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      • KCI등재

        대규모 불산 누출사고가 지역사회의 눈 건강에 미치는 영향

        김용준,박상혁,최경식,Yong Joon Kim,MD,Sang Hyouk Park,MD,Kyung Seek Choi,MD 대한안과학회 2013 대한안과학회지 Vol.54 No.11

        Purpose: To report the ocular health of a community after an accidental release of hydrofluoric acid (HF). Methods: The hospital records of 327 patients that were exposed to HF between Sep 9, 2012 and Oct 31, 2012 were reviewed. Demographic characteristics, subjective ocular symptoms, and the ophthalmologic examination results of the patients were analyzed retrospectively. Results: Among the 327 patients, 203 patients (62.1%) were exposed to hydrofluoric acid (HF) within 1,000 m of the site of the accident. A total of 131 patients (40.1%) were exposed to HF over 3 days. The most frequently reported ocular symptoms after HF exposure were ocular pain (49.5%) and conjunctival hyperemia (37.9%). Conjunctival hyperemia (43.4%), corneal erosion (23.9%), conjunctiva papilla, and follicles (24.2% and 14.4%, respectively) were noted during ophthalmologic examinations, but 46.2% of patients were normal on examination. None of the patients had vision-threatening damages. Conclusions: In this study, severe ocular surface changes, which can affect vision, were not identified. This result could be explained by the low atmospheric HF concentration after the accident. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2013;54(11):1663-1668

      • KCI등재

        COVID-19 기간 119구급차를 통해 일개 응급의료센터에 내원한 환자 중증도의 변화

        김용준,이경열,Kim, Yong-Joon,Lee, Kyoung-Youl 한국응급구조학회 2021 한국응급구조학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        Purpose: Despite the fact that emergency medical centers (ED) are used by emergency patients, more than 50% of non-emergency patients have been reported to be admitted in EDs, of which more than 10% of them used the 119 ambulance. Therefore, this study investigated whether there was a change in the severity of patients visiting EDs during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: This was a retrospective study of patients who visited the ED through the 119 ambulance in 2019 (13,735) and 2020 (11,015). Patient data were analyzed using the medical information system. Results: There was an increase in non-emergency patients at the emergency departments (KTAS levels 4-5) in 2020 with a rate of 58.0% (6,393), as compared to the 2019 data with a rate of 44.9% (6,169). However, the 2020 median length of stay in the emergency department was 188 minutes (IQR: 0-5,909minutes) (p=.000), which was decreased as compared to the 2019 median length of stay of 231 minutes (IQR: 5-6,211minutes) (p=.003). Conclusion: Providing emergency ambulance guidelines for selecting proper hospitals and educating patients to refrain from using the ED for non-emergency patients should be taken into consideration to prevent overcrowding and construct a more effective emergency medical system (EMS).

      • KCI등재

        1인 구조자 영아 심폐소생술 가슴압박 방법에 따른 효율성 및 편리성 비교

        김용준,이경열,Kim, Yong-Joon,Lee, Kyoung-Youl 한국응급구조학회 2019 한국응급구조학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        Purpose: This study aimed to propose an effective one-rescuer infant cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) chest compression technique by comparing the differences in efficacy, convenience, and pain levels between the two thumb-encircling and two finger techniques. Methods: Subjects were randomized to perform either two-thumb-encircling or two-finger technique for 8 minutes each on infant CPR manikins. After the chest compression, a survey was administered to the subjects to measure convenience and pain levels according to compression method. Results: Total compression depth over 8 minutes was significantly deeper for the two-thum-encircling technique ($43.5{\pm}4.8mm$) compared with the two-finger technique ($32.6{\pm}5.4mm$) (p<0.001). In terms of compression depth measured at 1-minute intervals, compression depth with the two-finger technique decreased from $38.3{\pm}4.23mm$ to $29.0{\pm}6.79mm$, whereas compression depth with the two-thumb-encircling technique did not show a significant change (from $43.7{\pm}4.12mm$ to $43.4{\pm}5mm$). The results of the survey indicated that, the majority of subjects found the two-thumb-encircling technique to be the most comfortable technique for compression depth (n=29, 64.4%). The majority of subjects (n=31, 68.9%) answered that the two-finger technique resulted in the most pain. Conclusion: Comparison of efficacy of the two-thumb-encircling and two-finger-techniques in the performance of one-rescuer infant CPR revealed that the two-thumb-encircling technique was more effective in maintaining chest compression depth.

