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        일부 성인의 개인적 기질 및 치과 방문경험과 치과공포와의 상관성

        김철신 ( Chul-sin Kim ),최용금 ( Yong-keum Choi ) 한국치위생학회(구 한국치위생교육학회) 2016 한국치위생학회지 Vol.16 No.6

        Objectives: The purpose of the study was to investigate the correlation between personal temperament, dental visit, and dental fear among adults. Methods: A self-reported questionnaire was completed by 400 adults visiting dental clinics from April to June, 2016. The questionnaire consisted of general characteristics of the subjects, dental fear, and temperament. Data were analyzed by t test, chi-square test, chi-square test, and pearson`s correlation analysis using SPSS v. 23.0. Results: The first impression of dental clinics had an impact on dental fear (p<0.001). The negative image on the dental clinics increased dental fear of the visitors. There was a significant difference between the purpose of dental visit and dentla fear. Conclusions: The positive image of the dental clinics can solve the dental fear due to treatment in the adults. The dental consumers should try to have the comfortable attitude toward dental clinic in case of visit.

      • KCI등재

        일부 성인의 만성질환과 구강건강 연관성에 대한 인식조사

        김철신 ( Cheoul-sin Kim ),최용금 ( Yong-keum Choi ) 한국치위생과학회 2017 치위생과학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        인구사회학적 특성과 건강행태 및 스트레스 정도에 따른 만성질환과 구강건강의 연관성에 대한 인식도에 차이가 있는지를 알아보고자 20대부터 50대까지의 성인을 대상으로 분석하여, 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 연구대상자의 만성질환과 구강건강과의 연관성에 대한 인식도는 구강건강과 당뇨와의 연관성이 3.29로 가장 높게 인식하고 있었으며, 고혈압과의 연관성은 2.82로 가장 낮은 인식도를 보였다. 특히 `항고혈압제 약의 부작용으로 구강건조증, 잇몸출혈, 치유지연, 잇몸비대 등이 나타날 수 있다`라는 항목은 전체 항목에서 1.52로 가장 낮은 인식도로 나타났다. 인구사회학적특성에 따른 만성질환과 구강건강과의 연관성에 대한 인식도를 분석한 결과 직업에 따른 인식도 차이는 통계적으로 유의하였는데 공무원, 전문직 집단에서 가장 높은 인식도를 보였다(p=0.015). 이상의 연구 결과를 종합해볼 때 만성질환과 구강건강의 연관성에 대한 일반인들의 인식을 전환시켜야 할 필요성이 있으며, 치과진료실에서는 구강보건교육 시 단순한 구강건강관리뿐만 아니라 통합적인 건강관리의 방향으로 만성질환을 포함한 전신과 구강건강과의 연관성에 대한 교육을 강화하여 수행할 필요성이 있을 것으로 판단된다. The aim of this study was to investigate adult individuals` perceptions on the association between chronic diseases and oral health provide basic data required for motivating individuals to follow ideal oral health behaviors and boost their interests in oral disease prevention and treatment. Subjects in their 20s to 50s were selected through the convenience sampling method and eleven questions were set as factors and answered via self-administered questionnaires. To determine statistical significance, analysis of variance was used with the level of significance set at 0.05. The subjects` perception of the association between chronic diseases and oral health were analyzed with respect to their health behaviors. Individuals with relatively higher stress levels demonstrated higher levels of perception levels (p<0.05). Public education regarding the association between chronic diseases and oral health has not been ideally effective in South Korea. Thus, the general public`s perceptions of the association between chronic diseases and oral health should be revised. In addition aspects regarding this matter should be enhanced within oral health education programs which often only focus on demonstrating the importance of oral health management so that individuals can get sufficient information on the association between chronic diseases and oral health.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중국 고대철학사의 맥락에서 재조명한 『공손룡자』의 사유방식과 세계이해

