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      • KCI등재

        국내외 치과 의료수가 비교현황

        류재인(Jae-In Ryu),김철신(Chul-Shin Kim),정세환(Se-Hwan Jung),신보미(Bo-Mi Shin4) 대한치과의사협회 2015 대한치과의사협회지 Vol.53 No.4

        The price for health service are decided by very complicated process because many of factors are related with them. The RBRVS(resource-based relative value scale) were used to calculate the Korean health service fees including dental fees. This study aimed to compare dental fees of Korea with other countries, such as Japan, Germany, and the US for evaluating the adequacy. Dental fees were categorized as oral evaluation and imaging, dental treatment including restorative, periodontal, and surgical work, and preventive treatment and compared by each country. The official documents about dental fees were collected from Korea, Japan, Germany, and the US. Each fee was presented as their own currency at first. Then they were converted into Korean won (KRW) by applying the market exchange rates at a specific point of time. Finally the fees were adjusted by purchasing power parities (PPPs) which equalize the different currencies. In general, the level of Korean fees were markedly low compared to those of Japan, Germany, and the US. German fees were similar or higher than that of Japan, and the US. The Korean fees were lower than three other countries 1.2~4.1 times for oral evaluation and 2.2~7.3 times lower for panoramic radiography. The endodontic fees of Japan, Germany, and the US were higher 1.8~15.3 times and 4.0~35.9 times for the deciduous teeth extraction compared to the Korean. In Japan the prophylaxis was 3.2 times more priced than the Korean fee. Exceptionally, the fees for re-evaluation, amalgam filling, and scaling were lower priced in Japan than other countries. This study has limitations on the items in definition and contents of dental practices units which were not exactly comparable and differently determined by countries. However, this study is meaningful because it surveyed the price levels to compare four different countries and then applied PPPs adjustment. This finding can be used to develop the dental RBRVs of Korean national health insurance and will contribute to improving the payment systems of health care.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        중국 고대철학사의 맥락에서 재조명한 『공손룡자』의 사유방식과 세계이해