      • KCI등재

        군날개 삼중수술의 단기결과

        김용준,정진권.Yong Joon Kim. MD. Jin Kwon Chung. MD 대한안과학회 2014 대한안과학회지 Vol.55 No.3

        Purpose: To evaluate the success and complication rates of triple procedure, including pterygium excision, marginal amniotic membrane insertion beneath the conjunctiva, and limbal-conjunctival autograft in pterygium surgery. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study on 45 eyes of 45 patients who underwent pterygium surgery between August 2011 and October 2012. After pterygium excision, amniotic membrane was placed beneath the conjunctiva along the margin of the exposed sclera followed by a limbal conjunctival autograft. Success rates, intraoperative and postoperative complications were evaluated. Results: Forty-three eyes with primary pterygium and 2 eyes with recurrent pterygium were enrolled in the present study. The mean age of the patients was 59.87 ± 14.30 years with a mean follow-up of 12.9 ± 4.6 months. There were no complications during surgery. Early postoperative complications included partial wound dehiscence in 1 eye and a simple conjunctival cyst on the autografted conjunctiva in the another eye. No clinically significant recurrence (G2, G3) was noted during the observational periods. Thirty-nine (86.7%) and 6 (13.3%) eyes were graded as G0 and G1, respectively. Conclusions: Our surgical technique not only has the benefits of the limbal conjunctival autograft acting as a barrier against fibrovascular invasion of the cornea and supplying stem cells to the corneal epithelium but also has antiangiogenic effects of amniotic membrane with minimal use. In addition, this technique is a safe surgical method in primary and recurrent pterygium. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2014;55(3):354-360

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        위암과 동반된 피부근염

        김용준,서성준,홍창권,노병인 ( Yong Joon Kim,Seong Jun Seo,Chang Kwun Hong,Byung In Ro ) 대한피부과학회 1997 대한피부과학회지 Vol.35 No.1

        A 62 year old man had skin eruptions, general weakness, swallowing difficulty, and fever for 3 months. Diagnosis of dermatomyositis was established on the bases of clinical manifestations, muscle enzyrne study, electromyogram and histopathological findings of skin and muscle. Borrman type g stomach cancer was found by gastroendoscopy and computed tomography. He refused surgical operation for stomach cancer and died 2 months later. (Kor J Dermatol 1997;35(l): 174-178)