        김철신(Kim, Chul-shin) 한국동양철학회 2010 동양철학 Vol.0 No.33

        公孫龍 철학과 대립하는 중국 고대철학사의 맥락에서 『公孫龍子』의 사유방식과 세계이해를 재조명해 보는 데에 본 연구의 목적이 있다. 『공손룡자』를 중국 고대철학사의 맥락에서 떼어내어 그것 자체만 연구해서는 공손룡이 어떤 방식으로 ‘白馬非馬’와 ‘離堅白’을 논증하는지는 알 수 있지만 공손룡이 왜 ‘백마비마’와 ‘이견백’을 주장해야만 했는지는 알 수 없기 때문이다. 논의는 중국 고대철학사 흐름에서 공손룡 철학과 가장 대조되는 혜시 철학을 살펴보는 것으로 시작하였다. 이는 혜시가 ‘천지일체’를 주장하기 위해 인식과 개념 그리고 차이의 상대성을 어떻게 강조하였는지를 밝히는 작업이었다. 다음으로는 『공손룡자』의 사유방식을 ‘백마비마’를 통해 재조명하였다. 이때 「白馬論」에서 ‘백마비마’를 입증하는 네 가지 논증 방식에 입각해 논의를 끌어가지 않았다. 「通變論」의 핵심 논제인 ‘二無一’을 통해 ‘白馬非馬’의 성립을 규명하고 나아가 이의 의미를 해독하였다. 끝으로 『공손룡자』의 세계이해를 재조명하였다. 논의는 ‘指物論’에 의해 ‘堅白石二’의 성립과 그것의 의미를 해독하는 방식으로 진행되었다. 결론적으로 공손룡은 조목조목 혜시 철학을 반박하고 비판하면서 자신의 철학을 형성해나간 것이라 말할 수 있다. 혜시가 강조한 인식의 상대성에 대해 공손룡은 인간에게 지시된 것으로서의 세계만을 인정함으로써 인식의 절대성을 강조하였다. 또한 혜시는 개념의 추상성에 의지해 이것을 이것이면서 저것이라고 하고 저것을 저것이면서 이것이라 함으로써 개념을 무차별적으로 통용시킨 반면, 공손룡은 백마는 백마이고 마는 마라고 함으로써 개념의 무차별적인 혼용을 반대하였다. 뿐만 아니라, 혜시는 사물들 사이의 차이를 상대화하여 ‘천지일체’의 세계상을 주장한 반면, 공손룡은 사물들 사이의 차이를 절대화함으로써 모든 것들이 분리.독립되어 있는 세계상을 주장하였기 때문이다. The purpose of this study is to reexamine the reasoning method and Worldview in Gongsun Longzi in the ancient Chinese history of philosophy. When Gongsun Longzi is detached from the context of the ancient Chinese history of philosophy and is being researched alone, it is possible to understand in what ways Gongsun Long is proving ‘Baima Feima’ (When a white horse is not a horse) and ‘Lijianbai’, but it does not explain why Gongsun Long had to insist ‘Baima Feima’ and ‘Lijianbai’. The debate began with examining the philosophy of Hui Shi whose philosophy was most contradictory to Gongsun Long's philosophy in the flow of the ancient Chinese history of philosophy. It was a work of revealing how Hui Shi emphasized on awareness, concept and the relativity of difference in order to insist on ‘tiandì yìti’ (heaven and earth are one body). Next, the reasoning method of Gongsun Longzi was reexamined through ‘Baima Feima.’ At this time, the debate was not carried on the basis of the four debate methods used in the ‘Baima Lun’ to prove ‘Baima Feima.’ Through ‘Er Wu Yi’ the core thesis of ‘Tongbian Lun’ (Tongbian Theory), the validity of ‘Baima Feima’ was investigated and furthermore, its meaning was interpreted. Finally, the understanding of the world in Gongsun Longzi was reexamined. The debate was progressed in the method of establishing ‘Jianbai shier’ through ‘Zhiwu Lun’ and interpreting its meaning. In conclusion, Gongsun Long developed his philosophy by refuting and criticizing the philosophy of Hui Shi one by one. On the relativity of awareness that Hui Shi heavily emphasized, Gongsun Long emphasized the absoluteness of awareness by acknowledging the world directed toward the mankind. When Hui Shi relied on the abstractness of concept and circulated the concept indiscriminately by saying this is this and that, and that is that and this, Gongsun Long, on the other hand, opposed the indiscriminately mixing of the concept by saying a white horse is a white horse, and a horse is a horse. Besides, Hui Shi relativized the differences among matters and insisted on ‘tiandì yìti’, but however, Gongsun Long absolutize the differences among matters and insisted on the world where everything is separated and independent.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        지니계수를 활용한 한국 12세 아동의 구강건강불평등 추이연구

        김철신 ( Cheoul Sin Kim ),전지은 ( Ji Eun Jeon ) 대한예방치과·구강보건학회 2013 大韓口腔保健學會誌 Vol.37 No.3