        김철신(Kim, Chul-shin) 한국동양철학회 2010 동양철학 Vol.0 No.33

        公孫龍 철학과 대립하는 중국 고대철학사의 맥락에서 『公孫龍子』의 사유방식과 세계이해를 재조명해 보는 데에 본 연구의 목적이 있다. 『공손룡자』를 중국 고대철학사의 맥락에서 떼어내어 그것 자체만 연구해서는 공손룡이 어떤 방식으로 ‘白馬非馬’와 ‘離堅白’을 논증하는지는 알 수 있지만 공손룡이 왜 ‘백마비마’와 ‘이견백’을 주장해야만 했는지는 알 수 없기 때문이다. 논의는 중국 고대철학사 흐름에서 공손룡 철학과 가장 대조되는 혜시 철학을 살펴보는 것으로 시작하였다. 이는 혜시가 ‘천지일체’를 주장하기 위해 인식과 개념 그리고 차이의 상대성을 어떻게 강조하였는지를 밝히는 작업이었다. 다음으로는 『공손룡자』의 사유방식을 ‘백마비마’를 통해 재조명하였다. 이때 「白馬論」에서 ‘백마비마’를 입증하는 네 가지 논증 방식에 입각해 논의를 끌어가지 않았다. 「通變論」의 핵심 논제인 ‘二無一’을 통해 ‘白馬非馬’의 성립을 규명하고 나아가 이의 의미를 해독하였다. 끝으로 『공손룡자』의 세계이해를 재조명하였다. 논의는 ‘指物論’에 의해 ‘堅白石二’의 성립과 그것의 의미를 해독하는 방식으로 진행되었다. 결론적으로 공손룡은 조목조목 혜시 철학을 반박하고 비판하면서 자신의 철학을 형성해나간 것이라 말할 수 있다. 혜시가 강조한 인식의 상대성에 대해 공손룡은 인간에게 지시된 것으로서의 세계만을 인정함으로써 인식의 절대성을 강조하였다. 또한 혜시는 개념의 추상성에 의지해 이것을 이것이면서 저것이라고 하고 저것을 저것이면서 이것이라 함으로써 개념을 무차별적으로 통용시킨 반면, 공손룡은 백마는 백마이고 마는 마라고 함으로써 개념의 무차별적인 혼용을 반대하였다. 뿐만 아니라, 혜시는 사물들 사이의 차이를 상대화하여 ‘천지일체’의 세계상을 주장한 반면, 공손룡은 사물들 사이의 차이를 절대화함으로써 모든 것들이 분리.독립되어 있는 세계상을 주장하였기 때문이다. The purpose of this study is to reexamine the reasoning method and Worldview in Gongsun Longzi in the ancient Chinese history of philosophy. When Gongsun Longzi is detached from the context of the ancient Chinese history of philosophy and is being researched alone, it is possible to understand in what ways Gongsun Long is proving ‘Baima Feima’ (When a white horse is not a horse) and ‘Lijianbai’, but it does not explain why Gongsun Long had to insist ‘Baima Feima’ and ‘Lijianbai’. The debate began with examining the philosophy of Hui Shi whose philosophy was most contradictory to Gongsun Long's philosophy in the flow of the ancient Chinese history of philosophy. It was a work of revealing how Hui Shi emphasized on awareness, concept and the relativity of difference in order to insist on ‘tiandì yìti’ (heaven and earth are one body). Next, the reasoning method of Gongsun Longzi was reexamined through ‘Baima Feima.’ At this time, the debate was not carried on the basis of the four debate methods used in the ‘Baima Lun’ to prove ‘Baima Feima.’ Through ‘Er Wu Yi’ the core thesis of ‘Tongbian Lun’ (Tongbian Theory), the validity of ‘Baima Feima’ was investigated and furthermore, its meaning was interpreted. Finally, the understanding of the world in Gongsun Longzi was reexamined. The debate was progressed in the method of establishing ‘Jianbai shier’ through ‘Zhiwu Lun’ and interpreting its meaning. In conclusion, Gongsun Long developed his philosophy by refuting and criticizing the philosophy of Hui Shi one by one. On the relativity of awareness that Hui Shi heavily emphasized, Gongsun Long emphasized the absoluteness of awareness by acknowledging the world directed toward the mankind. When Hui Shi relied on the abstractness of concept and circulated the concept indiscriminately by saying this is this and that, and that is that and this, Gongsun Long, on the other hand, opposed the indiscriminately mixing of the concept by saying a white horse is a white horse, and a horse is a horse. Besides, Hui Shi relativized the differences among matters and insisted on ‘tiandì yìti’, but however, Gongsun Long absolutize the differences among matters and insisted on the world where everything is separated and independent.

      • KCI등재

        등석(鄧析)의 재발견

        김철신(Chul Shin Kim) 철학연구회 2011 哲學硏究 Vol.0 No.92

        This thesis was planned to correct the traditional undervaluation that although the Hui Shi philosophy aimed at the whole of heaven and earth, it is a philosophy not to reach it to the end. For this, the origin of Hui Shi philosophy and the unique method of only Hui Shi reaching the whole of heaven and earth should be clearly examined, and it was seen that the key of this depends on Deng Xi. Therefore, this thesis has first examined various points of view that were confused until now in terms of the origin of Hui Shi philosophy, and pointed out its limit. Next, this thesis has paid attention to the new alternative called Deng Xi. The search on Deng Xi was carried out by thoroughly discussing meanings being implicated in Wuhou and Zhuanci, which are two book`s names of 『Deng Xi Zi』, in the context of the history of ancient Chinese philosophy. As a result, it was confirmed that the Wuhou of Deng Xi symbolizes that God and heaven, which were an absolute criterion from ancient times to the spring and autumn period, have fallen to existence of ineffectiveness uncapable of intervening human affairs any more. In addition, Zhuanci viewed that problems generated among human beings are a reflection of consciousness that will solve through clear speaking or thinking or words instead of Heaven´s will. In conclusion, this thesis has tried the origin of Hui Shi philosophy and an explanation of a unique method of only Hui Shi reaching ``the whole of heaven and earth`` from the idea of Deng Xi like this.