      • KCI등재

        필리오꿰(filioque): 개혁주의 신학에서 필리오꿰 교리의 정당성에 관한 고찰

        김용준 ( Yong Joon Kim ) 한국개혁신학회 2011 한국개혁신학 Vol.29 No.-

        이 필리오꿰 교리는 성령의 이중 발출에 대한 교리다. 서방에서는 어거스틴이래로 필리오꿰 교리가 정통적인 교리로 알려져 있었고, 이 교리를 사람들은-특별히 스페인에서는- 예배시간에 낭송했다. 즉 예배에서 중요한 신앙고백으로 사용하였다. 그러나 비잔틴교회에서는 이 교리가 아주 불법적이고 이단적인 것으로 고려되었다. 여기서 우리는 필리오꿰를 반대한 신학의 줄기를 동방신학이라는 원천적인 명칭보다는 ``비잔틴 신학``이라고 해야 옳을 것이다. 왜냐하면 동방교회는 이 교리의 논쟁과는 거의 무관하며, 동방교회의 다른 부류들은 이 교리논쟁에 참여하지 않았고, 오직 비잔틴교회에서만 이 교리에 대한 논쟁에 참여하였기 때문이다. 이 필리오꿰 교리의 문제점은 포티우스 시대에 등장했지만, 300여 년 전인 581년에 니케아 콘스탄티노플 신조에 삽입되었다. 이 교리가 위기기가 온 것은 포티우스가 동방 주교로 있던 867년 이었다. 포티우스는 매우 겸손한 사람이요 학식이 높은 사람이었다. 그는 자신의 선임자 이그나티우스가 정치적인 문제로 자리를 박탈당한 후 이그나티우스 대신 그 자리에 앉은 사람이었다. 그리고 동방교회는 서방 교황 니콜라스에게 포티우스의 새 교주에 대한 공인을 요청했으나 니콜라스 1세는 이를 머뭇거렸다. 그러나 여러 가지 이유로 해서 니콜라스 1세는 포티우스를 공인하기를 거부하고 그 전의 이그나티우스가 정식 주교임을 선포하였다. 그리고 포티우스를 파문했다. 그 이후에 정반대로 포티우스는 당시 서방의 교황이었던 filioque를 인정한다는 이유로 교황 니콜라스를 정죄하고 파문했다. 포티우스 이후 필리오꿰 교리는 동 서방을 양분하는 원인이 되었다. 이 교리가 양분된 교회의 만날 수 없는 평행선이 되게 한 것은 ``성령은 오직 아버지로부터만(only) 발출 하신다``는 비잔틴 신학의 신념에 근거해 있어서 아들로부터 나오시는 성령의 발출에 대한 이해를 인정할 수 없었다. 그들에게는 동방신학의 전통인 ``오직 아버지만 위격들의 근원``이 되시기 때문이었다. 그러나 교리적인 역사를 따져보면, 많은 동방 교부들에게서 성령께서는 아버지로부터 그리고 아들을 통해서 나오심 하신다는 신앙고백이 있었음을 부인할 수 없다. 그러나 비잔틴 교부들은 이러한 전통에 대한 해석을 수행하면서 ``내면적 삼위일체``에서는 성령은 오직 아버지로부터 발출 하셔야만 하고, 단지 ``경륜적 삼위일체``의 측면에서는 성령께서는 아버지와 아들로부터 나오심을 인정하였다. 그러나 서방에서는 지속적으로 성령께서는 아버지와 아들로부터 발출 하신다는 고백을 했다. 그리고 플로렌스 공회에서 서방 교회는 필리오꿰 교리를 동방의 송영을 따라서 ``아버지로부터 그리고 아들을 통하여``(from the Father through the Son)의 의미로 해석하였다. 동방에서 아타나시우스와 그의 제자 갑바도기아 세 신학자들은 성령의 신성에 대한 변호 자들로서 아리안주의와 사벨리안주의에 대항하여 교회의 신앙을 방어하였다. 갑바도기아 신학자들의 가장 중요한 목적은 삼위일체의 세 번째 위격으로서 성령의 신성에 대한 변호였다. 그들은 삼위일체 신학에서 하나님은 ``세 위격들과 한 본체(Three Hypostaseis and one Ousia)이시다.``라는 공식을 정립시켰다. 반면 서방에서는 터툴리안 이후, 힐라리와 암브로스가 아타나시우스의 공헌을 따라 신학을 정립하였다. 그들은 또한 동방 신학자들(말하자면 아타나시우스와 갑바도기아 세 신학자들)과 같이 성령과 싸우는 자들(Pneumatomachians)과 아리안 주의 그리고 사벨리안 주의에 대항해서 싸웠다. 전통적인 동방신학에서 비잔틴의 오직 아버지로부터만이라는 구절에 대한 근거는 없다. 그리고 다마스쿠스 요한의``oυχ ωσ εσ αυτου`` (그로부터로서가 아니며)는 비잔틴의 해석과 다르다. 오히려 막시무스의 글은 ``아들을 통해`` (Per Filium)로서 필리오꿰의 가능성을 위한 어떤 근거를 제공해 준다. 결론적으로 필리오꿰 교리는 삼위일체 교리에 대한 동서방의 연계성안에서 정당성을 가진다. While in the Western theology the filioque (Spiritus Sanctus procedit ab utroque) was widely known as a doxology (especially in Spain), in the Byzantine Theology, the filioque was regarded as very illegal and Heresy. The Problem of the filioque appeared, for the filioque was inserted to the Nicene-Constantinople Creed in 581 Toletanum III. This filioque, however, had Crisis in 867 officially. Photius pronounced Nicholas anathema and excommunicated him with the Filioque. It was very political problem. Instead of Ingnatius who lost of his position, Photius became new Patriarch. But Nicholas I hesitated to register the approval about Photius. In863, Nicholas I declared that Ignatius is still the patriarch, instead, he excommunicated Photius. It was very delicate political problems. Since Photius, the filioque became the reason of the division between the Western and Byzantine. In the Byzantine, the Holy Spirit is from only the Father, because only the Father can become the Origin of the Hypostasis. But for Some Eastern Fathers, the Holy Spirit is from the Father through the Son, and for some Byzantine Fathers the Holy Spirit is only From the Father, but in the economic Trinity the Holy Spirit is from the Father and the Son. In the Florence Council the westerners accepted the Filioque as from the Father through the Son according to the Eastern formulation of the doxology. In the East, Athanasius and Cappadocians` trials of the advocates of the Holy Spirit were closely connected to Pneumatomachians, Sabellianism and Arianism. Their(Athanasius and three Cappadocians) whole purpose about the Pneumatology was to advocate the deity of the Holy Spirit as the Trinity. Their starting point of the Trinity was the ``three Hypostaseis and one Ousia`` of God. There is no any prof for Byzantine`s phrase only from the Father in traditional eastern orthodox theology. John of Damascus` phrase `` oυχ ωσ εσ αυτου`` differs from that of Byzantine. Rather, Maximus` writing provides some clue for the possibility of the doctrine of the filioque as Per Filium. In conclusion, the doctrine of the filioque has a justification in the light of the connection between Western and Eastern trinitarian theology.

      • KCI등재

        조정된 변이계수 접근법을 활용한 가격안정화 효과 추정: 수산업관측사업을 중심으로

        김용준 ( Yong Joon Kim ),안동환 ( Dong Hwan An ),김관수 ( Kwan Soo Kim ) 한국축산경영학회 2015 농업경영정책연구 Vol.42 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to measure price stabilization effects of fisheries outlook project implemented by the government since 2004. Given the problems associated with the use of a simple coefficient of variation approach, we applied a refined version of coefficient of variation: 1) trend equation is incorporated; 2) a structural change is explicitly taken into consideration. While we found significant price stabilization effects of outlook information on Laver (a kind of seaweed), we found no significant price stabilization effects in the case of Oyster as the presence of stabilization effects tend to be sensitive to the type of coefficient of variation used in the analysis. This suggests a need for careful consideration of pros and cons associated with the use of coefficient of variation in an empirical analysis.

      • KCI등재

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