        2000년부터 2010년까지 시행된 국민구강건강실태조사 자료를 이용하여 12세 아동의 DMFT 지표로 로렌츠 곡선을 추정하고 지니계수를 산출하여 불평등 추이를 살펴본 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 우리나라 12세 아동의 DMFT 지수는 시간에 따라 대체로 감소하고 있어 전반적인 구강건강상태가 개선되었다. 2. 그럼에도 불구하고 DMFT를 활용한 지니계수는 2000년 0.53에서 2010년 0.61로 나타나 구강건강불평등이 증가되고 있음을 보여주었다. 이는 대부분 DT와 MT에서의 구강건강불평등 증가에 영향을 받았다. 3. 여전히 구강건강불평등은 증가하고 있어, 이를 해소하기 위해서는 구강건강 수준이 낮은 취약계층을 위한 사회정책이 필요하다고 판단된다. 이후에도 불평등을 줄이기 위해 지속적으로 불평등의 크기를 측정하여 모니터링 하고, 관련 연구가 활성화되어야 할 것이다. Objectives: This study was conducted to analyze the current state and tendency of oral health inequality in 12-year-old Korean children by calculating the Gini coefficient from decayed, missing, or filled teeth (DMFT) data. Methods: Ten-year trends were empirically estimated by calculating the Gini coefficient from the Lorenz curve plotted based on the DMFT data of 12-year-old children, obtained from the Korean National Oral Health Survey from 2000 to 2010. Results: While the oral health improved in general, oral health inequalities increased with the decrease in the number of DMFT each year, and the DMFT-based Gini coefficient increased from 0.53 in 2000 to 0.61 in 2010. The increase in the number of decayed and missing teeth was strongly affected by the increase in oral health inequality. Conclusions: To resolve Korea`s continually increasing oral health inequality, it is necessary to establish support measures for vulnerable populations and to develop and manage a surveillance system for continuous monitoring of oral health inequality in the future.

      • KCI등재

        X-Ray 기기의 설계변경에 따른 FDA 510(k) 인허가 영향 평가 모델 개발

        김철신(Chul-Sin Kim),이세희(Sehee Lee),양정삼(Jeongsam Yang) (사)한국CDE학회 2018 한국CDE학회 논문집 Vol.23 No.4

        In the event of design changes in a medical device, the same pathway for approval as the initial released product must be obtained from the authority in accordance with country-specific regulations. In this paper, we collect materials on the change management of medical devices approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and analyze the design change data sets from the viewpoint of a digital X-ray device. Based on this analysis, we investigate the association among the items that need a 510(k) to be cleared, and then present a model for assessing the impact of 510(k) clearance on the basis of the related items. From this model, two key contributing causes for decision of change permission are derived, expressing as membership function graphs. Moreover, we will develop a fuzzy-based expert system that predicts the degree of the change registration of an X-ray device through a deductive reasoning in advance for many design change ideas. Finally, we analyze the correlation between the evaluation result of non-experts using this system and the evaluation result depending on the experience of human experts according to FDA 510(k) guidance.

      • KCI등재

        지역의 사회경제적 상태와 구강건강행위의 관련성: 다수준 분석방법의 적용

        김철신 ( Cheoul Sin Kim ),한선영 ( Sun Young Han ),김철웅 ( Chul Woung Kim ) 대한예방치과·구강보건학회 2013 大韓口腔保健學會誌 Vol.37 No.4

        Objectives: This study was conducted to identify discrepancies in oral health behaviors among communities in cities, counties, and districts (si , gun, and gu administrative divisions of South Korea) and to determine their correlations with socioeconomic status, examined in terms of the social deprivation index. Methods: Data for 220,258 individuals, covering 247 communities, were extracted from a 2008 community health survey, and the frequency of brushing the teeth after lunch, flossing and interdental brushing was calculated and analyzed. Considering the characteristics of the data collected at individual and regional levels, a multilevel random-intercept logistic regression model was used for the analysis. Results: A regional-level discrepancy was found in after-lunch brushing and the use of auxiliary oral hygiene items, with interclass correlations of 0.03 and 0.04, respectively. In particular, the odds ratio of using auxiliary oral hygiene items in the communities with the lowest socioeconomic status was as low as 0.49, compared to the highest level, thus demonstrating a conspicuous intercommunity difference. Conclusions: The regional-level correlation between socioeconomic status and oral health behaviors indicates the need for the establishment of oral health-related intervention policies based on community characteristics.

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