를 基礎로 敎育目標를 再定立하여 敎育科目을 選定하고, 敎育課程을 編成하였다. Today the industrial organization is changing very rapidly and variously with the magnificent advances of scientific techniques. Electronic engineering is also a field of rapidly changing technology. As a pioneering field of the high-technology industries, it has enlarged its applications to the every range of industry. The purpose of a technical junior college is to train qualified engineers in a short-educational period(2 years). Therefore it is desirable to develop a suitable curriculum which can meet not only demands of the industrial society but also the purpose of the education, and in which all conditions of rapidly changing technology should be considered. This study has examined the curricula and modified it to enhance the effectiveness of the short-term curriculum as well as to reach the demands of the times. This research has been performed as following: 1. Collection and examination of curricula, syllabi, textbooks related to the department of electronics in advanced industrial countries. 2. Collection of materials about curriculum development at home and abroad. 3. Sampling of the occupational cluster by examining and analyzing job materials of the industrial society. 4. Collection of curricula of technical junior colleges, and selection of opinions through a head committee of the department of electronics. 5. Research on the actual state of graduates, and collection of sophomore's and freshmen's opinions. 6. Establishment of an educational goal through examination and analysis of all above materials. 7. Preparation of a curriculum and syllabus of lectures based on course programs in order to achieve a given educational goal. The characteristics and contents of the modified model curriculum of the department of electronics are summarized as following: 1. Emphasis on the practical training which can be applied to the functional areas of electronic engineering. 2. Integration and abolition of theoretical subjects. 3. Organization of a curriculum according to which special technical trainings can be added in consideration of the color of the region and the college. 4. Flexibility in a curriculum according to which special technical trainings can be added in consideration of the region and the college. 5. Consolidation of teaching practice through the integrated operation of the theory and the laboratory work. 6. Rearrangement of the number of course subjects, review of the level of course programs, and emphasis on the effectiveness of the intensive training. ★ Summary of model curriculum. ◁표 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요)

      • KCI등재후보

        특집/성매개 질환의 치료와 관리

        김탁 대한의사협회 2008 대한의사협회지 Vol.51 No.10

        Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are the most common group of identifiable infectious diseases in many countries. Adolescents and young adults (15-24 years old) comprise only 25% of the sexually active population but represent almost 50% of all newly acquired STDs. In a law for prevention of infectious diseases in Korea, STDs include syphilis, gonorrhea, chancroid, nongonococcal urethritis, clamydial infection, genital herpes, and genital wart. Bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, candidiasis, amebiasis, scabies, phthiriasis, granuloma inguinale, AIDS, and high risk human papilloma virus are also included in the STDs. Individuals infected with STDs are 5-10 times more likely than uninfected individuals to acquire or transmit HIV through sexual contacts. Their control is important considering the high incidences of acute infections, complications, and sequelae, their socioeconomic impact, and their role in increasing transmission of the HIV. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the treatment and management of STDs on the basis of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention treatment guidelines for sexually transmitted diseases published in 2006.

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