      • KCI등재

        『공손룡자(公孫龍子)』의 세 주석에 대한 타당성 고찰 -지(指)를 중심으로-

        김철신 ( Chul Shin Kim ) 동양철학연구회 2007 東洋哲學硏究 Vol.51 No.-

        The research about Gong Sun Long Zi focused on ``bai ma fei ma`` and ``li jian bai`` last century. Contrary to this, we have studied the validity of following three representative commentaries which Gong Sun-Long used uniquely. One is zhi, another is bu ding zhe and the other is the combination of zhi and bu ding zhe. We`ve discussed like above because Gong Sun-Long`s philosophy was constituted depending on how to decode zhi. After all, we confirmed that understanding zhi meant ``thinking`` was better than ``universal idea`` or ``image and cognition ability``.

      • KCI등재

        춘추말에 등장한 명학적 해법들에 대한 유형분석(1)

        김철신(Kim Chul-shin) 서강대학교 인문과학연구소 2011 서강인문논총 Vol.0 No.30

        본 연구는 春秋시대 말기에 활약한 중국 철학의 개조들인 공자와 노자 그리고 등석이 제각기 주장한 상이한 학설들의 서로 다른 명학적(논리적) 해법들을 유형별로 분석하여 해명하고자 기획되었다. 규모상, 본 연구는 1부와 2부로 구성되어 있다. 그 가운데 1부에 해당하는 본 논문은 공자를 제외한 등석과 노자를 집중적으로 다루고 있다. 보다 구체적으로 말하면, 여러 문헌에 남아 있는 등석과 관련된 일화를 통해 등석의 양가를 해명함으로써 등석이 주장한 轉辭의 논리적 바탕을 마련해 보았다. 그리고 노자철학에서 道가 지닌 특성으로부터 無名을 도출하여 노자철학에서 주장된 相反相成과 無爲의 논리적 바탕을 해명해 보았다. 즉 등석의 兩可로부터 등석의 轉辭가 어떻게 성립하게 되는지를, 그리고 노자의 無名으로부터 노자의 相反相成과 無爲가 어떻게 성립하는지를 규명해 보았다는 것이다. This study was intended to analyze different Ming Xue style (logical) solutions of different theories that were advanced by Confucius, Lao Tzu, and Deng Xi, who are the starter of Chinese philosophy in the late Spring and Autumn Period. Because of the bulky size, this study is composed of Part 1 and Part 2. This thesis deals only with Part 1 by focusing on Deng Xi and Lao Tzu, exclusive of Confucius. More specifically, logical foundation was given to Deng Xi’s Zhuanci, by elucidating his Liang Ke through anecdotes remaining in some literature. Next, Wu Ming was extracted from the attributes of Tao in Lao Tzu’s philosophy to explain the logical basis of Unity by Reciprocity and Inaction advanced in the philosophy. That is, inquiry was made on how Deng Xi’s Zhuanci and Lao Zu’s Unity by Reciprocity and Inaction come into being from Deng Xi’s Liang Ke and Lao Tzu;s Wu Ming, respectively.

      • KCI우수등재

        공손룡(公孫龍) 철학 이해의 한 방식

        김철신(Chul-Shin Kim) 한국철학회 2005 철학 Vol.82 No.-

        지난 세기에 이루어진 公孫龍 철학에 대한 연구는 그의 철학이 담겨 있는 『公孫龍子』의 각 편을 병렬적으로 나열하여 원문을 주해하는 선에서 그치고 있다. 물론 이러한 방식이 『공손룡자』를 빠짐없이 다룬다는 장점에도 불구하고, 이 방식을 통해서는 그가 제출한 모든 학설들을 상호 유기적이면서도 계통적으로 해명하지는 못한다. 그래서 이 글은 지난 세기 『공손룡자』에 대한 주해 성과를 토대로 하여, 공손룡 철학에 대한 전체적인 조망을 시도해보고자 기획되었다. 여기서 전체적인 조망이란 그가 제출한 여러 학설들 가운데 근거가 되는 학설의 논구를 통해 그의 나머지 학설들이 어떻게 나오게 되었는지 내지는 어떻게 성립하는지를 정합적으로 해명하는 방식을 말한다. 이 글은 공손룡 철학의 근거가 指와 物의 관계에 있다고 본다. 그래서 우선 그가 사용하는 ‘物’과 ‘指’ 그리고 ‘不定者’의 의미를 규명하고, 이를 통해 指와 物의 관계를 논구한다. 그런 다음, 그의 指物 관계로부터 그가 제출한 唯謂說과 離堅白說 그리고 白馬非馬의 학설들이 어떻게 성립하는가와 그 의미를 규명하여 그의 철학의 종착지인 ‘離’에 이르러 보았다.

      • KCI등재

        교과목 포트폴리오와 CQI 보고서: 올바른 정의(定意)와 구현 방향

        박동국(Park, DongGook),김철신(Kim, Chul-Shin) 강원대학교 사회과학연구원 2019 사회과학연구 Vol.58 No.1

        불과 몇 년 사이에 교과목 포트폴리오와 CQI 보고서라는 것이 교수자들이 학기말에 당연히 작성해야 할 문건으로 자리 잡았다. 이들이 어디서 어떻게 유래하였고 무엇을 위한 것인지에 관해 이해하려는 노력은 없이 행정적인 문서행위의 하나로 굳어지고 있는 것이 작금의 실정으로 보인다. 본 논문은 이 두 가지 문건이 나오게 된 배경, 역사 및 목적 등을 살펴봄으로써, 현재 국내 대학의 포트폴리오 및 CQI 보고서에 관한 오해를 바로 잡고 더 나아가 왜곡되지 않은 본래의 의도에 충실한 구현 방향을 제시하고자 한다. In recent years, CQI reports and course portfolios have come to be seen as documents that instructors duly write up at the end of each semester. Unfortunately, these methods have become widely established as a ‘bureaucratic’ practice with very little consideration of why and how they were introduced, and what purpose they are intended to serve. The aim of this paper is to dispel misconceptions about CQI reports and course portfolios prevalent in Korean universities by discussing the history and rationale behind them. It also proposes an approach to the implementation of these methods that would remain true to the purpose that they were designed to serve.

      • KCI등재

        일부 지역아동센터 치과주치의 사업의 진료내용 및 비용 분석

        류재인 ( Jae In Ryu ),김용진 ( Yong Jin Kim ),박주현 ( Joo Hyun Park ),김현주 ( Hyun Joo Kim ),김종애 ( Jong Ae Kim ),정종일 ( Jong Il Jung ),김철신 ( Chul Shin Kim ),홍민경 ( Min Kyeong Hong ),정세환 ( Se Hwan Jung ) 대한예방치과·구강보건학회 2013 大韓口腔保健學會誌 Vol.37 No.1

        Objectives: This study aimed to identify a relationship between dental service items and fees among dental clinics; this is important when deciding capitation rates for a registered system. The status of oral health, use of dental service items, and amount of dental fees for community care children were compared according to the dental clinics with which they were registered. The dental fees were analyzed using the oral health risk assessment components to identify the relationship between them. Methods: The study subjects comprised 182 children from 8 community children centers in J district, S city, Gyeonggi-do. The independent variables were the dental clinics and the dependent variables were oral health status (decayed, missing, filled teeth [DMFT] index or df index), dental service items (total number of visits and dental filling type), and dental fees (total fees, National Health Insurance [NHI] coverage, and NHI non-coverage). The variables displayed a nonparametric distribution and were hence analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis test. The nonparametrically distributed oral health risk assessment components were analyzed by the Mann-Whitney test. Results: The higher the DMFT index, the higher the number of dental clinic visits and number of children with dental fillings. There were differences in the number of dental fillings between clinics except for resin-based fillings; this gap was wider for amalgam and gold inlay fillings. The dental fees differed between clinics and was probably dependent on the whether the major dental service type was NHI-covered or non-covered. “Anterior caries or restorations” in children with caries and “plaque retaining factors” in children with periodontal disease experience/plaque displayed statistically significant differences for total fees and NHI non-covered fees, respectively. Conclusions: The preference for specific service items leads to a difference in dental fees. It is essential to develop guidelines under a capitation agreement and practice them in order to achieve a successful registered dental system.

      • KCI등재

        Self-Reflection Note를 이용한 교수학습법

        박동국(Park, DongGook),박성훈(Park, Sung-Hoon),김철신(Kim, Chul-Shin) 강원대학교 사회과학연구원 2015 사회과학연구 Vol.54 No.1

        수업시간에 배운 내용을 강의노트를 보면서 다시 상기하는 공부. 그나마 시험출제 가능성이 있어 보이는 내용에 대해서만 기계적으로 암기하는 공부. 학생들이 공부라고 알고 있는 이런 모습의 공부는 결코 참 공부라고 할 수 없다. 더구나, 학생들은 이러한 공부조차도 평소에 하지 않고 시험을 앞두고서야 하게 된다. 대부분의 교수자는 학생들이 의미를 새기는 진정한 공부를 평소에 꾸준히 하도록 하기 위해 퀴즈나 상담 또는 숙제를 고려한다. 그러나 이 전통적인 방법들은 그 효과는 미미하면서도 교수자가 지게 되는 업무부담은 적지 않다. 우리는 이 난제를 해결하고자 "Self-Reflection Note"라는 교수학습법을 고안하고 지난 몇 년 동안 수업에 활용하여왔다. 학생들은 매주 이 노트를 작성해서 제출해야 하므로 평소 공부를 하게 된다. 또한, 강의노트나 교재의 내용을 암기하는 것이 아니라, 공부내용에 대한 자신의 이해나 의문을 자기언어로 설명하기 때문에 저절로 의미를 따지고 새기는 공부를 하게 된다. 교수자는 학생의 이해/오해/의문을 관찰하고 적절한 피드백을 줄 수 있게 된다. "Self-Reflection Note"를 이용하면, 퀴즈/상담/숙제로 해결할 수 없던 난제를 해결할 수 있으면서도, 이를 운영하기 위한 교수자의 업무부담은 일주일에 한 시간 정도밖에 되지 않는다. 본 논문은 이 새 교수학습법의 교육적 효과와 운용경험에 관해 상세히 기술한다. Most students take a surface approach to learning: they just try to recall and remember the lecture material in anticipation of test questions they believe they would be asked. More worse, such a minimal and wrong effort is only being made just during the exam period. Teachers want to make their students take a deep approach to learning, trying to make meaning of what they learned, not just for the exam period, but on a regular and steady basis. Most teachers consider quizzes/interview/homeworks to get to grips with this problem. These alternatives, however, usually turn out to be of little use in spite of the attendant heavy load for teachers. We devised a new teaching and learning tool, “Self-Reflection Note”, to solve the problem, which has been used in our lectures for several years. This note is a sort of students’ report about what they studied and learned on their own. The students are required to turn in the note every week, thereby studying the subect on a regular basis. They are expected to explain what they learned using their own language, consequently getting to take a deep approach to their learning. Teachers are able to monitor the students’ understanding/misunderstanding/confusion/failures, and give a pertinent feedback to the students. Using “Self-Reflection Note”, we have solved the problems for which the traditional alternatives were not that successful. Furthermore, the required time load of teachers is just about an hour per week for each course. This paper describes the educational effects of this novel tool as well as our experience of using it in our courses.

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